Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I am just learning to post video i hope this works!Landen had a blast today and its free so we will be going more this summer.They have playground equipment and picnic tables and a bathroom.So we will pack a lunch and make a day of it.Landen cried when we left.Although he got rewarded with a treat at dairy queen.
Today I am taking the kids to the river to play in the fountains there.Its a fountain there and it is known as the water park.It is high 90 s here and hot so a perfect day for the kids to go get wet and have a great time.Its also Free and a fun way for the kids to enjoy a hot summer day!
The contractor is working on the house today and my Husband is helping him.I cant wait to see when the walls start to come up.They are working on the foundation today and they worked on it yesterday and hope to finish the forms today.The girls and i decided it was a perfect day to cook supper on the grill and we will be having a BBQ for supper.I will stop at the store after the water park and get a few items we Will need to cook out mmm.
Today is going to be a fun one for the kids and they are looking forward to it.Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday.
The contractor is working on the house today and my Husband is helping him.I cant wait to see when the walls start to come up.They are working on the foundation today and they worked on it yesterday and hope to finish the forms today.The girls and i decided it was a perfect day to cook supper on the grill and we will be having a BBQ for supper.I will stop at the store after the water park and get a few items we Will need to cook out mmm.
Today is going to be a fun one for the kids and they are looking forward to it.Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I know its not Friday but i am posting this a day early.No news yet! I keep praying this will be the week we hear something NOPE not to be.It saddens me as all of the parents wait for their Liberian babies to come home.I am praying for the many families who ache to have their children home and in their arms forever.Who have watched their children grow through pictures and know the pain of not witnessing it themselves.
Adoption is hard! Its not for the faint of heart and it does not make it any easier.But the light at the end of the darkness is a blessing that no one can describe.Yes our hearts ache to hold our children care for them when they are sick or scared.To watch their faces as they learn something new and get excited about it.It will happen just not when we want it too!I am trying to stay positive here.I have not waited as long as many of the parents have but its no easier either.
Please say prayers that Liberia adoptions can start moving along soon and all those children waiting for their families can come home soon!We all need them right now!
Adoption is hard! Its not for the faint of heart and it does not make it any easier.But the light at the end of the darkness is a blessing that no one can describe.Yes our hearts ache to hold our children care for them when they are sick or scared.To watch their faces as they learn something new and get excited about it.It will happen just not when we want it too!I am trying to stay positive here.I have not waited as long as many of the parents have but its no easier either.
Please say prayers that Liberia adoptions can start moving along soon and all those children waiting for their families can come home soon!We all need them right now!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We spent 5 days at the lake camping.We had a wonderful time it was hard to come back home.My kids wanted to stay at the lake but the last couple of days it was chilly and sprinkling.Momma can only sleep in the beds in the camper for so many nights before it effects my back.Landen and my girls LOVE camping and we had a great time.
I love when my brother brings his guitar and sings.He begged me to sing with him.So we sang Picture(kid rock and Cheryl crow).Now in no way can i carry a tune!But i did pretty good.My Brother liked it well enough he wants me to sing it with him more often.It made my day too!My brother is GOOD.I would love to see him record and album he is really good!
The kids want to back out and camp this weekend !I still have not decided if we are going to or not.It will be so fun to have Jaxson home and camping with us.Today i am catching up on laundry and putting things away.Now i am back to reality after some relaxing time away from home.
I love when my brother brings his guitar and sings.He begged me to sing with him.So we sang Picture(kid rock and Cheryl crow).Now in no way can i carry a tune!But i did pretty good.My Brother liked it well enough he wants me to sing it with him more often.It made my day too!My brother is GOOD.I would love to see him record and album he is really good!
The kids want to back out and camp this weekend !I still have not decided if we are going to or not.It will be so fun to have Jaxson home and camping with us.Today i am catching up on laundry and putting things away.Now i am back to reality after some relaxing time away from home.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Here it is another week gone by and no word on what is happening with Jaxsons adoption.Another week of not being in our arms as the weeks turn into months.I am beyond frustrated at this point.This is driving me crazy! I feared a long drawn out adoption as that is what happened with Landen and i really was hoping that was a fluke and we would not go through it again.
My patience should be better after 2 adoptions and long waits.Buts its not!Maybe its because Jax needs medical attention?Maybe its just the momma come out in me that says he is mine and needs to come home?Maybe its because he has been without parents for almost all of his life and he has parents who love him so much.All i know is we want him home so badly.
I want to go visit him But Michael says we just cant afford to do that and then return for pick up trip!He is right it would cost allot of money but i am stubborn and don't like to look at the reality of it.Michael and i had talked about adopting again in the future!Possibly a little girl.But at this time i am positive our family is complete with Jax!
I keep praying that our Jax will be able to come home within the next couple months.But i am also starting to see this may not be realistic.I just don't like not knowing what is going on and then the WAIT WAIT WAIT! I knew going in the wait is the hardest part of all.I pray that they would release kids with completed adoptions to be able to get their visas soon.I pray our son will be home before summer is out!I am ready...His suitcase has been packed for months ..Our suitcase is almost completely packed.Jaxson's crib is up his clothes and diapers washed, his toys in a tote under his crib.Every time i look at his crib or his pictures i want to cry but i refuse too!This is getting harder with each passing day and month that goes by.Please Pray!Pray that our wait is coming to an end and we can travel to our sweet little lovey boy soon!
My patience should be better after 2 adoptions and long waits.Buts its not!Maybe its because Jax needs medical attention?Maybe its just the momma come out in me that says he is mine and needs to come home?Maybe its because he has been without parents for almost all of his life and he has parents who love him so much.All i know is we want him home so badly.
I want to go visit him But Michael says we just cant afford to do that and then return for pick up trip!He is right it would cost allot of money but i am stubborn and don't like to look at the reality of it.Michael and i had talked about adopting again in the future!Possibly a little girl.But at this time i am positive our family is complete with Jax!
I keep praying that our Jax will be able to come home within the next couple months.But i am also starting to see this may not be realistic.I just don't like not knowing what is going on and then the WAIT WAIT WAIT! I knew going in the wait is the hardest part of all.I pray that they would release kids with completed adoptions to be able to get their visas soon.I pray our son will be home before summer is out!I am ready...His suitcase has been packed for months ..Our suitcase is almost completely packed.Jaxson's crib is up his clothes and diapers washed, his toys in a tote under his crib.Every time i look at his crib or his pictures i want to cry but i refuse too!This is getting harder with each passing day and month that goes by.Please Pray!Pray that our wait is coming to an end and we can travel to our sweet little lovey boy soon!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The insurance adjuster called today3,370.00 in damage to the car! So we are waiting for the car to be fixed in a week or two.I am glad we have 2 other vehicles to drive.Michael and i are feeling better i am not as sore today .Michael is getting better as well and is moving lots better.I am so thankful the kids were not with us they would have been seriously hurt.
This week has been a fairly normal one (other then the car accident).We are going camping this weekend i am excited about that.Our camper has been under repairs and it is now finished as of today.Tomorrow morning i am going to clean it and stock it with clean sheets blankets cleaners towels and other things we need.I am looking forward to a lovely weekend.
No news on our adoption!I am going stir crazy to hear something i so badly want my precious boy home.I keep praying that it is very soon and he will be with us forever.I keep checking my emails and going to yahoo groups in hopes of getting any information.Its so hard.I am back to insomnia problems my mind just wont shut down.I keep praying its soon!
This week has been a fairly normal one (other then the car accident).We are going camping this weekend i am excited about that.Our camper has been under repairs and it is now finished as of today.Tomorrow morning i am going to clean it and stock it with clean sheets blankets cleaners towels and other things we need.I am looking forward to a lovely weekend.
No news on our adoption!I am going stir crazy to hear something i so badly want my precious boy home.I keep praying that it is very soon and he will be with us forever.I keep checking my emails and going to yahoo groups in hopes of getting any information.Its so hard.I am back to insomnia problems my mind just wont shut down.I keep praying its soon!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Car is in the shop
The insurance adjuster came by today and called me back this afternoon.I had to take the car into the body shop.They are doing what is called a tear down to see if this is damage done to the Frame of the car .
We will know tomorrow what all is wrong with the Kia.I have suffered a massive Migraine all day and neck pain.It hurts down my spine as well.I am making a doctors appointment tomorrow for Michael and I our insurance will cover it. we have a no fault accident policy that will pay up to 5,000 worth doctor bills.Anything beyond that will be paid for by the other guys Insurance.
Today i did not get any errands ran because i am feeling so bad.Michael has slept allot today.The pain medication he is taking Knocks him out.My girls are a big help and are jumping in and helping with household chores.I am thankful they help me when i am down.The kids have 2 days left of school and they are out for summer break.Rebecca's last day was today because her school did so well on state assessments they got our early.How cool is that?
No news on our adoption i am just waiting and waiting in hopes we can hear something soon.This is going to drive me crazy.Please help pray our son home.
We will know tomorrow what all is wrong with the Kia.I have suffered a massive Migraine all day and neck pain.It hurts down my spine as well.I am making a doctors appointment tomorrow for Michael and I our insurance will cover it. we have a no fault accident policy that will pay up to 5,000 worth doctor bills.Anything beyond that will be paid for by the other guys Insurance.
Today i did not get any errands ran because i am feeling so bad.Michael has slept allot today.The pain medication he is taking Knocks him out.My girls are a big help and are jumping in and helping with household chores.I am thankful they help me when i am down.The kids have 2 days left of school and they are out for summer break.Rebecca's last day was today because her school did so well on state assessments they got our early.How cool is that?
No news on our adoption i am just waiting and waiting in hopes we can hear something soon.This is going to drive me crazy.Please help pray our son home.
Monday, May 18, 2009

We got 1 block from our home and we got rear ended! My husband 's brand new2009 KIA now has a smashed in trunk and bumper.We both are suffering from whiplash which is not good as i am just getting a herniated disc in my neck back to normal.We are waiting for the Insurance adjuster guy to come look at the car.I am so upset about this!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It is a Chilly weekend here!Jeff the contractor showed up (no rain today) instead of beginning the house remodels they worked on finishing the shed .It is nice and now has doors with a lock on it.All that is left is to put the siding on it and my husband will be doing that himself.Jeff wont be here next weekend ad he is going out of town.My nephew is graduating from warrant officer school in the Marines so they are going to be with him.I am proud of my Nephew he is a Proud Marine.
My mom called me because my dining room chairs broke and i was in need of new ones .My Aunt was having a garage sale and had 4 chairs Identical to the old beat up broken down ones i had for 10.00.Of course i bought them.I am working on getting getting Benches made with backs on them to go on each side of table.Then just 2 chairs on the ends.
Then it was off to walmart to get some groceries and household items we needed.I had the 2 girls and Landen with me and they were a great help about helping me get what we needed and help with Landen so we could get home.
I surprised the kids tonight by telling them we are going to Topeka tomorrow to the zoo.Landen was excited and started making monkey sounds and laughing.The best part of it all is our Dear friends are coming too with their children.It will be chilly but a nice day and i am so looking forward to seeing them tomorrow and just have a fun time.Pictures to come of tomorrows adventure.
My mom called me because my dining room chairs broke and i was in need of new ones .My Aunt was having a garage sale and had 4 chairs Identical to the old beat up broken down ones i had for 10.00.Of course i bought them.I am working on getting getting Benches made with backs on them to go on each side of table.Then just 2 chairs on the ends.
Then it was off to walmart to get some groceries and household items we needed.I had the 2 girls and Landen with me and they were a great help about helping me get what we needed and help with Landen so we could get home.
I surprised the kids tonight by telling them we are going to Topeka tomorrow to the zoo.Landen was excited and started making monkey sounds and laughing.The best part of it all is our Dear friends are coming too with their children.It will be chilly but a nice day and i am so looking forward to seeing them tomorrow and just have a fun time.Pictures to come of tomorrows adventure.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Today the contractor was going to come and start the forms for the foundation.It took 2 weeks for all the water from the rains to dry the ditch.Nope he cant today either has been storming all night and day.So here we are stuck again ! Its starting to get to me.i have my dining room packed with supplies for the remodels and nothing can be done .Please pray that it quits raining on Fridays and Saturdays as that's when the Contractor can work(He has a job too).
Linda my daughter had an appointment today after school.She is working hard to get in a program called the we ah program because she is on an IEP they will get her a summer job and work with her on the areas she is weak at in school.So she gets tutored half the morning and works in the afternoon how cool is that?They called and cancelled her appointment and its rescheduled for Monday.She will not be happy as she was gearing up for the test she needed to take.
So all appointments were cancelled today as well as the child i baby set!His daddy works outside and because of this nasty storm he is home so i wont have the little guy today!We have no plans tonight.Just gonna lay low all weekend fun fun.Anyone have weekend plans?
Linda my daughter had an appointment today after school.She is working hard to get in a program called the we ah program because she is on an IEP they will get her a summer job and work with her on the areas she is weak at in school.So she gets tutored half the morning and works in the afternoon how cool is that?They called and cancelled her appointment and its rescheduled for Monday.She will not be happy as she was gearing up for the test she needed to take.
So all appointments were cancelled today as well as the child i baby set!His daddy works outside and because of this nasty storm he is home so i wont have the little guy today!We have no plans tonight.Just gonna lay low all weekend fun fun.Anyone have weekend plans?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We have to redo our visa's because ours expired i Finally got applications printed out.I forgot what all we needed and now Michael and i have to go get Passport pictures again UGH! This time we are not paying the extra to have them expedited .We did the last time as we thought we were leaving in less then 2 weeks but we got caught in this suspension.So this time i am Not paying the extra for it.
Because our taxes were a mess in 2007 we have to figure out how to get a letter stating we were above the poverty level.I don't know how to get this.Michael was in Iraq in 2007 and the monies made was not taxable so shows us very low income level.Maybe our social worker can write something.Its in the home study about the amount we made for the year but we need a written letter .
I think we got all the documents we will need now for when we go to get our baby.I will be thrilled when the paperwork ends for good!
Because our taxes were a mess in 2007 we have to figure out how to get a letter stating we were above the poverty level.I don't know how to get this.Michael was in Iraq in 2007 and the monies made was not taxable so shows us very low income level.Maybe our social worker can write something.Its in the home study about the amount we made for the year but we need a written letter .
I think we got all the documents we will need now for when we go to get our baby.I will be thrilled when the paperwork ends for good!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Go visit Jaxson! I am praying Michael sees my need to be with our son. I cant stand not touching him.It is driving me crazy! Pleas pray i can get my husband to OK a trip to Liberia.I need to be with my baby only if for awhile.
I am reading..This child will be great....President Ellen Johnson sir leafs new book!Its really good its a glimpse into her life .I am addicted to the book wow the hard ships she has suffered to be such a great woman she is.Aw some book love it.
My printer decided to act up so i am buying a new one tomorrow.I still have not got our visa apps or the USCIS docs we will need when we go for our pickup our baby forever trip.Or a trip to visit if i can i will need the visa so i am frustrated.
I want to go so badly to hold our son and let him know we love him with all our hearts.I know this is an added expense which worries Michael.But it's an expense that would be so worth it and to get new pics of him too! All parents would love updated pics and i would be able to see that happen if i can go! Please say a prayer as i ask my husband again to go visit our baby.
I am reading..This child will be great....President Ellen Johnson sir leafs new book!Its really good its a glimpse into her life .I am addicted to the book wow the hard ships she has suffered to be such a great woman she is.Aw some book love it.
My printer decided to act up so i am buying a new one tomorrow.I still have not got our visa apps or the USCIS docs we will need when we go for our pickup our baby forever trip.Or a trip to visit if i can i will need the visa so i am frustrated.
I want to go so badly to hold our son and let him know we love him with all our hearts.I know this is an added expense which worries Michael.But it's an expense that would be so worth it and to get new pics of him too! All parents would love updated pics and i would be able to see that happen if i can go! Please say a prayer as i ask my husband again to go visit our baby.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Michael's birth mom and mom were here and what a great time we all had.Marty Michael's birth mom is WONDERFUL(this was the first time the kids and i got to meet her). We love her so much already!My girls took right to her.I could not believe how much Michael looked like her WOW! She is beautiful and i see why Michael is so handsome.
Our Hannah graduated college( cume laud) on Friday it was so aw some i will be posting pics very soon.We had a wonderful day with her on Friday! Saturday we had a big BBQ here at my home and invited family and Friends to come.It was nice but the work wore me out.Still was worth every bit of it though.Today... we Met Michael Moms and the kids and us all went to breakfast for mothers day.We then went to the flea market where we had a nice time and my daughter bought me a flopsy bunny ( i collect flopsy bunnies).Then we had to say goodbye to Michael's mom and take Marty to the airport.That was hard to do we didn't want her to go but know she has to get home to her husband daughter and granddaughter.Then it was out to my moms house for a mothers day dinner.
It was a very busy weekend but we all had so much fun and am so happy to have Marty in our lives.She is an amazing woman and the kids LOVE HER!They will be flying to Colorado to visit her this summer.I took a nap was totally exhausted from the busy weekend but had a wonderful Mothers day and got lots of nice gifts.Happy Mothers day to all you MOMS.
Our Hannah graduated college( cume laud) on Friday it was so aw some i will be posting pics very soon.We had a wonderful day with her on Friday! Saturday we had a big BBQ here at my home and invited family and Friends to come.It was nice but the work wore me out.Still was worth every bit of it though.Today... we Met Michael Moms and the kids and us all went to breakfast for mothers day.We then went to the flea market where we had a nice time and my daughter bought me a flopsy bunny ( i collect flopsy bunnies).Then we had to say goodbye to Michael's mom and take Marty to the airport.That was hard to do we didn't want her to go but know she has to get home to her husband daughter and granddaughter.Then it was out to my moms house for a mothers day dinner.
It was a very busy weekend but we all had so much fun and am so happy to have Marty in our lives.She is an amazing woman and the kids LOVE HER!They will be flying to Colorado to visit her this summer.I took a nap was totally exhausted from the busy weekend but had a wonderful Mothers day and got lots of nice gifts.Happy Mothers day to all you MOMS.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Going to Liberia to visit my boy! I just need to figure out how to save the money when we do the actual travel to bring him home.I so badly want to go and hold and love him.The agency said this was fine as we are at another hanging on edge don't know when we will get to go bring him home point.
So i will talk with my sweet husband and see what he says about this.I want to go so bad just need to figure out how we can afford to do a visit.Please pray that we can come up with a way for us to travel to our baby for a week.Just thinking about it right now.Please pray we can pull off the finances for a visit.
So i will talk with my sweet husband and see what he says about this.I want to go so bad just need to figure out how we can afford to do a visit.Please pray that we can come up with a way for us to travel to our baby for a week.Just thinking about it right now.Please pray we can pull off the finances for a visit.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not knowing what is happening with our adoption is driving me mad!I know it will happen but as every day passes by it gets harder and harder.I check my email a thousand times a day i go to the adoption boards.Just waiting to hear something ,anything would be great.I am not sleeping well just praying that things move in Liberia soon.
I understand that Liberia like many countries work on their pace.Us Americans are impatient people and want things done NOW.But it don't make it any easier.My son is growing and i am missing it.My son has waited and waited while all the other children has left through the years and he is still waiting.Its his turn to go home and be with his family! He don't know we exist at this point.
I pray he accepts us as his family.I pray he attaches to us and i Pray that we don't freak him out to bad.I am ready for attachment and bonding i have read tons on this and took classes on it.I know i can deal with anything that comes our way.I am ready i am ready NOW.Its hard when you love a child so much and your heart and soul are with that child and long to hold,love ,care for the child and he is too far away.I want to be the one to be with him when he is upset,or not feeling well,or just wants to be held or cuddled.I am missing so much.
Please pray for me to gain patience and pray that all the Liberian angels can come home to their families soon!
I understand that Liberia like many countries work on their pace.Us Americans are impatient people and want things done NOW.But it don't make it any easier.My son is growing and i am missing it.My son has waited and waited while all the other children has left through the years and he is still waiting.Its his turn to go home and be with his family! He don't know we exist at this point.
I pray he accepts us as his family.I pray he attaches to us and i Pray that we don't freak him out to bad.I am ready for attachment and bonding i have read tons on this and took classes on it.I know i can deal with anything that comes our way.I am ready i am ready NOW.Its hard when you love a child so much and your heart and soul are with that child and long to hold,love ,care for the child and he is too far away.I want to be the one to be with him when he is upset,or not feeling well,or just wants to be held or cuddled.I am missing so much.
Please pray for me to gain patience and pray that all the Liberian angels can come home to their families soon!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Jaxson's car seat came today!There was a second package as well its for Landen from his grandma Marty who is coming to visit this week.I have it put away until Grandma Marty's arrival.
The car seat is nice and will work great for our little boy!This was the LAST item we needed for him I am so EXCITED! I cant wait to get him home!
Lovve you Jaxson blowing you kisses my sweet little boy!Mommy and daddy will be there soon!
The car seat is nice and will work great for our little boy!This was the LAST item we needed for him I am so EXCITED! I cant wait to get him home!
Lovve you Jaxson blowing you kisses my sweet little boy!Mommy and daddy will be there soon!
Monday, May 4, 2009
I emailed the agency to see what type of Formula our Jaxson drinks.She told me its called nan.So i asked one of my yahoo groups and she googled LOL.I could of googled but anyway it is a toddler Formula made by Nestle.so good start is the same thing and i can get that here.
I also asked about his food.She said he gets oatmeal in his bottle and is also spoon fed.I take it to be baby cereal as its consistency would go through a bottle.I bought Rice cereal but think i will go ahead and get some oatmeal too!I will also pack a spoon and small bowl.I was thrilled to find out he can eat with a spoon.I am happy i asked about this.I would not want to upset his tummy and am trying to keep it as close as possible to what he is eating now.
I also asked about his food.She said he gets oatmeal in his bottle and is also spoon fed.I take it to be baby cereal as its consistency would go through a bottle.I bought Rice cereal but think i will go ahead and get some oatmeal too!I will also pack a spoon and small bowl.I was thrilled to find out he can eat with a spoon.I am happy i asked about this.I would not want to upset his tummy and am trying to keep it as close as possible to what he is eating now.
I have been a sponge about learning everything i can about Cerebral palsy.I joined a parenting a child with cp group and they have been AWESOME about answering my Gazillion questions i have asked.I researched allot about it and have read all i can find on Cp.I bought 2 books that are so informative and have given me tons of exercises and stretches we can do with Jax.I am now feeling great and ready to address anything that comes our way with Jaxsons health.
I also have ordered some books one is a novel called ..Redemption road the quest for peace and justice in Liberia.I also ordered President Sirleaf''s new book called...This Child Will Be great.I am waiting patiently for these two books to arrive at my door and bury myself into reading them.Oh i am excited about getting my new books.
I also have ordered some books one is a novel called ..Redemption road the quest for peace and justice in Liberia.I also ordered President Sirleaf''s new book called...This Child Will Be great.I am waiting patiently for these two books to arrive at my door and bury myself into reading them.Oh i am excited about getting my new books.
Getting the kids up and moving for school on Mondays is becoming a problem.They are on burn out mode with school.Just a couple weeks left and they are done.They will be happy to see summer break arrive.Mondays are always mad here...This Morning Linda had a doctor appointment then i had to grocery shop and run a couple more errands.
It was late in the day when we got home from town.I told Michael i was going NO WHERE tomorrow as i have so much to do before company comes this week! The agency called to ask for my street address we are taking to bags of donations for the home when we go to Liberia to bring our Jaxson home.
I am not good with patience and i am now officially tired of the waiting game.I am ready to get Jaxson home with us forever.I just wish they would move on this and let us bring him home so we can love him up.I keep praying to hear good news soon!
It was late in the day when we got home from town.I told Michael i was going NO WHERE tomorrow as i have so much to do before company comes this week! The agency called to ask for my street address we are taking to bags of donations for the home when we go to Liberia to bring our Jaxson home.
I am not good with patience and i am now officially tired of the waiting game.I am ready to get Jaxson home with us forever.I just wish they would move on this and let us bring him home so we can love him up.I keep praying to hear good news soon!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The weather was wonderful and we didn't get the rain like the forecast said.I did not get everything i wanted accomplished but i did knock allot of things off the list.Michael has started building his new shed and spent Friday and Saturday working on it.
The kids and i went to walmart Saturday and spent the day doing housework and letting Landen play outside when we were home.He thought he was a big shot helping daddy.I didn't get a picture and i wish i would have he was so cute.He kept handing his daddy tools and his Uncle Jeff too.
Today i took both girls shopping for new swim suites.I buy them every year as they grow so much! The girls also got 2 new summer outfits each and i am taking them back this week for new sandals.Today was Beautiful weather and Landen is loving it he played so hard today!When i gave him his bath tonight i am sure i took a pound of dirt off of him.
The kids and i went to walmart Saturday and spent the day doing housework and letting Landen play outside when we were home.He thought he was a big shot helping daddy.I didn't get a picture and i wish i would have he was so cute.He kept handing his daddy tools and his Uncle Jeff too.
Today i took both girls shopping for new swim suites.I buy them every year as they grow so much! The girls also got 2 new summer outfits each and i am taking them back this week for new sandals.Today was Beautiful weather and Landen is loving it he played so hard today!When i gave him his bath tonight i am sure i took a pound of dirt off of him.
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009
go to this link...http://jeremiahspromisejohn1418.blogspot.com/ its here that explains about her fundraisers! I guess i should os clarified that earlier.Help Jeremiah come home!
I am posting again for a friend of mine.She is fundraising for an adoption she brought home her son a few months ago and is adopting again.Her little one she is adopting there is a button on the side bar of this blog if you click on it .It will take you to her fundraisers.She has some really good fundraisers going.I have donated too.Her baby she is adopting has cerebral palsy as our Jax does.
I would love to see him come home to his forever family.I know the economy is awful and money is tight for everyone including us.Wont you help this precious boy come home?
I would love to see him come home to his forever family.I know the economy is awful and money is tight for everyone including us.Wont you help this precious boy come home?
The diaper bag i ordered.I Like it allot has more room then i thought it did.It has a side pocket insulated for bottles lots of little pockets in it and allot of room down inside for Diapers wipes formula and everything else that will be needed for Jaxson.Its also stain resistant.Well worth the 45.00 i paid for it.
Our car seat should be here next week! I am so excited knowing that Jax will come home sometime.I am prepared for him have everything lined out doctors and hospital included for my sweet boys medical care.We are using cloth diapers on Jax.I need to get them washed(suppose to wash before they use them).I have put it off because its to rainy and icky to hang them on the clothes line.So i wait until we get a day i can load the clothes line full of baby diapers.
I am so anxious to get to him.We have waited so long to adopt and now we are waiting and waiting to bring him home.Our agency is trying to get updates on every ones babies.Jaxson has gained so much weight sense we began i feel i am missing so much of him.Although he needed to gain so tiny for his age.I would love to get new pictures of my sweet boy.I would love to have Jax home this summer or i PRAY its this summer.I want my baby boy!
Our car seat should be here next week! I am so excited knowing that Jax will come home sometime.I am prepared for him have everything lined out doctors and hospital included for my sweet boys medical care.We are using cloth diapers on Jax.I need to get them washed(suppose to wash before they use them).I have put it off because its to rainy and icky to hang them on the clothes line.So i wait until we get a day i can load the clothes line full of baby diapers.
I am so anxious to get to him.We have waited so long to adopt and now we are waiting and waiting to bring him home.Our agency is trying to get updates on every ones babies.Jaxson has gained so much weight sense we began i feel i am missing so much of him.Although he needed to gain so tiny for his age.I would love to get new pictures of my sweet boy.I would love to have Jax home this summer or i PRAY its this summer.I want my baby boy!
The circus was in town and Landen had a free ticket to get in.Landen and I went and made a mommy and me night.I didn't get any pictures of it DARN IT.But he had a BLAST!He jumped in a bouncy house for awhile and laughed and giggled he loved it.He rode a pony and that was a memory i will never forget he LOVED it he was all smiles the whole time.
I bought him a hot dog before the show began he ate every bit of it then once inside i bought some popcorn and Landen ate it ALL!Landen laughed during the show and clapped he had so much fun.I got kisses and hugs during the show so i know he was thanking me for taking him.I bought some Cotton candy that i was just going to bring home.NOPE Landen ate half of it .Sponge bob and Patrick was there and you could get a picture taken with them.I did get a picture and would love to scan it in but grrrr my scanner is not wanting to work.
Overall it was a nice night out for my son and I.We had a great time and Landen is so much fun he loved it so much.Now its Linda's turn for mom and me night.Rebecca had hers a month ago.I try to take my kids one on one and spend quality time with them.Last night though was sure fun.
I bought him a hot dog before the show began he ate every bit of it then once inside i bought some popcorn and Landen ate it ALL!Landen laughed during the show and clapped he had so much fun.I got kisses and hugs during the show so i know he was thanking me for taking him.I bought some Cotton candy that i was just going to bring home.NOPE Landen ate half of it .Sponge bob and Patrick was there and you could get a picture taken with them.I did get a picture and would love to scan it in but grrrr my scanner is not wanting to work.
Overall it was a nice night out for my son and I.We had a great time and Landen is so much fun he loved it so much.Now its Linda's turn for mom and me night.Rebecca had hers a month ago.I try to take my kids one on one and spend quality time with them.Last night though was sure fun.
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