Thursday, April 29, 2010
Jaxson is not feeling well!
Those stupid adenoids are causing him so much problem UGHHH.The mucus drainage off them makes him cough and choke and not want to eat poor baby boy.He sounds awful today and has slept alot.He has OT today and was not very cooperative so i knew he did not feel well.Pray they get those darn things out soon so my baby will feel so much better.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
surgery/double booked
The ENTS nurse called and scheduled Jaxson's surgery today.I was not here when she called and hubby took the phone call.It is scheduled on a day that we have 2 children mercy appointments.I am calling tomorrow to see if we can get the surgery date moved to another day.It takes forever to get appointments at childrens and if i switch them it could be many many months away.
I took Jax to the doctor in hopes to get all his shots caught up.The doctor wants to wait until July when all his appointments are done.I am not happy because Jax is so acceptable to so much right now without being current on his shots.I would like to get this adenoid surgery as soon as possible.He has mucus draining off which makes him cough and sometimes choke.It scares me to death.His current weight is 19 lbs and 7 oz.He is growing my sweet baby boy.The doctor wanted to refer Jax to a orthopedic surgeon for his ankle.I had a fit and told him No way we are doing therapy on it and are seeing progress.Let us try this and the Brace (we have appointment in June for a brace) before someone takes a Unecessary surgery on my son.I want to try all outlets before anything like that is done.Jax is building so much strength.. he does not need his back supported when holing him on your shoulder anymore.He does Not stiffen when picked up or scissor at all.He is able to hold his head up for longer periods of time now.I am amazed at how well little one is doing.He has this Rattle ball he loves and when you roll it in front of him he giggles.I love to hear him laugh and i love his smile.He likes to be held and talked to and he tries so hard to talk back.Tonight he petted the cat with my help and he just smiled so big.
Jax will hear my voice or my husbands and go in search of us with his eyes he knows who his mama and daddy are.The seizure medicine is working well we have not seen any seizures at all.He is using the nebulizer treatment less and less i am thrilled about this.Tomorrow he has PT and OT.They will be so amazed when they see what all this little one can do and has done in Just 2 weeks sense his last visit.
I am so happy we got to bring him home.I have worried over him for a long time..Gods timing is perfect he knew Jaxson needed to come home now.I am sad for all of those who are stuck waiting to bring their babies home.I would not know life without Jax in it.As i tell everyone... God made Jaxson just for me.I am so honored to be his mommy.
I took Jax to the doctor in hopes to get all his shots caught up.The doctor wants to wait until July when all his appointments are done.I am not happy because Jax is so acceptable to so much right now without being current on his shots.I would like to get this adenoid surgery as soon as possible.He has mucus draining off which makes him cough and sometimes choke.It scares me to death.His current weight is 19 lbs and 7 oz.He is growing my sweet baby boy.The doctor wanted to refer Jax to a orthopedic surgeon for his ankle.I had a fit and told him No way we are doing therapy on it and are seeing progress.Let us try this and the Brace (we have appointment in June for a brace) before someone takes a Unecessary surgery on my son.I want to try all outlets before anything like that is done.Jax is building so much strength.. he does not need his back supported when holing him on your shoulder anymore.He does Not stiffen when picked up or scissor at all.He is able to hold his head up for longer periods of time now.I am amazed at how well little one is doing.He has this Rattle ball he loves and when you roll it in front of him he giggles.I love to hear him laugh and i love his smile.He likes to be held and talked to and he tries so hard to talk back.Tonight he petted the cat with my help and he just smiled so big.
Jax will hear my voice or my husbands and go in search of us with his eyes he knows who his mama and daddy are.The seizure medicine is working well we have not seen any seizures at all.He is using the nebulizer treatment less and less i am thrilled about this.Tomorrow he has PT and OT.They will be so amazed when they see what all this little one can do and has done in Just 2 weeks sense his last visit.
I am so happy we got to bring him home.I have worried over him for a long time..Gods timing is perfect he knew Jaxson needed to come home now.I am sad for all of those who are stuck waiting to bring their babies home.I would not know life without Jax in it.As i tell everyone... God made Jaxson just for me.I am so honored to be his mommy.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Therapy is going well here at home

I am watching Jaxson change and gain strength in his limbs.He is able to hold his head up for longer periods of time now.His legs seem to be getting stronger as well.When i was working with him and had him doing tummy time i put his favorite rattle ball in front of him.I took his hands and had him try to bat at it.He thought this was funny and he would laugh outloud.He is so cute.I put him in the bumbo seat and set him against the sofa for head support.He loved being able to set up He did this for about a half hour.I love this little man.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jaxson has amazed me all weekend.Friday we had a bbq and had my sister and brother inlaw over.We were all outsied on the deck and i was holding Jax and all of a sudden we heard this faint laugh.Their he was giggling with a huge smile on his face.I was so excited as it was the first time i heard him laugh.Satruday i had him on the floor doing theapy he was on his tummy and i turned to grab some toys turned back and there he was UP on his KNEES and elbows almost totally in the crawling position.I said Great job Jaxson he smiled so big.I love cuddle times when the other kids go to bed and its him and I and he is so full of smiles.He is so sweet..How many times was he ever just cuddled and gave kisses?He loves this time as much as me.I tell him say MAMA and he tries his little mouth moves its so sweet.I love our little guy he has been a true joy.Oh and the Past couple nights he has slept all night in his crib.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Jaxson had his ENT appointment today.The doctor said yes he needs his adenoids out soon.His office will call next week with a scheduled surgery day.He was not able to see his tonsils the stinker clinched his teeth together and would not let doc see.He said he would look at them during surgery to see if they also need to be taken out or to leave them alone.
He also said this surgery will take place at stormont vail in Topeka because they do kids there.He also said Jaxson will stay overnight due to his special needs.I am ready for this to get here.He will feel so much better once they are out.The poor baby has such a rough time.
This evening we were setting outside on the deck and i was holding Jax!I heard him laugh outloud for the first time it was just soo cute.I hope to hear many many more laughs from him.He is such a sweet little man.I bought him a new toy and it sings nursery songs.One of them is Hickory dickory dock he LOVES it and smiles really big when its playing.He still dont sleep at night..I have gotten him up early in morning and dont let him nap and he STILL stays up allnight.I am exhausted but know it will get better soon.I love this little man i am so blessed i am his mommy.
He also said this surgery will take place at stormont vail in Topeka because they do kids there.He also said Jaxson will stay overnight due to his special needs.I am ready for this to get here.He will feel so much better once they are out.The poor baby has such a rough time.
This evening we were setting outside on the deck and i was holding Jax!I heard him laugh outloud for the first time it was just soo cute.I hope to hear many many more laughs from him.He is such a sweet little man.I bought him a new toy and it sings nursery songs.One of them is Hickory dickory dock he LOVES it and smiles really big when its playing.He still dont sleep at night..I have gotten him up early in morning and dont let him nap and he STILL stays up allnight.I am exhausted but know it will get better soon.I love this little man i am so blessed i am his mommy.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Going to get extremely busy!
Jaxson's Nuerologist was on it.I got a call even before i got home with a scheduled appointment for Jaxson's cat scan and EEG.Today the hospital social worker called and is going to get us in all the right programs and such in case we need equipment our insurance won't pay for.Then the phone rang again and it was international adoption clinic and we have an upcoming appointment scheduled with them.I hung up to the phone ringing again this time it was Rehab to schedule an appointment too.I have all these appointments wrote in my calender in my purse to keep them straight.Friday he sees the ENT i am excited about this one my precious baby is miserable with those adenoids. Including waking up today with stuffy nose and green goo coming out his nose.He slept allot today which tells me he truly does not feel well.
Tomorrow i get to schedule Landens yearly Follow up appointments with Nuero and Opthamolgist and also schedule Rebecca and myself for dental appointments.It going to be hectic here but so worth it.
You can tell it is the end of the year.. Landen is on burn out mode with school and fights to get ready in the mornings the stinker.Not much longer to go and he can play all summer.Landen is still trying hard to adjust to Jaxson.It is better he is so cute.. he will go to Jax and kiss him and rub his head and hand him a toy.He still gets jealous though when i am holding Jax and will grunt and growl at me.I give him extra Mama time in the evenings.. he likes me to push him on the swing and blow bubbles with him.
Now to get Jaxson's nights and days straightened out.
Tomorrow i get to schedule Landens yearly Follow up appointments with Nuero and Opthamolgist and also schedule Rebecca and myself for dental appointments.It going to be hectic here but so worth it.
You can tell it is the end of the year.. Landen is on burn out mode with school and fights to get ready in the mornings the stinker.Not much longer to go and he can play all summer.Landen is still trying hard to adjust to Jaxson.It is better he is so cute.. he will go to Jax and kiss him and rub his head and hand him a toy.He still gets jealous though when i am holding Jax and will grunt and growl at me.I give him extra Mama time in the evenings.. he likes me to push him on the swing and blow bubbles with him.
Now to get Jaxson's nights and days straightened out.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Jaxson now has a seizure medicine to control his seizures.He will be getting a cat scan and and EEG and xrays of his hips.I have noticed his hips are a little out of sorts and doc wants this checked.He is also getting Jax set up with rehab so that he can get the braces he needs.He also having social worker call to guide us on places to register Him in to help with his cp and such.
Jaxson will be getting a blood draw in a couple weeks to check his levels and to make sure his seizure medicine is working.Oh Jaxson is also Microcephalic just like Landen.
The only thing i do NOT agree with that the doc said today was Jaxson will not progress in learning then where he is now.I DO NOT believe this.I have already seen him progress in the short time he has been with us.This same thing was said about Landen from his Nuero and he has amazed his nuero so much.Never say never because this MAMA knows Jaxson will progress.Wait a year and let doc see him and then tell me that.
We have no more appointments until Friday when he sees the ENT.Next week we have therapy and he has doc appointment to get all his shots caught up poor baby.I hope to get good news at ENT office like a scheduled surgery date to get his adenoids out.
Jaxson will be getting a blood draw in a couple weeks to check his levels and to make sure his seizure medicine is working.Oh Jaxson is also Microcephalic just like Landen.
The only thing i do NOT agree with that the doc said today was Jaxson will not progress in learning then where he is now.I DO NOT believe this.I have already seen him progress in the short time he has been with us.This same thing was said about Landen from his Nuero and he has amazed his nuero so much.Never say never because this MAMA knows Jaxson will progress.Wait a year and let doc see him and then tell me that.
We have no more appointments until Friday when he sees the ENT.Next week we have therapy and he has doc appointment to get all his shots caught up poor baby.I hope to get good news at ENT office like a scheduled surgery date to get his adenoids out.

Jax is having a hard time with his adenoids.He has problems eating and sleeping.I elevated his crib so he could sleep better.I am not sure if its that or he just plain don't like his crib because he has not wanted to sleep in it at all.It is almost 3 A.M. and he is wide awake I am ready for bed .He did not hardly anything today because its hard to eat and breath at the same time.Tonight i gave him a bath and he fell asleep in activity seat.I woke him trying to get him to sleep in his crib the stinker.Then he decided he was hungry and he ate 2 bottles.Now i am just waiting for him to go to sleep so i can.His Neurologist appointment is tomorrow.I am hoping all goes well and he can get a medicine to help control his seizures.
Friday, April 16, 2010
My sweet baby had a rough night.His adenoids are the biggest problem he has going on well not the biggest the seizures are.They are so enlarged he has a time breathing and when he has his bottle its terrible.He can suck i did not think he could.He chews the nipple because if he sucks it he cant breath because of his adenoids.He woke up crying and snorting he was hungry and having a hard time breathing.I gave him a bottle(he already had his Zyrtec) and he ate it and settled down some.
After his feeding and getting him comfy he had another seizure.I wish Monday would hurry up.I do hope he schedules a cat scan i would like to know what is going on in my babies brain.Ok back to what i was talking about.He woke at 3:30 a.m for the second time...Woke at 1 a.m too at this time he just wanted to be cuddled bless his heart.So i set in the rocking chair with him until 2 a.m.It is 5:30 A.M. and he is sleeping and i am up.I cant go to sleep now.The kids will be getting up soon for school and i have to dress Landen and get him out the door.
Then the plumber is coming this morning as we have a major backup going on.My day is cut out already.I cant lay down as i am afraid i wont hear Jaxson if he wakes up.I sleep like the dead and don't hear nothing most times.Please Pray Jax has no more seizures until we can get him seen and on medication for them.
After his feeding and getting him comfy he had another seizure.I wish Monday would hurry up.I do hope he schedules a cat scan i would like to know what is going on in my babies brain.Ok back to what i was talking about.He woke at 3:30 a.m for the second time...Woke at 1 a.m too at this time he just wanted to be cuddled bless his heart.So i set in the rocking chair with him until 2 a.m.It is 5:30 A.M. and he is sleeping and i am up.I cant go to sleep now.The kids will be getting up soon for school and i have to dress Landen and get him out the door.
Then the plumber is coming this morning as we have a major backup going on.My day is cut out already.I cant lay down as i am afraid i wont hear Jaxson if he wakes up.I sleep like the dead and don't hear nothing most times.Please Pray Jax has no more seizures until we can get him seen and on medication for them.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I was packing the diaper bag to head to the hospital for Jaxson's PT and OT appointment he had a seizure.I knew something was up he did not act like he was feeling none to good this morning.He is fine and i am charting them and what type they are for the neurologist.I am not new to seizures as our Landen also has them.I called and rescheduled his appointment for tomorrow.
I have been trying new foods on him.He loves turkey and rice and mixed veggies .I buy all kinds of baby foods and so far he has liked everyone i have tried.He loves to eat and when i say are you ready to eat his mouth flies open like a bird its so cute.I have not taken any pics lately i promise i will get new ones soon he is so darn ADORABLE.Evenings are his favorite time and he coos and moves his little mouth trying so hard to talk.I love everything about our Little man.I am so happy he is home and doing so well.
I have been trying new foods on him.He loves turkey and rice and mixed veggies .I buy all kinds of baby foods and so far he has liked everyone i have tried.He loves to eat and when i say are you ready to eat his mouth flies open like a bird its so cute.I have not taken any pics lately i promise i will get new ones soon he is so darn ADORABLE.Evenings are his favorite time and he coos and moves his little mouth trying so hard to talk.I love everything about our Little man.I am so happy he is home and doing so well.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My husband started back to work this week.The first week is orientation for him as so much has changed in his absence.Yesterday was my first day alone with my sweet bundle of pure joy.I enjoyed the day with him so much.My husband the wonderful man he is hired my friend to help me with the housework.Jaxson takes allot of my day(NOT COMPLAINING)that i was having a hard time keeping up.Our schedule goes like this..Jaxson wakes at 9 a.m...breathing treatment..then he gets diaper changed and dressed then he eats 2 bottles.It takes awhile to get these done.then its cuddle for a bit i set him in his seat so i can fold clothes..wash dishes vacuum or dust.The afternoon time usually at 1p.m. we do Therapy which also takes allot of time.I love all i do for my little guy.I am grateful for the extra help with the house though so i am not complaining there.
We also have PT and OT once a week at the hospital. Our schedule will get really busy soon.He has upcoming appointments.I am excited to find out what all comes about with these appointments.I am watching my son grow and he is learning so much already.Last night i put a rattle in his hand and he shook it and smiled.I told his good Job and he smiled again.He has not had much to do with toys but we are getting there.I am loving my little guy so much and its nice not having to share ha ha.
We also have PT and OT once a week at the hospital. Our schedule will get really busy soon.He has upcoming appointments.I am excited to find out what all comes about with these appointments.I am watching my son grow and he is learning so much already.Last night i put a rattle in his hand and he shook it and smiled.I told his good Job and he smiled again.He has not had much to do with toys but we are getting there.I am loving my little guy so much and its nice not having to share ha ha.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Today did not go as planned but what day ever does?All Jaxsons blood test came back i was waiting for the Doctor to call me.Instead i received a call from the endocrinologist at children's mercy hospital.They told me the doctor had contacted them and faxed his blood work to them.Jaxsons thyroid test was high and would we come in today at 3p.m. I was concerned and said yes we would be there.They explained about the thyroid and showed me his levels they also was worried about Graves disease.They gave me a script for his thyroid which i was worried about because of the side effects.They told me not to fill it just yet to go to Lab and have them draw blood on Jaxson so they could re check his thyroid levels and check for graves disease.We got the blood done and they called back an hour later.They said his Thyroid levels are normal and to tear up the script and call and cancel the appointment on Monday.I was worried but am Glad it is all OK.I am happy our doctor has been wonderfully awesome and very cautious about Jaxsons health.
On a great note...Jaxson was weighed and he weighs 20 lbs now.All his other blood work was great.I was happy he was HEP A,B and C negative.He loves to eat and is branching out with the baby food.I found if i heat it he eats it allot better He likes his food warm.He likes to make sounds and i call him chatter box.Evening seems to be his favorite time and he gets more verbal and smiley in the evenings.He is such a joy and boy we are all enjoying him so much.
On a great note...Jaxson was weighed and he weighs 20 lbs now.All his other blood work was great.I was happy he was HEP A,B and C negative.He loves to eat and is branching out with the baby food.I found if i heat it he eats it allot better He likes his food warm.He likes to make sounds and i call him chatter box.Evening seems to be his favorite time and he gets more verbal and smiley in the evenings.He is such a joy and boy we are all enjoying him so much.

18 Yrs ago... a beautiful child was born weighing 7lbs 9 oz with cute red hair and dark blue eyes.I held him close.Today you are 18 a man!How the years have flown by i watched you grow to fast. your are my comedian and you always will be.I Love you Brian Eugene Wentz you may be a man but you will always be my beautiful baby.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I am loving him so much!Our son deserves so much including all the love and care we can give him.I never thought our day would come.All the ups and downs and hurdles was worth it to have him home where he belongs.I LOVE YOU JAXSON EMMANUEL...You made your way in my heart 2 yrs ago but to me it was a lifetime.Everyone tells me i am a special person for adopting you..NO GOD MADE YOU JUST FOR ME MY SON.You are sweet and special person that i have the privilege to love and raise .
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I didn't know he had OT and Pt today.It went wonderful and they showed me some new exercises to do with him here to help with stretching.He was very receptive to them today.I do think he is sore this evening so i wont do any until tomorrow he is a bit cranky tonight.I am so proud of my little guy.
Landen has been ornery and not listening.I am trying to come up with new tactics for punishment as time out is not working anymore.I know allot of it is the adjusting to a new Brother.I give him extra attention and cuddles.I don't want him thinking i don't love him as much or something.He is my baby and will always be my baby.
Landen has been ornery and not listening.I am trying to come up with new tactics for punishment as time out is not working anymore.I know allot of it is the adjusting to a new Brother.I give him extra attention and cuddles.I don't want him thinking i don't love him as much or something.He is my baby and will always be my baby.
Yesterday Jax had his first doc appointment.Our schedule is going to be very busy.He had a blood draw yesterday and i got the lovely vials to check for parasites.He has a physical therapy appointment today and upcoming appointments to children's.He will be seeing...ENT,OPTHAMOLOGIST,EUROLOGIST,NUEROLOGIST and an international adoption clinic.He will also be getting several immunizations that he needs.I was very impressed with his doctor...I chose him because..he is an adopting father of a child from Ethiopia and he is great with kids.He is Landens doctor too and if we need something one phone call and we get what we need.
Jax has changed so much already!I am so happy he is home with us and he is doing so well.He loves his Jumparoo and has figured out pushing with his foot makes it move and makes the horse sounds and plays music he smiles real big its so cute.
Jax has changed so much already!I am so happy he is home with us and he is doing so well.He loves his Jumparoo and has figured out pushing with his foot makes it move and makes the horse sounds and plays music he smiles real big its so cute.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I have made the blog public now that Jaxson is home and settling in.I am still walking around in disbelief that this little man i have loved for 2 yrs is actually here with me.I cherish every moment of our days together.I am watching him change more and more everyday.I am so so blessed.This is not a good pic of me i was talking lol thats what i do best.This was taken Easter day.
Monday, April 5, 2010

I am getting slow about updating my blog when it should be.We had a wonderful Easter and spent it with my family.We had a huge dinner and came home and lounged the rest of the day.The Easter bunny brought Jaxson a mama duck and Baby duck it talks..quacks and giggle and plays peekaboo.He loves it and smiles when you turn it on.Landen got his favorite truck and some baby rubber duckies.I love my little boys... i love all my kids..But these 2 are so much fun.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
This time last week i was setting in chicago airport waiting for our flight.I am so happy to be home.We are all adjusting good.Although my house is still so unorganized.I do 2 loads of baby wash a day to keep up with all the stinky formula bibs and clothes.Jaxson does not have many that fit so i wash for supply and demand.He is growing so i am sure he will grow into the ones that are to big quickly.Today he ate a whole jar of prunes.He loves Prunes but dont care for applesauce .We are still trying out foods.Once he gains neck control and can hold his head up we will start table food.He is such a little love..I am so happy he is home!Landen is outside on the porch playong with his ball!I am going outside to play with him.
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