I am happy to say after all the drama with Insurance Jaxson will be getting his wheelchair very soon!I applied for 2 grants and we were accepted for both so the ramainder of what we owed on the wheelchair is now Piad for.I was stressing this as our income has changed and things are really tight right now.I am hoping once we get nursing in here i can get a part time job to help out.
I have started saving what i can to open a savings account just for equipment and therapy items Jax and Landen can use.Landen could us a lightbox and wow was i shocked when i seen the price of these.He has one at school he uses and he loves it.
Both boys are doing great!Landen is more verbal everyday.Sometimes we have to prompt him and other times he just says things.Like the other day my mom and dad was here and Landen looked at my mom and said..I want to go to mcdonolds and get mcnuggets and icecream.My mom was floored that he told her that all on his own.Tonight at the table we were eating and i said..Landen eat your taco.He looked at me and said you eat your taco LOL.
I am still trying to get him to tell me yes and no on his own.When i ask him something he will says..yes,no .We have a ways to go on this.He did tell me Thankyou all on his own when i handed him something.He is growing up so fast.Landen's nuerologist gave us the grim and said he would never talk and he would never learn.He has Microcephaly and his head will never grow.His head has grown not much but a little.He is learning the stinker can count to 10 and sing his ABCS and is learning his colors and verbalizing more and more.The last time he seen his Nuero he was shocked to hear Landen talk.I cant wait until he finds out Landen is counting and doing his ABCS.He has an pppointment coming up soon.
Jaxson oh my how much he has changed in the almost 11 months he has been home!He is so sweet and has become quite the daddies boy!Jax may not be able to talk to tell us what he wants but he has learned to use his hand well.When he is sleepy he lifts his arm in the direction of his bedroom.He smiles easily and is a happy little man.When on the floor he scoots around on his back.He now has decided that trying to roll is a great idea!He can get up on his side now so not much longer and he will be on his tummy in no time.At this pace he is going to be all over and active in no time.
I am so proud of both the boys and their accomplishments!I have seen them both grow and learn things that amaze me .I know they will continue to thrive and learn.Both boys have taught me so much and i know i will continue to learn from my 2 beautiful little boys.