We had an awful weekend and i do not want another like it.It was our high schools homecoming dance on Saturday night.Our daughter Linda got dressed in her beautiful dress to go she looked so GORGEOUS.We let Linda drive herself to the dance.
A mothers biggest fear happened...Linda called me a little after midnight in hysterics.I could not understand what she was saying.She handed the phone to a woman who then told me Linda was in a car wreck and where it was and that 911 had been called.When i got there i could NOT find the car nor my daughter i was almost hysterical by this time.Some one said she is in there and pointed to a cornfield,I went down this steep horrible ditch and walked and walked and walked finally seeing the car and my daughter.
Linda was coherent in pain and crying in Hysterics.I went to her and told her to stay still do not move her head as she was complaining of back pain.Yes i am a scared mom but i also took EMT school and knew she needed to be immobilized with complaint of back pain .There was no ambulance yet and i was like were they called?The dispatcher told them the wrong area.When they arrived they got Linda is c spine collar and out on the stretcher.I rode in the ambulance with her.
We got to er and they did cat scan of her head back and neck.I am happy to say nothing broke.No internal bleeding just really banged up.Her back is having Muscle spasms,her sternum is severely bruised(from seat belt) and her rib is sore also from seat belt.
The Angels were watching over our daughter! Linda fell asleep behind the wheel the car hit a sign spun in a circle in highway and went airborne landing in cornfield and spun twice more before sliding sideways to a stop.She was deep in the corn Field about 300 feet.I was relieved their was other kids driving home and the she was not alone on that highway.The car was so far in the Field it could not be seen from the highway.
I am upset the airbags did not deploy i am happy we have taught Linda the importance of buckling up. The seat belt saved her life.The sheriff came to the hospital and said if she would of went down the ditch the car would of flipped and rolled.But there are no tire tracks at all in the grass of the deep deep drop off of a ditch which shows the car went airborne and jumped the ditch.I feel the hands of God and the angels above carried our daughter to safety.I am blessed she is alive and well.
Michael's 2009 Kia on the other hand...well lets just say it pretty sick and got many bumps and bruises.Lots of front end damage.The driver mirror is bent in and shattered.After looking at this little car and i am so grateful Linda is fine.We are waiting to hear what insurance adjuster tells us about the car.I do have pics of Linda in her beautiful dress and i have pics of the car.I will post them later.
P.S. Linda lovingly inherited the name of corn princess.
Denise- I cannot even imagne the horror and fear you had to endure this weekend. I am so thankful for God's mercy. Linda is a special girl and God sent His Angels. I am so relieved to hear she is OK. Please let me know if I can help in anyway!
Hug your children extra tight and I will too!
Oh I am so glad she is ok!! How scary, oh how very scary for everyone!!!
Thank you Ellen and carie,
I kept her home an extra day.The doc at ER only gave her yesterday off.But the spasms are so bad in her back there is no way she could carry a bookbag,walk halls, and set in chairs for extended periods of time.I am so glad she came out only with bumps and bruises and soreness.The wreck site was horrible and my daughter was watched over and blessed.That ditch was a drop off .I definatley can say God and the angels above carried that car over that ditch.Thanks i just want my girl to feel better.I feel her pain and wish i could take it all away.
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