Jax did well during surgery!The surgeon found many more keyloid scar tissue inside then he thought and had to call more surgeons in to help.He had one on the outside his trach the size of a grape.He had 5 more inside and one was pretty big which was causing airway issues.He did so well they sent him home.As we were leaving recovery for the elevator Jax started coughing and bleeding allot from his trach.Michael and I was suctioning him and freaking out as wow that was allot of blood.A nurse also panicked and had us come back to recovery and went and got the surgeon.He said the bleeding is normal as when Jax coughing his trach is rubbing where his scar tissue was.It scares me to death to see him bleed like that.
We got home at 9 p.m. and cleaned jax up and put fresh clothes on him as he had blood everywhere.I gave him more Tylenol at 9 pm for pain and hooked him up to 300 MLS of water via gtube.Jax cant eat until after midnight.I am up for the night to make sure my sweet baby is pain free and comfortable.Right now he is sprawled out asleep in Landens bed.In a half hour he will get his first feed after 24 hrs and some motrin for pain and more neosporin on his surgery site outside his stoma.I don't want to wake him for a diaper change although he needs it as he needs rest .When he is awake he cries which causes coughing and blood.So for now the diaper waits.Please keep my little one in prayers for a quick recovery and healing time!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Surgery for Jax is tomorrow!I am up packing a bag as we know we will have to stay the night!Linda is coming to stay with Landen and Rebecca for the night until we get home Friday!Please keep Jaxson in prayers as he has a bronchial scope tomorrow.As they remove the scars in his trachia area and pray they can give us answers to a future of having no trach!

We had a wonderful Christmas!2 very excited little boys and one very excited 16 yr old.Yes excited but was not up early.I woke at 8 am Christmas morning to find the house quiet.So i made coffee and made my husbands favorite Cinnamon muffins got them in the oven then woke the kids.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thats how it was today!Although it was busy we did get our Christmas shopping finished and got new back tires for the van!the kids are doing pretty well.A concern has creeped up with Jaxson and I will be calling his Ped.He is vomit ting because he swallows his drool and then vomited it.Not only drool but his pediasure as well.This is not suppose to heppen.Jaxson had a nissen done when he got his g tube.The nissen is suppose to prevent him from vomiting so he will more then likely get an xray to see if its intact or not.Other than that he is doing wonderful.He is growing and thriving and just a happy lil guy who gives the greatest drool kisses ever.Jax loves the Christmas tree and stares at it forever.I know its the holidays and its busy !Just one day i would love to just relax and spend the day just chilling with the kids!Looking forward to Christmas day to do just that!
Monday, December 19, 2011
It is so fun to watch my 2 little boys get into the holiday!Jaxson set on Santas lap and just stared at him and was really fascinated with Santas fluffy beard.The christmas lights on the tree intrugue him and he could set and stare at the Christmas tree all day if i let him.We are so excited this year for Christmas.Last year Jaxson and myself spent it in the picu.It is not a good place to be on Christmas!This year we are home and so excited to what little Jax does on Christmas morning.
Landen loves Christmas.This is his favorite time of year!His favorite song is Jingle bell rock and boy does he get down dancing to it its so cute.All day today he has told me Santa is coming to fill his stocking and he looks up at it.I tell him 6 days to go and he claps his hands and comes over to the tree and pats his presents.Landen does not really care about the gifts..he wants to rip the paper in a pile on Christmas morning and jump in it.He loves the lights,the music,the Christmas cookies and goodies and is pure joy!I love both these little boys so much!They give me so much everyday!I get smiles and kisses and I love you's.Life is wonderful with my Prince and Angel in my life!
Landen loves Christmas.This is his favorite time of year!His favorite song is Jingle bell rock and boy does he get down dancing to it its so cute.All day today he has told me Santa is coming to fill his stocking and he looks up at it.I tell him 6 days to go and he claps his hands and comes over to the tree and pats his presents.Landen does not really care about the gifts..he wants to rip the paper in a pile on Christmas morning and jump in it.He loves the lights,the music,the Christmas cookies and goodies and is pure joy!I love both these little boys so much!They give me so much everyday!I get smiles and kisses and I love you's.Life is wonderful with my Prince and Angel in my life!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
As you all know Jaxson has a g tube and gets all his nutrition from it.He aspirates when he eats.I have been working with feeding with him forawhile now he lost all desire to eat after getting the gtube.I kinda gave up a bit to let him gain weight.Now he is 43 lbs and doing wonderful.So we are going back to bolus and not continuose and trying the spoon again.He has lost all taste for babyfood and will have food blended.One of his favorite things to eat in tapioca pudding.He likes it but struggles because he has lost capabilities to eat.Wish us luck on this.I have been doing lots of oral therapy with him and we are seeing it take effect.He can now pucker and can chomp down pretty good.I would love to see Jax one day eat all kinds of foods by mouth!I know he can because he was eating well before the gtube.
Thursday, December 15, 2011

This little Lovey amazes me!We are working on communication with a switch thing.We play a game with Jax and we stop if he wants more he has to push the top for it to say more.Needless to say Mr.smarty pants has mastered it.Today we had pre op appointments for Jax!The doc has talked to us about decan(removing trach) for good.We are so ready for this day to come.His trach hinders him in many ways!Cant go out in the cold,cant go to the beach because he cant be near sand,cant swim or play in the tub and many other things.So hopefully we get good news from his bronch and can lean towards trach removal in the near future.My little sweet boy is STANDING(yes you heard that right)STANDING on his good leg.He did this all on his own.He is so ready for hip surgery and tendon release surgery so he can get in a stander.Jax wants to be more mobile..he is up to 45 seconds setting unassisted.We have seen leaps and bounds in our sweet boy the last 6 weeks.All i can say is our Son is AMAZING!I need to capture this stuff on video you will be AMAZED too!
Saturday, December 10, 2011

We have been looking for a Van with a lift in it for a long time for Jaxson.We had to break the wheelchair down to fit in our car.No more of that we have our Van.I found this one at a really great price and i am so Blessed we could purchase it.We priced many and these vans with lifts are outrages on price.I am so thrilled we can go places in comfort now !
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

20 Months ago he was barely 5 yrs old and weighed 15 lbs so so tiny he was.Now he weighs in at 37 lbs and has gotten so incredibly tall.He is always so happy and lights up with big smiles.He is learning at a rapid speed and we are so proud of him.i love when i come home from work walk up to him and get the biggest smile and drooly kisses!Jaxsons life was hanging in the balance when he came home.Now he is happy and healthy and the most amazing ittle boy.I am so so blessed to be his Mother.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jaxson has scar tissue growing on his stoma(whole where trach goes into)Michael and I took him to the doctor today and the Doctor sent us straight over to the ENT office.The ENT said he will need surgery to remove it.So Decmber 29th(Landens Birthday)Jax will have a bronchiosope.In other news..he looks adorable with twist in his hair.Its not finished will finish it tomorrow.But oh how cute he looks!
Friday, November 11, 2011

Jax has sure come along ways!He is learning so much so fast.He can sit up unassisted for 30 seconds.I have been using the therapy ball to put his elbows on and knees on the floor to get him use to balancing.This is working 30 seconds may not seem like alot but for Jaxson it is HUGE!He giggles outloud now...He thought his toys were pretty funny today and was laughing at them.He gets excited when i come home from work and he breaks out with a huge smile.He has become a pro at scooting on his back all over the living room.He is trying hard to talk and is making all kinds of news sounds out of his trach!He is such a joy and to watch him thrive and grow and become this little person with quite a personality.I think if he was able to walk we would be in trouble haha!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My husband and i have discussed and prayed about our adoption,!At this time we have decided not to adopt from Liberia.It saddens me in a way but i also know we are making the right decision for our family.We still will be adding a child to our family but we are doing it another route.I feel our Mary Elizabeth is right here in the U.S. waiting for us to find her.I will keep you posted as everything unfolds and comes together.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Pumpkin Patch!

We had a blast at the pumpkin patch!Jaxson was so happy and smiled most of the time we were there!Landen was hungry and not so happy.He just wanted FOOD!He kept saying i go eat!We did go eat we went to Red lobster right after .Landen ate a whole plate full of popcorn shrimp and fries..then ate 3 garlic and cheese biscuts and some of his daddies shrimp too.He was not kidding he was hungry!As you can see Jaxson LOVED the hayrack ride!He smiled so big when we put the tiny pumpkin in his hands!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I got some updates done on my computer and have lost my blogs!I would love to have your blogs in my favorites!Please email me at..dmfmiller29@gmail.com.I am having blog withdrawls LOL.
I got some updates done on my computer and have lost my blogs!I would love to have your blogs in my favorites!Please email me at..dmfmiller29@gmail.com.I am having blog withdrawls LOL.
Monday, October 17, 2011
We are moving forward with the homestudy!I am so excited to get our girl home.Hang in their Mary we are comming!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We are on hold until Monday moving forward with the homestudy!Its a small gliche we are praying can be worked out.I will keep everyone informed.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
If you want to know more email me at...dmm_05@hotmail.com!I took the pic down and can explain that too!I can tell ya more dEtails Via email.I am so EXCITED!I wish i could snap my fingers and the adoption stuff be done and be on my way to hold my beautiful girl!
Bracelets order!
I will put a chip in up and a pic of the bracelets when they arrive!I am buying a pink one for myself !
I am not patient and i can tell you this adoption will be hard! So were the last 3 so why should number 4 be any easier?I called social worker and she was out of office.I am ready to get this show on the road.Our little girl is waiting for us!
Michael and I have been looking all over for a lift van we could afford.We have to take Jaxsons wheelchair apart to put it my car.We found a 2004 convential with the lift in it from an individual wanting to sell it.Its in great condition and has under 100,000 miles on it.I went to the bank to see if i could get a loan for it.We got the LOAN!I am so excited!There was a title issue but it should be worked out very soon.We got this van at an awesome price.I will have it paid in 2 yrs if not sooner!As soon as the title is done the owner is paid and i take possession of it i will show pics!
Thanks to friends i am learning alot about this blog stuff!Kinda cool being able to do this stuff!Thankyou for helping me.Please keep watching as i work out things on this end for up comming raffle items.I am overwhelmed yet excited!
Friday, October 7, 2011
The boys amaze me everyday with something they have learned or done!
Landen is talking more and more everyday!He is one smart cookie and he can sass as good as a teenager.His newest words he has learned is Knock it off and he uses it right.If someone is doing something he don't like he says Knock it off.Today in the car when we pulled in the driveway from going to town he syas...Honey..WERE HOME.My nonverbal child is very verbal more so each and everyday now.Simply amazing because his Neurologist told me he would NEVER talk.Landen has also learned to take his own coat and shirt off and now his jeans.He can unsnap them and all.This is huge for him.We are still working on dressing himself though.We are also still battling potty training.Landen is so sweet and love able and funny.Boy is he funny and will do things to get you to laugh at him.
Jaxson..Oh my sweet Jax has come so so far in the year and half he has been home.Its so neat to see my sweet little boy blossoming like he is.Jax Loves to explore his toys.It takes him a bit to process what they are and how he is going to get them.He does it though with a huge smile on his face.The other day he was in his wheelchair and i had put toys on the tray.He set straight up taking his head off his head piece to see those toys.It was so cute.Jax still does not have the best head control but by golly my boy wanted them toys and he was making sure he was going to get them.Jax is very ticklish and giggles allot.He is just so sweet and doing so wonderful.He is a night owl and will lay in his crib and talk and coo and smack the button on his mobile at night.
Both my little men amaze me everyday!I am SO blessed to be their mommy!
Landen is talking more and more everyday!He is one smart cookie and he can sass as good as a teenager.His newest words he has learned is Knock it off and he uses it right.If someone is doing something he don't like he says Knock it off.Today in the car when we pulled in the driveway from going to town he syas...Honey..WERE HOME.My nonverbal child is very verbal more so each and everyday now.Simply amazing because his Neurologist told me he would NEVER talk.Landen has also learned to take his own coat and shirt off and now his jeans.He can unsnap them and all.This is huge for him.We are still working on dressing himself though.We are also still battling potty training.Landen is so sweet and love able and funny.Boy is he funny and will do things to get you to laugh at him.
Jaxson..Oh my sweet Jax has come so so far in the year and half he has been home.Its so neat to see my sweet little boy blossoming like he is.Jax Loves to explore his toys.It takes him a bit to process what they are and how he is going to get them.He does it though with a huge smile on his face.The other day he was in his wheelchair and i had put toys on the tray.He set straight up taking his head off his head piece to see those toys.It was so cute.Jax still does not have the best head control but by golly my boy wanted them toys and he was making sure he was going to get them.Jax is very ticklish and giggles allot.He is just so sweet and doing so wonderful.He is a night owl and will lay in his crib and talk and coo and smack the button on his mobile at night.
Both my little men amaze me everyday!I am SO blessed to be their mommy!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I will be closing this blog in a few days!Just for a little bit while i do some work on it.Hope to be back up soon!Stay tuned as it will come back with some BIG news to share!
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Yesterday was the Oktoberfest here and it's so fun!We took the kids in and listened to live bands and awesome food and looked at all the wonderful craft booths!I have been looking for Bibs that work well for Jaxson.The baby bibs he cant wear anymore because of his trach.He needs the ones that go over the head and are big so when he is setting up it will catch his drool.I was THRILLED when i came across a booth that made over the head bibs out of hand towels.The price was good so i bought 6 of them!My husband found a cabinet for the bathroom made of REAL wood and varnished it was Beautiful and he bought it for 40.oo.Once we left the Oktoberfest we headed to the hospital so Michael and Rebecca could meet the baby.Then we went to walmart and got things we needed there and home.We had a fun filled day out of the house.
The weather is amazing and we have just stayed home today and i am catching up on the laundry and just enjoying my wonderful family!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ethan Eugene wentz!My beautiful Grandson !He was born at 9 14 a.m. september 29th
weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and is 21 inches in length!He is so Beautiful i am a very proud Grandma!I hope to get more pictures tomorrow with his eyes open .He worked very hard to come into the world and was just all tuckered out!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The last few days have been great days for all of us.Yesterday Jaxson was scheduled to get some shots!There was a problem as half of the shots he has recived were in Missouri.All they could get was what is on the Kansas Registry so we wait Until all the shots he has recieved at Childrens Mercy are faxed here.Jax did get his flu shot done though!Then we went to the travel agent to et Passprt pictures for Jaxson!The travel agency here are wonderful ladies.They took his pictures and did not charge us!They were tickled to meet Jaxson and gave us the pictures for free!
Today we have spent de cluttering and shampooing carpets and just getting alot of cleaning done!The weather is wonderful in the 70's and sunny!I Love this weather!Jaxson's first day of school is Thursday at 2:30.I am excited and cannot wait.They are going to give us some new therapy things to do with our sweet cp boy!All is going great here.I have healthy happy kids that are always full of smiles hugs and kisses and I love you's.Life is great!
Today we have spent de cluttering and shampooing carpets and just getting alot of cleaning done!The weather is wonderful in the 70's and sunny!I Love this weather!Jaxson's first day of school is Thursday at 2:30.I am excited and cannot wait.They are going to give us some new therapy things to do with our sweet cp boy!All is going great here.I have healthy happy kids that are always full of smiles hugs and kisses and I love you's.Life is great!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
I meet with the school again this Monday to go over the plan in place for Jax!We will find out how much Therapy he will get and when school will begin for him.I am excited to see the progress he will make.
I am trying to teach myself to crochet!It is going very slow and i still dont have my tension right.I will keep practicing.It is getting a little better each time i work on it.
Things have been going pretty good here.I am loving this cooler weather.Michael not so much but i love it and am ready to decorate my home for fall.Landen is doing well with school and Rebecca is struggling a bit with Geometry.
Jax has been sick today and has vomitted a couple times.I hope he is not catching nothing.Tomorrow he goes for a flu shot.All 3 kids and myself are getting one.My husband will get his at the VA.
Loving my kids as they all grow and learn daily.Nothing more amazing then happy healthy thriving children.
I am trying to teach myself to crochet!It is going very slow and i still dont have my tension right.I will keep practicing.It is getting a little better each time i work on it.
Things have been going pretty good here.I am loving this cooler weather.Michael not so much but i love it and am ready to decorate my home for fall.Landen is doing well with school and Rebecca is struggling a bit with Geometry.
Jax has been sick today and has vomitted a couple times.I hope he is not catching nothing.Tomorrow he goes for a flu shot.All 3 kids and myself are getting one.My husband will get his at the VA.
Loving my kids as they all grow and learn daily.Nothing more amazing then happy healthy thriving children.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today was the meeting with Jax at school!All the team of Therapist was there and the special education teacher.It went very very well!Jax really liked the Ocupational therapist and was trying hard to talk with her.They asked what goals i had for him and i told them communication and mobility are the biggest for him at this point and time.They agreed with me on this.Jax of course stole their hearts.He is such a sweet little man and i am so blessed he is my son.
Even though i only work a few hrs everyday its the longest days not being with him.I think about him constantly while i am at work!In the next week or so we will find out when his homebound start date for school is.I am very very happy Jax will be starting some schooling and Therapy really soon.My little one wants so bad to be mobile and communicate more.I cant wait to see him blossom.
Even though i only work a few hrs everyday its the longest days not being with him.I think about him constantly while i am at work!In the next week or so we will find out when his homebound start date for school is.I am very very happy Jax will be starting some schooling and Therapy really soon.My little one wants so bad to be mobile and communicate more.I cant wait to see him blossom.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
I am a very honest person !Those that want to ask questions about our adoption Please do..Instead of talking about it and saying things that are very untrue!I had a person who was very curious and she said..Please i am not good with words so don't take something i say OFFENSIVE i am curious.That to me is the way to approach it.If it came out wrong she was not intentionally being hurtful.But those that say..I don't know why you want a kid like that!Now that anger me to no end.My kid is just a kid..He may look a little different and he may have a plastic thing sticking out his neck to help him breath but he is still a kid.
The one that irritates me allot is..They keep adopting kids to get a check every month.Where have you got your information?If you looked up adoption you will realize there is no money.We did NOT adopt our children to receive a check.That is plain and simple and just utterly ridiculous.Instead of telling my friends this ASK ME yourself.I am truthful and will answer this very miss lead question the people think adoption is way to produce income.I can find many ways to produce income!
So ASK ME before you spout untrue things that you know nothing about.If its a question i want to answer i will if its not i will tell you so.My best friend was asked why i wanted a child with special needs like that.Why not a healthy child?My best friends child is special needs.Her answer was!He is a child and just a child and he needs love too!Thank you Dee for answering that with dignity and pride!It is awesome to have a best friend that can relate so well to me.
I will not answer every question you may ask!I have the right to share what i want and some things can be left unsaid.But know this..These are MY kids!Be tactful when asking me questions and PLEASE do not ask things when my children are with me.R.E.S.P.E.C.T.You would not like personal questions asked about your child and family member when they are standing right there.Hold this respect for others please.Now on this Note...These are my kids ,my heart and I love as though i birthed them!They may not of been from my womb but they are born in my heart!
The one that irritates me allot is..They keep adopting kids to get a check every month.Where have you got your information?If you looked up adoption you will realize there is no money.We did NOT adopt our children to receive a check.That is plain and simple and just utterly ridiculous.Instead of telling my friends this ASK ME yourself.I am truthful and will answer this very miss lead question the people think adoption is way to produce income.I can find many ways to produce income!
So ASK ME before you spout untrue things that you know nothing about.If its a question i want to answer i will if its not i will tell you so.My best friend was asked why i wanted a child with special needs like that.Why not a healthy child?My best friends child is special needs.Her answer was!He is a child and just a child and he needs love too!Thank you Dee for answering that with dignity and pride!It is awesome to have a best friend that can relate so well to me.
I will not answer every question you may ask!I have the right to share what i want and some things can be left unsaid.But know this..These are MY kids!Be tactful when asking me questions and PLEASE do not ask things when my children are with me.R.E.S.P.E.C.T.You would not like personal questions asked about your child and family member when they are standing right there.Hold this respect for others please.Now on this Note...These are my kids ,my heart and I love as though i birthed them!They may not of been from my womb but they are born in my heart!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Next Week!
Next week Jaxson and I meet the team of teachers and therapist so he can be evaluated for services for school.I am excited for Jax as this is going to be a great thing for him!Jax will have homebound schooling where he is home with us and they bring school to him.I am so happy for this as I feel he is nowhere near ready to go in a school!
I got this whole weekend off and am looking forward to it.I do have to work on labor day but it is not so bad as it is only 3 hrs.I have a to do list a mile long to get done wthis weekend.We are planning a bbq with our kids on Sunday!
I got this whole weekend off and am looking forward to it.I do have to work on labor day but it is not so bad as it is only 3 hrs.I have a to do list a mile long to get done wthis weekend.We are planning a bbq with our kids on Sunday!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The kids are in school and doing well so far!I have struggled with Landen getting on a schedule i believe we got it now.Tonight he got his diaper changed Jammie's on and took his medicine and even brushed his teeth without arguing.He crawled into bed before 9 pm.Jaxson on the other hand!The stinker wants to stay up and play and coo and smile!I am trying to get him in a routine too as he will also be having school soon.
Rebecca is not liking school at all she says its drama and she does not like drama!She is doing cross country and has been staying after school for practice and riding the activity bus home and arrives a little before 6 p.m.She does her chores eats her supper and does her homework and relaxes a bit before bed.She also has been going to bed fairly early.
I am still trying to get myself in a routine with work.I am working 30 hrs a week so its basically full time hrs.I come home cook supper clean the kitchen,start a load of laundry and love on the kids and play with them.Then its pick up dust fold laundry or whatever else needs done.I fall into bed at midnight and get up at 6 am.Come the weekend i just want to sleep!
My wonderful husband has been great taking care of Jax while i work.Now to get him to do some household chores that would so help me!I have been doing allot of De cluttering!Wow can stuff build up quickly!My laundry room is piled with boxes so my plans this weekend is to load the boxes and drop them at the thrift store.
My son Brian bought his first home!19 rs old and he is a homeowner and will have it paid off in No time at all.I am proud of him.He wants to be a great dad and wants a home for baby Ethan to grow up in.By the way Baby Ethan maybe coming sooner then expected!I cant wait to spoil my grandson!
Rebecca is not liking school at all she says its drama and she does not like drama!She is doing cross country and has been staying after school for practice and riding the activity bus home and arrives a little before 6 p.m.She does her chores eats her supper and does her homework and relaxes a bit before bed.She also has been going to bed fairly early.
I am still trying to get myself in a routine with work.I am working 30 hrs a week so its basically full time hrs.I come home cook supper clean the kitchen,start a load of laundry and love on the kids and play with them.Then its pick up dust fold laundry or whatever else needs done.I fall into bed at midnight and get up at 6 am.Come the weekend i just want to sleep!
My wonderful husband has been great taking care of Jax while i work.Now to get him to do some household chores that would so help me!I have been doing allot of De cluttering!Wow can stuff build up quickly!My laundry room is piled with boxes so my plans this weekend is to load the boxes and drop them at the thrift store.
My son Brian bought his first home!19 rs old and he is a homeowner and will have it paid off in No time at all.I am proud of him.He wants to be a great dad and wants a home for baby Ethan to grow up in.By the way Baby Ethan maybe coming sooner then expected!I cant wait to spoil my grandson!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Yesterday i had to work for 4 hrs!After work i went to walmart to get Landens medicine to find out they had none.So i went to CVS and nope they had none either..I was having a panic attack at this point as Landen had one pill left and he HAS to have his medicine to keep seizures away.I went to the very last Pharmacy in town and they were the life saver and had the medication my son needed!After i paid for it and got out of there i headed over to my daughter inlaw baby shower for my soon to be grandson.She got lots of fun stuff and some stuff that she really needs for the baby.It was fun and i am happy they got things they need for Baby Ethan Eugene.
I was ready to come home though i had been gone all day and was having Landen and Jaxson withdraws LOL.Today i slept in and then got up and been doing laundry..Now that i am working almost full time the laundry got backed up.I am spending lots of time with the most cutest little men today too!I have enjoyed my nice laid back day!Tomorrow starts another busy work week.
I was ready to come home though i had been gone all day and was having Landen and Jaxson withdraws LOL.Today i slept in and then got up and been doing laundry..Now that i am working almost full time the laundry got backed up.I am spending lots of time with the most cutest little men today too!I have enjoyed my nice laid back day!Tomorrow starts another busy work week.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
What a week this has been!I have picked up two more jobs totalling my hours to 30 hrs a week!Wow is it killing my body getting used to working allot more hours now!Also trying to get in a routine with the boys!I lay out their clothes at night for their daddy to dress them!I make sure medications are ready for Jax in the morning.He takes more then Landen and Michael was afraid he would mess them up.I get up get meds ready make coffee and get ready for work while coffee is making.I throw a load of wash in every morning before i head out the door!I don't get home until after 4p.m.Somedays its 3pm and Mondays its 1 p.m.I only have one of my people on Monday so it makes for a much shorter day!
I on the other hand come home utterly exhausted!It will take me a few weeks to get in the swing of working again!I will like the paychecks though!
I on the other hand come home utterly exhausted!It will take me a few weeks to get in the swing of working again!I will like the paychecks though!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I had interviews with 2 ladies today!I got both Jobs i start Monday on one and the other i start Wednesday!Now to get myself in a routine will be the big issue for me.I know my husband is capable of handling things at home but i still worry!School will be starting and my husband will have to get up and get Jax prepped for his school day(teachers come here).I will have medicines ready every morning for Michael to give Jax.He don't do medicines.All i have to do is prepare them in syringes and he will give them to jax.I just leave a note and at what times he gets them.I will be working 30 hrs a week!Basically my hours everyday are 9 am to 4 pm!
This will be an adjustment for all of us!I have not worked much since Jax came home.I have my 4 hr a week job i been doing for about 2 months now but its broke up 2 hrs twice a week!This is allot more hrs away from home though!I am happy to have these jobs as right now jobs are hard to come by!I have to fill out paperwork for both tomorrow and start first thing Monday morning.I really like the the lady i will be spending the most time with we hit it off immediately.Wish me luck that its a quick adjustment and a prayer for my husband as he takes the role of stay at home daddy!
This will be an adjustment for all of us!I have not worked much since Jax came home.I have my 4 hr a week job i been doing for about 2 months now but its broke up 2 hrs twice a week!This is allot more hrs away from home though!I am happy to have these jobs as right now jobs are hard to come by!I have to fill out paperwork for both tomorrow and start first thing Monday morning.I really like the the lady i will be spending the most time with we hit it off immediately.Wish me luck that its a quick adjustment and a prayer for my husband as he takes the role of stay at home daddy!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Life has been throwing some huge curve balls at Michael and I lately.But today has been a fairly good one.For starters i got a call about another PCA job of 6 hrs a week!I work 4 hrs now for another person.So this will be 10 hours.I hang up with her after we set a date and time for the interview for the phone to ring again..Another person needing a PCA!This one has 20 1/2 hrs a week.I have an interview for this one as well on thursday!I am praying i get both jobs as this will be 30 hrs a week for me.Michael will be a stay at home daddy and take care of our kiddos here at home.He is a great Dad but i worry about him being in the house alot with the kids.He does not drive so its not like he can get in the car and take them to the park or something.
Tomorrow i am headed to ST.JOE MO. to apply for Jax ss card.I am ready to get this step done.I am glad things are looking up some!Now to get working and take the first check to get my car fixed!
Tomorrow i am headed to ST.JOE MO. to apply for Jax ss card.I am ready to get this step done.I am glad things are looking up some!Now to get working and take the first check to get my car fixed!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Things have been a bit crazy here!We have been having some rough times but nothing to do with the kids.I wont get into it but we could sure use some prayers!I am still working my little 4 hrs a week.I was hoping to pick up another job but that has not panned out.I am trying to reinstate my nurse aide liscense and go back to work doing that.Michael will be a stay at home daddy when i go full time.The boys are doing great.Landen is learning and talking more everyday!He cracks me up as he does so much that is still like a toddler.What a little love he is.Everytime i go to leave he is right behind me with his sandals in his hand.He loves to go bye bye.
Jaxson cracks me up...Yesterday i picked him up and was dancing around the living room with him.He was making a noise through his trach.I thought at first he was crying until i looked at him and he had a huge toothless smile.He was not crying he was laughing.He loved everyminute of it.He smiles all the time and is so happy.He lets you know when he is tired as he gets cranky.Thats our que to get him in his jammies and into bed.He loves to be talked too and just smiles so big and starts babbling.He has came so far i am very proud of him.I have been working with him to eat again.Its a slow process but he is able to eat a few bites without aspirating.We are moving in the right direction with it.The biggest thing was just getting him healthy and strong.Now that we have done that we are seeing wonderful gains with him.He still dont get the sign language we have tried with him.
Rebecca just turned 16 and is doing good.She is reading alot .She is so bored and ready for school to start.
My first granbaby is due in september and we found out its a boy.I am thrilled to have a grandson and cannot wait to meet him.I am throwing a baby shower for Brittany in August.Thats about it thats going on here.Michael and I and the boys are going on a 3 hr road trip!Wish us luck as Jaxson does not like riding in the car !This should be interesting.
Jaxson cracks me up...Yesterday i picked him up and was dancing around the living room with him.He was making a noise through his trach.I thought at first he was crying until i looked at him and he had a huge toothless smile.He was not crying he was laughing.He loved everyminute of it.He smiles all the time and is so happy.He lets you know when he is tired as he gets cranky.Thats our que to get him in his jammies and into bed.He loves to be talked too and just smiles so big and starts babbling.He has came so far i am very proud of him.I have been working with him to eat again.Its a slow process but he is able to eat a few bites without aspirating.We are moving in the right direction with it.The biggest thing was just getting him healthy and strong.Now that we have done that we are seeing wonderful gains with him.He still dont get the sign language we have tried with him.
Rebecca just turned 16 and is doing good.She is reading alot .She is so bored and ready for school to start.
My first granbaby is due in september and we found out its a boy.I am thrilled to have a grandson and cannot wait to meet him.I am throwing a baby shower for Brittany in August.Thats about it thats going on here.Michael and I and the boys are going on a 3 hr road trip!Wish us luck as Jaxson does not like riding in the car !This should be interesting.
Monday, July 18, 2011
This morning Michael and i were getting Jaxson up out of his crib.His HME mask has blood on it and we both kind of freaked out.Put a call into the doctors and he called back and said we probably scraped his granuloma when we did his trach change last night.He is not bleeding anymore which is great and if he does start bleeding anymore to take him to the ER.
It scared us pretty good but i am glad our little guy is OK.Moments like this are scary..The trach thing with Michael and I is a learn as we go process.We are pros about cleaning care and trach changes but blood should NOT be there.I am just happy it ended with no emergency run.
I have to share a funny.I should of grabbed the camera but just didn't think too.Michael laid down with Jax for a nap.I went in to check on Jax and started laughing.My husband was awake still and said Denise look at your son.Jax fell asleep with his lips on daddies forehead.He fell asleep giving his daddy a kiss.It was so funny and all i could say was Now that is tired when ya cant finish a kiss LOL.
It scared us pretty good but i am glad our little guy is OK.Moments like this are scary..The trach thing with Michael and I is a learn as we go process.We are pros about cleaning care and trach changes but blood should NOT be there.I am just happy it ended with no emergency run.
I have to share a funny.I should of grabbed the camera but just didn't think too.Michael laid down with Jax for a nap.I went in to check on Jax and started laughing.My husband was awake still and said Denise look at your son.Jax fell asleep with his lips on daddies forehead.He fell asleep giving his daddy a kiss.It was so funny and all i could say was Now that is tired when ya cant finish a kiss LOL.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Miller house is getting smaller as my kids grow up and move out!Its a big change for me and its hard on this mommy to see her children leave the nest!My husband laughs at me as i am used to cooking allot of food for the big family we had.Now we end up with a ton of left overs .It is a habit that is hard to break and get used to with less kiddos being around its also quiet!Rebecca is now the oldest in the house and she will be 16 this coming week.The little guys have their little things they do but its not the hustle and bustle it was when all of the kids were home.
I miss having my kids home !I know its time for them to move on and make their way out in this world but it is still hard.So we are learning to deal with the changes of a cheaper grocery bill and the quietness in this nest.It don't make it easier though.The only good things is my kids call me daily so i get to hear from them at least!
This weekend is one of those weekends when its way to quiet!Landen is quietly playing with his toys at the moment(that's rare ).He is usually loud and making messes for me somewhere LOL.Jax is napping and Rebecca is in her room painting.When all the kids were home i use to dream about the house being quiet.Now that i have it i don't like it.So now we learn to deal with changes in our family dynamics...I know it will get easier we are just not there yet.
I miss having my kids home !I know its time for them to move on and make their way out in this world but it is still hard.So we are learning to deal with the changes of a cheaper grocery bill and the quietness in this nest.It don't make it easier though.The only good things is my kids call me daily so i get to hear from them at least!
This weekend is one of those weekends when its way to quiet!Landen is quietly playing with his toys at the moment(that's rare ).He is usually loud and making messes for me somewhere LOL.Jax is napping and Rebecca is in her room painting.When all the kids were home i use to dream about the house being quiet.Now that i have it i don't like it.So now we learn to deal with changes in our family dynamics...I know it will get easier we are just not there yet.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
That is what i feel like telling my friends and family!When Jaxson got his trach none of my family or friends want to hold him anymore.They are scared too!I have told them time and time again its there for him to breath and that's it you wont hurt him or catch anything.
I am to the point i have not pushed for them to hold him anymore.I see it as they are missing out.Its not only about holding but they talk to him from far away it's like they feel they need to stay a distance from him.It saddens me but mainly for Jax.The only thing i ask is they wash there hands before touching him.Is that to much to ask?Umm i don't think so!I ask this because Jax is at risk if they have a germ.So to my Family and Friends(not that i have many friends left).Jaxson is not contagious and you wont break him to talk with,cuddle him and play with him.
Its a big loss to you and Jax because you are missing out on one amazing little boy!So please be kind to my son!Let him know you adore him(I know you all do because you have all said so).
Just love him and talk to him.You are guaranteed to be awarded with the most amazing smile and a coo or two!You might even get a bat from his amazing eyes of his!
I am to the point i have not pushed for them to hold him anymore.I see it as they are missing out.Its not only about holding but they talk to him from far away it's like they feel they need to stay a distance from him.It saddens me but mainly for Jax.The only thing i ask is they wash there hands before touching him.Is that to much to ask?Umm i don't think so!I ask this because Jax is at risk if they have a germ.So to my Family and Friends(not that i have many friends left).Jaxson is not contagious and you wont break him to talk with,cuddle him and play with him.
Its a big loss to you and Jax because you are missing out on one amazing little boy!So please be kind to my son!Let him know you adore him(I know you all do because you have all said so).
Just love him and talk to him.You are guaranteed to be awarded with the most amazing smile and a coo or two!You might even get a bat from his amazing eyes of his!
Friday, July 8, 2011

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