We have gotten no more news yet.I am praying we hear something on Monday!I am so emotionally drained right now.We were so excited to be bring Jax home.All the planning and prepping to go get our sweet boy and then came the BOMB.
That bomb exploded so fast and quick i am still shook up about it.I have so many feelings and am not sure how to put it in words.It was hard for me to cancel our flight and our Hotel.It was like YES we will all be a family soon then came the slap in the face.I pray soon we can bring him home.I am so sad about this.I was so excited about being with him forever on his 4Th birthday.Now i am absolutely crushed.Please pray a miracle happens and we can go get our son.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Michael and I went shopping and got all the stuff for the wood floor! We went to SAVE ON and got new furniture.Oh i love it we got the most pretty sofa color is called trigger honey..I did get my bamboo glider rocker and Michael like mine and got one too just like it.He also got the Ottoman though.
He is up late working in the living room and i am on here.We will hopefully have the whole floor down tomorrow and can pick up our furniture on Sunday.I still have to find a space rug... i haven't found one i like yet.I have a couple places to check tomorrow for one.
At least this remodel will be done by the time we get Jax home! its going to look like a brand new house ..We remodeled the dining room a bit ago. We did get 3 contractors to give bids on adding a bedroom and bathroom.the first bid was WOW outrageous.We could buy a new home for that bid.We are waiting to hear what the other 2 have come up with.
I cant sleep as i am praying this thing in Liberia is fixed soon!I was so excited about going and being with Jax on his birthday and bringing him home.Now this wait is just so hard.I know it will work out its in Gods hands but it does not make it any easier.
He is up late working in the living room and i am on here.We will hopefully have the whole floor down tomorrow and can pick up our furniture on Sunday.I still have to find a space rug... i haven't found one i like yet.I have a couple places to check tomorrow for one.
At least this remodel will be done by the time we get Jax home! its going to look like a brand new house ..We remodeled the dining room a bit ago. We did get 3 contractors to give bids on adding a bedroom and bathroom.the first bid was WOW outrageous.We could buy a new home for that bid.We are waiting to hear what the other 2 have come up with.
I cant sleep as i am praying this thing in Liberia is fixed soon!I was so excited about going and being with Jax on his birthday and bringing him home.Now this wait is just so hard.I know it will work out its in Gods hands but it does not make it any easier.
In order to keep my sanity and my husband to keep his we decided it was time to make over the living room.We are ripping carpet up today..he has already started and going to get snap wood flooring this evening.He also is sending me to pick out new furniture for living room.Our sofa was shot and he wants a new easy chair,I want a rocker glider.and then i will look for a pretty space rug. At least my mind will be busy for awhile.
I find myself on this computer way to much praying for word that our little man can get his visa so we can go get him. This is driving me mad. It is so important to get him home and begin his therapy for his cp.He has a higher chance of seeing results at a younger age then when he is older,He is so sweet and adorable.
I feel so awful for all the parents involved in the suspension of adoptions in Liberia.I know its for the best but still hard for the many parents waiting to bring their children home.I am beside myself and can imagine how all of them are feeling.My heart goes out to all you parents as we wait and wait for our babies.
I will not unpack my luggage and leave it waiting for when we get the go ahead.I pray its soon.We should be getting our visas soon so once we get the call we can go.
I feel so awful for all the parents involved in the suspension of adoptions in Liberia.I know its for the best but still hard for the many parents waiting to bring their children home.I am beside myself and can imagine how all of them are feeling.My heart goes out to all you parents as we wait and wait for our babies.
I will not unpack my luggage and leave it waiting for when we get the go ahead.I pray its soon.We should be getting our visas soon so once we get the call we can go.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Our travel plans to bring our son home are on Hold!I have been really down today and having ahrd time functioning.I am praying the goog Lord anwsers and guides the way and we can soon be on that plane to Liberia.
Please pray we will be able to go soon and get a visa Issued.
Please pray we will be able to go soon and get a visa Issued.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I am overwhelmed with setting up the travel.We accomplished a ton today though!Visa apps have been mailed.Travel agent has been called and we have an Itinerary pretty sure this is the one we will go with.I also dropped email to hotel and am trying to set up hotel and a car to pick us up at airport when we arrive.So this is what we have....Leave Kansas city Mo on SAT Feb7 10 am arrive in Liberia Sunday Feb 8 at 8 20 pm.
Meet OUR son On Monday Feb 9 and leave to come home Sunday Feb 15 arrive home to my babies waiting us here at home Monday Feb16. we paid extra to have Visas expedited so we have them in time.I pray they make it to us soon! I am so EXCITED! Our wait is coming to and end and soon soon our little one will be in our arms forever.Landen has figured it out and has been out of sorts the last couple days.My poor baby! I gave him some one on one attention and will do so every night.It will be very hard on him the week we are gone.He is a mommas boy and cries when i leave even for a second to go outside to take trash out.
Tomorrow i plan on getting some things checked off my list and some of my kids stuff packed for they will be staying at my parents house 5 miles away.This has been a whirlwind of a day and YES i am so excited but i am also EXHAUSTED!
Meet OUR son On Monday Feb 9 and leave to come home Sunday Feb 15 arrive home to my babies waiting us here at home Monday Feb16. we paid extra to have Visas expedited so we have them in time.I pray they make it to us soon! I am so EXCITED! Our wait is coming to and end and soon soon our little one will be in our arms forever.Landen has figured it out and has been out of sorts the last couple days.My poor baby! I gave him some one on one attention and will do so every night.It will be very hard on him the week we are gone.He is a mommas boy and cries when i leave even for a second to go outside to take trash out.
Tomorrow i plan on getting some things checked off my list and some of my kids stuff packed for they will be staying at my parents house 5 miles away.This has been a whirlwind of a day and YES i am so excited but i am also EXHAUSTED!
Monday, January 26, 2009
I got word today to get everything moving.So tomorrow we are mailing our Visa applications and calling the travel agent!I cant believe it...All this dreaming of him being in my arms and its comming TRUE very soon.We hope to Leave Feb 7th and return Feb15,The best part is... if we can leave at this time his Bday id February 11th and we will be with him for his bday!
Please say prayers this works out... and we can travel on these dates.We are planning on paying the extra to have our visas Expidited so they are back in time for the travel date we would like to leave on.MY BOY IS COMMING HOME!
Please say prayers this works out... and we can travel on these dates.We are planning on paying the extra to have our visas Expidited so they are back in time for the travel date we would like to leave on.MY BOY IS COMMING HOME!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I have been preparing the house de cluttering and cleaning and just getting ready to go get Jax.Today we got his Jumparoo put together. This week we will get the bouncy set up and get whats left out of storage.I have a list and i am checking it off as we go. I know i am probably doing all this too early but with the kids and Husband might as well get as much done as possible.
I am nesting...I am still stitching on his Eeyore quilt it probably wont be completed before we go but maybe not to long after.I am so EXCITED I am praying his case study is correct and does not need to be redone.If this is the case we will definitely be leaving VERY soon. I have been trying to prepare Landen for a little brother since we started the adoption.I think its is sinking in now.He said Jax today and looked at the crib.This is a big step for him. I have the kids insurance cards and shot records ready for my parents in case they need to see the doctor while we are gone.I will be nesting up until the day we leave.
I am nesting...I am still stitching on his Eeyore quilt it probably wont be completed before we go but maybe not to long after.I am so EXCITED I am praying his case study is correct and does not need to be redone.If this is the case we will definitely be leaving VERY soon. I have been trying to prepare Landen for a little brother since we started the adoption.I think its is sinking in now.He said Jax today and looked at the crib.This is a big step for him. I have the kids insurance cards and shot records ready for my parents in case they need to see the doctor while we are gone.I will be nesting up until the day we leave.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I have been reeling knowing we are getting close to go get Jaxson.I have a list of stuff to get done and am slowly getting it all checked off.We are working on the documents for the Visa right now.I still have a couple more to get but cant do anything more until Monday.
I went shopping yesterday.. I got 3 ADORABLE outfits for our Lil peanut.They are so cute.2 i am packing to Liberia and one will stay here(long sleeve).The one outfit is a mint green striped top with a baby blue elephant on the shirt the shorts are baby blue and a pair of socks came with are baby blue its too cute.The other one is a onsie baby blue with Navy trim a matching bib (don't know if we need that) and a cute navy blue and white striped blanket it has baseballs on it too adorable.The other outfit is royal blue and baby blue is pants a onsie and a pair of pants.I love this store i got theses at.Its also where i bought the outfit i sent to him in Liberia.Its called schweysers and a great place to shop.They always have big sales.I also got Landen an adorable out fit there a ca mo vest with a dump truck on it a orange long sleeved shirt and brown pants too cute.
Anyway i now have everything Jax will need once he is home.I am working on spring cleaning and making sure everything is in order before we leave.Not only house but the kids and their schedules as my parents will have them while we are gone.I am so excited!I am praying his case study is correct if it is we apply for the visa's.
I am grounded home this weekend the brakes went bad in my car .I cant get it in the shop until Monday.So will be driving Michael's truck for places we need to go!I don't like driving his truck its a stick shift an i am not very good at it.I can do it just not very good.OK i am rambling here..I still cant believe soon he will be in our arms forever very soon.
I went shopping yesterday.. I got 3 ADORABLE outfits for our Lil peanut.They are so cute.2 i am packing to Liberia and one will stay here(long sleeve).The one outfit is a mint green striped top with a baby blue elephant on the shirt the shorts are baby blue and a pair of socks came with are baby blue its too cute.The other one is a onsie baby blue with Navy trim a matching bib (don't know if we need that) and a cute navy blue and white striped blanket it has baseballs on it too adorable.The other outfit is royal blue and baby blue is pants a onsie and a pair of pants.I love this store i got theses at.Its also where i bought the outfit i sent to him in Liberia.Its called schweysers and a great place to shop.They always have big sales.I also got Landen an adorable out fit there a ca mo vest with a dump truck on it a orange long sleeved shirt and brown pants too cute.
Anyway i now have everything Jax will need once he is home.I am working on spring cleaning and making sure everything is in order before we leave.Not only house but the kids and their schedules as my parents will have them while we are gone.I am so excited!I am praying his case study is correct if it is we apply for the visa's.
I am grounded home this weekend the brakes went bad in my car .I cant get it in the shop until Monday.So will be driving Michael's truck for places we need to go!I don't like driving his truck its a stick shift an i am not very good at it.I can do it just not very good.OK i am rambling here..I still cant believe soon he will be in our arms forever very soon.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I have been a busy bee today...Making phone calls..Packing luggage...Made a list and checking it twice.Gathering documents for Visa and to put in file to take with us to Liberia.I cant believe we are so CLOSE to bring our little peanut home.I have Jaxson Luggage totally packed and ready to go.I have jaxson's it ready for awhile lol.I just needed to add a few things to it..Meds.. and diapers.It is not all packed in in my bedroom.
Now i am working on Michael and I's.We are trying to fit it all in one suitcase i sure hope we can.I am so EXCITED...Not to much longer and we will be holding this little guy we have dreamed of for many MONTHS.So much to do its overwhelming....But i will get this list checked off and it will all come together.My kids don't even know the News yet!They were asleep when we got the email...I Didn't tell them this morning.I will tell them when they get home today!They are going to be so excited knowing their long awaited baby brother is COMING HOME SOON!Michael bought an awesome digital camera so i can a TON of pics! Please Pray everything keeps going in the right direction and we can leave in a month or less to get our Lil peanut!Lots of prayers please!
Now i am working on Michael and I's.We are trying to fit it all in one suitcase i sure hope we can.I am so EXCITED...Not to much longer and we will be holding this little guy we have dreamed of for many MONTHS.So much to do its overwhelming....But i will get this list checked off and it will all come together.My kids don't even know the News yet!They were asleep when we got the email...I Didn't tell them this morning.I will tell them when they get home today!They are going to be so excited knowing their long awaited baby brother is COMING HOME SOON!Michael bought an awesome digital camera so i can a TON of pics! Please Pray everything keeps going in the right direction and we can leave in a month or less to get our Lil peanut!Lots of prayers please!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I emailed the agency today and got an email back saying to send off for our Visas.Looks like Jaxsons case study will be complete this WEEK! Some have not been done right and have to keep being sent back.PLEASE Pray it is correct the first time...Then its 2 weeks or around there for Court and another 2 weeks for Travel Letter.PRAY this comes together Quickly.I am now so EXCITED!
Not to much Longer and our LITTLE PEANUT will be in our arms FOREVER!I cant believe it! So much to do in the next few weeks preparing for our littleman .
Not to much Longer and our LITTLE PEANUT will be in our arms FOREVER!I cant believe it! So much to do in the next few weeks preparing for our littleman .
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
UGHHH I got a new computer and it STINKS! I am going to return it.I cant do nothing!Cant get anywhere online cant download nothing YUCK! To pay the money you pay for computers and they are crappy. I have spent 2 nights trying to download things on it and it just wont go GRRRRR. So i am hooking my old one back up until i return this one and get a new one.My dinosaur was better then this piece of crap lol.
2 days i have spent on this thing...I have better things to do then DEAL with this.Tomorrow i have a Ton of things to do starting with going to the Ymca for a work out and maybe a quick swim.Then run a few errands and get groceries.My sweet husband bought me a New digital camera...I love it! So now i can take some pics of my KIDS and put them here yay!Hope all is well and hope to hear news that Our boys court is soon.
2 days i have spent on this thing...I have better things to do then DEAL with this.Tomorrow i have a Ton of things to do starting with going to the Ymca for a work out and maybe a quick swim.Then run a few errands and get groceries.My sweet husband bought me a New digital camera...I love it! So now i can take some pics of my KIDS and put them here yay!Hope all is well and hope to hear news that Our boys court is soon.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Today was a nice day outside.But we spent it indoors as i am working to Potty train Landen.He is so stubborn the Lil stinker.I know he can do it he just don't want to! The kids have done their chores for the day and are now in their rooms...My 2 girls are such homebodies lol i am happy about it too that way know they are not getting into trouble.
My ex husband came by to bring Williams car he towed it here.I am putting it in the shop here his alternator went out and he also has a radiator leaking.The kid needs his car to get to and from work.He has been catching a ride with a friend until his car gets fixed.We will also have mechanic do an oil change while its in the shop.
I got alot of things done around the house today...i am doing spring cleaning early so when time comes to get Jax it wont be on my to do list and i can focus on Jax and adjusting.I finally got the Kitchen done.Cleaned out all drawers and cabinets and wash them down.Moved fridge and stove and cleaned behind them.Cleaned oven and inside fridge.Washed curtains and hung them back up.Next room is dining room and will start tomorrow it wont take too long to do.
I want to have organization better so my Focus is on my Jaxson boy.Man i so cant wait for him to come home.
My ex husband came by to bring Williams car he towed it here.I am putting it in the shop here his alternator went out and he also has a radiator leaking.The kid needs his car to get to and from work.He has been catching a ride with a friend until his car gets fixed.We will also have mechanic do an oil change while its in the shop.
I got alot of things done around the house today...i am doing spring cleaning early so when time comes to get Jax it wont be on my to do list and i can focus on Jax and adjusting.I finally got the Kitchen done.Cleaned out all drawers and cabinets and wash them down.Moved fridge and stove and cleaned behind them.Cleaned oven and inside fridge.Washed curtains and hung them back up.Next room is dining room and will start tomorrow it wont take too long to do.
I want to have organization better so my Focus is on my Jaxson boy.Man i so cant wait for him to come home.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today is my sweet Husband's birthday! I treated him out to chili's for supper...My parents also went with us my moms birthday is coming up. We wanted to go to a boat and R.V. show but by the time we were done eating it was over.We had a nice time !
Friday, January 16, 2009
This has been an amazing but exhausting week! So tonight the kids have friends over to stay the night and we ordered pizza and just relaxing and enjoying each other.It has been a wonderful week but has taken its toll also! Michael is working on models (his hobby) i am on the computer Landen is asleep and the older kids are watching a movie on t.v.
Today Michael and i went and paid our fees and got our membership to the YMCA! The kids are excited about going swimming year around ha ha!I am excited about the water aerobics and the yoga class I'm gonna take.Also the fitness room the treadmill is a great thing. We even went ahead and got Jax on our family account!Why Wait till hes here hes family.The pool will be great for his cp.
Lots of exciting things have happened for us in the New Year!But the best excitement will be the day Jax lands on American soil and meets his 6 siblings and grandparents aunts uncles and cousins.I pray it soon as Jax is turning 4 yrs old in February.My baby is going to have another birthday without us there to celebrate the most glorious day ever the day God said he was to be born.I know we will have MANY more to celebrate with him .I still wish he was home NOW.
Today Michael and i went and paid our fees and got our membership to the YMCA! The kids are excited about going swimming year around ha ha!I am excited about the water aerobics and the yoga class I'm gonna take.Also the fitness room the treadmill is a great thing. We even went ahead and got Jax on our family account!Why Wait till hes here hes family.The pool will be great for his cp.
Lots of exciting things have happened for us in the New Year!But the best excitement will be the day Jax lands on American soil and meets his 6 siblings and grandparents aunts uncles and cousins.I pray it soon as Jax is turning 4 yrs old in February.My baby is going to have another birthday without us there to celebrate the most glorious day ever the day God said he was to be born.I know we will have MANY more to celebrate with him .I still wish he was home NOW.
We got it in the mail! I am soooo excited we are a step closer to our sweet sweet little boy! We applied for it in early october...we waited for 2 months i finally called them and found out their was a problem with homestudy .So we got that done and then forgot another document we mailed them Last Friday!So once it was all turned in it came QUICK!
Monday i will mail copy to agency and mail another document to agency!Now the prayers began that we recieve court soon.I am so so ready to go get HIM.
Monday i will mail copy to agency and mail another document to agency!Now the prayers began that we recieve court soon.I am so so ready to go get HIM.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tonight is one of those nights where Jaxson is on my mind heavily.It's like a pregnancy and then not so like a pregnancy KWIM? I mean you wait to hold your new baby... you buy things, you prepare for the baby, you set the room up and wash clothes.The difference is... you don't feel them move,They are not close in that way.They are close in your heart as you agonize the wait to bring that baby home.
I agonize for him every second of everyday!I want to hold him in my arms and kiss his sweet face and tell him i love him a thousands times until hes sick of it and thinking to himself YEAH YEAH MOM I GET YOU LOVE ME! Tonight as i stitched his Eeyore blanket i was thinking wow I'm gonna be a mommy soon!I mean the New Mommy feeling hit me like a ton of bricks!I got a warm feeling over me thinking this precious little boy who don't even know us and how much he is loved and part of our family already.His pictures are throughout the house.His crib is up, clothes in his dresser, toys in tote awaiting him,Highchair in place.All the signs of Jax are here and we wait to bring him home.
The WAIT is so hard... Yes its worth it in the end when you have that child you have loved in your heart for many months and stare at his picture and talk about and plan for.Yet the emptiness i sometimes feel without him in my arms can be so overwhelming.I pray everyday that things move for him In Liberia that they see the importance of him coming to his family that love and care for him and want to give him the best life possible.
Its so weird to have a feeling of Love for a child you have never met in person but you swell with that love so much!I cherish this little guy!I wish the call would come i would be on that plane so quick on my way nothing could hold me back from holding him FOREVER and never letting go. Oh i Dream for that day to come! Pray for us that its soon! Pray we get I171H soon.
I agonize for him every second of everyday!I want to hold him in my arms and kiss his sweet face and tell him i love him a thousands times until hes sick of it and thinking to himself YEAH YEAH MOM I GET YOU LOVE ME! Tonight as i stitched his Eeyore blanket i was thinking wow I'm gonna be a mommy soon!I mean the New Mommy feeling hit me like a ton of bricks!I got a warm feeling over me thinking this precious little boy who don't even know us and how much he is loved and part of our family already.His pictures are throughout the house.His crib is up, clothes in his dresser, toys in tote awaiting him,Highchair in place.All the signs of Jax are here and we wait to bring him home.
The WAIT is so hard... Yes its worth it in the end when you have that child you have loved in your heart for many months and stare at his picture and talk about and plan for.Yet the emptiness i sometimes feel without him in my arms can be so overwhelming.I pray everyday that things move for him In Liberia that they see the importance of him coming to his family that love and care for him and want to give him the best life possible.
Its so weird to have a feeling of Love for a child you have never met in person but you swell with that love so much!I cherish this little guy!I wish the call would come i would be on that plane so quick on my way nothing could hold me back from holding him FOREVER and never letting go. Oh i Dream for that day to come! Pray for us that its soon! Pray we get I171H soon.
The girls are both much better and went to school today!Lindas throat was not sore at all this morning.Rebecca 's cough was almost gone.I sent her a pocket of cough drops and linda throat drops in case they need them.Linda called me when she was at lunch and she sounded great.
I sent a note to Landens teachers today that he could lay down but please do not let him fall asleep.I dont know if he is sleeping or not because they havn't been writing it down.So i asked them to please chart rest time in their as well like they used too. If he is napping then that is what is causing his sleep issues.He has fought us going to bed at night and has been allnight or late until like 1 am or so.
It is cold here today like 7 degree's cold.Michael and i had some errands to run but decided it was to cold to go today and opted for tomorrow.We are just hanging around the house today!
I sent a note to Landens teachers today that he could lay down but please do not let him fall asleep.I dont know if he is sleeping or not because they havn't been writing it down.So i asked them to please chart rest time in their as well like they used too. If he is napping then that is what is causing his sleep issues.He has fought us going to bed at night and has been allnight or late until like 1 am or so.
It is cold here today like 7 degree's cold.Michael and i had some errands to run but decided it was to cold to go today and opted for tomorrow.We are just hanging around the house today!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mommy: Landen get to bed
Landen:no i pay (play)
Mommy:you can play tomorrow you have school in morning
This kid of mine has been having sleep issues and just wont go to bed.I thinks its time to see the Doctor or maybe Neurologist .Sleep is important because of his seizures. But i was sipping tea with Honey when he said the pay with keeeheee and about choked lol it was too funny!
Landen:no i pay (play)
Mommy:you can play tomorrow you have school in morning
This kid of mine has been having sleep issues and just wont go to bed.I thinks its time to see the Doctor or maybe Neurologist .Sleep is important because of his seizures. But i was sipping tea with Honey when he said the pay with keeeheee and about choked lol it was too funny!
Both girls have virul sickness.Just give them tylonol or motrin and keep them comfy.They both have sore throats so we got spray and lozenges for that.Rebecca has a horrible cough too he said give her cough drops and robitussin.
So we leave the docs and head to walmart to pick up these medicines and get my Zpac he had called in.I also picked up LOTS of chicken noodle soup for both my girls .They are both resting right now my poor babies!I did some grocery shopping too boy thats depressing.
I went through the clearance at walmart....Landen loves ERNIE from sesame street and they have tickle me Ernie's on clearance.He has the elmo one but doesnt care for him.I bought and brought it home and he LOVES it.He is always doing the laugh ERNIE DOES(KEEHEEEHEEE) so now he and ernie do it together and Landen just giggles its so funny.LOL we may have to replace batteries in him tonight at this rate.
I also found a bounce bounce TIGGER! I bought him too but put him up for Jax for christmas next year.Yes i buy christmas year around with 7 kids ya do that. I am starting to get a sore throat myself.On top of my sinuses ughhh! I have been clorox wiping what they touch and using clorox wipes on everything doorknobs..phone..cellphones..computer..remotes trying to keep us from getting it.I been washing dishes with a little bleach also.I guess there uis no way to keep those germs at bay but i sure try.
So we leave the docs and head to walmart to pick up these medicines and get my Zpac he had called in.I also picked up LOTS of chicken noodle soup for both my girls .They are both resting right now my poor babies!I did some grocery shopping too boy thats depressing.
I went through the clearance at walmart....Landen loves ERNIE from sesame street and they have tickle me Ernie's on clearance.He has the elmo one but doesnt care for him.I bought and brought it home and he LOVES it.He is always doing the laugh ERNIE DOES(KEEHEEEHEEE) so now he and ernie do it together and Landen just giggles its so funny.LOL we may have to replace batteries in him tonight at this rate.
I also found a bounce bounce TIGGER! I bought him too but put him up for Jax for christmas next year.Yes i buy christmas year around with 7 kids ya do that. I am starting to get a sore throat myself.On top of my sinuses ughhh! I have been clorox wiping what they touch and using clorox wipes on everything doorknobs..phone..cellphones..computer..remotes trying to keep us from getting it.I been washing dishes with a little bleach also.I guess there uis no way to keep those germs at bay but i sure try.
Linda and Rebecca are both sick!I MEAN SICK sore throats, runny noses, dizziness, and just plain ole miserable.I made a doctor appointment for them and will take them soon.To top it off my sinuses have taken a turn for the worse and i called the doc he is prescribing me a new antibiotic that is stronger.I will pick it up while i am in town with the girls at their appointment.
Landen is the only one healthy well and Brian but thats because Brian is at his dads house.I hope we all get better soon! It is really colddd HERE.Nosnow just flurries but COLDDDDDDDD.The wind has been high for 2 days.I dont wanne leave the warmth of my home.But the kids need to see doc and we need some soups and other groceries so we can stay home all week.The weather is not suppose to warm up until the weekend.We are getting -0 temps at night brrrrrrr. Ok off to take the kids to the doctor More later!
Landen is the only one healthy well and Brian but thats because Brian is at his dads house.I hope we all get better soon! It is really colddd HERE.Nosnow just flurries but COLDDDDDDDD.The wind has been high for 2 days.I dont wanne leave the warmth of my home.But the kids need to see doc and we need some soups and other groceries so we can stay home all week.The weather is not suppose to warm up until the weekend.We are getting -0 temps at night brrrrrrr. Ok off to take the kids to the doctor More later!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I talked with our agency today!I have to say this she is AWSOME she really puts her heart and soul to seeing to the children of Liberia best interest.There is no new yet but i keep praying for a miracle soon!I pray everyday that we get a call to go get him.I also hope we get I171H very soon! Should be this week or next or we can hope so!Now to get that call that its time to start making travel plans.I will post if we hear anything.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Babies is the topic in my Family right now!My niece Amberly is due next month with her first baby!My neice Ashley is pregnant with baby number 2 and due in July.My cousin Stacey just found out she is pregnant with baby number 3 .My cousin Corky and his wife are expecting baby number 5.My Nephew shane and his wife are due in August with baby number 2.
We are going to have Lots to celebrate in the year 2009 in our LARGE family.My mom called to tell me everyone who is pregnant...I knew about my nieces and Nephews upcomming births.So i added in yes we have lots of babies comming in the family this year including Ours Jaxson Emmanuel! Wow we have so much to be thankful for and all the baby booms this year.My baby may not be a new born but he is a New family member and he is our baby of the family! He will also be my mom and dads get this....26TH GRANDCHILD and the youngest of them all.
I am so excited about all the gifts God is giving to ALL OF US....
We are going to have Lots to celebrate in the year 2009 in our LARGE family.My mom called to tell me everyone who is pregnant...I knew about my nieces and Nephews upcomming births.So i added in yes we have lots of babies comming in the family this year including Ours Jaxson Emmanuel! Wow we have so much to be thankful for and all the baby booms this year.My baby may not be a new born but he is a New family member and he is our baby of the family! He will also be my mom and dads get this....26TH GRANDCHILD and the youngest of them all.
I am so excited about all the gifts God is giving to ALL OF US....
Landen decided at midnight he was done SLEEPING. He came downstairs last night and there was no getting him back to bed.I fed him crackers and a sippy cup of water,changed his diaper and thought ok hes fed and changed maybe he is comfy to go back to sleep now.Boy was i wrong!
He stayed up until 5:50 Am i am so exhausted tonight!I layed down at 6 and got back up at 8 am.I sent Landen to school and told them he pulled and allnighter and they said he didnt even NAP today!They layed him down but he didnt sleep.I had to take Michael and hour away to an appointment and after that one was over another hour away in another dirction to a second appointment.We got home 5 minutes before the kids got off the bus.So i am totally dragging and noticed Landen is also sluggish tonight.I am putting him to bed a little earlier then usual and hop he sleeps allnight tonight.
To top it off when i went upstirs to put Laundry away at about 11pm.last nightMiss Rebecca had the T.V. on in her room and she knows it goes off at 9pm on school nights.So she got reprimanded and told if she doesnt mind the rules i will remove her t.v. from her room.Bot thats all it took she flipped that t.v. off quick.I sure hope everyone sleeps tonight because i sure could crawl in my warm cozy bed and go right to sleep.
He stayed up until 5:50 Am i am so exhausted tonight!I layed down at 6 and got back up at 8 am.I sent Landen to school and told them he pulled and allnighter and they said he didnt even NAP today!They layed him down but he didnt sleep.I had to take Michael and hour away to an appointment and after that one was over another hour away in another dirction to a second appointment.We got home 5 minutes before the kids got off the bus.So i am totally dragging and noticed Landen is also sluggish tonight.I am putting him to bed a little earlier then usual and hop he sleeps allnight tonight.
To top it off when i went upstirs to put Laundry away at about 11pm.last nightMiss Rebecca had the T.V. on in her room and she knows it goes off at 9pm on school nights.So she got reprimanded and told if she doesnt mind the rules i will remove her t.v. from her room.Bot thats all it took she flipped that t.v. off quick.I sure hope everyone sleeps tonight because i sure could crawl in my warm cozy bed and go right to sleep.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I am having a hard time potty training Landen.When at school he wears pullups and they do take him to the bathroom and put him on the potty!At home the minute he comes in the door i take pullup off and put him training underpants.At night he wears a pull up.
He does not like pullups and LOVES the underpants problem is...HE PEED 3 TIMES ON MY DINING ROOM FLOOR today.Ant that's after i have taken him potty and made him sit on the potty for 15 MINUTES. The only way i can get him to sit on the potty that long is with a toothbrush he LOVES to brush his teeth.But today he just PLAIN refuses to go on the potty.I have tried rewards M$M,s and lots of praises.any ideas?I'm tired of mopping up PEE.
He does not like pullups and LOVES the underpants problem is...HE PEED 3 TIMES ON MY DINING ROOM FLOOR today.Ant that's after i have taken him potty and made him sit on the potty for 15 MINUTES. The only way i can get him to sit on the potty that long is with a toothbrush he LOVES to brush his teeth.But today he just PLAIN refuses to go on the potty.I have tried rewards M$M,s and lots of praises.any ideas?I'm tired of mopping up PEE.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I want to talk about alittle about Microcephaly because this is something Our 9 yr old is diagnosed wtih.When we heard about a little boy who was in need of a home in an orphanage in India We asked for more information .At first we were told this child was blind and deaf could not walk nor talk .we didnt care once we seen his picture we were HOOKED.Then we were given a medical file.We were not sure what we were getting into.It said...child blind, and deaf ,child is micrcephalic, developmentally delayed ,possible autism.
Ok can deal with blind and deaf and can deal with delays and autism but what in the world is MICROCEPHALY.I decided to do some reasearch and what i read on line scared the hell out of me.It said that a child who has Micro ... iminate death...I cried and cried when i read this.I decided this wasnt enough so i called and talked to 3 pediatricians and they all told us not to adopt him.I was shocked and cried and prayed.My heart was saying dont listen to them bring him home and my brain was saying leave him there he is too much care.
My heart won that battle..I joined a group for parents with children who have Micrcophaly and they eased my fears they were living proof that what you read on line should be taken with a grain of salt.Then i met a pediatrician and was talking to him while we were waiting to bring our son home from India.This pediatrician was MICROCEPHALIC...i was amazed with him and he explained alot to me and he said...Its simply a small head thats what micro is.Some have delays and some dont.I am living proof of a person with Micro.Yes he was.
When we got our son home we were surprised to see our child was walking.We were told he couldnt walk.deaf?NOPE not a bit he hears perfectly fine.Blind?Yes he is legally can see about 6 inches and does everything any other little boy does.Autistic...You bet has come out of his shell and is doing so so much beter.So when a person makes a comment about Micro i tell them whats the problem?It means small head.There is a little girl with Micro in an orphanage far away.I dream about this sweet baby and wish with SOME miracle we could bring her home.I pray for her i go look at her picture it tears me up dreaming and wishing she could be our daughter.
Special needs children.....alot of people say we are nuts we have Landen and now Jaxson will be joining our family soon he is also special needs with cerebral palsey people say things like you will have your hands full YES will and i will LOVE everyminute of it.I would NOT change a thing parenting my special needs babies...It will be a challenge having two of them yes.But so so worth everybit of that challenge.The unconditional love they give even if they cant verbalize it its there,The smile Landen gives and the way he loves life.Jax i know will be the same.Could i make room for another child with special needs?YES whats another.Can i afford to adopt again?NO But if by some miracle we could raise money to bring a certain little girl home I WOULD IN HEART BEAT.The life lessons i have learned from my son amazes me.I get asked alot of dumb questions from people about Landen.
What makes me the maddest is when someone says...Oh how good of you to SAVE a child with special needs?SAVE?no i didnt save him i became a mom a mom to a child who has so much to offer the world and so much more he can share with others.My babies have a place in this world too!Right here with their family where they are loved and cherished and praised upon for every thing they learn new .
Ok can deal with blind and deaf and can deal with delays and autism but what in the world is MICROCEPHALY.I decided to do some reasearch and what i read on line scared the hell out of me.It said that a child who has Micro ... iminate death...I cried and cried when i read this.I decided this wasnt enough so i called and talked to 3 pediatricians and they all told us not to adopt him.I was shocked and cried and prayed.My heart was saying dont listen to them bring him home and my brain was saying leave him there he is too much care.
My heart won that battle..I joined a group for parents with children who have Micrcophaly and they eased my fears they were living proof that what you read on line should be taken with a grain of salt.Then i met a pediatrician and was talking to him while we were waiting to bring our son home from India.This pediatrician was MICROCEPHALIC...i was amazed with him and he explained alot to me and he said...Its simply a small head thats what micro is.Some have delays and some dont.I am living proof of a person with Micro.Yes he was.
When we got our son home we were surprised to see our child was walking.We were told he couldnt walk.deaf?NOPE not a bit he hears perfectly fine.Blind?Yes he is legally can see about 6 inches and does everything any other little boy does.Autistic...You bet has come out of his shell and is doing so so much beter.So when a person makes a comment about Micro i tell them whats the problem?It means small head.There is a little girl with Micro in an orphanage far away.I dream about this sweet baby and wish with SOME miracle we could bring her home.I pray for her i go look at her picture it tears me up dreaming and wishing she could be our daughter.
Special needs children.....alot of people say we are nuts we have Landen and now Jaxson will be joining our family soon he is also special needs with cerebral palsey people say things like you will have your hands full YES will and i will LOVE everyminute of it.I would NOT change a thing parenting my special needs babies...It will be a challenge having two of them yes.But so so worth everybit of that challenge.The unconditional love they give even if they cant verbalize it its there,The smile Landen gives and the way he loves life.Jax i know will be the same.Could i make room for another child with special needs?YES whats another.Can i afford to adopt again?NO But if by some miracle we could raise money to bring a certain little girl home I WOULD IN HEART BEAT.The life lessons i have learned from my son amazes me.I get asked alot of dumb questions from people about Landen.
What makes me the maddest is when someone says...Oh how good of you to SAVE a child with special needs?SAVE?no i didnt save him i became a mom a mom to a child who has so much to offer the world and so much more he can share with others.My babies have a place in this world too!Right here with their family where they are loved and cherished and praised upon for every thing they learn new .


I received this in the mail this morning from our agency!It is one of the newest pictures we received of our little Munchkin.I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS LITTLE GUY! Isn't he just sweet?This is the outfit i sent for him.It is 12month in size and wow the shorts are longer then i thought they would be and his socks drowned him size 12-18 month socks.I know he has tiny footsies.I am so ready to hold my son in my arms forever! Cant wait! I am praying to get approval soon from USCIS and even better to get the call stating it time to TRAVEL.I am so ready to get him home.I had to share my gorgeous Boy!
Friday, January 9, 2009
When Michael and I bought our home 14 yrs ago we bought a house that was condemmed.Alot of people ask why we did instead of a home that was nice and ready to move in?Reasons.....when Michael and i married 15 yrs ago we were both in very unhappy marriages and we met as some would say on the rebound we met shortly after our divorces.Not that we felt that way. Michael and his ex wife were in serious financial straights when they divorced he was in Bankruptcy and we just could not Purchase a home with that looming over him.I was a stay at home mom when i was married and ZERO credit.So my little sister told me about a house that needed alot of work and was cheap and came with 2 house lots and had 3 bedrooms.Of course we were willing to come look at it...we were living in an apartment and wanted to start our new life in a home.
We set an appointment to come look at the house.My dad is a carpenter and came with us.I walked in and was APPAULED a family was living in a home at the time in this RUNDOWN place.I wanted to RUN and never look back at that ole ugly floors falling in home.But my dad says...It has great potential and would be a nice home.So we called the owner and told him we were ready to buy the house.I AM SO GLAD WE DID! It took many months to fix it to move in but its our home and we have worked hard on it.Michael and I have learned alot about finances and have learned to save to fix things.We dont own any credit cards..Our MOTTO...If we cant pay for it outright we DONT need it. We gutted our bathroom and remodeled after many years of living here.Its how we want it now.We may not do all remodels at once but it is comming together Nicely.We recently painted the living room and the dining room and pulled carpet out of the dining room and put the laminate wood floor in I LOVE IT.
There was many times we have said..What did we get into wish we could torch it and start over.But the kids are older and appreciate things better and we are now taking the time and doing it right.i love my house.It is not large by anymeans and can be cramped at times but we love it and would not have it anyotherway.Our home is one of the first sears and robuck kit homes.You can see through the years where rooms were added on.Our bedroom and bathroom were add on. there was a well outside we filled it in and capped it with cement it was to dangerous and when we moved here we had 2 toddlers and a baby and 1st grader.There was a back porch that if you stepped on it the whole thing shook.We ripped it off and put a nice deck on.We are proud of the work we have done.Michael and I have put our hearts into our home.We are now saving money again to get new carpet in our living room(i wanted the laminate floor in the living room) but michael says no he wants carpet.We also are planning on remodeling the whole kitchen it is very outdated and needs new cabinets.We want to get Jax home first and then will start working on these things when we have our son home.I can truly say Home is where the heart is.we have lots of sweat and many tears as some of the projects took Longer then anticipated.When we remodled bathroom Michael was in Iraq and my dad was doing the work.The bathroom had alot of issues OLD PLUMBING floor joices bad the works.The kids and I lived almost 2 months in the camper at the lake.AT least there we could have a bathroom and a shower.We would drive home acouple times a week and do Laundry and check on things at home and mow yard.It all worked out the kids and I love camping so it was like an extended vacation.
we have talked about selling and moving to Atchison(where we do all our shopping and docs and things and jobs) But we love it here and we are loving our home.We have Memories here our first home where our babies have grown up.I cant sale this place no way.I look back and feel so blessed for what we have and how hard we have worked to get here.We of course are feeling the economy crunch right now as everyone is and are really buckling on every dollar we spend.But it will be worth it in the end.We have a home we love happy healthy kids and a happy marriage.I may not be rich by far but we are HAPPY! what more could i want?
We set an appointment to come look at the house.My dad is a carpenter and came with us.I walked in and was APPAULED a family was living in a home at the time in this RUNDOWN place.I wanted to RUN and never look back at that ole ugly floors falling in home.But my dad says...It has great potential and would be a nice home.So we called the owner and told him we were ready to buy the house.I AM SO GLAD WE DID! It took many months to fix it to move in but its our home and we have worked hard on it.Michael and I have learned alot about finances and have learned to save to fix things.We dont own any credit cards..Our MOTTO...If we cant pay for it outright we DONT need it. We gutted our bathroom and remodeled after many years of living here.Its how we want it now.We may not do all remodels at once but it is comming together Nicely.We recently painted the living room and the dining room and pulled carpet out of the dining room and put the laminate wood floor in I LOVE IT.
There was many times we have said..What did we get into wish we could torch it and start over.But the kids are older and appreciate things better and we are now taking the time and doing it right.i love my house.It is not large by anymeans and can be cramped at times but we love it and would not have it anyotherway.Our home is one of the first sears and robuck kit homes.You can see through the years where rooms were added on.Our bedroom and bathroom were add on. there was a well outside we filled it in and capped it with cement it was to dangerous and when we moved here we had 2 toddlers and a baby and 1st grader.There was a back porch that if you stepped on it the whole thing shook.We ripped it off and put a nice deck on.We are proud of the work we have done.Michael and I have put our hearts into our home.We are now saving money again to get new carpet in our living room(i wanted the laminate floor in the living room) but michael says no he wants carpet.We also are planning on remodeling the whole kitchen it is very outdated and needs new cabinets.We want to get Jax home first and then will start working on these things when we have our son home.I can truly say Home is where the heart is.we have lots of sweat and many tears as some of the projects took Longer then anticipated.When we remodled bathroom Michael was in Iraq and my dad was doing the work.The bathroom had alot of issues OLD PLUMBING floor joices bad the works.The kids and I lived almost 2 months in the camper at the lake.AT least there we could have a bathroom and a shower.We would drive home acouple times a week and do Laundry and check on things at home and mow yard.It all worked out the kids and I love camping so it was like an extended vacation.
we have talked about selling and moving to Atchison(where we do all our shopping and docs and things and jobs) But we love it here and we are loving our home.We have Memories here our first home where our babies have grown up.I cant sale this place no way.I look back and feel so blessed for what we have and how hard we have worked to get here.We of course are feeling the economy crunch right now as everyone is and are really buckling on every dollar we spend.But it will be worth it in the end.We have a home we love happy healthy kids and a happy marriage.I may not be rich by far but we are HAPPY! what more could i want?
I have considerd having it done.They get so bad it messes my equilibrium up and knocks my hearing out.But my doc thinks me smoking is the key to helping them.So i am trying that and if not then we are talking the surgery.I am miserable at this point.My face feels like i ran into a wall and the ongoing headache and popping in my ears has been horrible.I just started the antibiotics and hope by Monday to notice a difference. He also will prescribe me meds for when we travel.The altitude on the planes has really messed with them.So in order not to be sick the whole week we are in Liberia with our gorgouse son i will not be sick or so i hope.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I am really getting aggitated! I got a letter asking for Michael and I's divorce decrees! I SENT them they have them.Must have lost them because they are asking for them again.So i gather our divorce decrees and will gets copies to send to them first thing in the morning.I am praying this is IT.Why didn't she ask for these when i was on the phone and she wanted the original homestudy?Besides she should HAVE THEM i sent them along with other docs needed.
Ok thats it for my vent but sheesh its been way over 3 months if we needed these she could of told us 2 weeks ago and she would fo got them when she got New homestudy.
I went to the doctor today and he put me on antibiotic and a steroid for my sinuses.I also start physical therapy again for the pinched nerve in my shoulder.If they are not better in a few days i am to call him again and see what next step is to get my sinuses under control. PLEASE PRAY we need nothing more for USCIS and we get approval soon.
Ok thats it for my vent but sheesh its been way over 3 months if we needed these she could of told us 2 weeks ago and she would fo got them when she got New homestudy.
I went to the doctor today and he put me on antibiotic and a steroid for my sinuses.I also start physical therapy again for the pinched nerve in my shoulder.If they are not better in a few days i am to call him again and see what next step is to get my sinuses under control. PLEASE PRAY we need nothing more for USCIS and we get approval soon.
My cousin Ruby and I are very close.We are best friends and we count on each other.She came down tonight to have coffee! She is so excited about Jax! She used to be a nurse and is now disabled.But wow is she ever Knowledgeable she will be a great help when Jax comes home,We talked and talked about Jaxs needs and she said..Ya know when Jax is tired of ya cousin ruby is here to the rescue.When hes sick of mom and dad i will keep him and spoil him rotten.
I am sure she would...Out of everyone we have told about the adoption Ruby is the one who is always sooo supportive.She loves him as much as we do. She would love to adopt so much but with her being disabled she is afraid she wont be able too bless her heart. So as she says it...I gain another baby through you. She is always buying things for Jax...outfits,onsies and such.She is my BEST FRIEND in everyway.She is who i confide in when i have a bad day. we live 3 blocks from each other and we talk on the phone everyday.I dont know what i would do without her in my life.
I am sure she would...Out of everyone we have told about the adoption Ruby is the one who is always sooo supportive.She loves him as much as we do. She would love to adopt so much but with her being disabled she is afraid she wont be able too bless her heart. So as she says it...I gain another baby through you. She is always buying things for Jax...outfits,onsies and such.She is my BEST FRIEND in everyway.She is who i confide in when i have a bad day. we live 3 blocks from each other and we talk on the phone everyday.I dont know what i would do without her in my life.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I want to thank carie for helping with my Insomnia problems...YOGA is great ty i just feel more relaxed all over after doing it.I have a couple new years resolutions..1.i have put on alot of weight this winter and was going to join TOPS.But decided to join the YMCA instead...Because the whole family can join and they also have a water aerobics which would be great for my arthritis.It cost about the same.
Number 2... try to quit SMOKING..carie again how did y do it?I tried the patches but found out the hardway that im Allergic to them.They worked but made me deathly ill went to doc to find out i cant use them.Anytips for this would be great.
Also getting my house in shape and looking for a new job.Looks like 2009 will be a full year in this family.with Jax comming home and me changing my habits and the kids keeping me busy.This is going to be great year.
Number 2... try to quit SMOKING..carie again how did y do it?I tried the patches but found out the hardway that im Allergic to them.They worked but made me deathly ill went to doc to find out i cant use them.Anytips for this would be great.
Also getting my house in shape and looking for a new job.Looks like 2009 will be a full year in this family.with Jax comming home and me changing my habits and the kids keeping me busy.This is going to be great year.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I have the worst sinuses ever.Every winter they get bad and it takes MONTHS for them to get better.I have been taking sudafed which usually helps and a nasal spray but nope not this time NOTHING is working.So i made a doc appointment.They got so bad 2 yrs ago it knocked my hearing out of my right ear for 6 months and when i did get it back i lost some hearing in my right ear.
I hope the doc can get then kicked NOW! I am miserble and have been sick allday i know is have sinus infection as everything taste wierd and i been fevering on and off today.So my day was not very progressive as i have laid around most of.I dont like being sick i am the one that keeps everything running smoothly around here.Michael has been a trooper getting me drinks and things for me.My appointment is Thrusday in the morning i hope he can get me back on track.
I think Landen is also not feeling well i noticed his nose running and he has been making funny sounds like hi throat is sore.So i made him Hot tea with Honey and that has seemed to help him a bit.I dont like the sickies !I will have to get my clorox wipes out and start disinfecting everything.
I hope the doc can get then kicked NOW! I am miserble and have been sick allday i know is have sinus infection as everything taste wierd and i been fevering on and off today.So my day was not very progressive as i have laid around most of.I dont like being sick i am the one that keeps everything running smoothly around here.Michael has been a trooper getting me drinks and things for me.My appointment is Thrusday in the morning i hope he can get me back on track.
I think Landen is also not feeling well i noticed his nose running and he has been making funny sounds like hi throat is sore.So i made him Hot tea with Honey and that has seemed to help him a bit.I dont like the sickies !I will have to get my clorox wipes out and start disinfecting everything.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I have this thing with me...Everytime we do an adoption i dont sleep!My mind dont shut down all i think about is my child and how they are(even though i know Jax is in good hands).When we adopted Rebecca 6 yrs ago i hardly slept the WHOLE 9 Months we waited for her.Then there was Landen who was a much more stressful adoption then Rebeccas was(took almost 2 yrs to get him home).I shed many tears for him because of the wait and wondering if i would ever hold him in my arms.He was 2 1/2 when we began his adoption and he was 4 1/2 when he fianlly came home.
Now here i am again with sleep issues wondering when when when are we going to go get him.I pray everyday this adoption goes smoother then our last one.the worry and heartache with him was so overwhelming.The wait was excrutiating.I do like when we get pictures and updates because it makes me feel closer to him.I was really happy when i got a chance to send him a gift from us.But its still not the same as him actually being home forever. I have started working on embroidery again i spned and hour or 2 in the evenings on it.I am making a eyore quilt for Jaxsons crib.I am halfway done with it. I also have a couple bibs i need to work on.I have hand made things for each one of my children to pass the time with the wait. Also to give them something that means love from their momma. I have made a blanket for each of the children and now Jax will have one too!
I dream of when we go and seeing his sweet face for the first time.I have had so much fun shopping for clothes and toys and things to take for the week we are in liberia picking him up to be FOREVER ours. All i have left to buy for Jax is diapers everything else is bought.Formula ,Bottles,Rice cereal,babyfood, wipes ,clothes ,Pjs ,toys bath stuff and lotion,baby tylonol,blankets,diaper bag and a carrier to put him in so he is close to me and his daddy at all times.I am praying to hear good news this month that we get a travel date soon!I had my way i would be on my way NOW! I am also praying we get our I171H this week or next now that USCIS has the documents they have asked for.I think about him always about how his adjustment is going to be and his bonding with us how that will go. Will he be happy we are his mommy and daddy?How will he do with his brothers and sisters? How will they do with Jax( I know that will be great they are EXCITED about their baby brother).My mind just reels with so much.Michael always tells me...Babe you do this everytime we become parents again you know it will be ok and we will have a blessed child to love in the end.I know he is right bt STILL!
To those who read my blog any suggestions on what to do to SLEEP? This is starting to effect my everyday life.I live on COFFEE all the time through out the day to survive(sleep 2 to 3 hrs a night is all).I need sleep i need to function for the family and for my well being. But i cant get my mind to shut down.Anysuggestions would help.I have tried tylonol pm and hot showers i dont know what elase to do.Help!
Now here i am again with sleep issues wondering when when when are we going to go get him.I pray everyday this adoption goes smoother then our last one.the worry and heartache with him was so overwhelming.The wait was excrutiating.I do like when we get pictures and updates because it makes me feel closer to him.I was really happy when i got a chance to send him a gift from us.But its still not the same as him actually being home forever. I have started working on embroidery again i spned and hour or 2 in the evenings on it.I am making a eyore quilt for Jaxsons crib.I am halfway done with it. I also have a couple bibs i need to work on.I have hand made things for each one of my children to pass the time with the wait. Also to give them something that means love from their momma. I have made a blanket for each of the children and now Jax will have one too!
I dream of when we go and seeing his sweet face for the first time.I have had so much fun shopping for clothes and toys and things to take for the week we are in liberia picking him up to be FOREVER ours. All i have left to buy for Jax is diapers everything else is bought.Formula ,Bottles,Rice cereal,babyfood, wipes ,clothes ,Pjs ,toys bath stuff and lotion,baby tylonol,blankets,diaper bag and a carrier to put him in so he is close to me and his daddy at all times.I am praying to hear good news this month that we get a travel date soon!I had my way i would be on my way NOW! I am also praying we get our I171H this week or next now that USCIS has the documents they have asked for.I think about him always about how his adjustment is going to be and his bonding with us how that will go. Will he be happy we are his mommy and daddy?How will he do with his brothers and sisters? How will they do with Jax( I know that will be great they are EXCITED about their baby brother).My mind just reels with so much.Michael always tells me...Babe you do this everytime we become parents again you know it will be ok and we will have a blessed child to love in the end.I know he is right bt STILL!
To those who read my blog any suggestions on what to do to SLEEP? This is starting to effect my everyday life.I live on COFFEE all the time through out the day to survive(sleep 2 to 3 hrs a night is all).I need sleep i need to function for the family and for my well being. But i cant get my mind to shut down.Anysuggestions would help.I have tried tylonol pm and hot showers i dont know what elase to do.Help!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Today started off making a run to our hardware store...One of our breakers went bad and the dryer wouldnt work .So we went to the hardware store got that and a couple other things Micahel needed.He came back put the breaker in got the other thing done he needed to do and turned my power back on.
Now i am doing Laundry i have beef stew simmering on the stove and am going to bake a loaf od bananna nut bread.I so love our relaxed weekends of not running around!It was fairly nice out most of the day so Landen and i went outside for a little bit and he played on his inch worm and the swing set.
I had a surprise visitor earlier ....MY OLDEST BROTHER Jeff and my sis in law Tina.I was very surprised Jeff lives in Nebraska and i dont get to see him Much.Actually i dont see my brother Chuck either he also lives in Nebraska,So we had a nice visit with them. I got alot of cleaning done today too! I am cleaning out piles of stuff anf getting rid of it.I want to get my spring cleaning done early this year so when time comes to get Jax it will be less i worry about and more time adjusting and Bonding with Jax.
Usually we are home every weekend Michael and i Both and our kids are all Homebodies.Theres no place like home.Come spring and summer we will be out and about more.But in the winter we basically Hybernate lol.
Now i am doing Laundry i have beef stew simmering on the stove and am going to bake a loaf od bananna nut bread.I so love our relaxed weekends of not running around!It was fairly nice out most of the day so Landen and i went outside for a little bit and he played on his inch worm and the swing set.
I had a surprise visitor earlier ....MY OLDEST BROTHER Jeff and my sis in law Tina.I was very surprised Jeff lives in Nebraska and i dont get to see him Much.Actually i dont see my brother Chuck either he also lives in Nebraska,So we had a nice visit with them. I got alot of cleaning done today too! I am cleaning out piles of stuff anf getting rid of it.I want to get my spring cleaning done early this year so when time comes to get Jax it will be less i worry about and more time adjusting and Bonding with Jax.
Usually we are home every weekend Michael and i Both and our kids are all Homebodies.Theres no place like home.Come spring and summer we will be out and about more.But in the winter we basically Hybernate lol.
Friday, January 2, 2009
We went to sears today to look at new wash machine and dryers.Mine was old and my dryer broke i mean like 14 yrs old.I am happy to say we got the stackable front Loaders.I was so thrilled to get them....our laundry room is incredibly small so this will free up some space in there.Michael said he can put me a shelf with a rod below to hang things that cant be dried.I will also be able to fit 3 hampers in there to sort laundry better.I love my new set.They are being deliverd within the next hour.I am so so HAPPY!
My wonderful husband said pick out whatever you want i dont care what you pick you do the laundry so you pick.I was like you sure?lol The best part is.. they were on clearance because the washer had tiny scratches on top.Ya wont see em anyway when there stacked.So clearance and 20% off on top of that.The owner of sears added another 10% off of that.These machines original price were 1,200 each and we paid....739.00 each.This is much better as our family size is so big i do about 3 loads of wash a day(teen girs are the most of our laundry).
Then we seen and advertisement about amish made firplaces that are electric and can be moved room to room.We need something for extra heat in the winter our home is old(built in 1900's) and very drafty.So we bought 2 of them! one will be in our living room and one will go in our dining room they are so PRETTY! I told hubby eventually we could put one in our bedroom and it would be romantic lol.
Time to go my machines are HERE! I am piled on laundry so ya all know what i will be doing tonight lol.
My wonderful husband said pick out whatever you want i dont care what you pick you do the laundry so you pick.I was like you sure?lol The best part is.. they were on clearance because the washer had tiny scratches on top.Ya wont see em anyway when there stacked.So clearance and 20% off on top of that.The owner of sears added another 10% off of that.These machines original price were 1,200 each and we paid....739.00 each.This is much better as our family size is so big i do about 3 loads of wash a day(teen girs are the most of our laundry).
Then we seen and advertisement about amish made firplaces that are electric and can be moved room to room.We need something for extra heat in the winter our home is old(built in 1900's) and very drafty.So we bought 2 of them! one will be in our living room and one will go in our dining room they are so PRETTY! I told hubby eventually we could put one in our bedroom and it would be romantic lol.
Time to go my machines are HERE! I am piled on laundry so ya all know what i will be doing tonight lol.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I have been tossing around rather to use disposable diapers or cloth diapers for Jax.I decided to purchase some cloth they go on like a dispoable so its relativly easy with velcro fasteners.I took into account the cost of disposable as well as the environment.I use disposable with Landen but we are working on potty training.
The cloth diapers comes in a one size fits all so its not like i will have to purchase them again(the intial cost to buy is expensive).So in the long run i am saving dollars too.Jax is wearing cloth in Liberia so why not try to stay with what he is used too?I will take disposables while in Liberia and will use disposable when we go on trips where we are gone more than a day with him once he is home.
The cute thing is they come in colors and decorated.The diaper covers are soooo cute.I founda pattern to make them so that will help also.I bought Dappi diapers they seem to be the most affordale and i will try some kushis too.I have not bought them yet just the dappis.Now the problem i am having is finding a old fashioned diaper pale.Ya would think these places that sell the diapers would also sell the pales.No such luck.I still have some other places to check.
I was also told that tea tree oil is good to add in water to the diaper pale it holds down odeor and helps them from staining.So i will be getting some of that as well.I still need to purchase some more diapers but have some comming soon.I am glad i made this choice.I have spent alot of money on diapers with Landen this should cut some cost and cloth arent so bad i used them with my 2 oldest and thats before they made them like a diaposable back with the Pins and ya had to fold them and i did ok then.
The cloth diapers comes in a one size fits all so its not like i will have to purchase them again(the intial cost to buy is expensive).So in the long run i am saving dollars too.Jax is wearing cloth in Liberia so why not try to stay with what he is used too?I will take disposables while in Liberia and will use disposable when we go on trips where we are gone more than a day with him once he is home.
The cute thing is they come in colors and decorated.The diaper covers are soooo cute.I founda pattern to make them so that will help also.I bought Dappi diapers they seem to be the most affordale and i will try some kushis too.I have not bought them yet just the dappis.Now the problem i am having is finding a old fashioned diaper pale.Ya would think these places that sell the diapers would also sell the pales.No such luck.I still have some other places to check.
I was also told that tea tree oil is good to add in water to the diaper pale it holds down odeor and helps them from staining.So i will be getting some of that as well.I still need to purchase some more diapers but have some comming soon.I am glad i made this choice.I have spent alot of money on diapers with Landen this should cut some cost and cloth arent so bad i used them with my 2 oldest and thats before they made them like a diaposable back with the Pins and ya had to fold them and i did ok then.
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