I have been working hard on our fundraiser...I just got some news about it..I was told that anyone who wants to Order online can go to www.homeinterior.com .The consultant in charge is..Lynn Ball type her name in and there ya are.You can order anything including sale items and i get a good portion of sales to go to our adoption.The merchandise that is purchased goes directly to your door.
We are trying to raise enough so that my husband and i both can go get our son in Liberia.We have enough for one of us to travel at this point.I hope we can raise enough .If it comes down to it i will have to stay behind.I have never flown on a plane before so Husband says he would go before i would.
I missed out so much when we adopted our daughter and son from India.Both times he went and i didnt.I missed seeing the country my sweet children lived in and more about their culture.I feel i lost so much in those days and know its something i will never get back.I dont want to miss it i want to be there and see my sweet Elijah.I want to pick him up and smother him in kisses .I want to learn about Liberia and see it with my own eyes.
I did get my physical done today..I go back to get my Tb test read on Thursday.Our family doc is a trip andwas teasing me during the physical .There was a question about being a nervouse person.He said hmmm your not nervouse but i am sure if i got up ran around the room yelling you would be .I knew he was joking and we both started laughing.I then showed him Elijahs picture and he said oh hes a cute one ya know i will be his doc if ya want me to.OF COURSE I DO my kids adore him and he always beena good doc to me.My husband has his tomorrow.I still have to get the kids done.I will be gone tomorrow so it will have to wait until thursday.Now to get the military to send the insurance letter we need and husband employment letter we will be good to go.I am pushing the docs needed so we can get this homestudy done.I wish i could snap my fingers and its done but it dont work that way.Oh well i will just keep paperchasing and marking it off my list.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
It wasnt me

I had the biggest laugh today.Landen was outside playing and i have a huge puddle in our drive way its in dire need of rock.I peeped out the door and there he was running through the mud puddle.I tried to snap a picture and my batteries were dead on my camera.So i had Michael look and he started laughing.He coaxed him in the back door .Landen was dripping wet had mud in his hair, his shoes were wet and muddy.After we stripped him to his diaper i said Landen did you have fun in the puddle?He said with a look on his face like It wasnt me and said NO NO NO.I said yes yes yes and started laughing as we headed to the bathroom for a shower.He got out and said... i pay outside.I informed him he had no shoes they were wet so he played inside.I i would of let him back out he would of been back in that puddle.This kid of mine is just to darn cute and funny.
As i watch these things he does it amazes me so much that my son came this far in 3 yrs after all the docs said he would not progress.Now he is talking more and more everyday.He has been a joy to our family and i wouldnt know life without my sweet little man.The happy face i see with that giggle and amazing smile he has just makes me melt.what an wonderfule child I am so blessed he is our son.Ok i had to brag and here is my gorgous India prince.he loves his bouncy house this was last summer.He loves being outside ,He loves kisses and cookies, he loves music and his keyboard.and he loves to sing twinkle twinkle little star.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I love shopping
I said i wouldnt and i did...My cousin and i went to town and she wanted to stop at our local thriftstore.I found a double stroller and got it for 3.00 WOW.Its in really good shape.So when Elijah comes home my delima with both little boys is solved i wont have to pack one and push one.Now i can push them both.I am so close to having the dossier complete woohoo.Now to get everything done for the homestudy ughh that seems to be the hardest for us right now.I am so ready to do some more shopping for our Elijah Emmanuel.But i promised my husband i would wait.Even though i sneak a few things in here and there.It has been yucky rainy weather the past couple of days.I am ready for some sunshine now.I still have a ton of yard work to do my yard is huge and it getsoverwhelming trying to get it al done.
Now maybe i will get lucky and find a bouncy seat and a highchair there.I will keep checking back to see if they get anymore good stuff there.I do want to start stock piling on formula and cereal for him.Maybe i will buy a couple cans a week so we have them when time comes to bring my sweet babe home.
Now maybe i will get lucky and find a bouncy seat and a highchair there.I will keep checking back to see if they get anymore good stuff there.I do want to start stock piling on formula and cereal for him.Maybe i will buy a couple cans a week so we have them when time comes to bring my sweet babe home.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Today was a great day..I got alot of things done around the house today.I started packing away some winter clothes and pulling out the summer clothes.I also got an email i loved.It was Elijahs weight and height.He is definately tiny.I am so in love with him .I cannot wait until he is home and in our family.I also called the main office of my employment and they are sending me my letter of employment we need for the dossier. There is another document down.I also scheduled my doc appointment for my physical i need to get hubbies scheduled too.We have different doctors so i need to make the call.I just keep checking things off the list for our adoption.I pray to have it all turned in soon.I have not bought alot for Elijah im waiting until the homestudy and dossier are complete.Although it is killing me.Everytime i see something cute i wanna buy it.I promised Michael i would not purchase anything yet.Temptation is very hard though.I keep working at getting this done as i dont sleep well thinking about my sweet baby and just getting to him scooping him up and giving him tons of kisses.
I am also calling the doctor i want Elijah to get his care from.He is really good in pediatrics and is also an adoptive father of a child from Ethiopia.I have also been doing research on getting Elijah services once he is home.I want all my ducks in a row for when he arrives.I want to paint Landens room as Elijah and Landen are sharing a bedroom.I have bought trucks and cars bedding and wall decor for their room.I know someone who works with wood and have been wanting to contact him to see if he could build a dump truck toy box to go in the boys room.I am so excited about this adoption we having been saving and planning this for a one time now.And now we are finally getting our little one God has blessed us in so many ways,I am hoping to post a picture of my Elijah very soon.
I am also calling the doctor i want Elijah to get his care from.He is really good in pediatrics and is also an adoptive father of a child from Ethiopia.I have also been doing research on getting Elijah services once he is home.I want all my ducks in a row for when he arrives.I want to paint Landens room as Elijah and Landen are sharing a bedroom.I have bought trucks and cars bedding and wall decor for their room.I know someone who works with wood and have been wanting to contact him to see if he could build a dump truck toy box to go in the boys room.I am so excited about this adoption we having been saving and planning this for a one time now.And now we are finally getting our little one God has blessed us in so many ways,I am hoping to post a picture of my Elijah very soon.
Monday, April 21, 2008
What a day!
What a day this turned out to be,First off i went to work and when i got off i ran some errands.Picked my 19 yr old up who had met with a national gaurd recruter.I came home to find my 3 other children had trashed the house and left dirty dishes everywhere.Momma was home and not happy they got up and cleaned their messes up quickly.I decided to get some more raking done.I have a huge yard so this will take me forever to get all the twigs raked up from the ice storm we had.My kids were all out playing.When all of a sudden i heard a scream looked up to see my 16 yrd old had hurt his ankle.He was being the ALL BOY that he is and ramping his bike.When he came down there was a hole and his foot went right in hurting his ankle.So off to the Er we go.Luck was on his side.It is not broke but he has a horrible sprain and is hurting alot.He has it propped now with ice on it and i give him alieve to help with the swelling.We will do a follow up with the doc this week and see what he says.
I am taking tomorrow off to stay home and help him the poor kid hurts so bad.He never cries he says he is to old to cry but this has brought him into crying bursts.I think while im home it will be an oppertunity to get my carpets shampooed.Maybe even start painting my kitchen that i keep putting off.
I am taking tomorrow off to stay home and help him the poor kid hurts so bad.He never cries he says he is to old to cry but this has brought him into crying bursts.I think while im home it will be an oppertunity to get my carpets shampooed.Maybe even start painting my kitchen that i keep putting off.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Another nice Day
What another beautiful day we had today.My hubby decided it was time to get the camper cleaned out so we can pull it to the lake in a couple weeks.I think he has camping fever.Landen had another great day playing outside.He played on the deck with his hoola hoop for the longest time.He would not even come in for a snack i had to take it to him.Rebecca also enjoyed the day she rode her bike today for for most the day.My kids love being outdoors even Brian my 16 yr old was outside allday.I still did not get my flowers painted or my kitchen painted.But i accomplished the camper and thats a chore.I still need to load clean blankets and pillows and towels and such.
Tommorrow i have a list of documents to get and make copies of.I also need to get our KBI checks in the mail.I am sowly marking things off my list.The paper pregnancy i call it.To me its the hardest part .Ok the wait is the hardest the paper part is just a headcahe lol.I pray this adoption goes smoother then my last 2 did.The wait is excrutiating.Of course im not patient its hard when that child is so far away and ya love him so much and you cant old him or cuddle him.But i know the end results is so worth it.When i have Elijah in my arms forever.I just keep plucking at the paper work.My goal is to have everybit of it done in the next 2 weeks.Im praying it goes that way.Until tomorrow.
Tommorrow i have a list of documents to get and make copies of.I also need to get our KBI checks in the mail.I am sowly marking things off my list.The paper pregnancy i call it.To me its the hardest part .Ok the wait is the hardest the paper part is just a headcahe lol.I pray this adoption goes smoother then my last 2 did.The wait is excrutiating.Of course im not patient its hard when that child is so far away and ya love him so much and you cant old him or cuddle him.But i know the end results is so worth it.When i have Elijah in my arms forever.I just keep plucking at the paper work.My goal is to have everybit of it done in the next 2 weeks.Im praying it goes that way.Until tomorrow.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beautiful day
I have enjoyed the warmth of the day.I got some raking done.Still raking limbs from the horrible ice storm over the winter.I did not get my kitchen painted not even started maybe tomorrow.Landen got a new swing set a couple weeks ago.Its been cold or rainy so he really has not got to enjoy it much.But today he played and played while i was doing yard work.He would say...Landen slide and down he would go.He would do this over and over.
This morning first thing i made coffee and fed Landen his breakfast and went back to the paperwork.The greatest part of all is the autobiography for the homestuday and dossier is now finished.I feel better that another part is completed.Michael has one page left on his to do.Monday i have many more things to run around and get.Its comming along and i will be happy when its on the desk of social worker and application is with the agency.I will have application to agency in the mail monday.
I am counting the days until we hold our sweet Elijah.He is truly an angel from the heaven above.I feel so lucky that he will be our son.I have been doing some online shopping for Elijah.I still have not decided what type of bottle to buy.I was thinking playtex as they would be easy with the drop ins while in Liberia with him.I still have time but i cant help myself.I do worry how Landen will handle having a little brother around.He has been the baby for 31/2 yrs.Ok enough rambling.
This morning first thing i made coffee and fed Landen his breakfast and went back to the paperwork.The greatest part of all is the autobiography for the homestuday and dossier is now finished.I feel better that another part is completed.Michael has one page left on his to do.Monday i have many more things to run around and get.Its comming along and i will be happy when its on the desk of social worker and application is with the agency.I will have application to agency in the mail monday.
I am counting the days until we hold our sweet Elijah.He is truly an angel from the heaven above.I feel so lucky that he will be our son.I have been doing some online shopping for Elijah.I still have not decided what type of bottle to buy.I was thinking playtex as they would be easy with the drop ins while in Liberia with him.I still have time but i cant help myself.I do worry how Landen will handle having a little brother around.He has been the baby for 31/2 yrs.Ok enough rambling.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Some people burn my buttons.I stopped at the bank today to deposit my paycheck and was telling them that we are adopting Elijah.All she could say was i think you are getting in over your head with Landen being special.I told her yes landen is special but not in the way she meant.He is special because he is funny and sweet and Lovable.I then told her..I dont look at special needs as getting in over my head i look as it as they are my child who needs a little extra TLC.Some of the dumb comments people say just make me so angry.
On another note i worked on gathering documents all day today and filling out the autobiographies for the homesdtudy.Wow there is more paper work for the homestudy then there is for the dossier.I worked on them until i got overwhelmed with it all and put it away.I will work on more tomorrow.I am wanting to get the application stuff done and sent to the agency.I have quite a bit gathered for the dossier.I am making doc appointments this week to get the physicals done.Also need the kids Physicals filled out for the homestudy.
I think tonight i am going to curl up on the couch with my sweet loveable husband and watch a movie.Refresh myself for the weekend.Yard work awaits us and painting the kitchen needs to be this weekend.
On another note i worked on gathering documents all day today and filling out the autobiographies for the homesdtudy.Wow there is more paper work for the homestudy then there is for the dossier.I worked on them until i got overwhelmed with it all and put it away.I will work on more tomorrow.I am wanting to get the application stuff done and sent to the agency.I have quite a bit gathered for the dossier.I am making doc appointments this week to get the physicals done.Also need the kids Physicals filled out for the homestudy.
I think tonight i am going to curl up on the couch with my sweet loveable husband and watch a movie.Refresh myself for the weekend.Yard work awaits us and painting the kitchen needs to be this weekend.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
paperwork paperwork
Here we go with all the paperwork.Met the social worker today and she gave us our stack of paper work to get done.I really like her she is a neat lady.I now have writers cramp from our biography.I am not even half way done yet.But i will work deligently on all the documents we need and kbi checks local police checks all of it for homestudy and dossier.My dear husband is really good about getting the copise made we need.I do the bigger stuff because he gets overwhelmed with all.
Another day closer to our beuatiful baby boy.I cannot wait to meet him.We have chosen a name for him.Elijah Emmanuel.I love the name Elijah so much.I am excited and cant wait until all the paper work is complete and in Liberia.Tomorrow im calling the docs office and scheduling our physicals.That another marked off dossier and homestudy.I am also sending off our Kbi checks.I hope to have everything done for the homestudy next week.Or at least try.I forgot about all the paper work adoption requires.Doing to seperate adoptions from India ya think i would be a pro.Oh well its always a learning experience.
Another day closer to our beuatiful baby boy.I cannot wait to meet him.We have chosen a name for him.Elijah Emmanuel.I love the name Elijah so much.I am excited and cant wait until all the paper work is complete and in Liberia.Tomorrow im calling the docs office and scheduling our physicals.That another marked off dossier and homestudy.I am also sending off our Kbi checks.I hope to have everything done for the homestudy next week.Or at least try.I forgot about all the paper work adoption requires.Doing to seperate adoptions from India ya think i would be a pro.Oh well its always a learning experience.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just my luck
I tell ya when ya need something it goes on the fritz.I need some documents for the paperwork printed off and my printer decided to not work.I was so upset.Tomorrow i will call my dear friend and see if i can borrow hers.It just frustrates me grr.We meet with Susan on Thursday regarding the homestudy.I wish it was all done and all papers were done and in Liberia.But my goal is to have all paperwork and homestudy complete and turned in in May.
I couldnt help myself i went shopping and bought some Items for Emmanuel.I still have alot to purchase but will get it.A friend of mine was so thrilled about our adoption she is crocheting him a baby blanket with an angel on it.He is our ANGEL.Our sweet beautiful angel.Oh and my niece gave me a brand new car seat for Emmanuel.She just gave birth to a 7 lb 3 oz baby girl.Which i must say my great neice is BEAUTIFUL.Anyway she had 2 car seats a pink one for Ryleigh and black and gold she gave me for Emmanuel.Everyone has been willing to give us items for him.I am keeping a list so i can send thankyou notes to them.
I couldnt help myself i went shopping and bought some Items for Emmanuel.I still have alot to purchase but will get it.A friend of mine was so thrilled about our adoption she is crocheting him a baby blanket with an angel on it.He is our ANGEL.Our sweet beautiful angel.Oh and my niece gave me a brand new car seat for Emmanuel.She just gave birth to a 7 lb 3 oz baby girl.Which i must say my great neice is BEAUTIFUL.Anyway she had 2 car seats a pink one for Ryleigh and black and gold she gave me for Emmanuel.Everyone has been willing to give us items for him.I am keeping a list so i can send thankyou notes to them.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I found agency to do homestudy
I am thrilled that i found an agency close by to do our homestudy for us.We meet with her in her office on Thursday at 11 am.She was really great to talk with.So here we go.I am thrulled this is happening.I have already started compiling some of the paperwork we will need for dossier.But for tonight its just me and the youngest here at home and im having a cup of coffee and listening to my son Landen playing his keyboard.He puts a finger on 2 keys and moves his head side to side.His daddy calls him Stevie Wonder lol.
I will be dropping an email to agency directer i have some questions for her.I have not slept well since i have seen this babes pic and called the agency about him.It all runs through my mind of the paper work needed and completing the homestudy and getting through INS.I pray for this precious angel everynight.I pray we bring him home.
I will be dropping an email to agency directer i have some questions for her.I have not slept well since i have seen this babes pic and called the agency about him.It all runs through my mind of the paper work needed and completing the homestudy and getting through INS.I pray for this precious angel everynight.I pray we bring him home.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I cant sleep!
Am i losing it or what?I cant sleep all i do is go down the list of things that need to be done for homestudy and dossier.I have some much needed remodels i want done before the visit to the house.Some of the things my hubby dont know how to do.My brother law Chad is comming next weekend to do some of them for me .Thank you Chad!
We have some screens that need repaired.Did ya know grasshoppers like to eat the mesh on screens?So we took them into the lumber yard and had them put wire screen in them.Chad will be putting the ones up high on.And Hubby will do the lower ones.Besides being on this blog this late at night i also started some of my much needed spring cleaning.It needs done and i cant sleep so why not.My family are all sound asleep and im resteless.I have been through 2 adoptions and Both times my anxiety of preparing and waiting has been through the roof.Please tell me this is normal?I so bad wish i could snap my fingers and home study was done .I wantto push all paper work and turn it over to agency asap.Now to find an agency to do homestudy.I will be calling around tomorrow to get this off the ground.I am so ready to open my arms wide for this beautiful sweet babe.As soon as i square things with an agnecy for homestudy i will be busy working on differnt resources for his sp needs.I did this with Landen and am so glad i did.ok enough babble time to finish cleaning my fridge its in the middle od the floor right now.
We have some screens that need repaired.Did ya know grasshoppers like to eat the mesh on screens?So we took them into the lumber yard and had them put wire screen in them.Chad will be putting the ones up high on.And Hubby will do the lower ones.Besides being on this blog this late at night i also started some of my much needed spring cleaning.It needs done and i cant sleep so why not.My family are all sound asleep and im resteless.I have been through 2 adoptions and Both times my anxiety of preparing and waiting has been through the roof.Please tell me this is normal?I so bad wish i could snap my fingers and home study was done .I wantto push all paper work and turn it over to agency asap.Now to find an agency to do homestudy.I will be calling around tomorrow to get this off the ground.I am so ready to open my arms wide for this beautiful sweet babe.As soon as i square things with an agnecy for homestudy i will be busy working on differnt resources for his sp needs.I did this with Landen and am so glad i did.ok enough babble time to finish cleaning my fridge its in the middle od the floor right now.
Good News
I am happy to report that Michaels stress test that showed a blockage was WRONG.He had a heart cath this morning and his heart is just fine.I didnt understand how he could have a blockage when he worries about his health and weight.I thought that was odd.
Today all i could think about is little Emanuel.I am going to go crazy waiting to hear something .My parents and i talked about him today while waiting on Michael to come out of surgery .My mom said she cant wait another baby boy to love and watch flourish.I pray we know something soon.
Today all i could think about is little Emanuel.I am going to go crazy waiting to hear something .My parents and i talked about him today while waiting on Michael to come out of surgery .My mom said she cant wait another baby boy to love and watch flourish.I pray we know something soon.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Possible adoption
I am praying this will happen a special beautiful 3 yr old boy in Liberia who is needing a home.I contacted AFAA about him.I am praying we are accepted and can bring this sweet baby home.He is special needs and absolutely ADORABLE.He would be a perfect fit in our family.I am ready to start a homestudy and get moving.The sooner we can get things moving the better.As soon as we know i will be busy lining up programs for him to help him blossom to his full potential once home.I am so excited have been every since i found out about him.I dont want to post alot yet until we know we can proceed but once i start i will be blogging like a mad woman .
health issues
Tommorrow my dearest husband is having a heart cath done.He is so so scared .We dont understand he eats well i mean not fatty he eats right.And he is an active man.He walks alot and always pride himself with goos health so we dont understand how in the world he has a blockage in his artery.Tomorrow at 6 am they will prep him for the surgery and i will be right their with him.
Landen also has been having some issues.He has not been eating very much and I got worried.So we wnt to the doctor and he agreed.Landen has been the same weight for a year.At first the doc wasnt concerned but did say a year he should of gained an ounce or so.So Landen will be seeing a gastro eurologist at childrens mercy hospital he will also see a dietician i hope thats spelled right .
I had to argue a bit but we finally got a nuro appointment.He goes yearly for a check up and he needs his blood darw and have his levels checked for his siezure medication.I am sure he needs an increase as he has had some break through seizures.Please pray for my Husband ,Pray he gets through the anxiety he is having.
Landen also has been having some issues.He has not been eating very much and I got worried.So we wnt to the doctor and he agreed.Landen has been the same weight for a year.At first the doc wasnt concerned but did say a year he should of gained an ounce or so.So Landen will be seeing a gastro eurologist at childrens mercy hospital he will also see a dietician i hope thats spelled right .
I had to argue a bit but we finally got a nuro appointment.He goes yearly for a check up and he needs his blood darw and have his levels checked for his siezure medication.I am sure he needs an increase as he has had some break through seizures.Please pray for my Husband ,Pray he gets through the anxiety he is having.
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