Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This and That

Today i have felt settled and relaxed.Why i dont know just a feeling of ease when i woke up this morning.I had my coffee and Landen and I and Rebecca ate a bowl of hot cereal.I did the dishes and took a shower.I did some house work and checked the mail.paid all the bills that needed to be paid.
Now i am making dinner the house is quiet this evening.Rebecca and Landen Michael and I.Linda is staying at her big brothers apartment lol i think he cons her into cleaning for him.Brian has been staying at his dads.His dad and i have a 6 month 6 month custody thing.I dont like it but Brian does not change schools as we both live in same district.It just hard when my 6 months with him is up.I miss him even though we are only 10 minutes drive apart its still not the same as him being home.
Tonight after dinner we are going to play a game of yahtzee with Becca boo and settle down to a movie and i on my embroidery.I have NOT touched it since before christmas and still have Jaxsons blanket to finish.I also have some things to get done and put up for xmas gifts next year.It takes me forever to embroider (dont always have the time). This has just been a great relaxing day Landen has played hard allday and will be ready for a shower and bed early tonight.Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.I know our New Year will be great as 2009 is the year we bring our newest addition into our family .

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

What a perfect day, those are the days we cherish!! Happy New Year's to you all!