Last night was a tough one! Jax did not sleep at all and every time he moved his SAT machine beeped.Tonight i am definitely attaching to his toe instead of his finger.He moves his little hands to much for putting on his finger.He also drooled alot last night.It got so bad even after i suctioned his mouth that i had to put a hand towel under him to catch some of the drool.He also required ALLOT of suctioning in his trach last night.I am exhausted and got like 3 hrs of sleep.Hoping later today he will go to sleep for a few hours so mom can get some rest.Right now he is hooked up to a feed and still wide awake.Hoping a full tummy..fresh diaper and some suctioning and his morning med's will help him get some rest.
Today we are rearranging his bedroom to make room for all his equipment he needs.My son Brian said he would Make a bigger baby changer for Jax!I just need to get the materials for it.This would be awesome as he still uses his changer allot just to big for the one he has.So we are building one for him.I want to put the new one in the bedroom with all his equipment so everything will be close by and Handy when it is needed.I am adding a pic of him.we were waiting for his feed and the discharge papers at the hospital.