Jax is in need to a tumble form chair!These adaptive chairs are very expensive
.I was told about a yahoo group that you can list what you need and if someone has one they need no more you can purchase it from them.I got an email from a nice lady who said she had one of these chairs.All she asked was for me to pay for shipping.So Jax will have this much needed chair he needs.I am excited about it.
Tomorrow we meet with the school to see what the best options for our Jax will be.Michael and I both feel he is just not ready for school.Maybe in January he will be.I want to see what is available for him and what is in Jax best interest.
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing :) You need to share the name of this group!!! YIPPEEE :) So happy for yall :)
I sent you an Email..
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