Sunday, October 4, 2009


Last Thursday school called and said Landen was running a 102 temp.I picked him up and he slept from noon to the next morning seeming to feel better as he ransacked the house.He did great Friday night and gained his appetite back eating 3 slices of pizza.Saturday we went to Oktoberfest and he was feeling good too.Today he starts a temp and his nose is running and he sounds congested.I am keeping him home from school tomorrow and will be calling the doctor to try to get him seen.
He is miserable tonight.He got on the couch with his favorite blanket and his favorite toy and played laying down until he fell asleep.I am not waking him he is fine where he is.I don't like when he gets sick.He cant tell me how he feels.We were going to take him for flu shots this Wednesday looks like that will be on hold my poor baby.
I hope he gets over this crud soon and back to my little ball of energy boy.

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