Friday, June 24, 2011


Wow has it ever been busy here!This week Jax and I went to Kansas city!First we went to a place that has donated equipment and we got his bath chair even cheaper then the one i listed below!I was thrilled as our insurance don't pay for bath chairs and income is incredibly tight in this house right now!I got the rifton blue wave chair like the pic below for a donation fee of 20.00 I was so excited i don't have to worry about husband and i losing our grip when holding Jax in the tub now.hen it was on to get his wheel chair readjusted.Mr Jax has grown enough the back needed raised and the head rest needed to be adjust because he cant keep hi head on it and kept falling sideways.I had to call the doctor for a new script for Sandals for his wheelchair as his feet grew and got so chubby his foot don't fit in them anymore.
Then off to a store i bought my dress at for my daughters up coming wedding.How in the world i even got the dress out the door with that security thing on it i don't know.But i did and found when showing my husband the dress!So i stopped in the store and got the thing removed from it.I showed her the receipt that i paid for it.She asked me twice if i was returning the dress after i told her i wanted that security device off my dress and i am not returning or exchanging.I got it done finally and brought my pretty dress back home with me.Then its been work and clean and prepare for a yard sale tomorrow.Wow do we have some stuff to sale.Lots of baby items LOL i did not realize how much stuff i had for Jaxson.
It has been an overall busy week!Sunday will be our laid back day and hopefully weather permits and the boys and I can lounge on the deck and let Landen play all day!

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