Landen has sure came along in leaps and bounds!He is talking more and boy can he be silly and mouthy.He knows when he is doing something he should not be doing.When you get near him to stop him he says UH OH and stops doing the naughty thing he is doing.Potty training is not going well.I know this kid can do it he is just so stubborn.He loves to be outside and in the pool every chance he gets.Clothes and all he don't care lol.He is so much fun.He loves me to sing Winnie the pooh to him and he dances while i sing.He is more open to giving kisses and hugs now.He is a busy guy i wish i had half his energy he goes and goes.He kisses Jaxson on the head and pats his head its so cute.He will also take a rattle to him...Unless it plays music then he keeps that one for his self ha ha.He loves his siblings as the older kids wrestle with him and play with him.He will seek them out.If they go to leave he yells..DON'T GO.He brushes his teeth well now and loves baths with his millions of rubber duckies.He calls bath time rubber Dukie time it is so funny.I love this kid he is an active boy who keeps me plenty busy.I love when he learns new things.He has been singing the blues clues song all week.He still is a picky eater but we manage and i i tell him he can have chocolate milk(chocolate pediasure).Sometimes he drinks it sometimes he don't.When i get him to i am one happy Mommy!He loves bubbles and loves balls..He will bounce balls on our front porch for hours he loves it.He loves summer time and the outdoors.He so much fun i love this kid!Its hard to believe he has been home with us now for 51/2 yrs.The progress he has made is remarkable.I am so happy he is our son.