Monday, August 4, 2008


We had some paperowrk gliches and have to redo them for the dossier...I am franticly trying to collect them.Anyone who knows the Military knows how hard it is to get ANYTHING from them.The rest i can have completed tomorrow.Their is another gliche with our taxes.
I tried to explain to her that Hubby was in Iraq and the monies he earned were not taxed so they wont be on his returns.But we have proof of what he made.The taxes show us to be below poverty line.Our social worker is putting this in the homestudy to show yes we did make this XXX amount of dollars.Now if i can get this explained to our agency.
Today has been a frustrating day anyway,,,My son has been a 10 minutes he dumped the hamper of dirty clothes in the laundry room...I had a bag of trash by the back door for my oldest to take out and Landen dumped it all over the kitchen.He got in trouble but this didnt phase him,,,, he Lost our check book .He throws things so he had have thrown it behind something.Hoping for a better day tmorrow.

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