The agency sent a list of things we need to complete the dossier.I dont know how i skipped it but we need doctor letters.I have no idea what they are to say so i emailed the agency to ask.I will get these done next week.Then nototerize our POAs and thats it we are DONE with the dossier.
So hope bye the end of next week to mail our I600A off yeahhh.I am so ready to get this all done.
Today was my sons graduation from job corps.He now has his degree in Homeland security yeahh.I am so so proud of him thats my boy.I will post a pic Monday night or Tuesday.
We are headed out camping for the weekend so i am packing and doing last minute things here before we go.We will come home on Monday.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Getting closer
We recieved power of attorney letters from the agency today.It was to late by the time husband got off work to go get them notorized so i was bummed about that.We will have to wait until tuseday to get them done.But we are sooo close to having everything done and dossier will be sent off to be authenticated.I pray in the next 2 weeks.
I would get them notorized tomorrow but my oldest son William is graduating from Security gaurd school tomorrow and we are leaving here at 5 a.m. so he can be the 3 hr drive away intime for the rehearsel.Graduation is at 10 a.m.
I am praying this is starting to come together now.I am still praying that our Elijah is home in time for xmas.That would be the best present ever.althiugh we still dont have all our travel money together yet.I will just have to work alot harder at it.Because there is nothing that could keep me from Picking up our little man.
I would get them notorized tomorrow but my oldest son William is graduating from Security gaurd school tomorrow and we are leaving here at 5 a.m. so he can be the 3 hr drive away intime for the rehearsel.Graduation is at 10 a.m.
I am praying this is starting to come together now.I am still praying that our Elijah is home in time for xmas.That would be the best present ever.althiugh we still dont have all our travel money together yet.I will just have to work alot harder at it.Because there is nothing that could keep me from Picking up our little man.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I am so much better then yesterday.Yesterday was just a bad day all around and when i found we needed more things for homestudy i guess that just topped the cake on my mood.The homestudy has been sent to the agency to make sure it is complete now i pray that everything is answered and accepted now.
I am ready to move to the next step of our adoption.Elijah is so precious and i am so ready to get him home.I think about him all the time i talk about him alot with my cousin who informed me she is going to spoil him rotten.
I have orderd some books about Cerbral palsey to read and know they will be informative.I took some online adoption classes.Wow i love the journey of attachemnt it was very informative and now i have some things i can use to help with the attachemnt process.I am so ready to get him home.
I am ready to move to the next step of our adoption.Elijah is so precious and i am so ready to get him home.I think about him all the time i talk about him alot with my cousin who informed me she is going to spoil him rotten.
I have orderd some books about Cerbral palsey to read and know they will be informative.I took some online adoption classes.Wow i love the journey of attachemnt it was very informative and now i have some things i can use to help with the attachemnt process.I am so ready to get him home.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Everytime i think we are done with paper work or all the things needs for the homestudy somebody wants more.I am getting a little bummed thinking ok this is done and this is done check it off the list i get hit with something else.It just depresses me.Hope tomorrow to have the EXTRA questions the Agency wants in the homestudy done.
I am praying this is it once social worker gets her questions answerd and typed in homestudy It will be the end of it all.These are things that i didnt feel was needed but i guess i was wrong.I have how many homestudies? Oh well i am just venting because we found out about our son in April and here it is August and we ARE STILL trying to get a completed homestudy.Ok im off my soap box.
I am praying this is it once social worker gets her questions answerd and typed in homestudy It will be the end of it all.These are things that i didnt feel was needed but i guess i was wrong.I have how many homestudies? Oh well i am just venting because we found out about our son in April and here it is August and we ARE STILL trying to get a completed homestudy.Ok im off my soap box.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I have been making stamped crosstitch projects for Elijah.I had a bib almost done and set down to finish it today.It took 45 minutes to finish it up.I still have alot to do on his eyore crib blanket and will work on it tomorrow night.I try to spend at least an hour a night on it although it doesnt always happen with family life .I have always like to handcraft things but making the time to do it is another story.
I still cannot crochet i have tried to teach myself numerous amounts of times and i just cant get the hang of it.But my aunt can and does beautiful work..she offerd to crochet a stuffed eyore for Elijah to match his crib blanket i am working on.I am off work tomorrow and plan on getting alot done to my house tomorrow.Its in need of clostes being cleaned out again and my fridge needs cleaned and a few other projects done i hope to tackle tomorrow while kids are at school.
I also have some documnets to drop in the mail tomorrow to the agency.This is the remainder of the items needed to complete our dossier YEAHH!The weather has been nice today not hot but not cold either i have loved it and took advantage bye washing the bedding and hanging on the line for the fresh air smell they have.
Tomorrow is suppose to be the same so i may air out the house and enjoy my morning coffee after the kids are off to school in the deck.
I pray Elijahs adoption goes relativley easy and that we get him home quickly.He needs medical intervention and i am ready to get him started.I have an awsome doctor lined up for him..He is also a father of a little boy adotped from Ethiopia so i know Elijah is in good hands with him.i am rambling so gonna go bathe Landen and get him ready for bed.
I still cannot crochet i have tried to teach myself numerous amounts of times and i just cant get the hang of it.But my aunt can and does beautiful work..she offerd to crochet a stuffed eyore for Elijah to match his crib blanket i am working on.I am off work tomorrow and plan on getting alot done to my house tomorrow.Its in need of clostes being cleaned out again and my fridge needs cleaned and a few other projects done i hope to tackle tomorrow while kids are at school.
I also have some documnets to drop in the mail tomorrow to the agency.This is the remainder of the items needed to complete our dossier YEAHH!The weather has been nice today not hot but not cold either i have loved it and took advantage bye washing the bedding and hanging on the line for the fresh air smell they have.
Tomorrow is suppose to be the same so i may air out the house and enjoy my morning coffee after the kids are off to school in the deck.
I pray Elijahs adoption goes relativley easy and that we get him home quickly.He needs medical intervention and i am ready to get him started.I have an awsome doctor lined up for him..He is also a father of a little boy adotped from Ethiopia so i know Elijah is in good hands with him.i am rambling so gonna go bathe Landen and get him ready for bed.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
We had no plans this weekend so my husband decided lets go to the lake and fish and have a cookout.So we loaded up the 4 kids and head out to the lake to our camper.None of us wanted to camp but the cook out and fishing sounded fun.
Michael went fishing for a few hours.Landen played with his little tykes car and musical piano and the best toy of all a STICK.He was conetented outside with the stick.The older 3 just lounged in lawn chairs.I took some of my stamped crosstich and worked on it.It was a good thing i did or i would of probably gotten a bit bored.I got the bib almost done now yeahhh.
We had hotdogs,cole slaw,cottage cheese,fruit salad and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
After we ate and cleaned up we took the girls to the volley ball nets and let them play volleyball for an hour before we headed home.It was a beautiful day to be at the lake and so peaceful.I am tried dont know why setting outside all day makes ya so tired but it was so worth it.
Landen played very hard and is winding down quick.The girls came in and took a shower and are now in their rooms.Brian is at the neibors house probably playing x box as ususal.Sometimes its nice to just get away.
None of us have tight schedules we are laid back people.There are times its hectic with the kids appointments and school functions.But we always try to keep the weekends low key for the kids.Most of the time we just stay home and fix things that need fixin on the house.Today was a last minute fun day which only costed the gas and 2.00 of worms not bad to have a day out with the kids.
Michael went fishing for a few hours.Landen played with his little tykes car and musical piano and the best toy of all a STICK.He was conetented outside with the stick.The older 3 just lounged in lawn chairs.I took some of my stamped crosstich and worked on it.It was a good thing i did or i would of probably gotten a bit bored.I got the bib almost done now yeahhh.
We had hotdogs,cole slaw,cottage cheese,fruit salad and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
After we ate and cleaned up we took the girls to the volley ball nets and let them play volleyball for an hour before we headed home.It was a beautiful day to be at the lake and so peaceful.I am tried dont know why setting outside all day makes ya so tired but it was so worth it.
Landen played very hard and is winding down quick.The girls came in and took a shower and are now in their rooms.Brian is at the neibors house probably playing x box as ususal.Sometimes its nice to just get away.
None of us have tight schedules we are laid back people.There are times its hectic with the kids appointments and school functions.But we always try to keep the weekends low key for the kids.Most of the time we just stay home and fix things that need fixin on the house.Today was a last minute fun day which only costed the gas and 2.00 of worms not bad to have a day out with the kids.
Friday, August 22, 2008
This evening my Mom and Dad came by to visit.Landen was setting in the dining room with my mom and myself.Linda came in and was having a fit because i would not let Brian take her to town so she starts crying.Landen says...ARE YOU ALWIGHT LINDA?he then got down went over to her patted her and started cheering her up with Funny faces and this fake hehe laugh he does.He then cuddled her and hugged her.It wasthe MOST sweetest thing ever.My son..who does not talk much has sure been talking alot latley.Boy does he love his big sister Linda.I have never seen him ask her that or try to cheer her up.What a momentus moment.My mom was so excited as she has never seen Landen Initiate effection or say a sentence.This child of mine surprises more and more everyday.
Landen had a seizure at school this morning.This makes number 4 in the month of August.His new med is evidentally not working.He had just got to school went down to eat breakfast and thats when it happened.My husband and i were just headed out the door to go to work.So change of plans.Michael picked him up at work and brought him home and i stayed home from my job to care for him.
He loved it of course He got an extra day off from school and played allday.We did go to town Later in the day he needed a new car seat his is broke.So we went to walmart got a car seat and a few grocery items we needed.Then i got him Mc donalds for lunch.We came back home where he played outside the rest of the day.
I called the Nueros office and talked with the nurse.I told her that he has had 4 seizures this month.Landens doc is out of country so she was going to talk to the fill in Nuero to see if we need to Increase his meds or try him on a differnt one.I wont hear back until Monday.He takes to capsules a day one in morning and one after suppr.He dont swallow pills so we open them and put in Pudding.He of course LOVES pudding.
Landen has a time with certain textures i was shocked that his favorite pudding is TAPIOCA.He loves getting meds in tapioca pudding and says mmmm GAGEOCA.
On a good note on adoption front...My husband and i completed all 4 classes online that the adoption agency decided they wanted us to take.I have printed out certificate of completion and emailed them to social worker to add to homestudy.I am praying next week everything is to agency and we can start Immigration.I am starting tosee the daylight.
He loved it of course He got an extra day off from school and played allday.We did go to town Later in the day he needed a new car seat his is broke.So we went to walmart got a car seat and a few grocery items we needed.Then i got him Mc donalds for lunch.We came back home where he played outside the rest of the day.
I called the Nueros office and talked with the nurse.I told her that he has had 4 seizures this month.Landens doc is out of country so she was going to talk to the fill in Nuero to see if we need to Increase his meds or try him on a differnt one.I wont hear back until Monday.He takes to capsules a day one in morning and one after suppr.He dont swallow pills so we open them and put in Pudding.He of course LOVES pudding.
Landen has a time with certain textures i was shocked that his favorite pudding is TAPIOCA.He loves getting meds in tapioca pudding and says mmmm GAGEOCA.
On a good note on adoption front...My husband and i completed all 4 classes online that the adoption agency decided they wanted us to take.I have printed out certificate of completion and emailed them to social worker to add to homestudy.I am praying next week everything is to agency and we can start Immigration.I am starting tosee the daylight.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I cant sleep i have tried everything to sleep and finally gave i am taking some classes online for our adoption and doing Laundry.I am thinking about Elijah tonight.I think about him all the time but more so tonight because i been doing adoption related stuff.
I cannot wait until we get Immigration done and our I171H comes back.Then it will be just wait on Liberia.I know my time is nearing to do immigration and know it means we are a step even closer to our babe.I have some papers i am mailing in morning to the agency its the rest of what we had to redo for dossier and we are DONE yeahh!
I guess i better try and sleep some.
I cannot wait until we get Immigration done and our I171H comes back.Then it will be just wait on Liberia.I know my time is nearing to do immigration and know it means we are a step even closer to our babe.I have some papers i am mailing in morning to the agency its the rest of what we had to redo for dossier and we are DONE yeahh!
I guess i better try and sleep some.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Landen didnt want to go to school!
The weather has been totally awsome.Its not hot and not cold.I am airing out the house today and Just Love it.Although i feel like i have not slept in weeks.
This morning was a rough one for Mr.Landen.He just did not want to get dressed and go to school.So he didnt ride the bus and i decided to make him his favorite breakfast this morning.Blueberry pancakes mmmmmmm he ate all 3 pancakes and took his meds got dressed with no problem.I take him to school and the melt down began.He cried when they took him to Music class so they brought him back to the resorce room.When he seen me standing there he was just fine and contented.They got him working on his task and when he was seated at the table i snuck out.He is such a mommas boy.
After i left the school i took Brian to his dentist appointment.Wow was i shocked.This kid of mine is 16 yrs old and its a fight to get him to brush his teeth had only 1 cavity and it was a fairly new one.He will go back in a coupkle weeks to get it taken care of.Then comming up in september he will get spacers put in for his braces.
I took the day off to get this all done so i will work a little extra longer tomorrow to make up for the time lost today.The kids will be home in a hour and half and i need to get their snacks prepared for them.I decided to make a quck and easy meal for supper so we are having Chicken alfrado pasta and a salad.Sounds good to me but have a couple kids that will say ew.
This morning was a rough one for Mr.Landen.He just did not want to get dressed and go to school.So he didnt ride the bus and i decided to make him his favorite breakfast this morning.Blueberry pancakes mmmmmmm he ate all 3 pancakes and took his meds got dressed with no problem.I take him to school and the melt down began.He cried when they took him to Music class so they brought him back to the resorce room.When he seen me standing there he was just fine and contented.They got him working on his task and when he was seated at the table i snuck out.He is such a mommas boy.
After i left the school i took Brian to his dentist appointment.Wow was i shocked.This kid of mine is 16 yrs old and its a fight to get him to brush his teeth had only 1 cavity and it was a fairly new one.He will go back in a coupkle weeks to get it taken care of.Then comming up in september he will get spacers put in for his braces.
I took the day off to get this all done so i will work a little extra longer tomorrow to make up for the time lost today.The kids will be home in a hour and half and i need to get their snacks prepared for them.I decided to make a quck and easy meal for supper so we are having Chicken alfrado pasta and a salad.Sounds good to me but have a couple kids that will say ew.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I am so happy our homestudy is almost completed.Our child abuse checks Finally arrivedAnother step closer to our sweet little babe.I have some thing to mail to social worker tomorrow and once sge recieves we will be almost complete.
I didnt get as much done at home as i had planned to get done today.Today was my day off and i wanted to shampoo carpets and put Elijahs crib up.Nope it didnt get done.I got side tracked with a ton of other stuff going on.So Maybe this saturday i can get more done.I work the rest of the week so it will have to wait until a day off like Saturday.
It was weird the house being quiet with the kids in school and husband at work.I enjoyed my morning coffee in peace and quiet on the back deck this morning.That was nice.I love setting on my deck.Its so quiet and i have shade.Its my favorite spot outside to be.
Boy i can feel my true age..All that walking at worlds of fun My calfs are so sore and my feet are a bit swolen.But it was so worth it.To see all our kids togteher and having a great time.Ok i am rambling now.
I pray to send I600A off pretty soon and wait for our fingerprint appointment.Another step closer to our sweet angel we are so anxious to get home.
I didnt get as much done at home as i had planned to get done today.Today was my day off and i wanted to shampoo carpets and put Elijahs crib up.Nope it didnt get done.I got side tracked with a ton of other stuff going on.So Maybe this saturday i can get more done.I work the rest of the week so it will have to wait until a day off like Saturday.
It was weird the house being quiet with the kids in school and husband at work.I enjoyed my morning coffee in peace and quiet on the back deck this morning.That was nice.I love setting on my deck.Its so quiet and i have shade.Its my favorite spot outside to be.
Boy i can feel my true age..All that walking at worlds of fun My calfs are so sore and my feet are a bit swolen.But it was so worth it.To see all our kids togteher and having a great time.Ok i am rambling now.
I pray to send I600A off pretty soon and wait for our fingerprint appointment.Another step closer to our sweet angel we are so anxious to get home.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lindas Birthday
Not only did we spend the day at worlds of fun.It was also Lindas Birthday she is now 15 yrs old.How time has flown and my little girl is now a young Lady.We are having cake and ice cream for her this evening.All she wanted for her birthday was money to buy what ever she wanted.Happy BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER.

We had a wonderful time at Worlds of fun yesterday.It was great having ALL 6 of our kids together plus ..3 extra with us.I didnt get as many pics as i would of liked to had but with the older ones it was hard to get pics when they wanted to ride rides and not mess with pics.We did get a pic of all of us as soon as we got in the gate my scanner does not work so i am going to try and take it to my friends and scan i will post it later.Michael and i are sore today from walking so much and all those hills.But it was so much fun.We stayed all day.Hannah (our oldest daughter)Brought a cooler full of bottled water and sandwich stuff.So we went tout and had Lunch.The park closes at 10p.m and we stayed the entire time.The kids were starving when we left.So we stopped at a taco bell at 11pm they had something to eat.We got home at 12:30 am and the kids were so tired they went right to bed.I have more pics i will post later.
Daddy and Landen with Charlie Brown!Landen didnt really like Charlie Brown.My hubby and his do Rag on his head.He is bald on top and didnt want to mess with sunscreen so he put this on instead.

Friday, August 15, 2008
No News yet
We are still waiting for our clearance to come back.We also are waiting for a financial letter from the military.My hubby was in Iraq some of 2007 so he was tax exempt for part of it.Our taxes show we were in the poveryy end.So we asked them to look up what he made for 2007 and please mail it right away so we can add it to the homestudy.
Once we get these 2 things our homestudy will be all done and we can move into Immigration.I cannot wait..I want to get past all the paperwork and approvals and wait on africas end.Yesterday while i was at walmart i just HAD to walk to the baby section haha.I found some small rattles that play little songs for Elijah.I think these are ideal toys for him.
I am hoping once our dossier is in Liberia that i will be allowed to send him a care package.I want to include some of the toys i bought him.I also found one of those fisher price puppies that play music and games.Landen has one and LOVES IT.I found it at the thriftstore i gave 1.00 for it and it Looks brand new.I did clean it with baking soda and water just because i want it germ free for Elijah.So i will set it in his crib Monday when I put the crib up.
I cannot wait to meet our little man he is so sweet!He has such kissable little cheeks and just super cute.He is going to be a lucky little boy with all the love his brothers and sisters and daddy are going to give him.If they can get him from me long enough to lol.
Tomorrow we are taking the kids to Worlds Of Fun.The kids are excited about going.Rebecca and Landen have never been there and Linda was like 4 yrs old the last we went.I packed Landens diaper bag full of snacks and extra diapers, wipes and extra outfit. 2 sippy cups .We will be there allday so i need to make sure i pack his seizure med in the morning as well.Brian loaded the stroller so i think we are ready.I will put the sunscreen in my purse and douse us down before we enter the park.
Landen is going to Love snoopt park all the rides just for little ones.I am taking my digital camera so i can get LOTS of pics of the kids tomorrow.This is basically our summer vacation.We will have all 6 kids and the oldest 2 bringing there boyfriend and girlfriend.We are taking 2 vehicles to fit everyone.Gonna be a fun exciting day.I will post pics when we get home.
Once we get these 2 things our homestudy will be all done and we can move into Immigration.I cannot wait..I want to get past all the paperwork and approvals and wait on africas end.Yesterday while i was at walmart i just HAD to walk to the baby section haha.I found some small rattles that play little songs for Elijah.I think these are ideal toys for him.
I am hoping once our dossier is in Liberia that i will be allowed to send him a care package.I want to include some of the toys i bought him.I also found one of those fisher price puppies that play music and games.Landen has one and LOVES IT.I found it at the thriftstore i gave 1.00 for it and it Looks brand new.I did clean it with baking soda and water just because i want it germ free for Elijah.So i will set it in his crib Monday when I put the crib up.
I cannot wait to meet our little man he is so sweet!He has such kissable little cheeks and just super cute.He is going to be a lucky little boy with all the love his brothers and sisters and daddy are going to give him.If they can get him from me long enough to lol.
Tomorrow we are taking the kids to Worlds Of Fun.The kids are excited about going.Rebecca and Landen have never been there and Linda was like 4 yrs old the last we went.I packed Landens diaper bag full of snacks and extra diapers, wipes and extra outfit. 2 sippy cups .We will be there allday so i need to make sure i pack his seizure med in the morning as well.Brian loaded the stroller so i think we are ready.I will put the sunscreen in my purse and douse us down before we enter the park.
Landen is going to Love snoopt park all the rides just for little ones.I am taking my digital camera so i can get LOTS of pics of the kids tomorrow.This is basically our summer vacation.We will have all 6 kids and the oldest 2 bringing there boyfriend and girlfriend.We are taking 2 vehicles to fit everyone.Gonna be a fun exciting day.I will post pics when we get home.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First day of school!
This morning was pretty good considering it was the first day of school.The kids were all up at 6 am.Landen must of been excited because he is not a morning kid and he got right up and dressed and had breakfast.I am kicking myself for not getting pictures this morning.I asked him how his first day of school was and he said OK.
Brian is a junior this year and he must of been excited as well.He talked about school and was packing his back pack like 3 days ago and was carrying it around for the day.
I am happy they are back to school trying to keep Teenagers intertained can be alot of work.Brian or Linda do NOT like sports so we didnt have that to keep them busy over the summer.
Only one of my children was Not ready to go back to school.Miss Rebecca she told me summer went to fast and she wished she had more time before school started.But she went and she seemed to enjoy it and was happy to see her friends from Last year.
Miss Linda is a sophmore this year and she loves to go.They got a new special ed student and she was thrilled about it.Linda is so good with the sp needs kids that her teacher is trying to get her in a work program next year where she can work with sp needs preschool.She is very excited about it.
She told me thats what she wants to do when she grows up she wants to be a special education Teacher.She is so good with Landen i call her little momma.She is so thrilled about Elijah comming.She even told me that when Landen and Elijah are older she would move them in with her and take care of them.
I explained i know she loves Landen and Elijah but it would be best for them to live as independant as possible.Well she is not having it lol.She is still young though and has lots of time to realize whats best for the boys.
I think this is silly but...The kids first day was today and they have no school tomorrow.Why couldnt they just wait until monday to start?That was carzy.
I work tomorrow so Landen will be going to work with me.We have a few errands to run before we come home.I only work a few hours a day I LOVE my job gives me time with my babies.
Brian is a junior this year and he must of been excited as well.He talked about school and was packing his back pack like 3 days ago and was carrying it around for the day.
I am happy they are back to school trying to keep Teenagers intertained can be alot of work.Brian or Linda do NOT like sports so we didnt have that to keep them busy over the summer.
Only one of my children was Not ready to go back to school.Miss Rebecca she told me summer went to fast and she wished she had more time before school started.But she went and she seemed to enjoy it and was happy to see her friends from Last year.
Miss Linda is a sophmore this year and she loves to go.They got a new special ed student and she was thrilled about it.Linda is so good with the sp needs kids that her teacher is trying to get her in a work program next year where she can work with sp needs preschool.She is very excited about it.
She told me thats what she wants to do when she grows up she wants to be a special education Teacher.She is so good with Landen i call her little momma.She is so thrilled about Elijah comming.She even told me that when Landen and Elijah are older she would move them in with her and take care of them.
I explained i know she loves Landen and Elijah but it would be best for them to live as independant as possible.Well she is not having it lol.She is still young though and has lots of time to realize whats best for the boys.
I think this is silly but...The kids first day was today and they have no school tomorrow.Why couldnt they just wait until monday to start?That was carzy.
I work tomorrow so Landen will be going to work with me.We have a few errands to run before we come home.I only work a few hours a day I LOVE my job gives me time with my babies.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
calmer today!
I am much calmer about this waiting for documnets then i have been the past few days.Im the type of gal when i wanna get something done i wanna get it done NOW.Hubbies employment letter came today .I was shocked at how fast it came.The last time it took forever and came with Mistakes thats why we had to get a new one.I will be much better when EVERYthing including INS is done.I cant wait to get to where we are waiting for court and waiting to go get Elijah.
My kids start school tomorrow.. so i will get up make sure they have breakfast and not miss the school bus.Landen keeps saying i go to school tomorrow?I dont think he will be saying it once school actually gets underway.So they will go to school and i will head to work.
I am looking forward to Monday...My day off kids in school allday and Michael at work.I will be Home ALONE.Which means i am shampooing carpets washing curtains and doing things thats hard to do when the kids are underfoot.So Mondays will be my day to get things done or go have lunch with friends.
My kids start school tomorrow.. so i will get up make sure they have breakfast and not miss the school bus.Landen keeps saying i go to school tomorrow?I dont think he will be saying it once school actually gets underway.So they will go to school and i will head to work.
I am looking forward to Monday...My day off kids in school allday and Michael at work.I will be Home ALONE.Which means i am shampooing carpets washing curtains and doing things thats hard to do when the kids are underfoot.So Mondays will be my day to get things done or go have lunch with friends.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Ok i am venting here so im forwarning those of you who read my blog.We have been waiting 4 weeks this week for our child abuse clearance.I am so upset why in the world does it take this long?It has put a hault on everything .We cant get homestudy without it..We cant get fingerprint appointment without it and we cant get dossier to Liberia without it.Adoption wait time is hard enough but sheesh 4 WEEKS? I am so mad and sad at the same time.
I should of known this would happen.the last ones we did....41/2 yrs ago took 6 weeks because they set on someones desk.They told me oops sorry it was on the desk with papers piled on top of it. After i had called them everyday for a week straight.
Almost everything is done and now this hold up.I just get so irritated ughhh.Any suggestions how to get them to answer with a straight forward answer?I am going to call them starting tomorrow and will call them everyday until i hear something.I am not a patient person but this is plain out rediculouse.
I should of known this would happen.the last ones we did....41/2 yrs ago took 6 weeks because they set on someones desk.They told me oops sorry it was on the desk with papers piled on top of it. After i had called them everyday for a week straight.
Almost everything is done and now this hold up.I just get so irritated ughhh.Any suggestions how to get them to answer with a straight forward answer?I am going to call them starting tomorrow and will call them everyday until i hear something.I am not a patient person but this is plain out rediculouse.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I need some ideas on fundraising.We did the yard sale thing but didnt do very well with it.I have had no luck for the most part.I am going to ask my aunt to make me a baby afghan and see if that could be reaffled off.i sold home interior candles and di ok but we are still short on funds needed.Any ideas?The area we are in is not so supportive.
Any ideas?I could use the help...We didnt have to fundraise with our last 2 adoptions so fundraising is new to me.
Any ideas?I could use the help...We didnt have to fundraise with our last 2 adoptions so fundraising is new to me.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
under the weather
I dont know what hit me but i woke up sick this morning.I am not running a fever just feel blahh.So most of the day i have layed around and slept on and off.My kids and husband have been great caring for Landen.I dont want him getting sick.Today we were goig to take the kiddos fishing and have a picnic at the lake.
We will have to do this another time.Maybe during the week for a couple hours.The kids start school on thursday which i think is so odd.They have school Thursday are out friday not worth going i thought it wierd how they did this this year.
Now that i have slept most of my day away and i feel somewhat better i am working on the laundry and picking up the house a bit.Landen is still up but he is slowly winding down.He has learned to flush the toilet and goes in the bathroom to flush it and say....THE BIG SPLASH lol.Now if i can just get him to not be so stubborn and potty train.Tomorrow we are having lunch with my mother inlaw so i hope i am all the way back to my normal self.
We will have to do this another time.Maybe during the week for a couple hours.The kids start school on thursday which i think is so odd.They have school Thursday are out friday not worth going i thought it wierd how they did this this year.
Now that i have slept most of my day away and i feel somewhat better i am working on the laundry and picking up the house a bit.Landen is still up but he is slowly winding down.He has learned to flush the toilet and goes in the bathroom to flush it and say....THE BIG SPLASH lol.Now if i can just get him to not be so stubborn and potty train.Tomorrow we are having lunch with my mother inlaw so i hope i am all the way back to my normal self.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Praying next week is the week!
I am praying next week is the week we get child abuse clearance back and My husbands employemnt letter.I have been so down in the dumps waiting on the clearance.I dont know why it takes them so Long.It can be so aggrivating.Next week will be week number 4 so im praying next week is it.
I cannot wait to get everything done and just wait for what needs to be done in Liberia.I so want Elijah home.I am going crazy here lol. Knowing he is so far way and i am not with him is driving me nuts.I know everyone goes through this.I dont even know how to explain all the love i have for this precious Angel.He is just that an ANGEL.
I bought a couple different type of baby bottles incase he doesnt take the soothie bottles i got him,I dont want to travel there and have a baby bottle crisis.The standard baby bottle is what i am sure he is using so i bought like 6 of them.I have been putting all his clothes in his dresser and hope to put his crib up very soon.
I am still working on his crib blanket..I have not wanted the crib up until the blanket is done.But then im like i really want it up.I know its too soon but having things to do like putting the crib up and buying him toys,bottles,clothes helps me make the time go by.I cant wait to meet him and tell him how much he loved and his brothers and sisters are waiting for him and cant wait to meet him and love on him.
Lots of prayer needed to get our clerance through.I dont know why it is taking so long.But almost a month now its really slowing us up and makes things so hard .havent people heard of the words..GET R DONE?
I cannot wait to get everything done and just wait for what needs to be done in Liberia.I so want Elijah home.I am going crazy here lol. Knowing he is so far way and i am not with him is driving me nuts.I know everyone goes through this.I dont even know how to explain all the love i have for this precious Angel.He is just that an ANGEL.
I bought a couple different type of baby bottles incase he doesnt take the soothie bottles i got him,I dont want to travel there and have a baby bottle crisis.The standard baby bottle is what i am sure he is using so i bought like 6 of them.I have been putting all his clothes in his dresser and hope to put his crib up very soon.
I am still working on his crib blanket..I have not wanted the crib up until the blanket is done.But then im like i really want it up.I know its too soon but having things to do like putting the crib up and buying him toys,bottles,clothes helps me make the time go by.I cant wait to meet him and tell him how much he loved and his brothers and sisters are waiting for him and cant wait to meet him and love on him.
Lots of prayer needed to get our clerance through.I dont know why it is taking so long.But almost a month now its really slowing us up and makes things so hard .havent people heard of the words..GET R DONE?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
No news yet
Still no news on the child abuse clearnce.Our social worker called today to do a check in with us and tell me no news yet.I have all the docs we had to redo done but one.It the hardest one to get...My hubbies employment letter..the letter had a mistake on it and then she faxed it?Uh i told her to mail because we need the ORIGINAL.
I called her today..we are in Kansas she is in arkansas and asked her to please make a new one and leave the mistake off and mail it NOT FAX...But the last time it took 4 weeks to get it and that was clling her every other day.I am praying she is quicker with this one so we can get it to the agency.We want this all done so we can relax a bit and wait very Unpatiently until we get the call to make travel plans to pick our baby up.
I should be in bed asleep but i am so keyed up about getting this done.I think about Elijah and that keeps me awake as well.I thought about buying some tylonol PMS to help me sleep.
I called her today..we are in Kansas she is in arkansas and asked her to please make a new one and leave the mistake off and mail it NOT FAX...But the last time it took 4 weeks to get it and that was clling her every other day.I am praying she is quicker with this one so we can get it to the agency.We want this all done so we can relax a bit and wait very Unpatiently until we get the call to make travel plans to pick our baby up.
I should be in bed asleep but i am so keyed up about getting this done.I think about Elijah and that keeps me awake as well.I thought about buying some tylonol PMS to help me sleep.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
We worked on the docs we had to redo today..(my booboo).But did find out we may have some more to do YIKES.But the agency informed me today we are ALMOST DONE wooohoo.So soon we hope to have our dossier in Liberia.Still waiting on our fingerprint checks to come back from Kansas beurau of investigation.Its been almost 3 weeks so i pray soon this is done.Because i want my baby home.
Today was a good day..I went to work and then had errands to run before comming home.I found Landen a HUGE kushi ball..He loved it and laughed and giggled at it.I didnt know how he would do because of the rubber fur thats on it.But he Loved it.He also got a new color book and new crayons.He was so tickled and with my help he colored me a picture of elmo which is now prettily hanging on the refrigerator.
Now its late and i cant get him to unwind for NOTHING.Its way past his bed time.Dont know why he is so wide awake because Mommy is ready to go to bed.We all have to be up bright and early tomorrow.Rebecca has an 8 3o dentist appointment and then Brian and Linda have to get tetanus shots .The kids start school in the middle of next week so their summer is winding down.
They are ready.. they are excited about seeing all their friends again and Rebecca is really excited because she finally made it to 7th grade so she can play sports.Both girls are playing volleyball this year.I am going to miss them while they are in school though.Landen ts real hard to send...He is such a mommas boy so the first couple weeks will be rough on him.
Better try to get this littleboy of mine who is happily playing his keyboard to bed.Time to read his favorite book BABY MICKEY LOST HIS SHOE.Hopefully it will settle him down enough to fall asleep.
Today was a good day..I went to work and then had errands to run before comming home.I found Landen a HUGE kushi ball..He loved it and laughed and giggled at it.I didnt know how he would do because of the rubber fur thats on it.But he Loved it.He also got a new color book and new crayons.He was so tickled and with my help he colored me a picture of elmo which is now prettily hanging on the refrigerator.
Now its late and i cant get him to unwind for NOTHING.Its way past his bed time.Dont know why he is so wide awake because Mommy is ready to go to bed.We all have to be up bright and early tomorrow.Rebecca has an 8 3o dentist appointment and then Brian and Linda have to get tetanus shots .The kids start school in the middle of next week so their summer is winding down.
They are ready.. they are excited about seeing all their friends again and Rebecca is really excited because she finally made it to 7th grade so she can play sports.Both girls are playing volleyball this year.I am going to miss them while they are in school though.Landen ts real hard to send...He is such a mommas boy so the first couple weeks will be rough on him.
Better try to get this littleboy of mine who is happily playing his keyboard to bed.Time to read his favorite book BABY MICKEY LOST HIS SHOE.Hopefully it will settle him down enough to fall asleep.
Monday, August 4, 2008
We had some paperowrk gliches and have to redo them for the dossier...I am franticly trying to collect them.Anyone who knows the Military knows how hard it is to get ANYTHING from them.The rest i can have completed tomorrow.Their is another gliche with our taxes.
I tried to explain to her that Hubby was in Iraq and the monies he earned were not taxed so they wont be on his returns.But we have proof of what he made.The taxes show us to be below poverty line.Our social worker is putting this in the homestudy to show yes we did make this XXX amount of dollars.Now if i can get this explained to our agency.
Today has been a frustrating day anyway,,,My son has been a 10 minutes he dumped the hamper of dirty clothes in the laundry room...I had a bag of trash by the back door for my oldest to take out and Landen dumped it all over the kitchen.He got in trouble but this didnt phase him,,,, he Lost our check book .He throws things so he had have thrown it behind something.Hoping for a better day tmorrow.
I tried to explain to her that Hubby was in Iraq and the monies he earned were not taxed so they wont be on his returns.But we have proof of what he made.The taxes show us to be below poverty line.Our social worker is putting this in the homestudy to show yes we did make this XXX amount of dollars.Now if i can get this explained to our agency.
Today has been a frustrating day anyway,,,My son has been a 10 minutes he dumped the hamper of dirty clothes in the laundry room...I had a bag of trash by the back door for my oldest to take out and Landen dumped it all over the kitchen.He got in trouble but this didnt phase him,,,, he Lost our check book .He throws things so he had have thrown it behind something.Hoping for a better day tmorrow.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Landen is really talking!
This summer has been great for Landen.He has decided it is easier to communicate with voice instead of grunting or pointing.Everyday he learns new words or tries to say words.Tonight my mom and dad stopped by to see the kids.Landen told grandma...I go to town and eat tacos.He loves tacos and has it in his head he is eating them tomorrow.He wanted some tapioca pudding his all time favorite.He was setting at the table and was trying so hard to say tapioca.It came out like this...MMMM GAGEOCA.
I never thought we would get to this point with him.He is saying sentences now and just trying hard to communicate.I LOVE IT.He tells me more and more what he wants to eat.He says i go outside when he wants to play .He loves his swing set and when he wants to swing he grabs my hand and says YEEHAWW.when he swings he says yeehaw.
I also was listening to him in the living room playing with his blocks.I heard this...un (one) ewww (two) eeee (three) eight ,en(ten).Hes trying to COUNT he can do ABCS but never counts past 3.Yes he skipped alot but its a good start.I cant believe how verbal he has been this summer.This child amazes me everyday.This child has proved his nuero doc wrong several times now.
His docs didnt think he would ever talk.. or learn i know my son would learn and Talk.He has always said simple things like momma and daddy and his brothers and sisters naes.But now he is telling me his wants and needs or just plain ole telling us something he wants us to know.
My son a microcephalic son with autistic characteristics and visually impaired ,developmentaly delayed.Has grown and thrived and is so so happy and just right down fun to be with.He is so lovable and loves to be cuddled.
Landen can do anything he sets his little mind too and of course momma is always there to roote him on.Noone including his doctors cant tell me he wont progress because he done proved to me and my friends and family that YES HE CAN.He has came so far since he came home to us 31/2 yrs ago.My little boy has an excellent memory and uses it well.He can hear a song once and hum it back.
He has a favorite book he loves me to read and will bring me the book and say ead(read) me who(shoe).(baby mickey lost his shoe).I am so proud of my little man..God has given me a true gift..the gift of a special boy who has amzed me in everyway.Aboy to love and parent.I am so blessed to be this precious childs mom.
I never thought we would get to this point with him.He is saying sentences now and just trying hard to communicate.I LOVE IT.He tells me more and more what he wants to eat.He says i go outside when he wants to play .He loves his swing set and when he wants to swing he grabs my hand and says YEEHAWW.when he swings he says yeehaw.
I also was listening to him in the living room playing with his blocks.I heard this...un (one) ewww (two) eeee (three) eight ,en(ten).Hes trying to COUNT he can do ABCS but never counts past 3.Yes he skipped alot but its a good start.I cant believe how verbal he has been this summer.This child amazes me everyday.This child has proved his nuero doc wrong several times now.
His docs didnt think he would ever talk.. or learn i know my son would learn and Talk.He has always said simple things like momma and daddy and his brothers and sisters naes.But now he is telling me his wants and needs or just plain ole telling us something he wants us to know.
My son a microcephalic son with autistic characteristics and visually impaired ,developmentaly delayed.Has grown and thrived and is so so happy and just right down fun to be with.He is so lovable and loves to be cuddled.
Landen can do anything he sets his little mind too and of course momma is always there to roote him on.Noone including his doctors cant tell me he wont progress because he done proved to me and my friends and family that YES HE CAN.He has came so far since he came home to us 31/2 yrs ago.My little boy has an excellent memory and uses it well.He can hear a song once and hum it back.
He has a favorite book he loves me to read and will bring me the book and say ead(read) me who(shoe).(baby mickey lost his shoe).I am so proud of my little man..God has given me a true gift..the gift of a special boy who has amzed me in everyway.Aboy to love and parent.I am so blessed to be this precious childs mom.
Friday, August 1, 2008
what a day!
what a busy day this has been..Today was school enrollment..took forever having 2 in highschool 1 in middle school and 1 grade school.You go broke paying those book fees.But its all done and they have 13 days left before they start school.
Now comes shoe and bookbag shopping ..Then we are done..i done bought their school supplies so that is done yeahhh.I also went to jcpenny outlet and bought their school clothes.Landen was my easy one...all he needed in clothes was jeans and a package of sox.I bought a pair of tennis shoes last fall and put them up until he could fit them .They fit great so we have shoes for him.
Landen has been horribly moody yelling NO and Stop and throwing things.He has been in time out quite a bit today.I dont know why he is in a bad mood but boy watch out .Actually come to think about it all the kids have been MOODY.Boredom maybe?Hope this weekend is better for them.
A family is traveling to Africa to bring home their child and i emailed them asking them if they would be willing to take pics of Elijah for me.She emailed me back and said they would be more then happy to take pictures for me and was thrilled to find out Elijah had a family.So i am tickled to be getting new pics of my sweet little guy.
We are still waiting on our Kbi to come back so we have a homestudy to turn in.Its gets so frustrating WAITING.I need to let God lead the way,It just so hard..I love this little boy so much already.I still have a few more things in clothing to buy for him but have held off buying more things.I could easily buy the store out haha.
I am half way done with his eyore crib blanket i am making for him..Its turning out sooo cute.I told Michael when its done and washed we could put the crib up and start getting tings ready.I have some baby bibs i need to work on.I put the on hold until i get his crib blanket finished.Making the times to work on them is the hardest with kids and household chores and a job.As soon as its done i will post pics of the blanket.
We are having a relaxing Friday night tonight.We rentend a couple movies and got popcorn and chips and salsa and are having a movie night tonight.We are having a pretty low key weekend alltogether.Biggest thing we are doing is taking the kids shoe shopping tomorrow and maybe out to eat at RYANS their favorite place.
Now comes shoe and bookbag shopping ..Then we are done..i done bought their school supplies so that is done yeahhh.I also went to jcpenny outlet and bought their school clothes.Landen was my easy one...all he needed in clothes was jeans and a package of sox.I bought a pair of tennis shoes last fall and put them up until he could fit them .They fit great so we have shoes for him.
Landen has been horribly moody yelling NO and Stop and throwing things.He has been in time out quite a bit today.I dont know why he is in a bad mood but boy watch out .Actually come to think about it all the kids have been MOODY.Boredom maybe?Hope this weekend is better for them.
A family is traveling to Africa to bring home their child and i emailed them asking them if they would be willing to take pics of Elijah for me.She emailed me back and said they would be more then happy to take pictures for me and was thrilled to find out Elijah had a family.So i am tickled to be getting new pics of my sweet little guy.
We are still waiting on our Kbi to come back so we have a homestudy to turn in.Its gets so frustrating WAITING.I need to let God lead the way,It just so hard..I love this little boy so much already.I still have a few more things in clothing to buy for him but have held off buying more things.I could easily buy the store out haha.
I am half way done with his eyore crib blanket i am making for him..Its turning out sooo cute.I told Michael when its done and washed we could put the crib up and start getting tings ready.I have some baby bibs i need to work on.I put the on hold until i get his crib blanket finished.Making the times to work on them is the hardest with kids and household chores and a job.As soon as its done i will post pics of the blanket.
We are having a relaxing Friday night tonight.We rentend a couple movies and got popcorn and chips and salsa and are having a movie night tonight.We are having a pretty low key weekend alltogether.Biggest thing we are doing is taking the kids shoe shopping tomorrow and maybe out to eat at RYANS their favorite place.
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