Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I arrived at noon here at Childrens Mercy!The nurse called ENT nurse and told them we were here so the Ent nurse came up and had us get everything gatherd that we needed to change clean and care for the trach.She watched to make sure we had everything together and watched us clean and change his trach.She said we did a great job and that we can go home tomorrow.Michael and I are doing all his care tonight and today is the day we get to leave and go home!Michael and I gave Jax a bed bath!We washed ,dried and lotioned him.I had brought pajamas and we put them on him.He smiled and was like my mommy and Daddy are taking care of me.He aslo got to be held today and was so excited and smiled and tried to talk to us.He is such a sweetheart!All these nurses love him to pieces here.He just radiates that sweetness from him.This beautiful innocent child that we are so privalged to raise.We can make until tomorrow and we are outta here.I told Jax he gets to go home tomorrow and he smiled really big.


Richardson Family said...

Thinking of you and all you are going through. Jax looks cute even in the hospital.

Denise said...

Yes he is as adorable as ever!He just radiates sweetness.We all Cherish him so much!