I had the biggest laugh today.Landen was outside playing and i have a huge puddle in our drive way its in dire need of rock.I peeped out the door and there he was running through the mud puddle.I tried to snap a picture and my batteries were dead on my camera.So i had Michael look and he started laughing.He coaxed him in the back door .Landen was dripping wet had mud in his hair, his shoes were wet and muddy.After we stripped him to his diaper i said Landen did you have fun in the puddle?He said with a look on his face like It wasnt me and said NO NO NO.I said yes yes yes and started laughing as we headed to the bathroom for a shower.He got out and said... i pay outside.I informed him he had no shoes they were wet so he played inside.I i would of let him back out he would of been back in that puddle.This kid of mine is just to darn cute and funny.
As i watch these things he does it amazes me so much that my son came this far in 3 yrs after all the docs said he would not progress.Now he is talking more and more everyday.He has been a joy to our family and i wouldnt know life without my sweet little man.The happy face i see with that giggle and amazing smile he has just makes me melt.what an wonderfule child I am so blessed he is our son.Ok i had to brag and here is my gorgous India prince.he loves his bouncy house this was last summer.He loves being outside ,He loves kisses and cookies, he loves music and his keyboard.and he loves to sing twinkle twinkle little star.
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