We are going through the HORRIBLE THREE'S.Mr Landen has been saying no alot,stripping his clothes off,and sticking things in his nose and ears.At christmas he tried to put a candy cane in his ear!He had a peice laying inside the ear but luckily it did not fall down in the canal.He also puts straws up his nose.He doesnt listen and does things he knows he is not suppose to do just to get a rise out of you.I am happy to see him going through his Milestones though.When he came home to us 4 yrs ago he was developing at age 9 months at almost 5 yrs old.Now he has progressed so so much.But whew are we at a trying stage. Oh and the sassiness OH MY! Has he ever been sassy...tells his sister Linda to get out or shut up.Tells Rebecca get off me, shut up ,and no. We still have not mastered Potty training ughhh i am working hard to get him to want to train.But darn he is so funny and cute.His vocabulary had doubled in the past few months.I know one day this milestone will pass but some days is so trying.But what can i say GOTTA LOVE THIS KID WHATS NOT TO LOVE!
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