Friday, November 1, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Many of us are so caught up in our own lives we don't see what is happening around us.I know i have done this many of times!There are children in need all over the world.No moms and dads to love them or tuck them in..cuddle them when they are sick or hurt.Many die alone with no one to love them..I am asking for help for a home in Africa.My son Jaxson is from this home.The children that are there are in need of food,clothes,medical,rent for the home and so much more.I love all children..these are God's children and i was put here to help these children.Does God speak to you to help others?Would you consider giving up something like,soda,starbucks,candy for a month and giving to these children who really need it?I have personally met these kids they are super amazing.Please donate to help them remain in the home.Things have been crazy tight for everyone including this home.I could Not imagine what would happen to these children if the doors had to close.These innocent children who have no mom and dad to depend on.Wont you help?I have attached a photo of the day we met our Jaxson!Here is the link please help these sweet innocent children.Please spread the word..share this blog whatever we need to do to help these kids!
Monday, August 26, 2013
School is going great for both my boys this year..Landen is doing so well..he loves it as they go on walks,swimming twice a mont,bowling once a month and his favorite place mcdonolds for a treat!He did have a rough day today but it will get better i am sure.
Alot of great changes came with Jaxsons school...For one i dont have to fight and argue about him recieving therapy.He is recieveing all therapy and i am soaking in everything i am being taught!At the other school they would not give him therapy just consult.I fought it but the battle was not won.Here he gets therapy and alot more.I am so happy we switched schools.Today he worked on a puzzle andhe set in the rifton chair for a couple more activities.He loves school and smiles big when getting on the buse.He is such a sweet amazing child.I am so blessed t have 2 awesome little men in my life!
Alot of great changes came with Jaxsons school...For one i dont have to fight and argue about him recieving therapy.He is recieveing all therapy and i am soaking in everything i am being taught!At the other school they would not give him therapy just consult.I fought it but the battle was not won.Here he gets therapy and alot more.I am so happy we switched schools.Today he worked on a puzzle andhe set in the rifton chair for a couple more activities.He loves school and smiles big when getting on the buse.He is such a sweet amazing child.I am so blessed t have 2 awesome little men in my life!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Jaxson's Lift is here and his portable ramp.This will make life so much easier for him and us..I cant believe how fast my Angel has grown.I am getting nervous my sweet boy starts school Monday!Big changes for him..New far he has taken it all in stride!Love my little man!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
First the good news...The bid for Jaxson's ceiling lift is approved..They will be here Thursday to install it..This will help my aching back!I am thrilled as this will be great on all of us that do Jaxson's care!
The not so good news...I called Jaxson diaper supply to order this months diapers.I was told they could not order them as they were closing their doors.I was on the phone yesterday trying to find a diaper supply company that takes his insurance.I did find one but they informed me they do not do diapers and we would have to take something else.I have no clue whet to use as he is so little for 8 yrs old.I called back later and found out that yes they have a size 6 diaper!So order has been placed and it has already been shipped.
Tomorrow the elementery school nurse and sp ed teacher are coming to meet Jaxson..I think its awesome that they are coming to our home to meet him.Jaxson first day of school is Monday Aug 19th.I hope he has a great day and like school.
The not so good news...I called Jaxson diaper supply to order this months diapers.I was told they could not order them as they were closing their doors.I was on the phone yesterday trying to find a diaper supply company that takes his insurance.I did find one but they informed me they do not do diapers and we would have to take something else.I have no clue whet to use as he is so little for 8 yrs old.I called back later and found out that yes they have a size 6 diaper!So order has been placed and it has already been shipped.
Tomorrow the elementery school nurse and sp ed teacher are coming to meet Jaxson..I think its awesome that they are coming to our home to meet him.Jaxson first day of school is Monday Aug 19th.I hope he has a great day and like school.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
I recieved a letter from the ENT that it was time for Jaxsons appointment...I called to schedule and here we are waiting for a month now.I have some things i really need to discuss with Ent doc so i am getting frustrated.Monday morning i will be calling them.I also need to schedule an appointment for an updated hearing test and get my sons hearing aids looked at.Oe of them is not working at all.
Next month Jaxson gets his pump refilled and will also get an increase in medication.While there we will try to get referrel to orthopedics.I have waited 1 yr now to get this appointment to discuss his surgery of his hip and dislocated ankle.It has been a long time coming.
This should also be the week that we hear from Silver Cross who will be installing a ceiling lift for my sweet Jaxson!
Jaxson also qualified for pateint care attendants for night support.I have hired 3 people who are working out great for my son.They all spoil him and love him to peaces.Its nice that mommy gets to sleep.The only night I have no help is actually tonight!Starting this week thugh he should have night support every night from here on out.This helps me greatly as i am my husband care giver and wow do i drag when i am up all night with my angel boy!I had to share this picture..he sleeps so sweetly..I love my Liberian angel so much!
Next month Jaxson gets his pump refilled and will also get an increase in medication.While there we will try to get referrel to orthopedics.I have waited 1 yr now to get this appointment to discuss his surgery of his hip and dislocated ankle.It has been a long time coming.
This should also be the week that we hear from Silver Cross who will be installing a ceiling lift for my sweet Jaxson!
Jaxson also qualified for pateint care attendants for night support.I have hired 3 people who are working out great for my son.They all spoil him and love him to peaces.Its nice that mommy gets to sleep.The only night I have no help is actually tonight!Starting this week thugh he should have night support every night from here on out.This helps me greatly as i am my husband care giver and wow do i drag when i am up all night with my angel boy!I had to share this picture..he sleeps so sweetly..I love my Liberian angel so much!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Yes i have started shopping...I have 8 kids and 2 grandkids and 2 daughter in laws and 2 son in laws to get something for.2 of my kids are sp needs so getting things they like is more pricey.What i dont get is why in the world companies charge so much for things a special needs child will play with.With that said...I found the PERFECT gift for Jaxson!I am going to switch adapt him....My little one will be able to actiate this one himself.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Have you ever !
Just watched your child sleep?I love to watch Jaxson sleep..he does that lil stretch and sometimes a giggle or two escapes him.He is so peaceful not a care in the world.I watch him sleep and i am one lucky mom to have such an amazing child!I set back and think How much i love him and his gorgous eyes and his beautiful long curly eyelashes.I love you Jaxson to the moon and back!
Jaxson's Story!
I have decided to write about Jaxson for all the new readers to my blog!My husband and i wanted to adopt another child internationally
..We had tossed around 2 countries he wanted Ethiopia and the more i researched Liberia is where i wanted to bring my child home from.In 2008 I was on a yahoo group and a woman had posted about a 3 yr old boy with cerebral palsy needing a home and this child was in Liberia.I contacted her right away and she gave me all the information about him and 3 pictures.The pictures did it i was in love with this tiny 3 yr old right away!I showed it all to my husband and his words were Thats our son!I then contacted the agency and so our adoption began of a tiny 3 yr old boy named Emmanuel in Liberia Africa.
After waiting an unbearable 17 months due to embassy not issuing visas we got the ok to go get him.It could not have come at a more perfect time .I had a received and email from another mom who was in Liberia picking her son up.It simply read...Hello Denise and Michael,I have met your son He is very tiny and frail and i am worried about him when are you coming i hope soon!This was the day before we left for Africa.
When we got to Liberia we were so excited to meet our little boy!My husband and I did not sleep well as we could not wait o go meet this little one we had prayed for for many months!The morning finally came as i packed a bag of clothes diapers and wipes toys and other goodies to take with me to meet our boy!When we arrived I seen this sweet child setting in a stroller on the porch.My husband and held our breath as tears flowed down our faces with Happiness that finally the day has come to take him with us forever.He was so so tiny his hands were the size of a 6 month old.We knew that he has cerebral palsy and asthma.I did not realize how sick he was until we took him to the hotel.He had a grand maul seizure..he was severley constipated and i had noticed he was aspirating when fed a bottle.His adenoids were horribly enlarged.He was very sick..We went shopping as all the diapers and clothes i brought drowned him.
I was worried flying back home as his health was getting worse.We flew home and went straight to the ER.My 5 yr old weighed 15 lbs,was having seizures,asthma attacks,breathing issues due to his enlarged adenoids.Our Jaxson was in our arms and that is all that mattered to us. Jaxson has had adenoids removed,Mic key button placed for feeding due to aspiration and a few months later he had a trach placed as his airway just collapsed.He also had a baclofen pump placed this past winter with great results.He is my trooper and I am so proud of him.Jaxson now weighs 41 lbs at 8 yrs old and is doing wonderful.He has the most awesome smile and gives the best drool kisses ever!I am very blessed to have Jaxson Emmanuel in my life.He is so loved and has touched many hearts!My Liberian Angel is a fighter !I am so Blessed to be his Mom!
..We had tossed around 2 countries he wanted Ethiopia and the more i researched Liberia is where i wanted to bring my child home from.In 2008 I was on a yahoo group and a woman had posted about a 3 yr old boy with cerebral palsy needing a home and this child was in Liberia.I contacted her right away and she gave me all the information about him and 3 pictures.The pictures did it i was in love with this tiny 3 yr old right away!I showed it all to my husband and his words were Thats our son!I then contacted the agency and so our adoption began of a tiny 3 yr old boy named Emmanuel in Liberia Africa.
After waiting an unbearable 17 months due to embassy not issuing visas we got the ok to go get him.It could not have come at a more perfect time .I had a received and email from another mom who was in Liberia picking her son up.It simply read...Hello Denise and Michael,I have met your son He is very tiny and frail and i am worried about him when are you coming i hope soon!This was the day before we left for Africa.
When we got to Liberia we were so excited to meet our little boy!My husband and I did not sleep well as we could not wait o go meet this little one we had prayed for for many months!The morning finally came as i packed a bag of clothes diapers and wipes toys and other goodies to take with me to meet our boy!When we arrived I seen this sweet child setting in a stroller on the porch.My husband and held our breath as tears flowed down our faces with Happiness that finally the day has come to take him with us forever.He was so so tiny his hands were the size of a 6 month old.We knew that he has cerebral palsy and asthma.I did not realize how sick he was until we took him to the hotel.He had a grand maul seizure..he was severley constipated and i had noticed he was aspirating when fed a bottle.His adenoids were horribly enlarged.He was very sick..We went shopping as all the diapers and clothes i brought drowned him.
I was worried flying back home as his health was getting worse.We flew home and went straight to the ER.My 5 yr old weighed 15 lbs,was having seizures,asthma attacks,breathing issues due to his enlarged adenoids.Our Jaxson was in our arms and that is all that mattered to us. Jaxson has had adenoids removed,Mic key button placed for feeding due to aspiration and a few months later he had a trach placed as his airway just collapsed.He also had a baclofen pump placed this past winter with great results.He is my trooper and I am so proud of him.Jaxson now weighs 41 lbs at 8 yrs old and is doing wonderful.He has the most awesome smile and gives the best drool kisses ever!I am very blessed to have Jaxson Emmanuel in my life.He is so loved and has touched many hearts!My Liberian Angel is a fighter !I am so Blessed to be his Mom!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Tummy Med is working!
Jaxson has been on eurythimiacin for a week and it is working no vomit at all.He is doing so good.He has been very happy this week as well and giving lots and lots of smiles.Hoping things just keep getting better and better for my sweet angel!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Jaxson seen the doctor this week after getting an upper GI.The doctor said his Fundo was a little loose but not enough to worry about.He said all the vomiting he thinks is due to Jaxson not digesting his formula fast enough.So for now we cannot gravity feed or bolus .His feeding machine has been set to feed over and hour and he is on an antibiotic which will help with his digestive issues.He just started this antibiotic last night so we wait a week and see.I am happy the doctor listened to all my concern's.Jax has dropped some weight from all the vomiting spells he has suffered through the past month.Oh How i don't like seeing my Liberian angel suffer in anyway.Hope this does the trick and he gains the weight he has lost back!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Settling in!
We have finally settled into our new home!Jaxson has had a rough time adjusting to his new bedroom and his new bed.He was in a crib at the other house and now he is in a hospital bed.It has been hard on him but now he is doing 100% better!As you can see his room is still a work in progress but it is coming along!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Tummy problems!
Jaxson scared me last night.He has acid reflux and i have been trying to get doctors to listen.Last night i hooked him up to eat.I heard him making sounds and i went in to see what was wrong and he had vomited all his formula...Not only formula but alot of blood!That has never happened before so we went to the er.The doctor tried to tel me he had a blody nose and must have swallowed the blood...Although wehn he looked in his nose and throat found no traces of blood.I tried to tell him that it was acid reflux and the blood was concenring to me.So i emailed his medical fragile doctor and Jaxson will be having a swallow test done to check his acid reflux.My poor sweet guy.He has not felt good at all today so i am giving him pediasure instead of formula to see if it helps him!I dnt like seeing my sweet guy not feeling good.Keep my sweet man in your prayers.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Jaxson has been worrying me!I have taken him to see the doctor with no answers yet as to what is going on.He usually always has o2 sats at 100.Here lately they have been low 90's.When they get below 95 i get very worried and this has been happening quite a bit.We may have to go see the ENT and see if he can figure out what is going on with my little man!Today Karter age 3 was tossing a ball at Jaxson...Jaxson smiled and lit up he sure loves when the kids try and play with him.I love this boy so much and he such a strong little fighter!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Jaxson loves to scare me!
This little one likes to scare hi mommy....His O2 sats have been running low.Klonodine was the culprit.Or some of it.He would still run into the 80's.Jaxson never runs this low has always satted at 95 or above!Come to find out he had cught something Viral from the 2 boys we have custody of.Thank goodness the past couple night my boy is back to him ornery self including picking at his pulse ox at night until he gets it off his finger or picking apart his port and feeding his bed.That is the sweet boy i love even though he keeps me busy with Laundry and fixing his pulseox over and over!
Monday, April 22, 2013
That is how our house has been this week!I have been packing and have boxes stacked everywhere waiting to close on our home!It should be any day now!My niece had gotten into some trouble and was turned into dcf.My niece needed this to happen..she has not been caring for her children for the past year.I now have 2 of her 3 children.The baby age 14 months came to me last week.the 3 yr old came to me 2 days later they were both sick so we had to make a doctor visit.Its been a rough few days as every one is learning to adjust .Landen is not doing so well with it and Jaxson has not acted any different.although i am sure it bothers him as he is so spoiled rotten.My house is already small and with boxes stacked it is now even tighter in here.Its been very chaotic as i am working on stability and routine with the baby and 3 yr old.To top it off baby started running a fever and sounds horrible.I am praying her gets better fast.I in my 40's now have realised how hard it is caring for children especially ones that have been neglected for a long time.I am getting there though.I have enjoyed the kids and the baby has made tremendous progress in less then a week.The 3 yr old has a ways to go but i am sure he will get there too!chaos is our life right now i cannot wait to get into our new house which much more space for everyone!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Jaxson's Neurology appointment!
Have things ever been busy around here!Jaxson seen the Neurologist for his yearly check!The doctor put him on a second seizure medication as he has this strange seizures when he sleeps!This new medicine makes him sleepy fast so i am grateful he only gets this medicine at night!Jaxson is loving school!I am in awe of how far my Little Mister has came.Next appointment is auduiology and it cant come at a better time..Jaxson left hearing aide is not working and he does not seem to hear at all from the right one.Hope these issues can be fixed soon!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Jaxson is crazy about that show.He gets excited and wiggles and giggles when it comes on t.v. So we decided that his new bedroom should be yo gaba gaba!It will be personalized with his name.This bedding set in twin size was very hard to find but i did find one and its waiting until we move into the new house to be used on his hospital bed!Jaxson is going to be one happy guy!
This will say Jaxson room
This will say Jaxson room
Friday, March 29, 2013
Planning and Packing!
We have been busy packing things .19 yrs we have been in this home and boy have we ever gathered alot of stuff!I packed things to go to the new house,things to go to thrift store and things to give away!I have not even put a dent into it yet!We have picked out paint for Landens bedroom and the formal living room and hall ways!I am undecided on dining room paint as of yet..The office,extra bedroom and Jaxsons room!I have so much to do in this house before moving date.I wanted to get our bedroom almost totally packed today but kept getting interrupted.I am hoping to get more done this weekend and next week!I am so excited i keep going through my head where i will put this piece of furniture that accessory piece and so on!I have bought some new things for my new home and bought Landen a toy box.Jaxson will get a toy box soon i have not quite decided which one i want to get Jax just yet!I am so excited!I will be taking before and after pics when closing is done and we get the keys.I am so EXCITED!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
After looking at many homes!We fell in love with this home!It is perfect for us and our needs!We made an offer on it Monday!Yesterday we got the news our offer was accepted.I am so happy as this is our dream home and has allot of room in it.We are waiting on closing and hoping the end of April.We want to paint some rooms out and hopefully move in the end of May.The house has been on market for almost 2 yrs and has been empty for a year!I am so excited!Today my husband and I picked out some paint colors for the rooms we want to paint.19 yrs we have lived in this small house!I am so looking forward to having a home with some breathing room!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
scary day!
Today started off great!Had an IEP for Jaxson and was very impressed with the team they had and all that we discussed.Jaxson is new and a challenge that they are eager to learn from and teach.Came home from that and decided it was so beautiful that we wanted to have a BBQ.Husband sent me to town to get all the stuff to cook out and ended up calling me as pulled into the grocery store parking lot!
Jaxson's nurse was changing his diaper and seen a pretty good amount of blood.So they loaded up and i met them at the hospital.Th ER Doctor assessed him and was sure he had an internal bleed going on some where.Several x rays and blood test later did not show any signs of a bleed!Come to find out the omnicef(antibiotic) and his iron vitamin he takes together turns his stools blood red.My sweet boy is fine and healthy as can be.It was scary but i am so grateful he is ok!
Jaxson's nurse was changing his diaper and seen a pretty good amount of blood.So they loaded up and i met them at the hospital.Th ER Doctor assessed him and was sure he had an internal bleed going on some where.Several x rays and blood test later did not show any signs of a bleed!Come to find out the omnicef(antibiotic) and his iron vitamin he takes together turns his stools blood red.My sweet boy is fine and healthy as can be.It was scary but i am so grateful he is ok!
Monday, March 11, 2013
sickness has hit this house!
This morning Landen did not get up was mopey and just did not feel good.He slept most of the day and coughed in between.He started running a fever and refused to eat or drink.This evening i did get him to eat a little and drink about 4 oz.A couple hrs later i offered him more water and he drank 16 oz.Tonight he is fever free and drinking his water happily!
Jaxson started coughing yesterday really bad coughing.It worsened today so i got him into the Doctor.It was a good thing i did...My sweet Jaxson has Pnumonia .Jaxson Doctor thinks it best if he gets over this at home with antibiotics and his nebulizer treatments.If he worsens he said to go to ER and Jax will be admitted.I am hoping we wont need to go that far and he gets over it here at home.We caught it pretty early so its not to bad right now!The xrays showed a small area of his lungs affected by it.He was cranky today and just did not feel well.This is why i am scared to death to put him in school.Jaxson is medically fragile.If his health even deteriorates a little bit at school i will pull him as his health is much more important.
I do not like neither of my boys getting sick!It is hard on them as neither child can tell me what is wrong.I am glad i pay good attention to them and can see when they are declining from sickness.Please keep prayers for my sweet little boys!I want them happy and healthy and sweet as they always are.
Jaxson started coughing yesterday really bad coughing.It worsened today so i got him into the Doctor.It was a good thing i did...My sweet Jaxson has Pnumonia .Jaxson Doctor thinks it best if he gets over this at home with antibiotics and his nebulizer treatments.If he worsens he said to go to ER and Jax will be admitted.I am hoping we wont need to go that far and he gets over it here at home.We caught it pretty early so its not to bad right now!The xrays showed a small area of his lungs affected by it.He was cranky today and just did not feel well.This is why i am scared to death to put him in school.Jaxson is medically fragile.If his health even deteriorates a little bit at school i will pull him as his health is much more important.
I do not like neither of my boys getting sick!It is hard on them as neither child can tell me what is wrong.I am glad i pay good attention to them and can see when they are declining from sickness.Please keep prayers for my sweet little boys!I want them happy and healthy and sweet as they always are.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Jaxson's appointments!
Yesterday Jaxson had a eurology appointment !He got a new cream to try on a problem we have been having.Other then that all is well there!Today was ENT...We were worried his scars had came back inside the trach area and i was happy when the doctor checked and everything looked great!I was worried he was going to have another bronchial scope but now that worry is off the table and he is good for a few months.He wont have to be seen again in ENT until August! We are working out details for Jaxson to go to school...I am not impressed at all and will be calling the town we are planning on moving to soon to meet with them and tour the classes for next fall!He will go to school starting in the next week or so 2 days a week from 9 p.m to 1p.m. until school is out and hoping next fall to have him enrolled in the atchison schools!Tomorrow i am staying home and getting some much needed deep cleaning and some paperwork that has been put on the back burner done.I am ready for a day at home we have been on the go all week and i am worn out!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Peek a Boo
This is Jaxsons favorite blanket...He got it for his Birthday and Loves it.He wines when its in the wash and when he has it he pulls it up over his head.Its soft and its warm and its YO GABBA GABBA!This morning i came into the living room after getting me a cup of coffee to see this!He is such a character !
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Jaxson's tummy issue saga!
Jaxson doctor thinks he has sever reflux!So he has us cutting his feed in half...I am not liking it as he is hungry and cries!So tomorrow i will give him pedialyte in between feeds to hep with hunger.I just wish they would figure this out already!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tummy issues!
I am not sure what is going on with Jaxson!He has had some stomach issues and i cant seem to get any answers from the doctors.He has been horribly gassy,vomiting,and his tummy is tender to the touch.At first i thought he was back ed up and he is super sensitive to that.But that is not what is going on.He is miserable.So i will call his doctor tomorrow in hopes of him being seen.I cant stand my little one hurting like this.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This pic was taken today when he was watching cartoons setting in his wheel chair..I turned him around to take his picture.I love his shirt!It says....SOME ANGELS HAVE WINGS SOME HAVE WHEELS!My angel has a hot rod LOL.
Jaxson's equipment is ORDERD!
I finally was able to order Jaxson's bath chair...This will work wonderful..Its light weight and can be used in the swimming pool as well!It also should last him for many years to come!
This is a special tomato chair...I got it in a size 3 as my stinker has gotten so big that the chair in the previous post is equivlant to the size 2 in this one.It looks just like this but not the purple chest harness...It will be Tan!I hope this is it for awhile with equipment..I was sweating when i paid for these 2 items..This stuff is by far not cheap.I do want my buddy to be comfortable so it was worth every penny!
This is a special tomato chair...I got it in a size 3 as my stinker has gotten so big that the chair in the previous post is equivlant to the size 2 in this one.It looks just like this but not the purple chest harness...It will be Tan!I hope this is it for awhile with equipment..I was sweating when i paid for these 2 items..This stuff is by far not cheap.I do want my buddy to be comfortable so it was worth every penny!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Snow storm and other stuff!
The snow storm came in fast yesterday morning dropping 8 inches of snow in a fast amount of time.It was suppose to continue into today but did not and was sun shining and some of it was melting off.Tonight its suppose to get really cold.There is another possible snow storm coming this Sunday night we will see.
We have been house hunting as i have mentioned.We found the perfect house but had found out our credit was messed up.We had no clue of this and have got a credit guy helping us.I am pleased to say it is fixed now.It wont show on the beureau and show our credit score improvement until mid march!I am praying the house we want is still there.It is so perfect for us.We were told if we fix this one thing which we did we can make an offer on the house once we know the payment is credited to the account.So we wait and Pray.The even better news is we CAN get the loan.I am excited and keep saying...Oh this will look nice in this room and this will look nice in that room.
We have been living in this home 19 yrs now.The stuff we have accumulated will not be fun going through.I have decided to start now!One way or another we are moving this house just does not work for us anymore its small and almost impossible to get Jaxson around in!
The kids are doing well..Landen is a character and Oh how much i love him and his silly ways.Jaxson oh my Jaxson he is so lovable and smiley all the time.He lets us know what he wants when he wants it.He has a favorite blanket he got for his birthday and if he don't have it he whine's.He cracks me up!Rebecca is growing to fast i cannot believe she is a junior this year!How the years have flown.So this is the update for the Miller household.we are doing good and hope to make a big change soon with a big move.
We have been house hunting as i have mentioned.We found the perfect house but had found out our credit was messed up.We had no clue of this and have got a credit guy helping us.I am pleased to say it is fixed now.It wont show on the beureau and show our credit score improvement until mid march!I am praying the house we want is still there.It is so perfect for us.We were told if we fix this one thing which we did we can make an offer on the house once we know the payment is credited to the account.So we wait and Pray.The even better news is we CAN get the loan.I am excited and keep saying...Oh this will look nice in this room and this will look nice in that room.
We have been living in this home 19 yrs now.The stuff we have accumulated will not be fun going through.I have decided to start now!One way or another we are moving this house just does not work for us anymore its small and almost impossible to get Jaxson around in!
The kids are doing well..Landen is a character and Oh how much i love him and his silly ways.Jaxson oh my Jaxson he is so lovable and smiley all the time.He lets us know what he wants when he wants it.He has a favorite blanket he got for his birthday and if he don't have it he whine's.He cracks me up!Rebecca is growing to fast i cannot believe she is a junior this year!How the years have flown.So this is the update for the Miller household.we are doing good and hope to make a big change soon with a big move.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Growing at rapid speed!
this chunkey monkey is outgrowing his medium tumble form!Mommy will be purchasing him a new positioning seat very soon!
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