Getting any type of adaptive equipment for a sp needs child is very expensive!The price they put on it is highway robbery so whenever i can find used in great shape i get it.Well today we got a TERRIFIC deal..We found (with help of a friend)a Therapeutic chair for Jaxson.The thrift store had it for FREE!It is an actual chair that can be adjusted to fit the child.This works awesome and gets Jaxson up off the floor.The best part is his wheelchair tray fits on it so he can play with toys and watch his movies.Michael and I tried to adjust the back of the seat and don't have it quite right we will try again later.The LECKEY therapeutic chair Brand new is 800.00 add the tray and you have spent over 1,000.00.I am thrilled!Anything to make life better for my very sweet angel.Even better when Annalise comes home she can also set in this chair!Now i am scouting for a stander for him...Insurance does not pay for equipment so its on us parents to get what he needs!
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