Anyone have New years eve plans?We are staying home Michel and I are not drinkers and are too old for the night light scene.So we are staying home and i am babysitting my Great nephew Karter he should be here around 5 pm.I will have little man(6months old) all night.
Rebecca is planning on going to her friend Kali's tonight for a small new years party.They going to veg on pop, candy finger foods and watch movies and play games.Her friend does this every year and Rebecca has a great time.
It will be a quiet night here just Michael and I baby Karter and Little Landen.Linda is also at a friends house tonight.I think we will order a pizza and maybe play a board game.
New years day i am cooking a Turkey and some fixings..I also hope to get the Christmas tree down and decorations put away.
HAPPY NEW YEARS!Stay safe and if you drink get a designated driver.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I emailed the vice consular i have in contact with.I knew he prolly was not at Embassy because of the holidays.Well guess what he is OUT until mid January.Looks like i will have to set and wait his return to find out anymore on our case.I am now for sure it will be end of January early February we travel.I am bummed because our visas expire end of January and its a pain in the butt to get them and not cheap at all .So next week i am off to get the ever so expensive passport pics we need and calling doc for doc letters for the THIRD time.This is rediculous i just want my son home.
I have been suffering a really bad sinus headache today!We got more snow last night.It was not allot but the temps are now in the minuses and will be the next few days.I have slept allot today and just taken it easy nursing this headache i have.Landen has played all day with all his new birthday and Christmas toys.He is so into cars this year.He usually don't like cars and trucks but if they make noise and light up or play music he loves them.So all day he has been running up and down the hallway happily playing with his cars.
I let him lounge in his Jammie's all day.Why get dressed we were not leaving the house anyway .He has loved it too and has been happy boy all day.Rebecca is bored and can not wait until Monday to return to school.
I am praying for some type of news next week on our sweet little Boy far away in Liberia.I am ready to bring him home and love him.Those cheeks he has are so cute and kissable.This waiting is hard.I know we are so close to going but it can not come soon enough.We have waited so long and Jax has waited far Longer.I hope he bonds well to us His Little life has been the same existence for a long time and now soon his whole world will change.
I let him lounge in his Jammie's all day.Why get dressed we were not leaving the house anyway .He has loved it too and has been happy boy all day.Rebecca is bored and can not wait until Monday to return to school.
I am praying for some type of news next week on our sweet little Boy far away in Liberia.I am ready to bring him home and love him.Those cheeks he has are so cute and kissable.This waiting is hard.I know we are so close to going but it can not come soon enough.We have waited so long and Jax has waited far Longer.I hope he bonds well to us His Little life has been the same existence for a long time and now soon his whole world will change.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009

I got call last night that my oldest son William had been hit by a car.He was trying to help someone get his car out of the snow it was stuck in.He was pushing it from behind and the guy had it in reverse.When it broke free my son was hit.He went to E.R. and i am happy to say he is going to be fine.He has a brusie on his knee that is pretty bad bruised all the way to the bone.His ankle is sprained and badly bruised .I am glad he is ok ....sore but ok.The lord was with him and for that i am thankful.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Now that christmas is over i have a birthday party to plan for.Landens Birthday is in 4 days my baby will be 10 yrs old.It does not seem possible.New years eve i am babysetting my baby nephew Karter overnight.Michael and I do not go out on New Years.We stay home and get chips and dip and watch movies with the kids.
After The New year we need to start preparing for travel to our son.I thought of my sweet boy all day.I am hoping for a new picture of him in his new Christmas clothes .So i am making a to do list and checking it off.When we get the call most should be done.I can,t wait to get on that plane bound to africa for our little boy.
After The New year we need to start preparing for travel to our son.I thought of my sweet boy all day.I am hoping for a new picture of him in his new Christmas clothes .So i am making a to do list and checking it off.When we get the call most should be done.I can,t wait to get on that plane bound to africa for our little boy.

We are having the worst weather here.High winds causing windchill in the minuses.We have gotten about 6 inches and it is still coming down.The wind makes it look like a blizzard out there and the highways are Impassible.My family was unable to attend so it was Michael and I and 3 of our kids.My Brian had Christmas with us last night and with his dad today.Our 2 oldest came last Sunday and had Christmas.Today just felt like another day.The kids slept until 7 a.m Landen would of slept allot longer but big sister Linda woke him up.They had fun and loved their gifts.We were not able to go to church Last night as it was canceled due to weather.It has been very quiet here... Landen has been playing all day with his new toys.Rebecca got a bracelet making kit and has been in her room making Bracelets and listening to her cds.Linda has been snapping pics all day with her new camera.We had soup and sandwhiches and just relaxed all day.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Today is a busy one.I am making candy and baking cookies all day.I need to get a few presents wrapped and some cleaning done as we are hosting Christmas this year.I have my cookie dough made and it is chilling in the fridge.I love Christmas time but the work and wow its hurry hurry buy presents,wrap presents,Bake cookies,make candy,and its over in no time.
Tonight we are having a small party and exchanging gifts with my cousin and best friend Ruby her husband Jeff and her two kids.tomorrow we will more then likely finish up our baking and cleaning go to church in the evening.Come back have hot chocolate and cookie read a Christmas book and tuck kids in for bed so Santa can come.
Landen is such a joy this time of year.Being the smallest in the house right now and loving Christmas music like he does and the lights.He don't care about the gifts.Give him wrapping paper and boxes and he is one happy kid.He has been singing frosty the snowman all morning and now its stuck in my head.This kid cracks me up.I so love his innocence.
I had non stop ringing in my ears for a couple of days and just felt awful yesterday.I took a nap and then got a good nights sleep woke up to NO ringing in my ears.I now know it was pure exhaustion.I feel so much better and happy for that with my to do List a mile long.
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.
Tonight we are having a small party and exchanging gifts with my cousin and best friend Ruby her husband Jeff and her two kids.tomorrow we will more then likely finish up our baking and cleaning go to church in the evening.Come back have hot chocolate and cookie read a Christmas book and tuck kids in for bed so Santa can come.
Landen is such a joy this time of year.Being the smallest in the house right now and loving Christmas music like he does and the lights.He don't care about the gifts.Give him wrapping paper and boxes and he is one happy kid.He has been singing frosty the snowman all morning and now its stuck in my head.This kid cracks me up.I so love his innocence.
I had non stop ringing in my ears for a couple of days and just felt awful yesterday.I took a nap and then got a good nights sleep woke up to NO ringing in my ears.I now know it was pure exhaustion.I feel so much better and happy for that with my to do List a mile long.
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I am pretty Positive we will be holding our son in January.I am excited but also scared as things have not went a bit smooth at all and i worry about more bumps in the road.But right now we are treading forward and hope to hear we may travel in January(Pretty positive of this).I am going to get through Christmas and New years and then begin the preparing for Jaxson.I will repack our bags and make sure we have everything we need.rewash his crib bedding so it is fresh and ready for him to come home.Make sure all bills are paid early for the Month of January have car seat installed at the sheriffs office and anything else i can think of.I am getting excited to know our long wait is close to an end in sight and our son will be with his forever family soon.
I have allot going on in the New year so it should make the time pass quickly until we get that email saying we can go to Liberia.I am so so ready to hold my sweet boy in my arms and never let him to think we are so close.The excitement is starting to mound..The kids are scared that it wont happen and are staying guarded..I cant say i don't blame them One bit.
My husband and i... is a different story we talk about what needs to be done when we go and what it will be like when we first meet our son.
I have allot going on in the New year so it should make the time pass quickly until we get that email saying we can go to Liberia.I am so so ready to hold my sweet boy in my arms and never let him to think we are so close.The excitement is starting to mound..The kids are scared that it wont happen and are staying guarded..I cant say i don't blame them One bit.
My husband and i... is a different story we talk about what needs to be done when we go and what it will be like when we first meet our son.
Monday, December 21, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LITTLE BOY!I love you so much.I promise this will be our last Christmas we celebrate not being together.Mommy will be thinking allot about you on Christmas day.We will have many more Christmases in the future together with all your brothers and sisters and mommy and daddy.Your many aunts ,uncles,cousins and your Grandparents who cant wait to meet you.
The embassy has replied to my email.It was not as bad as i thought.He needed a couple documents from our agency and they are being gathered now.Then there is the orphan investigation?I don't know much about this at all.I did ask him how long that will take and am waiting to hear back.I hope it is not to long.Over all this sounds much better then what i anticipated.I am praying we leave in January sometime.
I did cringe when i seen it in my email..closed my eyes and clicked.It was not as bad as i thought and all the sleep i lost over the weekend stressing about it all.I do have to say i feel bad for the other parents going through this.The files are a mess and there was another child's mixed in with ours.I have let agency know so they can make this aware to other families who may have some unexpected twist with the Embassy.documents are missing too hence having to call and get the 2 the Embassy needed.
Lots of prayer we travel in January! I am excited no matter what we are a step closer to our son.
I did cringe when i seen it in my email..closed my eyes and clicked.It was not as bad as i thought and all the sleep i lost over the weekend stressing about it all.I do have to say i feel bad for the other parents going through this.The files are a mess and there was another child's mixed in with ours.I have let agency know so they can make this aware to other families who may have some unexpected twist with the Embassy.documents are missing too hence having to call and get the 2 the Embassy needed.
Lots of prayer we travel in January! I am excited no matter what we are a step closer to our son.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I am a ball of nerves waiting for a reply this comming week from the consular.I just am afraid to see what we have in store next.So i am up and cant sleep.I should be wrapping presents as my older kids are coming tomorrow to have Christmas.I still have 2 that need wrapped before they get here.
I emailed asking him what the next step is as that is what he wanted us to do.Michael and I both shared our concerns.We both agreed if we get the OK no matter what day it is we are going to get him.We even said we would be on a plane Christmas day if we could.I am scared and nervous both.Why is the embassy making this adoption so difficult?This should be happy time awaiting our child's arrival.
Ughhh i probably will get no sleep as i am a worry wart.It is 12 : 30 am and i am wide awake and trying not to think about it.I am awaiting this email back in anticipation.Every time i got one from senators office i cringed closed my eyes before i clicked to open it.I know i will do the same when i get a response back from the consular.
My little boy does not even know we exist.I am so ready to hold him and start the bonding process and let him know he is loved and has a family that wants him so much.
I emailed asking him what the next step is as that is what he wanted us to do.Michael and I both shared our concerns.We both agreed if we get the OK no matter what day it is we are going to get him.We even said we would be on a plane Christmas day if we could.I am scared and nervous both.Why is the embassy making this adoption so difficult?This should be happy time awaiting our child's arrival.
Ughhh i probably will get no sleep as i am a worry wart.It is 12 : 30 am and i am wide awake and trying not to think about it.I am awaiting this email back in anticipation.Every time i got one from senators office i cringed closed my eyes before i clicked to open it.I know i will do the same when i get a response back from the consular.
My little boy does not even know we exist.I am so ready to hold him and start the bonding process and let him know he is loved and has a family that wants him so much.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The senators office contacted me.The consular has asked to speak directly to us to go over the next step to bringing Jax home.I was very leery of this.I have never dealt with embassy people before.I did email him asking him what the next step is.I wont hear anything until next week as i got this email today and did not get to email him back until this evening when i found it in my email.
I will be keeping all contact emails and senator has asked to stay in the loop about what is going on.Its funny as the consular tried to tell senator and dos that they did not have our 1 600 A.We had it cabled to him in October as he said in October they did not have it.So with much pushing from dos He finally admitted that he had it.
This is what scares me about the contact.I know we are in for a ride and problems ahead.I mean why should their be a next step?He has everything he needs.It should be a matter of us going there and getting a visa.I did comply and sent an email.I am waiting to see what he has to say in a reply back.
Until next week please pray this does not become difficult to the point we have more problems.
Lots of prayers needed!
I will be keeping all contact emails and senator has asked to stay in the loop about what is going on.Its funny as the consular tried to tell senator and dos that they did not have our 1 600 A.We had it cabled to him in October as he said in October they did not have it.So with much pushing from dos He finally admitted that he had it.
This is what scares me about the contact.I know we are in for a ride and problems ahead.I mean why should their be a next step?He has everything he needs.It should be a matter of us going there and getting a visa.I did comply and sent an email.I am waiting to see what he has to say in a reply back.
Until next week please pray this does not become difficult to the point we have more problems.
Lots of prayers needed!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I have been on the go all week!Taking husband ,children and brother in law to appointments which has taken Most of my days.I did squeeze in some more Christmas shopping yesterday which was good.I have two gifts left to purchase and i am DONE.
Yesterday was the hustle and bustle of picking brother in law up to take to his appointment 1 hr and 45 minutes away.I had to leave extra early to pick him and my sister up because he has a broken hip and moves slowly.So it takes awhile to get him in the car.
I got home around 6 pm.Stopped by KFC and brought chicken dinner home for the kids and husband.Landen has not seen me much because of all the appointments.He was so lovable last night.He curled up in my lap and i got patted on the back,hugs and lots of kisses.He loves to touch my long hair and Had his hand all curled in it.He wanted Mommy and i loved every bit of it.I so love when he wants to cuddle.Nothing like it in the whole world cuddling such a sweet Man as my little Landen.
This morning my sweet husband let me sleep in.I slept until 10 am and now am having my coffee.I am hanging out in my pj's today.I will Begin my holiday baking here in a bit.Rebecca my 14 yr old LOVES to help bake so i am planning on waiting until she is home from school to do some of it.So today is making candies ,cookies,and breads and catching up on Laundry.I told my family this taxi driver if on vacation today and tomorrow lol.
We have decided we will be having Christmas with my Huge family in our home.Our home is not very big but some of my brother and sisters will not be attending.So we should be able to have plenty of room here.The kids are excited that mom is hosting this year so they can stay home and enjoy their new presents and not abandoning them to leave to be with family.
We don't do the Normal big Christmas dinner.It is usually a pot of chili and a pot of veggie soup and sandwiches.Crackers and dips and veggies and dip.And of course tons of Christmas goodies.
I did get a bit of news from senators office today.Not totally promising but better then what we were getting.I should know more soon.Please pray that we receive good news and can leave right after Christmas to meet our little man.I cannot wait to hold our angel in my arms forever.
P.S. am almost done reading the book..Parenting a child with cp.Awesome book i have got allot of information from this book.
Yesterday was the hustle and bustle of picking brother in law up to take to his appointment 1 hr and 45 minutes away.I had to leave extra early to pick him and my sister up because he has a broken hip and moves slowly.So it takes awhile to get him in the car.
I got home around 6 pm.Stopped by KFC and brought chicken dinner home for the kids and husband.Landen has not seen me much because of all the appointments.He was so lovable last night.He curled up in my lap and i got patted on the back,hugs and lots of kisses.He loves to touch my long hair and Had his hand all curled in it.He wanted Mommy and i loved every bit of it.I so love when he wants to cuddle.Nothing like it in the whole world cuddling such a sweet Man as my little Landen.
This morning my sweet husband let me sleep in.I slept until 10 am and now am having my coffee.I am hanging out in my pj's today.I will Begin my holiday baking here in a bit.Rebecca my 14 yr old LOVES to help bake so i am planning on waiting until she is home from school to do some of it.So today is making candies ,cookies,and breads and catching up on Laundry.I told my family this taxi driver if on vacation today and tomorrow lol.
We have decided we will be having Christmas with my Huge family in our home.Our home is not very big but some of my brother and sisters will not be attending.So we should be able to have plenty of room here.The kids are excited that mom is hosting this year so they can stay home and enjoy their new presents and not abandoning them to leave to be with family.
We don't do the Normal big Christmas dinner.It is usually a pot of chili and a pot of veggie soup and sandwiches.Crackers and dips and veggies and dip.And of course tons of Christmas goodies.
I did get a bit of news from senators office today.Not totally promising but better then what we were getting.I should know more soon.Please pray that we receive good news and can leave right after Christmas to meet our little man.I cannot wait to hold our angel in my arms forever.
P.S. am almost done reading the book..Parenting a child with cp.Awesome book i have got allot of information from this book.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I held the most adorable 2 month old baby girl today.this precious baby is so sweet.She smiled and cooed and is just to sweet.This baby laid in Jaxson's bouncy seat and napped in his crib today.This Baby made me long for my Jaxson so much.It made me think about what it will be like to see our Jaxson setting in his bouncy seat and sleeping in his crib.
I long to hold my son so much.I want to love him and play with him and cuddle him when he is scared or sad.I want to be the one with him when he is sick or when he is happy.I want to parent my son.
Michael held her too and he said..MAN this makes me want our son home even more then ever.We both set and talked about Jax today.How Christmas is hard this year because one of our children will not be here .How much we both long for our sweet little boy.
I have had a hard time after holding loving and feeding that baby today.Tears trickled down as i held her thinking to myself..I should be holding our son.I should be on the floor playing with him right now.He should be doing all these fun things such and seeing Santa clause and looking at Christmas lights and celebrating this wonderful holiday with us.
I am praying very hard we can bring our sweet child home soon.It is time for him to come home.It is time he gets a family who loves him so much and wants him.A family who thinks he is the most cutest kid ever.Our teen girls are so excited about their baby brother.We go shopping and they say Mom you should buy that outfit or that toy for Little jaxson he would love it.
All i want is to parent my child.Watch him blossom and grow and learn his personality.Learn his quirks and his him grow and thrive with all the love in our home waiting for him.This child is so loved and adored and we all are anxious to show it to him.
Holding that baby today brought so much emotion out.Made me want so badly to spend Christmas in Liberia with our precious angel.He will be with me on Christmas more then ever.He is always with me.Everyday that passes we love him more and more.I hope our days of longing end soon and we meet our son soon.
I long to hold my son so much.I want to love him and play with him and cuddle him when he is scared or sad.I want to be the one with him when he is sick or when he is happy.I want to parent my son.
Michael held her too and he said..MAN this makes me want our son home even more then ever.We both set and talked about Jax today.How Christmas is hard this year because one of our children will not be here .How much we both long for our sweet little boy.
I have had a hard time after holding loving and feeding that baby today.Tears trickled down as i held her thinking to myself..I should be holding our son.I should be on the floor playing with him right now.He should be doing all these fun things such and seeing Santa clause and looking at Christmas lights and celebrating this wonderful holiday with us.
I am praying very hard we can bring our sweet child home soon.It is time for him to come home.It is time he gets a family who loves him so much and wants him.A family who thinks he is the most cutest kid ever.Our teen girls are so excited about their baby brother.We go shopping and they say Mom you should buy that outfit or that toy for Little jaxson he would love it.
All i want is to parent my child.Watch him blossom and grow and learn his personality.Learn his quirks and his him grow and thrive with all the love in our home waiting for him.This child is so loved and adored and we all are anxious to show it to him.
Holding that baby today brought so much emotion out.Made me want so badly to spend Christmas in Liberia with our precious angel.He will be with me on Christmas more then ever.He is always with me.Everyday that passes we love him more and more.I hope our days of longing end soon and we meet our son soon.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I cant say alot at this time...But know we are getting alot of nonsense .I am praying the senators people can get something done.Adoption is hard enough the way it is.Dont need officals on power trips.I know they are working hard for us I have been in contact with them.
At this point it looks like we will have to get our fingerprints redone...They expire January 8th.Do you know if we contact USCIS to get it done or do they contact you with a day to come get them done?We have never had to do them more then once with past 2 adoptions.
I am praying January is our month to bring our angel home.HE needs to come home.This momma aches to love him.We have missed all the dates we thought he would be home for.
Please pray for this situation and pray for the many other families who desperatly want their children home.
At this point it looks like we will have to get our fingerprints redone...They expire January 8th.Do you know if we contact USCIS to get it done or do they contact you with a day to come get them done?We have never had to do them more then once with past 2 adoptions.
I am praying January is our month to bring our angel home.HE needs to come home.This momma aches to love him.We have missed all the dates we thought he would be home for.
Please pray for this situation and pray for the many other families who desperatly want their children home.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My husband found his birthmom in April and they have met and have a good relationship.My husband has became close to his new family.Last night we got a phone call around Midnight!His bi moms husband passed away unexpectedly last night.No one knows what caused his untimely death.He was a healthy man who excised all the time.He did bikeathons and hiked allot.
Please keep Michael and his bi mom Marty and sister Tracy and brother Matt in your prayers.My heart is breaking for all of them.Michael had bonded with this man and liked him very much.They talked on the phone all the time.He is waiting for a phone call and will be flying to Colorado for the funeral.This is a sad day with news we never wanted to receive.Please say prayers for this family and for them to heal from such a sad loss.
Please keep Michael and his bi mom Marty and sister Tracy and brother Matt in your prayers.My heart is breaking for all of them.Michael had bonded with this man and liked him very much.They talked on the phone all the time.He is waiting for a phone call and will be flying to Colorado for the funeral.This is a sad day with news we never wanted to receive.Please say prayers for this family and for them to heal from such a sad loss.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Landen has never taken an interest in snow until this year!We had just got home from running errands and he had to stop and play in the snowdrift in front of our house.He loves his spider man snow boots but how in the world do i get this kid to keep his hat and gloves on?He cant stand them.I would not let him stay out and play because his hands were ICE and he needs to wear mittens and a hat.He cried when i brought him and when i took his snow boots off to change his wet pants.He has a bad cold so staying outside was not an option.My boy thought i was a mean Mama.

Friday, December 11, 2009
A 2008 ford edge crossover!I have been wanting this car for a long time now.I would show hubby this car every time we went by a ford dealers.Our van decided to go on the blink and was going to cost quite a bit to fix.The electrical in it of all things.It was also a Saturn and we received a letter that next year we will no longer be able to buy parts for it.I love this car but do not like the payments...Its more then our house payment .But we needed a car so why not get one we LOVE and are happy with?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I read allot of blogs.Most these blogs are bringing their children home from different countries.I am happy for them i am .Although i feel a bit jealous or overwhelmed as we have waited forever to bring our Jax home.Should i feel jealous?I am happy for theses beautiful kids but a part of me is like....Man this is not fair we should have had ours home a year ago.Michael and i have discussed maybe adopting one more in the future.But to be honest this adoption has put a whole new spin on our thoughts about this.
Landen's adoption was very emotional with allot of complications from this state we live in and getting him home.A long fight and lot of calls to the senator later and 10 months of stuff we were put through from our own state he finally came home to us.
Now Jaxson's adoption has fallen allot like this(not our state but our own Government).Someone with more power is pushing hard to keep our child at bay from arriving home.The emotions and the heart ache as we have watched our child grow without us.He has grown from a tiny 14 lbs at age 31/2 to 23 lbs at age 41/2.
Because our hearts cant take any more let down and the emotions...(YES i understand the ups and downs and curve balls thrown at you with international adoptions this is our 3rd international adoption).Michael and i have decided that Jaxson will be completing our family.We love each and everyone of our children but this adoption has been so hard.I have cried many times.. go through many of sleepless nights worrying about the outcome of our adoption.I know Jaxson will come home.I don't like when my emotions play havoc on me.
As Christmas nears and celebrating the birth of Jesus without Jaxson here with his family has been so depressing.Why do i feel a bit jealous when i read blogs of the kids coming home?I am happy for these babies they made their way to their families but on the other hand i have that overwhelming jealousy.Maybe i need to take a break from blog reading?
I am sad... although i am trying with all my heart to make it a great holiday season for our children it is not easy.I wish he was here so badly i know our day will come but i think it has been long enough now.I have not heard anything yet from senators office and it is depressing me so much.
Tonight i will pray for a resolution to the mess with the consular (like i do every night)i will pray my son stays healthy and pray he is being cuddled.I know he is in good hands every picture i get he looks better in them every time.Its just getting way hard with this wait and the holidays are not helping matters.DEAR LORD,give me the strength to make these days pass and happiness and health.
Landen's adoption was very emotional with allot of complications from this state we live in and getting him home.A long fight and lot of calls to the senator later and 10 months of stuff we were put through from our own state he finally came home to us.
Now Jaxson's adoption has fallen allot like this(not our state but our own Government).Someone with more power is pushing hard to keep our child at bay from arriving home.The emotions and the heart ache as we have watched our child grow without us.He has grown from a tiny 14 lbs at age 31/2 to 23 lbs at age 41/2.
Because our hearts cant take any more let down and the emotions...(YES i understand the ups and downs and curve balls thrown at you with international adoptions this is our 3rd international adoption).Michael and i have decided that Jaxson will be completing our family.We love each and everyone of our children but this adoption has been so hard.I have cried many times.. go through many of sleepless nights worrying about the outcome of our adoption.I know Jaxson will come home.I don't like when my emotions play havoc on me.
As Christmas nears and celebrating the birth of Jesus without Jaxson here with his family has been so depressing.Why do i feel a bit jealous when i read blogs of the kids coming home?I am happy for these babies they made their way to their families but on the other hand i have that overwhelming jealousy.Maybe i need to take a break from blog reading?
I am sad... although i am trying with all my heart to make it a great holiday season for our children it is not easy.I wish he was here so badly i know our day will come but i think it has been long enough now.I have not heard anything yet from senators office and it is depressing me so much.
Tonight i will pray for a resolution to the mess with the consular (like i do every night)i will pray my son stays healthy and pray he is being cuddled.I know he is in good hands every picture i get he looks better in them every time.Its just getting way hard with this wait and the holidays are not helping matters.DEAR LORD,give me the strength to make these days pass and happiness and health.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Jax will not be home in time for Christmas which is heart wrenching for us.I have not heard anything from state department or the consular in Liberia.I want him to have Christmas so i am sending money out today and the in country staff will get his gifts for me.Last year i sent him a short outfit ,a blanket, and a pair of socks.This year i am sending money and asked them to get him an outfit and a stuffed animal .I am sending extra so another child or 2 can have something nice too that has no one to get them something.
Today school was cancelled due to a big snow storm and sleet.The kids are home and bored.Landen has had an awful nasty cold and i been giving him medicine for it.I love boogie wipes as much snot as this child has those have been a great thing.Landen has been ornery today and quite a handful.He is now content playing with my singing Frosty the snowman.I am still praying we can travel right after Christmas to bring Jaxson home.Even if we get word we can go now we cant get flight out until after Christmas.
I am not feeling to great today and have put off wrapping gifts and finishing our Christmas cards.I plan on at least getting Christmas cards out in the mail today.
Today school was cancelled due to a big snow storm and sleet.The kids are home and bored.Landen has had an awful nasty cold and i been giving him medicine for it.I love boogie wipes as much snot as this child has those have been a great thing.Landen has been ornery today and quite a handful.He is now content playing with my singing Frosty the snowman.I am still praying we can travel right after Christmas to bring Jaxson home.Even if we get word we can go now we cant get flight out until after Christmas.
I am not feeling to great today and have put off wrapping gifts and finishing our Christmas cards.I plan on at least getting Christmas cards out in the mail today.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
This has been a wonderful weekend.Yesterday we waited for our delivery of the new freezer.Once it was in place we jumped in the van and the kia to head to ST.Joe Mo to drop the Kia off and be serviced.Our 17 yr old drove the kia..Once we dropped it off we all loaded up in the van and went to Ryan's for supper.
Landen ate 2 plates full of shrimp.He loves shrimp and was a full bellied little happy man when we left.We then went to Krug park.This park is BEAUTIFUL at Christmas the whole park is decorated in Christmas lights it is pretty.Rebecca loves going there so she was so excited.Our 17 yrs old griped all the way through.Once we got to the end he said...turn around mom and we can drive through it again haha.I guess he discovered he liked it after all.
Landen had his face plastered in the window..He loved the lights he kept saying...MEERY KISSMASS he was so cute.Of course we had to stop at the north pole so Landen could see Santa clause.I got pics coming i need to find someone with a scanner who can scan it for us.
On the way home Landen was in the back seat babbling a whole stream of things and the only words we could make out was Santa Clause which came out very clear.He was clapping his hands and bouncing around.
Today we hung around home until this evening.We had to go pick Linda up who stayed the night at a friends house.Landen wanted tacos so we took him to eat a taco.Then to walmart to get some household items and cold medicine for Landen.He has a yucky cold so we are keeping him home from school tomorrow.
I am looking forward to a more mellow week this week.My darling husband only has 2 appointments this week so will be more relaxed then the everyday 30 minute one way drive we have been doing. It is snowing outside and brr is it cold.I hope to begin doing some baking tomorrow and doing some more wrapping of presents.Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Landen ate 2 plates full of shrimp.He loves shrimp and was a full bellied little happy man when we left.We then went to Krug park.This park is BEAUTIFUL at Christmas the whole park is decorated in Christmas lights it is pretty.Rebecca loves going there so she was so excited.Our 17 yrs old griped all the way through.Once we got to the end he said...turn around mom and we can drive through it again haha.I guess he discovered he liked it after all.
Landen had his face plastered in the window..He loved the lights he kept saying...MEERY KISSMASS he was so cute.Of course we had to stop at the north pole so Landen could see Santa clause.I got pics coming i need to find someone with a scanner who can scan it for us.
On the way home Landen was in the back seat babbling a whole stream of things and the only words we could make out was Santa Clause which came out very clear.He was clapping his hands and bouncing around.
Today we hung around home until this evening.We had to go pick Linda up who stayed the night at a friends house.Landen wanted tacos so we took him to eat a taco.Then to walmart to get some household items and cold medicine for Landen.He has a yucky cold so we are keeping him home from school tomorrow.
I am looking forward to a more mellow week this week.My darling husband only has 2 appointments this week so will be more relaxed then the everyday 30 minute one way drive we have been doing. It is snowing outside and brr is it cold.I hope to begin doing some baking tomorrow and doing some more wrapping of presents.Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Friday, December 4, 2009

Michael and I been on the go all week.He had physical therapy at the V.a. we went to apple bee's for lunch and then went to sears.Our 17 yr old son asked for tools for Christmas so we went to see if we could find the tools he wanted.While at sears they had one of the small deep freezers.I have always wanted one .My sweet husband bought it for me i was so excited.This is my early Christmas present from him i also got a beautiful new winter coat yesterday.Mine was pretty worn out as its 6 yrs old.So tomorrow my new deep freeze will be delivered and cable hooked up in our bedroom tomorrow too.Michael bought a new 26 inch flat screen for our room.I came home to check my email and found a new pic of our angel in my email.I was so excited.He looks so good and wow has my guy grown so much.This has been awesome day.
P.S. We did find and purchase the tools for my son Brian for Christmas too.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Get a child to sleep in his bed?Landen refuses and wants to sleep with us.Problem we are having is we have a full bed only.There is no room for 3 of us when Landen is in our bed i make a pallet on the floor.Him and Michael both are blanket thieves and they kick and stretch out.I get tired of aching so i sleep on a pallet on the floor.Last night we got Landen to sleep in his bed he has a night light and his sister makes a pallet and sleeps in the room with hm so he don't feel alone.Landen didn't cry last night he went right to his bed and slept all night.
Tonight was very trying.We had to make him go to his bed after he went to ours 3 times.We finally got him in his bed and he cried and cried.I felt awful but also know we all need a good night of rest.Any ideas to make this easier?We never had a bed problem until we moved him to the downstairs bedroom.
Tonight was very trying.We had to make him go to his bed after he went to ours 3 times.We finally got him in his bed and he cried and cried.I felt awful but also know we all need a good night of rest.Any ideas to make this easier?We never had a bed problem until we moved him to the downstairs bedroom.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I heard from Senator's office today.She has sent everything to Department of state and said it will take 5 to 10 business days to hear anything.So in the meantime i have emailed our agency asking for an updated Picture of our precious son.
I have been keeping pretty busy around home as well.With holiday preparations and shopping.Today Michael and I got all the outside lights and decorations up.Landen loved it so much.He would make us take him outside to see the lights and decorations.He would squeal and say PETTY.He was super cute.
Not only did we hang lights but i also made dinner did dishes...Played with Landen and paid the bills and got half my Christmas cards done.Tomorrow Michael has physical therapy and after words i am coming home to wrap some gifts and do some laundry.I also need to start thinking about the holiday baking and candies i make.I try to do them early and freeze them.We still have plenty of Xmas shopping to do i am going to try to spend some time getting some done online.
I am trying to keep myself busy and my mind off this mess we are in.Pray we get good news very soon.
I have been keeping pretty busy around home as well.With holiday preparations and shopping.Today Michael and I got all the outside lights and decorations up.Landen loved it so much.He would make us take him outside to see the lights and decorations.He would squeal and say PETTY.He was super cute.
Not only did we hang lights but i also made dinner did dishes...Played with Landen and paid the bills and got half my Christmas cards done.Tomorrow Michael has physical therapy and after words i am coming home to wrap some gifts and do some laundry.I also need to start thinking about the holiday baking and candies i make.I try to do them early and freeze them.We still have plenty of Xmas shopping to do i am going to try to spend some time getting some done online.
I am trying to keep myself busy and my mind off this mess we are in.Pray we get good news very soon.
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