Here i go again not sleeping!I cant stop thinking bout
Jax!I ache to hold him in my arms and its driving me mad.Why oh why cant i go get my little man?It is 4:47 am and i cant sleep i have laid down like 4 times and cannot fall asleep.I need
Jax home and my family will be complete and i can sleep peacefully knowing we are all here and together.I have not
received an update in awhile which is also made this wait hard.I also understand there is really nothing to update at this time.I love this sweet innocent little boy so much and it pains me he cant be with his mommy who aches to love and care for him.I pray
every night for God to keep him safe and not let it be much longer that
Jax can be with his family.I just want our little boy home.
1 comment:
aww...my heart aches for you. it isn't fair...i don't understand it all. I have been reading and working on understanding God's timing...I am not sure what it is all about..but it might be the only logical explanation anymore.
wish I had words of comfort.
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