I dont know what im gonna do with this child haha.He was setting at the table staring at the highchair we bought Elijah.The next thing i knew he was over at the highchair tapping it and trying to crawl up it.He is way to tall but just had to set in its.Here is a pic of Mr Boss setting in the highcahir...We threw his away like 6 months ago because it was shot and he was to tall.Micahael told me that is why he is afraid to set the crib up to soon he is afraid Landen will crawl in it.I told him it would be better to set it up now and to get Landen used to Not getting in it before Elijah comes home.Landen knows he is the baby.I have tried to tell him he is getting a new baby brother..he dont understand or ignores me lol.I know it will be an adjustment for Landen but oh my goodness!How in the world you tell this sweet cheeks he cant set in the highchair?
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