Yesterday was a planned yardsale!We dont have a garage and it poured down raining!I put everything i could on my front porch but the people could not see what was there and just drove by.I mean who wants to get out in the rain to buy another persons stuff?So i packed it in and plan to have another in the near future!
On top of a yard sale fiasco Landen has been sick all weekend.He slept allday yesterday refused food and was running a fever.I started pushing him to drink some water.He dont like pedialyte and gags when he drinks it.He dont like gatorade either.So water ,and vitamin water and sprite is what he has been drinking.Today he did got up giggling and he ate a bowl of soup and drank 6 oz of sprite.I am making a doctor appointment for him tomorrow.He gets the chills when his fever breaks and crawls back in bed which is where is now!
This weekend did not go as planned at all.Next weekend though is busy,busy busy,Our daughter Hannah is getting MARRIED!Saturday we are off to kansascity to see her and her fiancee get baptized and then Sunday Married.Then we will come home late on the 3rd and plan for a bbq here at home for the 4th of july.Its going to a wonderful happpy fun weekend.We all need some happiness and fun in this house!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wow has it ever been busy here!This week Jax and I went to Kansas city!First we went to a place that has donated equipment and we got his bath chair even cheaper then the one i listed below!I was thrilled as our insurance don't pay for bath chairs and income is incredibly tight in this house right now!I got the rifton blue wave chair like the pic below for a donation fee of 20.00 I was so excited i don't have to worry about husband and i losing our grip when holding Jax in the tub now.hen it was on to get his wheel chair readjusted.Mr Jax has grown enough the back needed raised and the head rest needed to be adjust because he cant keep hi head on it and kept falling sideways.I had to call the doctor for a new script for Sandals for his wheelchair as his feet grew and got so chubby his foot don't fit in them anymore.
Then off to a store i bought my dress at for my daughters up coming wedding.How in the world i even got the dress out the door with that security thing on it i don't know.But i did and found when showing my husband the dress!So i stopped in the store and got the thing removed from it.I showed her the receipt that i paid for it.She asked me twice if i was returning the dress after i told her i wanted that security device off my dress and i am not returning or exchanging.I got it done finally and brought my pretty dress back home with me.Then its been work and clean and prepare for a yard sale tomorrow.Wow do we have some stuff to sale.Lots of baby items LOL i did not realize how much stuff i had for Jaxson.
It has been an overall busy week!Sunday will be our laid back day and hopefully weather permits and the boys and I can lounge on the deck and let Landen play all day!
Then off to a store i bought my dress at for my daughters up coming wedding.How in the world i even got the dress out the door with that security thing on it i don't know.But i did and found when showing my husband the dress!So i stopped in the store and got the thing removed from it.I showed her the receipt that i paid for it.She asked me twice if i was returning the dress after i told her i wanted that security device off my dress and i am not returning or exchanging.I got it done finally and brought my pretty dress back home with me.Then its been work and clean and prepare for a yard sale tomorrow.Wow do we have some stuff to sale.Lots of baby items LOL i did not realize how much stuff i had for Jaxson.
It has been an overall busy week!Sunday will be our laid back day and hopefully weather permits and the boys and I can lounge on the deck and let Landen play all day!
Monday, June 20, 2011

Things Jax loves!
He loves to rough house with silly games of shaking his bottom and singing shake your booty.He loves to be bounced on the knee!He loves to play patty cake and have his feet tickled with your mouth.He loves the song Jesus loves me.He loves baths !He loves his rattle ball and his activity gym.He loves to be held and rocked and he loves to be talked too.He loves to be read too!He loves his TJ Beary tale doll.He loves men(thinks they all are daddy's).
Things Jax don't like!
He don't like to ride in the car!He don't like to set in his wheelchair(hurts his hip).He don't like to touch allot of textures!He don't like to do therapy(depending on what it is).He don't like to be left alone in a room for even a second.He don't like the Kansas wind.
Jaxson has came so we still try new things a year later!He is so sweet and has a good nature about him.He has taught me allot along the way!What an amazing little guy i have!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Yesterday was the Ferris family reunion!It was great to see my cousins,Aunts,Uncles,and many other family members.It was really humid out but we enjoyed the day until Jaxson spasticity from the humidity got bad so we decided it was time to head for home and get him in the airconditioning.When we loaded him in the car and got the ac going he was so much better.He was fussy so once home i fed him changed his diaper and gave him his medicine.He took a 30 minute nap and was so much better and played on the floor for quiet awhile!Landen loved the reunion as it was at a park and he played on the equipment the whole time.It was a fun filled day out of the house and we enjoyed great company and great food!
Today is Fathers day and my sweet husband just wanted to be home and relax for his day!He is napping with both boys!Rebecca is watching a movie and all is quiet here.I am doing some laundry and boxing yard sale stuff!It has been a Great weekend and we have enjoyed it!
Today is Fathers day and my sweet husband just wanted to be home and relax for his day!He is napping with both boys!Rebecca is watching a movie and all is quiet here.I am doing some laundry and boxing yard sale stuff!It has been a Great weekend and we have enjoyed it!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Yesterday Jax had 2 appointments!The first one was with his pediatrician..Jax has another infection called psuedomonis!I asked the doctor what i could due to prevent it and he said really nothing as It is normal for a trach kid to get this!I also got the doctor to give him refill scripts of clairiton and Pulmocort(asthma med).
The second appointment was with the Nuerologist.We went over his MRI and discovered that jax has fluid on his right ear so he will be seeing ENT.This may be the cause of his right ear hearing impairment.Also doc said that Jax brain injury happened in utero.That his brain just did not develop right in utero,Resulting in cp and other problems.Jaxson is functioning at 3 months old.He has encelopathy where areas of his brain is shrinking and then he has areas that are quite large.Its up in the air what Jax will learn .
I love my son for who he is and will do my best to get him to his full potential.I and not set expectaions i will just watch as he amazes me with what he can do in his future.Right now we are enjoying him and how he plays with his toys and talks to them.It is adorable.This took us a year to get him intersted in toys.He also loves to interact with his siblings,his daddy and myself.He coos and smiles at us and babbles.Jax is a sweetheart and i am so happy he is my son!
The second appointment was with the Nuerologist.We went over his MRI and discovered that jax has fluid on his right ear so he will be seeing ENT.This may be the cause of his right ear hearing impairment.Also doc said that Jax brain injury happened in utero.That his brain just did not develop right in utero,Resulting in cp and other problems.Jaxson is functioning at 3 months old.He has encelopathy where areas of his brain is shrinking and then he has areas that are quite large.Its up in the air what Jax will learn .
I love my son for who he is and will do my best to get him to his full potential.I and not set expectaions i will just watch as he amazes me with what he can do in his future.Right now we are enjoying him and how he plays with his toys and talks to them.It is adorable.This took us a year to get him intersted in toys.He also loves to interact with his siblings,his daddy and myself.He coos and smiles at us and babbles.Jax is a sweetheart and i am so happy he is my son!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I have been looking for a pack and play for Jaxson.We are going to be staying in a hotel and need a place for Jax to sleep.The playpen i got just wont work as its flat but bulky and very hard to pack in the car where this one is in a bag.I stopped at the thrift store when i got off work !I found a brand new one still in the box and i paid 10.00 for it.Pac and plays are not cheap.The good thing is i can use it also for my grandbaby that is due in september.Yes i am going to be a grandma i have not shared out of respect of my son and his fiancee asked me to wait to say anything.
Then i got home to find a couple waiting outside for me and we sold our camper today!I am going to miss camping so much as we did it alot in the summer time.But with Jax being on a night machine and a sat monitor at night and having a trach it just isnt happening anymore!
I have had a hard time getting a bath chair for my Jaxson!They are way expensive and i just cant afford to buy one outright and our insurance does not pay for them.I am on a group for equipment that people have and dont need anymore and will sell and a woman seen my post that i was looking for a bath chair.I got him one for 100.00.This is CHEAP as they are so expensive.I also asked for over the head bibs..Near impossible to find and a nice woman told me her friend makes them and she could get them for me for 4.00 each!That is cheap for homemade bibs..One lady wanted 12.00 each for hers.I am thankful i have this group and thay all are so helpful!
Monday, June 13, 2011
I have never had an issue getting an appointment for Jax!Today was aweful....Jax has a psuedo infection he has had it before i know the symptoms and he needs the medicine to get rid of it.Nope not so easy...I have to talk to MANY and I MEAN many nurses and receptionist before we can even get an appointment or see if they could script what he needs.Then to make me even more infuriated he cant see his own Doctor!I dont like this at all.I like one doctor we know and who knows Jax i dont like being put with someone who does not really know my child.It irritates me and i am just MAD about it.But in order to get this Medicine he needs to kill this nasty bug he has i have to do it.The whole thing of switching docs in the first place was a personal reason and sticking with that doctor only.I will do this once but after this he will see ONLY his Doc !I wont do this mess ever again.
I lost doc personal email and have to get it back.I correspond with him this way if i had it i sure would not have spent 3 hours back and forth on the phone getting the run around and and appointment with someone I nor my son know.
I lost doc personal email and have to get it back.I correspond with him this way if i had it i sure would not have spent 3 hours back and forth on the phone getting the run around and and appointment with someone I nor my son know.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
This is something we were told Jax would never do!It took him a long time to even touch a toy.I love this video because he looks like he is studying it and thinking about it before he grabs at it.He loves his toys and tries hard to grab at them.I am hoping we can get him setting up straight enough to grab them from the tray on his wheelchair.Right now we cant get him setting upright straight enough because of his hip.Soon though he will!The hip surgery is not going to wait until he is 21 it causes to many issues so we are praying the ortho doc will agree to fix it sooner!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Jaxson is much much better!He still has a dry cough and crys when we suction but overall he is much much better.We are getting smiles out of him.He is such a little Lovey!Yesterday I got Landen brand new water spray thing out and hooked it up to the water hose.He had a blast and giggled and clapped and just had a great time.He is so darn cute and he so loves water my little water bug!
Yesterday evening the kids and Michael and I got bored and had to get out of the house.It was driving us crazy.So we piled in the car and took the kids to dairy queen for supper and ice cream.Then we went to the red box and rented some movies.We had a nice time and it was nice to get out for a bit.
Today i am cleaning house and later we have a BBQ to go to at my sister Lori's house.It is nice to have something to do on the weekends.The same hum drum staying home is getting to us.Our schedule will be busy soon this month and next with family reunions and weddings.We are also planning a week trip to Wichita to visit Michael's family there.That will be a nice getaway for us.
Yesterday evening the kids and Michael and I got bored and had to get out of the house.It was driving us crazy.So we piled in the car and took the kids to dairy queen for supper and ice cream.Then we went to the red box and rented some movies.We had a nice time and it was nice to get out for a bit.
Today i am cleaning house and later we have a BBQ to go to at my sister Lori's house.It is nice to have something to do on the weekends.The same hum drum staying home is getting to us.Our schedule will be busy soon this month and next with family reunions and weddings.We are also planning a week trip to Wichita to visit Michael's family there.That will be a nice getaway for us.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A couple days ago Jax started getting a runny nose!I thought for sure it was his allergies so i gave him clairiton!Come Wednesday night he was miserable..coughing and crying chest congestion..suction him and he cried.He just cried from the minute he woke up and was miserable.I went to work yesterday and Michael kept jax.When i got home he said you better call his pediatrician so i did.The doctor said take him to E.R it could be a bunch of things considering his trach area was really bothering him.
Jax has a horrible viral illness!Ther is nothing that can be done but let it runs its coarse.I am relieved its not Pneumonia which is what his ped had mentioned and so did E.R. doctor.The doc said she could admit him and we could go home today.I told her..its viral which puts others at risk of it in hospital and nothing can be done.Why not take him home and let him be comfy in his own bed.She agreed and we came home late last night.He is cranky still but i been alternating Tylenol and Motrin to try to keep my sweet boy comfortable.Hoping this is over fast and i get my sweet smiley happy little man back soon.
Jax has a horrible viral illness!Ther is nothing that can be done but let it runs its coarse.I am relieved its not Pneumonia which is what his ped had mentioned and so did E.R. doctor.The doc said she could admit him and we could go home today.I told her..its viral which puts others at risk of it in hospital and nothing can be done.Why not take him home and let him be comfy in his own bed.She agreed and we came home late last night.He is cranky still but i been alternating Tylenol and Motrin to try to keep my sweet boy comfortable.Hoping this is over fast and i get my sweet smiley happy little man back soon.
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