what a day this has been! I woke up in pain the nerves in my neck and shoulder were cramping something awful.I let out a scream it was so bad.I went in to get my MRI done to find out there was a mix up and the time the doctors office gave me was not the time the hospital had me scheduled for.So i didn't get it done and am scheduled for 9 30 am tomorrow.
I had some shopping to while in town and stopped at the dollar general store to get the things i needed and was mad when my debit card wouldn't work.OK fine write a check and when i get home call the bank and let them know its not working.I got home a bit late stopped and had coffee with my cousin Ruby then came home put items i bought away and set down to call our bank.
I tell them my debit card was being declined and she tells me we were in OVERDRAW...WHAT????????????No way was we in over draw i had x amount in there and just deposited Money into our account this morning.She puts me on hold comes back after 5 minutes and says....OOPS I'm sorry your new deposit and your last deposit was not applied to our account.Sorry for the mistake.I then asked if we would get over draft fees back sense we were not in over draw after all.She said yes and all is good and fixed at the bank.We have never overdrawn so i knew something was wrong.I am glad it was straightened out.
After that i took a nap my arm was throbbing and i was miserable.I slept for an hour and then the kids came home.We loaded up in the car and was off for a 30 minute drive to Michael's appointment in Missouri.We get there and wait and wait to be told oops sorry doctor double booked himself you cant be seen today.What the heck?The appointment was made a month ago.OK fine so we leave and Michael has to reschedule the appointment tomorrow.We stopped for tacos as it was Late when all this went on no way was i coming home to cook at 7 30 at night.
Then comes rush to Get Landen a bath... read him a book and get him a snack give his med and brush his teeth.Make sure the girls homework is done and that they had their clothes laid out for school in the morning. I get on the computer to check my email and read some awful devastating things going on in Liberia.Its the children i feel the worst for .I wont go into detail but what was done was very upsetting to me.The children is what counts and who suffer the most at what people think they are doing right but is really hurting them in the long run.
This has been a hectic busy day and i am exhausted! Tomorrow should be a more relaxed day.Send prayers to all the children in Liberia and to all the waiting Moms and Dads who ache to hold their children in their arms.I know God is watching over those angels but extra prayers is always good.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
we got about an inch of it yesterday.Today it is already melting off the high today is 56.I am hoping this is the last snow of winter.I am ready for spring and ready to get our Bedroom and bathroom additions started.
I have been suffering in pain with the pinched nerve in my arm.Nothing is relieving it.Its to sore to massage rice packs are not working i just ache.Tomorrow i get an MRI the doctor thinks i have a bulging or slip disc causing it so MRI is to see what is going on.I hope they find and cure it.I would like to have an arm in no pain so i can hold Jax when the time comes.
We are not doing much today hanging around the house.The yard is a mud pit with the melting snow so we are in doors today.I was invited out to my parents house to visit.My sister is working on a house there to move in to it.I am thrilled she is moving so close so i can have coffee with her.The town that my parents and now sister live in is 5 miles from my home so i am excited about it.Its also the town i grew up in.
I am hanging in the best i can with the suspension in Liberia.I pray its not to long so i can get my Lil peanut home soon.I have not been able to work on his Eeyore blanket because of my arm hurting.I have numb fingertips which makes it hard to cross stitch.Its more then halfway done so hope to finish it soon.
I stopped at a consignment store that sells Brand new gymboree clothes for little or nothing.I got Jax several short outfits that are so cute.I hope he is home in the summer so he can wear them.He missed getting to wear his winter clothes.Not much Happening around the Miller house today.
Big hugs and kisses for you Jax from Mom and my and Daddy and your siblings.We love you and hope to have you home soon!
I have been suffering in pain with the pinched nerve in my arm.Nothing is relieving it.Its to sore to massage rice packs are not working i just ache.Tomorrow i get an MRI the doctor thinks i have a bulging or slip disc causing it so MRI is to see what is going on.I hope they find and cure it.I would like to have an arm in no pain so i can hold Jax when the time comes.
We are not doing much today hanging around the house.The yard is a mud pit with the melting snow so we are in doors today.I was invited out to my parents house to visit.My sister is working on a house there to move in to it.I am thrilled she is moving so close so i can have coffee with her.The town that my parents and now sister live in is 5 miles from my home so i am excited about it.Its also the town i grew up in.
I am hanging in the best i can with the suspension in Liberia.I pray its not to long so i can get my Lil peanut home soon.I have not been able to work on his Eeyore blanket because of my arm hurting.I have numb fingertips which makes it hard to cross stitch.Its more then halfway done so hope to finish it soon.
I stopped at a consignment store that sells Brand new gymboree clothes for little or nothing.I got Jax several short outfits that are so cute.I hope he is home in the summer so he can wear them.He missed getting to wear his winter clothes.Not much Happening around the Miller house today.
Big hugs and kisses for you Jax from Mom and my and Daddy and your siblings.We love you and hope to have you home soon!
Friday, March 27, 2009
I am happy it is Friday! It has been a not so good week so i am looking forward to hanging home this weekend with the kids and husband.We are due to get a big snow storm tonight so we are going grocery shopping so we are stocked up and don't have to mess with getting out with yucky road conditions.Michael has a doctor appointment today he has been sick all week.
Michael was in Colorado last Thursday to Monday meeting his birth mom for the first time after a 20 plus year search for her.He had a wonderful time and now has an extended family and is very happy about this.I gained an awesome family and sister in law too.Landen missed him so much he has not separated himself from Daddy sense he came home.Its cute.He sets on his daddies lap and no one can get near daddy or he yells MY DADDY.If Michael goes to lay down Landen goes with him and is right there with him.He has been a serious daddies boy and so cute it is.
I keep telling Michael Jaxson is going to be a mommies boy i just know it.Or at least i hope he is.My Rebecca is a mommas girl and i love every bit of it. Isn't it amazing how they want one parent or the other but when needed they want both? The kids are happy its Friday too.They are ready for their weekend out of school.At this time of year they get on burn out modes and don't want to go to school.they have about 7 weeks left and they are out for summer break.They are ready to go camping its so cute.Last year they griped when we loaded up to go and this year they are excited about going.
I love Fridays too! The only thing that stinks is we are stuck at home and cant go nowhere due to the snow thats to unload here in Kansas.
Michael was in Colorado last Thursday to Monday meeting his birth mom for the first time after a 20 plus year search for her.He had a wonderful time and now has an extended family and is very happy about this.I gained an awesome family and sister in law too.Landen missed him so much he has not separated himself from Daddy sense he came home.Its cute.He sets on his daddies lap and no one can get near daddy or he yells MY DADDY.If Michael goes to lay down Landen goes with him and is right there with him.He has been a serious daddies boy and so cute it is.
I keep telling Michael Jaxson is going to be a mommies boy i just know it.Or at least i hope he is.My Rebecca is a mommas girl and i love every bit of it. Isn't it amazing how they want one parent or the other but when needed they want both? The kids are happy its Friday too.They are ready for their weekend out of school.At this time of year they get on burn out modes and don't want to go to school.they have about 7 weeks left and they are out for summer break.They are ready to go camping its so cute.Last year they griped when we loaded up to go and this year they are excited about going.
I love Fridays too! The only thing that stinks is we are stuck at home and cant go nowhere due to the snow thats to unload here in Kansas.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today is going to be a busy one.I have an eye appointment and then on to get new glasses.Rebecca was playing with mine and broke them so i am happy to be getting this done.I am dropping my computer off to be repaired it got a virus on it.I hope it can be fixed i just got it in January.
I got a Lil news on our adoption really not much.But its better then not hearing nothing.At this time we are still waiting to hear when the suspension will be lifted.It would make my day if its around May or June.My Birthday is in June and to get word we could go get him that month would be the best birthday present ever.But i am just guesstimating.Liberia works on their terms.
Whenever he does come home he will have all of us to love him up.The kids are so in love with him.Linda my 15 yr daughter says mom he not your baby he is MINE.I am going to love him and hold him and play him.You can have him sometimes ha ha.Rebecca tells me..Mom Jax is so cute i cant wait to kiss those cheeks.This little boy has a family who loves him deeply and who are anxiously waiting for him and he don't even know how much he is wanted and loved.
We missed Christmas and will miss Easter But we have MANY MANY more ahead and Jaxson will be apart of them in time.I cant wait to see his face during the holidays.Just watching him change and grow once he is home will be so amazing.I so badly want to go visit him but i know this is not an option right now.If i could i would in a heart beat.
Mommy and Daddy,Linda,Brian,Rebecca,William ,Hannah and Landen love you little man and we all cant wait to have you home,Feel our kisses and hugs little one we are sending you lots.
I got a Lil news on our adoption really not much.But its better then not hearing nothing.At this time we are still waiting to hear when the suspension will be lifted.It would make my day if its around May or June.My Birthday is in June and to get word we could go get him that month would be the best birthday present ever.But i am just guesstimating.Liberia works on their terms.
Whenever he does come home he will have all of us to love him up.The kids are so in love with him.Linda my 15 yr daughter says mom he not your baby he is MINE.I am going to love him and hold him and play him.You can have him sometimes ha ha.Rebecca tells me..Mom Jax is so cute i cant wait to kiss those cheeks.This little boy has a family who loves him deeply and who are anxiously waiting for him and he don't even know how much he is wanted and loved.
We missed Christmas and will miss Easter But we have MANY MANY more ahead and Jaxson will be apart of them in time.I cant wait to see his face during the holidays.Just watching him change and grow once he is home will be so amazing.I so badly want to go visit him but i know this is not an option right now.If i could i would in a heart beat.
Mommy and Daddy,Linda,Brian,Rebecca,William ,Hannah and Landen love you little man and we all cant wait to have you home,Feel our kisses and hugs little one we are sending you lots.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I have a pinched nerve in my neck causingsevere pain.I have been through therapy and done everything the doc has told me today and it has not got any better then when it started 6 months ago.So now i have an MRI on Monday he thinks i have a bulging disc causing it. I hope they find the reason and fix it.Its on going throbbing pain that has been so bad it literally has made me sick to my stomach.I have pain med but they knock me out.That is hard to deal with with the kids and husband to feed and care for.
No news on the suspension in Liberia.It is really frustrating me.I so badly want Jaxson home.I need to buy a tote and take out all his winter things as it don't look like he will get to wear them.I have his summer and spring wear in a box and will put them in his dresser soon.I am so bummed.
My husband is also sick today!So we are both hurting and not feeling well so the crankiness is high in this house.Trying to deal with kids and being sick is a bad combination.We finally got a decent bid to do the renovations on our home.I am excited about this.The contractor is starting tomorrow .I am so hyped about having a master bedroom and bath i cannot wait to see it when its done.Yes i know that is many months off yet.I need to get busy and get material and make my pillows and things for our new room.I have put it off until my arm is better it even hurts to type.
No news on the suspension in Liberia.It is really frustrating me.I so badly want Jaxson home.I need to buy a tote and take out all his winter things as it don't look like he will get to wear them.I have his summer and spring wear in a box and will put them in his dresser soon.I am so bummed.
My husband is also sick today!So we are both hurting and not feeling well so the crankiness is high in this house.Trying to deal with kids and being sick is a bad combination.We finally got a decent bid to do the renovations on our home.I am excited about this.The contractor is starting tomorrow .I am so hyped about having a master bedroom and bath i cannot wait to see it when its done.Yes i know that is many months off yet.I need to get busy and get material and make my pillows and things for our new room.I have put it off until my arm is better it even hurts to type.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today was my Dads birthday and we had a surprise dinner for him.All his kids but 2 were there.My sister Tammy is in hospital and couldn't be there and my Brother Jeff is sick.We had a nice time and had corn beef and cabbage.The weather was nice so after we ate and cleaned up we all went outside and set around and visited.The little kids enjoyed being able to play outside.
We spent most of our day there...I got asked a million times when Jax was coming home.It is hard on me when they ask because i really don't have an answer at this point and to me it feels there is no end in sight.I have been trying not to think about it and just keep my mind from going there.But when i am asked allot i just want to set and cry with Frustration.
It was nice to get to see my brothers and sisters.Four of them live an hour away and one lives in same area as me but to be honest i am not very close to the one that lives close.Her and i have not seen eye to eye on allot of things .My brother Chuck was there and it was great to see him.Over all was a very Beautiful day! The kids are all on spring break this week so we will be spending time at the YMCA swimming to keep them Entertained.All my kids love to swim.
We spent most of our day there...I got asked a million times when Jax was coming home.It is hard on me when they ask because i really don't have an answer at this point and to me it feels there is no end in sight.I have been trying not to think about it and just keep my mind from going there.But when i am asked allot i just want to set and cry with Frustration.
It was nice to get to see my brothers and sisters.Four of them live an hour away and one lives in same area as me but to be honest i am not very close to the one that lives close.Her and i have not seen eye to eye on allot of things .My brother Chuck was there and it was great to see him.Over all was a very Beautiful day! The kids are all on spring break this week so we will be spending time at the YMCA swimming to keep them Entertained.All my kids love to swim.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Linda took off with friends and did not want to be part of the time i had planned.Rebecca and i went to the matinee at the theaters and watched Slum dog Millionaire.What an awesome movie it was Rebecca didnt move once she was glued to it.
To those who have not seen it it is a MUST SEE good movie .It touched Rebecca as she is from Mumbai and was in awe at the movie yet overwhelmed at the poverty there. After the movie i took her to eat Chinese.We went to the grocery store and there was an Indian family and Rebecca was thrilled.She said Mom they from India i should go say NAMASTE.Of course she was to scared and would not try .
Now we are back home Daddy kept Landen and they played outside together.They had pizza for supper and just hung out.Tomorrow we are going to my parents house for a dinner Its my Dads Birthday so my Mom is making a st pats dinner early to celebrate for my Dad.All my brothers and sisters are coming it will be a full house.
To those who have not seen it it is a MUST SEE good movie .It touched Rebecca as she is from Mumbai and was in awe at the movie yet overwhelmed at the poverty there. After the movie i took her to eat Chinese.We went to the grocery store and there was an Indian family and Rebecca was thrilled.She said Mom they from India i should go say NAMASTE.Of course she was to scared and would not try .
Now we are back home Daddy kept Landen and they played outside together.They had pizza for supper and just hung out.Tomorrow we are going to my parents house for a dinner Its my Dads Birthday so my Mom is making a st pats dinner early to celebrate for my Dad.All my brothers and sisters are coming it will be a full house.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The kids are on spring break! Its to cold to be outside so they are in the house and going stir crazy.Later we are getting out to go to grocery shop and take them to walmart to get just get out for awhile.I may take the 2 older girls skating tomorrow and landen to the YMCA to go swimming.
The adoption end...Nothing happening right now we are waiting for the suspension to be lifted and this could take many months yet.I am not going to worry anymore as all it does is cause sleep issues and stomach aches.I am letting go and let God handle it.He has a time for everything and knows when that time will be.I know Jax will come home he needs us and we most definatly need him. I CAN DO THIS! Our Landen was a 2 yr wait getting him home it was so hard but i did it.Was not easy but it happened.I know Jaxsons will happen too.
I am going to focus allot of my time on spring coming and planting the garden and flowers.Also getting my camper ready to go to the lake for camping season.I am ready to get to the lake for a peaceful weekend.April 1 is when we can start camping.We wont be going that soon because we are doing some remodels to our camper but soon after.
Rebecca will be starting track at school very soon and then softball soon after that.She is my only child i have who is a sports fanatic she Loves all sports but softball is her favorite.She is good too!
The adoption end...Nothing happening right now we are waiting for the suspension to be lifted and this could take many months yet.I am not going to worry anymore as all it does is cause sleep issues and stomach aches.I am letting go and let God handle it.He has a time for everything and knows when that time will be.I know Jax will come home he needs us and we most definatly need him. I CAN DO THIS! Our Landen was a 2 yr wait getting him home it was so hard but i did it.Was not easy but it happened.I know Jaxsons will happen too.
I am going to focus allot of my time on spring coming and planting the garden and flowers.Also getting my camper ready to go to the lake for camping season.I am ready to get to the lake for a peaceful weekend.April 1 is when we can start camping.We wont be going that soon because we are doing some remodels to our camper but soon after.
Rebecca will be starting track at school very soon and then softball soon after that.She is my only child i have who is a sports fanatic she Loves all sports but softball is her favorite.She is good too!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My week has been very busy!I have to get up early and get all my chores and housework accomplished before the kids i babysit come at 3 pm. I am definitely not used to Multiple toddlers and am so tired come 8 pm .Landen was horrible the first day i had them.Today is day 3 and he is much better with them.They all fight over toys they take the toy the other is playing with and so on.Its an ongoing Battle.But Landen is better overall about letting the kids play with his toys.
I spent allot of today on the phone trying to schedule Landens yearly checkups with the Opthamologist and Neurologist at Children's Mercy.I did get it accomplished he will see Opthamologist April 23rd and the Neurologist May 14.I have some questions for the Neurologist to see if he can maybe give some answers for.I also made myself an eye appointment my glasses got broke and i really need a new pair but knew it was time to get a new eye exam first.
It has been awful cold this week...The kids are out on spring break now so they will be home for a week and a half.This is a rarity they usually don't get spring break until Easter.Trying to keep my 2 teen girls entertained will be very challenging.They have been a great help with the 3 Lil ones though. I would love to see warm weather soon Landen has the winter blues and so wants to be outside.
I have a question? Does anyone know where you can buy a three wheel bike?Landen is to tall for a tricycle and does not have the balance for just training wheels a 3 wheel bike would be ideal.He can see about 6 ft so he can ride...he rides his power wheels allover and does well.But i would really like to get him a bike. OK time to get my butt off here and start giving Baths.
I spent allot of today on the phone trying to schedule Landens yearly checkups with the Opthamologist and Neurologist at Children's Mercy.I did get it accomplished he will see Opthamologist April 23rd and the Neurologist May 14.I have some questions for the Neurologist to see if he can maybe give some answers for.I also made myself an eye appointment my glasses got broke and i really need a new pair but knew it was time to get a new eye exam first.
It has been awful cold this week...The kids are out on spring break now so they will be home for a week and a half.This is a rarity they usually don't get spring break until Easter.Trying to keep my 2 teen girls entertained will be very challenging.They have been a great help with the 3 Lil ones though. I would love to see warm weather soon Landen has the winter blues and so wants to be outside.
I have a question? Does anyone know where you can buy a three wheel bike?Landen is to tall for a tricycle and does not have the balance for just training wheels a 3 wheel bike would be ideal.He can see about 6 ft so he can ride...he rides his power wheels allover and does well.But i would really like to get him a bike. OK time to get my butt off here and start giving Baths.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I took a baby sitting job on for a friend.They are the cutest kids but wow what a handful.They are age 2 yr and 3 yrs .Then add Landen and its 3 toddlers running around.I am completely wore out tonight.The cool part is the 2 yr old has something special...She has downs syndrome and is a ANGEL. She has the prettiest blue eyes i have ever seen.
Landen did not take this so well!When he came home from school and seen them playing with his toys he got upset.This is good for him though he needs to learn to share and be around other small kids.I can see it will be rough when Jaxson gets home and i will have my hands full.Even though i am tired tonight i have thoroughly enjoyed having these 2 babies.I will have them all this week.
I had to wait for them to fall asleep so i could fold the laundry that was waiting in a basket for my attention.The girls were pretty good help until i asked them to help gather and scrape supper plates and sweep the dining room floor wow talk about disappearing act.I did get them to do it but not without an sassy mouth. they played with toys while i did dishes.Then i played ball with them and landen.
I gave Landen a much needed hair cut tonight man this kids hair is thick.Then he got a bath after he gets HAIR everywhere when i cut it. I took a pic of him and will post it soon.He looks so cute when his hair is cut short. After his bath he got a snack and some daddy time and his meds and was off to bed. I am hoping he is better by mid week with the little ones being here he just does not know what to think but he really does need to learn to share and be nice and not pushy with kids smaller then him.
On the adoption end i have not heard a word i do believe i am getting stomach problems from all of this.I am praying we hear something very soon.I know things are slow in these countries and i am the most impatient person on the face of the earth.I think allot of what is bothering me is my husband is in Limbo right now.He is retired from Military but has held off with his civilian job or going to school because if he goes back now he wont get the time off to travel.This is stressing us as it is putting us in a financial strain now.I have never flown to a foreign country and just wont do it without him but if this last much Longer i will have to go it alone.We have to have an Income soon.
Landen did not take this so well!When he came home from school and seen them playing with his toys he got upset.This is good for him though he needs to learn to share and be around other small kids.I can see it will be rough when Jaxson gets home and i will have my hands full.Even though i am tired tonight i have thoroughly enjoyed having these 2 babies.I will have them all this week.
I had to wait for them to fall asleep so i could fold the laundry that was waiting in a basket for my attention.The girls were pretty good help until i asked them to help gather and scrape supper plates and sweep the dining room floor wow talk about disappearing act.I did get them to do it but not without an sassy mouth. they played with toys while i did dishes.Then i played ball with them and landen.
I gave Landen a much needed hair cut tonight man this kids hair is thick.Then he got a bath after he gets HAIR everywhere when i cut it. I took a pic of him and will post it soon.He looks so cute when his hair is cut short. After his bath he got a snack and some daddy time and his meds and was off to bed. I am hoping he is better by mid week with the little ones being here he just does not know what to think but he really does need to learn to share and be nice and not pushy with kids smaller then him.
On the adoption end i have not heard a word i do believe i am getting stomach problems from all of this.I am praying we hear something very soon.I know things are slow in these countries and i am the most impatient person on the face of the earth.I think allot of what is bothering me is my husband is in Limbo right now.He is retired from Military but has held off with his civilian job or going to school because if he goes back now he wont get the time off to travel.This is stressing us as it is putting us in a financial strain now.I have never flown to a foreign country and just wont do it without him but if this last much Longer i will have to go it alone.We have to have an Income soon.
Friday, March 6, 2009
New Pics
I got 2 new pics of Jaxson today! I should be happy and thrilled but instead my reaction shocked me .It brought tears and lots of them! I took one look at his sweet face and just broke down crying.I should be HOLDING him in my arms right now.I should be singing him Lullaby's and rocking him.I should be kissing those sweet cheeks and telling him how much i love him.
I guess all this wait and told we could go and then not get to go Just got to me. Is this normal for me to shed tears of sadness when i should be shedding tears of joy at seeing his new picture?I am happy i got them and he is as adorable as ever . But just so sad that he is not here in my arms.He is here in our hearts and minds though.I know God will lead and when the timing is right he will come home.Today has just been a off day for me...i just fell apart after seeing my beautiful boys picture.Please pray for our angel and pray that the GOL will let all the Liberian angels that wait come home to their families soon.The wait is so hard but i know when the end results come and we all hold our babies it will be forgotten.I am just ready for that day to come soon.
I guess all this wait and told we could go and then not get to go Just got to me. Is this normal for me to shed tears of sadness when i should be shedding tears of joy at seeing his new picture?I am happy i got them and he is as adorable as ever . But just so sad that he is not here in my arms.He is here in our hearts and minds though.I know God will lead and when the timing is right he will come home.Today has just been a off day for me...i just fell apart after seeing my beautiful boys picture.Please pray for our angel and pray that the GOL will let all the Liberian angels that wait come home to their families soon.The wait is so hard but i know when the end results come and we all hold our babies it will be forgotten.I am just ready for that day to come soon.
I am spending today going through stuff cleaning out unwanted stuff and doing heavy cleaning...I decided to take a break and jump online.So far i have 2 trash bags full of unwanted clothes either they to small old and just don't want.I have a box started as well and will drop it off at the goodwill tomorrow.
Things have been same ole here at home.On edge waiting to hear when we can get our son home.With spring coming on we will be plenty busy.Yard work and camping and remodels to our home.But nothing like it should be with Jax in the mix of it all.
Tonight the girls are having sleep overs at friends houses so it will Landen and mom and dad again. We have no plans tonight because i have company coming tomorrow.Maybe we can sneak off for supper or something and take Landen to get a new ball (his favorite thing) or hula hoop his next favorite thing.OK better get my butt in gear and finish the mess i started.
Things have been same ole here at home.On edge waiting to hear when we can get our son home.With spring coming on we will be plenty busy.Yard work and camping and remodels to our home.But nothing like it should be with Jax in the mix of it all.
Tonight the girls are having sleep overs at friends houses so it will Landen and mom and dad again. We have no plans tonight because i have company coming tomorrow.Maybe we can sneak off for supper or something and take Landen to get a new ball (his favorite thing) or hula hoop his next favorite thing.OK better get my butt in gear and finish the mess i started.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I dont know why the picture is comming up so small .Why i am posting this..I need alot of prayers right now that the officials in Liberia will allow our little boy to come home.I know with the suspension this may be a long shot but am praying they realise the Importance of him comming home and getting the medical he so deserves. This little guy does now have the time to wait...With his cerebral palsy its very Imperetive that he gets treatment started as soon as possible.I want what is best got our son and i Know it is best to get him home.
Not only just for Medical but the one on one love and stimulation is also going to bring him so far.I have seen this with my other children who were adopted internationally.
Please all my friends Pary tonight Pray for this beautiful little boy to come home VERY SOON!
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