The boys amaze me everyday with something they have learned or done!
Landen is talking more and more everyday!He is one smart cookie and he can sass as good as a teenager.His newest words he has learned is Knock it off and he uses it right.If someone is doing something he don't like he says Knock it off.Today in the car when we pulled in the driveway from going to town he syas...Honey..WERE HOME.My nonverbal child is very verbal more so each and everyday now.Simply amazing because his Neurologist told me he would NEVER talk.Landen has also learned to take his own coat and shirt off and now his jeans.He can unsnap them and all.This is huge for him.We are still working on dressing himself though.We are also still battling potty training.Landen is so sweet and love able and funny.Boy is he funny and will do things to get you to laugh at him.
Jaxson..Oh my sweet Jax has come so so far in the year and half he has been home.Its so neat to see my sweet little boy blossoming like he is.Jax Loves to explore his toys.It takes him a bit to process what they are and how he is going to get them.He does it though with a huge smile on his face.The other day he was in his wheelchair and i had put toys on the tray.He set straight up taking his head off his head piece to see those toys.It was so cute.Jax still does not have the best head control but by golly my boy wanted them toys and he was making sure he was going to get them.Jax is very ticklish and giggles allot.He is just so sweet and doing so wonderful.He is a night owl and will lay in his crib and talk and coo and smack the button on his mobile at night.
Both my little men amaze me everyday!I am SO blessed to be their mommy!