Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was in the kitchen Landen got quiet.I went to check on him and he was having a grand ole time doing this.Guess one toy at a time was not enough.He didn't like his bed made either.He also dumped his bag of pullups the stinker.GOTTA love the kid.He did help me pick it all up before he went to bed .I am up having coffee.Just threw a load of towls in wash.The house is nice and quiet for a couple more hours.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I was hoping to hear something this week.I did get an email from the agency saying they didn't get any answers and will try again on Monday.The suspense is killing me.So nothing new to share.Here is a pic of the Letters i painted and hung above Jaxson's crib.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


It's ready!Come home soon little man.


I have taken my time getting things ready for our Little man to come home.But i feel its time to get it all done.I have done a little here and there but never fully put everything together.I have his bedding in the washer now..Baby changer is ready stacked with diapers,Wipes,Lotions, powders,and every other necessity needed for a little guy.His crib bedding is in the wash machine now(sponge bob).I am getting ready to hang his letters i painted that spell his name on the wall.His baby bottles have been boiled and are now drying .I still need to convince my husband to put his Jumparoo together.We will wait for the final call before we install his car seat as we can use the extra seat in my van until the time comes.
I am sooo excited to know that soon he is coming home.I am praying fervently that its within the next couple weeks we travel to get him.This has been a long exhausting adoption and i am so ready to complete our family.That missing part in our hearts and mind will be filled soon and we can be a family never to turn back.I would love for him to be home in time for Thanksgiving My mother in law will be here and it would be the prefect time to Introduce her new Grandson.
Please say a prayer that things start speeding up and we get the go ahead to arrange travel.This hanging in suspense waiting to hear when the Embassy decides we can go is hard.We should be receiving our visa's any day.I mailed them last Thursday Pray they come tomorrow.All that's left is a call to our docs office to get a script for Malaria meds and we are SET to go.PLEASE PRAY FOR US THAT WE CAN GO NOW!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


happy 7TH Gotcha Day Rebecca Sunita!I love you so much it is hard to believe you are 14 now and such a beautiful, smart, outgoing younglady.I am proud of you and so glad

you are my daughter.I love you like you were born to me.You are an amazing child i am so proud and happy to be your mom.

Celebrating with a cake and General tos chicken and steamed veggies and rice.I bought her the most beautiful butterfly necklace.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I received 2 emails today!One from Senator Brown backs office saying our I-600A was sent to Embassy yesterday. A second one from USCIS stating I-600A was sent yesterday as well and that they are sending us a letter in the mail stating this.This was a stresser and i am thrilled its fixed.NOW call and tell me we can go get our babe.I am ready to hold my sweet angel in my arms forever.

Monday, October 26, 2009


My Cousin and her baby Chanler..He was one adorable Skunk.
My Great Nephew Karter...One cute Hot chili pepper.

My great Niece Ryleigh isn't she the cutest mouse?

My furby boy! ISN'T HE A DOLL?

We had a blast at the block party at our church.They do this every year around Halloween.Here is my Landen dressed as furby.Big sissy Loving on him.It was beautiful outside and look t the trees.I have not seen them this beautiful for a long time.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I was on exactly that last night.I keep this blog Private so i can put things on here and only for people i trust who are dear friends and would not share this info.
Last night i emailed the agency to see if their was any updates as to when we can travel to get our most adorable little boy.The email i received set me in a tiff and had me up all night crying.Yes i was up ALL night i went to bed at 7 a.m.Not a good thing when the kids are out of school today.The Embassy LOST our I-600A i was so angry how in the world can they lose such an IMPORTANT document?I mean if your going to lose something lose something that is more easily acceptable and don't require you to jump through hoops or cut massive lines of red tape.
I was awake at 9 am and started my phone calls to try and get this I-600 A sent to embassy.Well so much for calling USCIS that's about a joke They gave me an email to contact.OK so i fire off the email and guess what?It take 3 days for them to respond!Can you believe it 3 days.I don't have 3 days people this is my life our child who needs to come home ASAP.
So I called our Senators office.Yes i talked to a real live person not a computer or a automated voice.It was really nice for a change.The minute i explained the problem to the woman on the phone she says OH NO NOT GOOD you need HELP .So she put me on hold for like 1 minute and man is on the other end of phone.I explain it to him and he was sooo great.He said this is what we not YOU. WE need to do...So i did what he asked which was not hard or painful at all and my mind was becoming less cluttered with the fog that was claiming it and the storm that was brewing in my stomach as i was angry this was misplaced in the first place.So this man now has all our info and is going to HELP us.Now we wait until we get an email back saying this matter has been fixed.I am sure it will be sooner then later as it would have been just waiting on the reply back from USCIS.Now to get this child home before anymore important documents are lost.Yes i admit i have lost some faith entrusting our life papers and life line to our son in stranger's hands.
Pray this is whole mess is ironed out quick and that The embassy says OK enough is enough time for this kid to go home.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Today is Landen's "GOTCHA DAY" ! It is hard to believe it has been 5 yrs that he has been home.On the other hand it feels like he has been here forever.He has blessed us so much with his sweet nature.We are celebrating with one of his favorite foods shrimp and fries he also got a small cake just for him and a new toy.I asked him what today is after we told him a bit ago and he said my gotcha day.What a smart cookie he is.I love this spunky bubbly little boy who has brought so much to our family.He has taught me so much and is so amazing.We Love you Landen Le Roy Shiv Miller.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Happy anniversary are the love of my life.. my best friend.The one i share everything with the hard times and the good times.You are an awesome Father and the most wonderful husband.You make me laugh with your silly shenanigans and you make me smile every morning when i wake up with you.You are caring , and loving the kindest man .You have a big heart and a great soul.I would not know life without you in it.I love you so much and love you more every passing day.I thank God for giving you to me.

Monday, October 19, 2009


This is a very busy and blessed week for us.As you all know Landen was sick for 2 weeks and i have now been sick for a week and half.Today was miserable we had appointments all day and i had a doctor appointment to try and get an antibiotic for this awful sinus infection i am enduring.I waited 2 weeks to get this appointment.I get to the office and check in with receptionist to be told my appointment was changed from 2 pm today to 9 15 am this morning.I said what?No one called me and told me? She said i am sorry the soonest he can see you again is NEXT week.I was beyond mad and told her look i need to be seen i have been sick and waited 2 weeks for an appointment.
I did get a new appointment but not until this Wednesday.So i will go and hope she can get me some relief i am Miserable and the home remedies are not working.
This week we have several special things going on.October 22ND... a BIG day here.We have two great things to celebrate.Number one....16 yrs of marriage to the most amazing man .A good man a wonderful father.I am so blessed to be his wife and mother of his children.Number two...OCTOBER 22ND...LANDENS GOTCHA DAY...He will be home with us 5 yrs on this day.Yes he arrived home on our anniversary.Next Big day...OCTOBER25TH...My son turns 21 Hard to believe how fast my children are growing up.October 25TH is also my sister Lori's Birthday she will be 45.Next big day is..OCTOBER 28TH...Rebecca's GOTCHA DAY...hard to believe it will be 7 yrs she has been home.It feels like she has been with us forever.She has grow into a wonderful young lady.
We have so much great stuff to share this month!Next great thing we hope to share is we can set a travel date to pick up the littlest member of the Miller Family.


Got our passports back today made a boo boo and did not send enough Money.Back in the mail they go tomorrow.Now we wait another week before we get our visas.I cant believe i made this error.Its OK i have some time yet so it all works out in the end.
Please pray we get visas back soon and that we can go get our son before thanksgiving.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Landen is feeling much better and has been playing all day and eating everything that is not nailed down.I on the other hand am miserable.I went to bed at 6 pm last night and did not wake today until 10 30 am.My sweet husband got up with the kids and let me rest.He even held all phone calls.He knew how sick i have been.
The girls went to eat Chinese and are going to the movies.They are bored so i gave them Money and told them to have a nice time.Michael,Landen and myself are hanging out here at home.I am going to a little cleaning an some dusting.
I am going to work on some crafts later...Have not been able to do it with this herniated disc but it is getting so so much better.
I hope this is the week our Visas come to us and that we get good news soon to travel.I wanna meet our little man.Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We are still struggling with Landen's sickness.I took him to ER last night after 2 weeks of this craziness of him beng sick.Landen does have H1N1.Its a horrible virus.Today Landen was very Lethargic and slept alot.He is running a 100 temp which i gave him Motrin for.He loves hot tea with honey so he has been drinking quite a bit of that .It helps his sore throat
Alltogether there is 180 children out of school with H1N1.I hope the numbers dont go up or there will be no more students at school at all.I have a sinus Infection myself and cant see the doctor until Monday.So i keep doing home remedies and taking sudafed.It is starting to break some.My throat is still sore though and the ringing in my ears is getting to me.
No news yet on when we will travel for our Jax.I am happy that Landen will be over the H1N1 flu before Jax gets here.I have not got much accomplished at home.I am doing well to throw a load of wash in with being sick.
Our plans for the weekend have been cancelled with Landen and I both sick.My parents are picking the girls up and taking them to a birthday party on Sunday.
My parents came by yesterday and My wonderful dad put the mirror up in the bathroom for me.My husband hung my curtain in the new Laundry room too.We hope to move the washer and dryer to the new laundry room this weekend.We had to get a plumber out here before this could be done.He will be here tomorrow and said it was an easy fix.I hope he is right.
That's about it in the Life of the Miller household the teens are all doing fine.My husband has been sick today i hope he isn't getting the h1n1.
We are all excited about getting Jax home and cannot wait for the day to come.I am praying its very soon i cant wait to meet the youngest Miller child.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The swine flu has hit our schools with such a force here.70 kids are OUT sick with swine flu.I am sure Landen had this too.He went to the doctor and she put him on ANTIBIOTICS which did not make him better at all even the congestion syrup she gave him did not help.I did keep him home today as his nose is really really nasty and he still seems to have a touch of sore throat.
My older kids...I don't want to sound like i am a germ phobic but 70 Kids in this small farming community is like more the HALF the students here.I sent each of my children with a pack of Kleenex to cover their face with.I also got them all alcohol gel to keep in pockets and wash their hads often with it.I told if you touch door handles,Lockers,desk chairs anything use the gel.I told them not to get close to any students and do not use the water fountain.
I don't know why they don't shut the school down for a week and disinfect it that way.Instead of keeping it open and risking children.If you don't send them you get threatened with Truancy.What do you do?I may have to risk getting in trouble just to keep my other 3 kids from getting sick.
This sickness was very violent on Landen.He is still not 100% but the fever is gone.He would sleep and not eat.I had to force fluids on him.I just could NOT get him to wake up for anything.His throat was sore and he has a nasty yucky runny nose.His teacher called today to check on him.I told her my fear of sending him back.She agreed that school should be closed and told me not to worry about sending Landen knowing he is sick.I told her he was better just has a goopy nose but am not comfortable with sending him yet.She agreed their are 6 students in her special needs class and all she has today is ONE.Yes One the rest are out with this illness.
Please pray that this horrible virus leaves our school and children be.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Two weeks ago i get an email and a phone call of the biggest news ever about my Jax.Then i am told to wait cant travel yet.I got more news today and i was so sad i set and started crying.The frustration of it all is building.I have packed everything and gathered the remainder of paperwork and sent our visa's off.
I don't sleep much as i think about when our son will come home.My stomach is in Knots.All i can hope for now is that we do get to go get him before Christmas.I am just a wreck..I love how the country changes things at a drop of a hat to make it longer wait.No wonder i am getting an ulcer.I just want our son home.Please pray things move there quickly.I know he is coming home is just moving so slow.
I don't know how many more tears i can shed over this.I have loved our son from the second i saw his picture.Its seems so unfair that we have missed him grow so much.It breaks my heart also that his much needed medical care is on hold because we cant seem to get him home and give him the care he needs.
We need Lots of prayers...I sure wish i had a chunk of money right now because i would pack my family up and we would stay in country until we could bring our son home.Oh i just wanna curl up in a corner and cry my eyes out.


The schools here have gotten hit with 70 kids out sick.Landen has been out of school sense last week he is allot better other then the runny nose.The swine flu has hit our school.I am afraid to send Landen.We have not got his flu shot yet.We get them on Wednesdays at health department and Landen has been to sick to get it. The flu shots came in last week Landen was sick that day.
The H1n1 is still not available yet.We hope soon but not yet.I don't want to send Landen to school I am afraid too.Why don't they just shut the school down until the epidemic is over? I know he needs school .I don't want ANY of my kids to go but they have too or we here all about the truancy thing.
Please pray this epidemic goes away and all those kids get well and back on their feet.Pray that my children and all other parents children do not get it.I am so scared and don't want the kids to go.I am on the fence rather to send them or not.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I have now caught what Landen has.I feel for him as i am miserable with runny knows.. congestion and sore throat.I have not got a fever but oh boy am i miserable.I called the docs office today to try and get Landen seen.All the docs are swamped here and getting an appointment is the impossible.
Landen quit fevering today and played and played today.He drank a cup of hot chocolate and wanted pizza.I don't have any pizza so we found some chips and he ate them all.This means his throat is getting better.I gave him a bath tonight and he started to play with his bath toys and then started crying.I got him out and dressed and gave him his seizure medicine,His antibiotic and his decongestant.He went to his bed with his glow worm and fell asleep.
I have not heard anything more on when we can go get our little boy.I pray every night that we can go soon.I am dieing to hold our son.Those sweet cheeks he has and his adorable face.I just want to parent our son.Please say a prayer that we can bring Jax home in the next couple weeks.We could sure use allot of prayer.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I took Landen to the doctor last week and she said he had an ear infection and bronchitis.He is getting worse and Not better.Has been spiking temps all day has green goo coming out his nose.He has been on antibiotics for 5 days now.
He refused food today but i have had him drink lots of water.I let him stay in his Jammie's and just changed his diaper throughout the day.His fever broke and he got out of his bed and played with his toys for quite awhile.I don't like seeing my little boy sick it has been a week and a half.He quit fevering and was doing great.Tomorrow i am calling the doctor again as i am so worried about this N1H1 flu.I don't think its what he has but i rather be safe then sorry with my little guy.
Landen Loves his new room and big boy bed.He has played allot in his room.He kisses Sponge bob who is on his sheets and its so cute..I don't think he has caught on to the crib and why its there yet.I keep telling him that its baby brother Jaxson's bed and that him and brother are going to share a room.He has not caught on yet.
I had to run to walmart and buy a new baby monitor Landen's got broke.Its a good thing i did.I heard him crying early this morning and got to him to find he was fevering.Please Pray this sickness is viral and will go away soon and my sweet happy boy can get back to himself.I don't like when he gets sick as he is not verbal enough to tell me when he feels bad.

Friday, October 9, 2009


My sweet husband and i been moving things all day.We slept in our new room last night wow its nice having a bigger bedroom.we got all furniture but the blanket box moved.It will be moved tomorrow and then i hang my pictures.Pics coming soon i promise.We also got Landen and Jaxson's room set up.Landen is so excited that he is now in a big bed .He also loves his new sponge bob bedding and wall appliques.He was so cute giggling and laughing and kissing his bedding and wall stickies.I still need to move his toys and books down from upstairs.I also need to clean Jaxson's crib out tomorrow and get all his little things organized.
My living room and dining room look like something exploded so i have my work cut out for me tomorrow.My dad is coming to second coat the paint in hallway and then we will be able to hang pictures there too.I am happy the house will be organized and together so when Jax comes home i can focus on him.Mailed our visas off this morning FINALLY!I have been getting side tracked and this had to get DONE.We hope to receive them back this week with our visas in them.Now we wait for the call saying its all clear and we can fly.
Please pray its soon!I am ready to meet my boy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This week has been so busy!Landen has been sick i took him to the doctor he has ear infection and a form of Bronchitis.He is on an antibiotic and a cough suppressant.He is doing well enough to go to school so that is a good thing.The carpet guy was here today and finished up.I am happy to say i have been moving things into our new bedroom.It is hard to do things one handed though.This herniated disc is hindering me something terrible.
Tomorrow the furnace guy is coming to Light our furnace.It is cold here requiring heat we are using our electric fireplaces until we get the heat turned on tomorrow.I am happy that we are winding down on these remodels so i can focus on getting Jaxsons room ready.I had to put it on hold until we get our stuff moved in the new bedroom and finish up the little things that need done.I promise pictures are coming soon.
Yesterday we went to walmart to get Landens medicine the doctor called in and i went ahead and Bought Landen his new comforter and sheet set for his big boy bed.He was thrilled to see it was sponge bob bedding.Landen has outgrown toddler bed and is moving to a big bed.Landen is getting our old room and Jaxson will be his room mate.This way both boys are close to us and i can be right there if they need me.I use a baby monitor with Landen being upstairs and will use it down stairs too.
Tomorrow Linda has a doctor appointment and i have a couple errands to run after.I will take her to school and hurry back home so i can help my sweet husband move our bed and dressers.This should be interesting considering i am One handed.This weekend we made no plans as we have so much to do with moving things around and Painting the little boys room and moving them in.Oh fun.I am glad our home will be in order for Jaxsons arrival after all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last week i get the call saying Our son can come home.Then i get wait don't leave yet have some details needed to work out with Embassy to find we have to wait for a document.I know foreign countries work at their own pace.It just irritates me i am ready to jump on the plane NOW.Why in the world does it have to take so long to get this document signed?
I have been preparing for Jaxson's arrival and am thrilled we are going to be together soon.I am not a patient person and i am ready to go now.My Husband is the go with the flow kinda guy and says,Well this gives us another week to get the addition finished up.I know he wants our home together i do to.But i want my SON more.We are getting the carpet lay ed today in our new bedroom.Looks like we will be moving in this WEEKEND.I am happy this remodel stuff is coming to and end.Maybe that's what we are being guided too.Once remodels are finished we will get the call to Travel.It just cant come fast ENOUGH.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last Thursday school called and said Landen was running a 102 temp.I picked him up and he slept from noon to the next morning seeming to feel better as he ransacked the house.He did great Friday night and gained his appetite back eating 3 slices of pizza.Saturday we went to Oktoberfest and he was feeling good too.Today he starts a temp and his nose is running and he sounds congested.I am keeping him home from school tomorrow and will be calling the doctor to try to get him seen.
He is miserable tonight.He got on the couch with his favorite blanket and his favorite toy and played laying down until he fell asleep.I am not waking him he is fine where he is.I don't like when he gets sick.He cant tell me how he feels.We were going to take him for flu shots this Wednesday looks like that will be on hold my poor baby.
I hope he gets over this crud soon and back to my little ball of energy boy.


I cant sleep ... I am up doing some cleaning that was on my list of to dos before we leave to bring our Beautiful son home. I cant get my mind to stop racing about all the things that need done before we go.I then have a list i started of things that need done when we get home..doc appointments having Jaxson added to Insurance and so on.
All i need is that one phone call and i will be booking tickets and Out of here to bring our little man home.I am so ready.I hope we don't have to wait to much Longer. I have been washing all his winter clothes and putting them away.I will tackle his crib tomorrow and get it ready.His car seat and activity seat are setting in it .I still need to wash up all his cloth diapers too.I need to do that on a decent day so i can Line dry them.
I am beyond excited that our family will be complete soon.No more staring at pictures as we will have him here to look at and love and care for.Please pray that we can leave soon and bring our son home forever.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


We did go to the Oktoberfest.I was not impressed with it and did not find anything i would buy.But we had a nice time ate a braut and sauerkraut and German potato salad and apple cake.The girls and Landen chose a hot dog and funnel cakes.We ate and listened to the Music and just had a nice time.It was nice to get out for a bit.
The carpet guy was here today.I am thrilled that he gave an estimate that was very affordable.I have gotten good reviews with this guy.You mention having carpet lay ed and his name is always at the top of list.We have got to go get the padding and carpet and give him a call.He said he can have it done in No time at all.
I am suffering some pain today from this herniated disc.I go to the doctor this week to get help with the inflammation that is causing me so much pain.I am seeing chiropractor but it is very slow going.Tomorrow i plan on getting our Halloween decorations out and getting that done.Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Friday, October 2, 2009


This has been a week i tell ya!I got good news and have been floating on clouds to know soon i will be holding my son.Yesterday the school called Landen is sick.I pick hm up and he is running a 102 temp.He came in the door took his jacket off and daddy took his shoes of and he SLEPT ALL DAY from noon until 7 am this morning.I woke 4 times to give him Tylenol or Motrin and offer him Some water and check his diaper or change his diaper.
Today he is fever free and ransacked the house.He ate anything that was not nailed down .He is not totally better is now napping in my bed.
My oldest child just called and was thrilled to tell me he got a JOB.He has been unemployed for many months so i am happy for him.Its also in his Field he is working as a security guard for a security company.He went to school for security guard and has bad luck finding a job.I am so happy for him.
It is chilly here and the wind is up.We were going to take the kids out for supper but Landen still not feeling well we decided it best to stay home.We we call in some pizza instead.Tomorrow is our Oktoberfest here and i am hoping Landen is well enough to go.I always find neat handcrafted items for my home.I also buy and put up for Christmas presents.
Hope everyone haves a wonderful weekend!