Friday, May 30, 2008
cute camping pic

Thursday, May 29, 2008
This and That!
I got off work today and was outside hanging laundry on the clothes line..Michael was mowing and my 16 yr old son and my 14 yr nephew were outside.I heard my son screaming SNAKE.Michael rode the mower close to see and it was a HUGE black snake.He was 5 ft long a big one.The snake started striking at the riding mower tire.But luckily Michael was smart enough to get mower on it and kill it.I was telling him later i was glad its gone.I am Petrified of snakes.
We had our excitemnt around here this evening.
The crosstistch bibs i orderd showed up in mail and i have began working on one for Elijah.Its so cute...Its a baby bunny hugging a baby bottle and says YUM on the bottle.I cant wait until Monday to meet with Susan(social worker).That means we are another step closer yess.The day i have this all turned in cannot come soon enough.I think about him all the time,I have got to learn patience for the waiting part...that is the worst for me..I am already in the not sleeping so well mode as my mind reels about all the documents and things still needed for the dossier part.
Landen is my outside guy and i was talking to him when he was playing with his hoola hoop on the back deck.I was telling him he will have a baby brother and he has to learn to share mommy and daddy with Elijah.That their is enough mommy and daddy for Landen and Elijah.I dont think he understood a word i said..But if i keep telling him about Elijah maybe he will understand when the time comes and Elijah is home.He does not share toys well with other kids when they are here so i have had to work on that.We have a box of some of his favorite toys that i pull out for him and the rest the toys for the kids who come to play.This works pretty good.. He is the baby in the house... all his siblings are older so the sharing toys is an issue.And thruthfully we dont get alot of company here.
We had our excitemnt around here this evening.
The crosstistch bibs i orderd showed up in mail and i have began working on one for Elijah.Its so cute...Its a baby bunny hugging a baby bottle and says YUM on the bottle.I cant wait until Monday to meet with Susan(social worker).That means we are another step closer yess.The day i have this all turned in cannot come soon enough.I think about him all the time,I have got to learn patience for the waiting part...that is the worst for me..I am already in the not sleeping so well mode as my mind reels about all the documents and things still needed for the dossier part.
Landen is my outside guy and i was talking to him when he was playing with his hoola hoop on the back deck.I was telling him he will have a baby brother and he has to learn to share mommy and daddy with Elijah.That their is enough mommy and daddy for Landen and Elijah.I dont think he understood a word i said..But if i keep telling him about Elijah maybe he will understand when the time comes and Elijah is home.He does not share toys well with other kids when they are here so i have had to work on that.We have a box of some of his favorite toys that i pull out for him and the rest the toys for the kids who come to play.This works pretty good.. He is the baby in the house... all his siblings are older so the sharing toys is an issue.And thruthfully we dont get alot of company here.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
2nd visit with social worker scheduled!

I had to call and cancel our appointment for second vist for Thursday.My husband had a Pt appontment and i forgot.So Monday is the day..and i made sure hubby had NO appointments.I cant wait...I just want to get the final home visit done.I am so excited to get my Elijah homeI am dieing for new pics and new information on him.I bought some baby bibs im going to crossstich for him.Elijahs crib has whinnie the pooh on it so i bought a eyore quilt that is stamped crosstitch i will also be making for him.Isn't he ADORABLE?
Camping trip

We had a great time camping this weekend although it stormed friday and sunday night.The mud and muck was not nice and wow made for a bunch of wet muddy laundry .I also had a bad time Saturday i drove to the shower house to get myself and Landen a much needed shower and tons of mud off us.On the way back a cop pulled me over...I wasnt speeding so i asked him what i did wrong?He said my registration did not match my car and when i showed it to him he DIDNT BOTHER TO LOOK AT THE REGISTRATION.So why did i get pulled over?My brother in law says he was checking for drunk drivers.Well he stopped the wrong car unless i get a ticket for drinking hot chocolate.I still dont know why he pulled me over..Just me and my Landen in the car comming back from a hot shower.It did shake me up a little oh well glad i didn t get a ticket for something crazy.My Best friend Dawn and her family also went camping with us.We really did have a great time.Rebecca my 12 yr old usually gripes about going camping and guess what?SHE HAD A GREAT TIME!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Busy day
Boy what a busy day!Made some phone calls and got our appointment set up with social worker our second visit.It took a bit longer to get this visit then i wanted it to be. had to wait on a couple more documents,I went to work and then went to walmart to get last minute items for our camping weekend.The kids last day of school is tomorrow.They are all geared about going camping.Landen loves to go,My Brother plays the guitar and sings and Landen loves it he is sooo cute when he starts dancing and clapping his little hands.
I finally splurged and bought a digital camera so i can add pics of my adorable children.Also will have it for when Elijah Emmanuel comes home so i can share how he is doing once he is home.I tried to upload his pic but my computer is messing up.I will try again later.I am happy that we are getting this second visit with social worker .I pray we get it done soon.
I took Landen to the doc this week and he has gained 21/2 lbs in 2 months.I was tickled as he doesnt gain much very fast.He is soo active and wears it right back off.He told the doc he was all done and when doc gave him a tonka truck sticker he said Tank tou..(thank you) and ran for the door.He then proceeded to tall his daddy he wanted MEDONOLDS(MCDONOLDS).This kid of mine LOVES his chicken nuggets.
So now its a weekdend at the lake of relaxation,,Much needed for Michael and I.. we been fretting about this paper work and fundraising and getting Elijah home.We hope to just chill out for the weekend and just Enjoy.Hard to do as Elijah is on my mind 24 hrs all the time.But i promised Michael i would do my best to relax and enjoy a fun filled weekend with our kids and friends and family.We camp in big groups and its alot of FUN.
I finally splurged and bought a digital camera so i can add pics of my adorable children.Also will have it for when Elijah Emmanuel comes home so i can share how he is doing once he is home.I tried to upload his pic but my computer is messing up.I will try again later.I am happy that we are getting this second visit with social worker .I pray we get it done soon.
I took Landen to the doc this week and he has gained 21/2 lbs in 2 months.I was tickled as he doesnt gain much very fast.He is soo active and wears it right back off.He told the doc he was all done and when doc gave him a tonka truck sticker he said Tank tou..(thank you) and ran for the door.He then proceeded to tall his daddy he wanted MEDONOLDS(MCDONOLDS).This kid of mine LOVES his chicken nuggets.
So now its a weekdend at the lake of relaxation,,Much needed for Michael and I.. we been fretting about this paper work and fundraising and getting Elijah home.We hope to just chill out for the weekend and just Enjoy.Hard to do as Elijah is on my mind 24 hrs all the time.But i promised Michael i would do my best to relax and enjoy a fun filled weekend with our kids and friends and family.We camp in big groups and its alot of FUN.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
love this weather
Today was awsome weather 85 plus degrees.Landen played outside all morning .I brought him in changed his diaper and hubby and I and Landen and Rebecca headed to walmart,Hubby needed some supplies for the camper on a couple things that needed to be fixed.He also picked up some more water proof caulking for my shower.. Dont know why but it keeps comming apart so when we shower we flood the floor.I also needed some more soil for my flower bed and my flower pots.We took the kids to their favorite restuaraunt..Mcdonolds.No hubby and mine but the kids love their nuggets.
We got home and Landen of course stayed out and played.He loves his swing set and kept going down the sliding board.My parents and Brother are at thelake camping so we decided it was to nice to stay home and loaded up all the kids and went to the lake.It was so beutiful today and the water on the lake was so calm.I so having camping fever.We are planning on camping memorial weekend.Thats why hubby been working so hard on our camper.
All said and done i didnt get NOTHING done today...I did 2 loads of laundry and a sink of dishes thats all.So for our Lovely Sunday i promised husband i would help him paint the dog house and trash house.They both are in need of a coat of paint.I also have got to finish my work on my flower bed tomorrow.Landen is such an outside boy,he will be happy that mom will be out alot doing chores tomorrow so he can be outside.He got a new ball today and will be happy to take it out and play with it tomorrow.He loves to bounce balls and play with his hoola hoop.
The kids have 4 days of school left and they are out for the summer.I have got to find activities for the older ones to do.Rebecca has plenty to keep her busy...she has softball practice and softball games..she also has church camp comming up.Its my 14 yr old i need to find things for her to do.Brian got a summer jobso he will keep busy.he wants to buy a car so he is working to save money for one.
All in All today was wonderful...But i have to get my butt in gear and get things done in my yard.i can think of a millioan things i need to do.One step at a time i will get there.
We got home and Landen of course stayed out and played.He loves his swing set and kept going down the sliding board.My parents and Brother are at thelake camping so we decided it was to nice to stay home and loaded up all the kids and went to the lake.It was so beutiful today and the water on the lake was so calm.I so having camping fever.We are planning on camping memorial weekend.Thats why hubby been working so hard on our camper.
All said and done i didnt get NOTHING done today...I did 2 loads of laundry and a sink of dishes thats all.So for our Lovely Sunday i promised husband i would help him paint the dog house and trash house.They both are in need of a coat of paint.I also have got to finish my work on my flower bed tomorrow.Landen is such an outside boy,he will be happy that mom will be out alot doing chores tomorrow so he can be outside.He got a new ball today and will be happy to take it out and play with it tomorrow.He loves to bounce balls and play with his hoola hoop.
The kids have 4 days of school left and they are out for the summer.I have got to find activities for the older ones to do.Rebecca has plenty to keep her busy...she has softball practice and softball games..she also has church camp comming up.Its my 14 yr old i need to find things for her to do.Brian got a summer jobso he will keep busy.he wants to buy a car so he is working to save money for one.
All in All today was wonderful...But i have to get my butt in gear and get things done in my yard.i can think of a millioan things i need to do.One step at a time i will get there.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
cant sleep
I cant sleep!i have so much on my mind,All the to do list for chores and the rest of our paperwork .Its keeping me awake as i think i need to be doing it now.Or im thinking about what i have left to get for the dossier or getting to see the social worker again.And will we pass the home visit.Im driving my self crazy lol.Or at least i feel like i am.I know all you moms go through this so im not alone.I just want the paper work over with and turned in..The wait is hard but the paperwork always overwhelms me.I am always afraid im going to forget something or not do it right then it will delay us.
I keep thinking about Elijah.I worry about him all the time..with him being special needs and so tiny and fragile.I know he is in his crib alot and that concerns me.I Just want him NOW.I just want to hold him and let him know how loved he is.And that mommy and daddy are working very hard to bring him home.I call the social worker on Monday to set up our second visit.I hope she moves quickly from there on out.She said she does i hope everything goes well.I know we are no where near traveling...But i have started a packing list of items we will need when we go.I know if i dont write a list i will forget.this way as i think of things we need i write it down.My biggest is making sure i take enough diapers,bottles formula.I would sure not want to run out of those Items.
I had a target gift card in my purse i been carrying since christmas.While i was in St.Joe with my husband i took him to his doc appointment.I decided what the hey go to target and spend it lol.I did just that...Landen got 2 pairs of summer pjs and Elijah got a blanket with cars and trucks on it and a cars and trucks crib sheet.Elijah also got 3 of the cutest summer outfits.I bought these to take to Liberia with us.Elijah is set on clothes and shoes now.The only thing i need to purchase is pjs and socks.I buy a little at a time so when the time comes we will be ready.It is hard not to buy the store out lol.
I pray our son stays healthy and i pray the process gors smoothly!I pray for our Elijah everynight and not a second goes by im not thinking about him.I wonder what he is doing and if he is happy i think about how it will go the first time we see him.I just need to breath and do one step at a time.It will come together.Agyer our sons adoption from India i fret about the wait.It took 2 yrs to get him home.I dont thik i have it in me to do 2 yrs.So i pray it goes much quicker.I know our agency keeps saying keep working on the papre work.I have everyday and will continue to so until its complete.Im so close with the dossier.Not to much more to do so i am almost there.I need to get a little more patience with this paperwork.
I keep thinking about Elijah.I worry about him all the time..with him being special needs and so tiny and fragile.I know he is in his crib alot and that concerns me.I Just want him NOW.I just want to hold him and let him know how loved he is.And that mommy and daddy are working very hard to bring him home.I call the social worker on Monday to set up our second visit.I hope she moves quickly from there on out.She said she does i hope everything goes well.I know we are no where near traveling...But i have started a packing list of items we will need when we go.I know if i dont write a list i will forget.this way as i think of things we need i write it down.My biggest is making sure i take enough diapers,bottles formula.I would sure not want to run out of those Items.
I had a target gift card in my purse i been carrying since christmas.While i was in St.Joe with my husband i took him to his doc appointment.I decided what the hey go to target and spend it lol.I did just that...Landen got 2 pairs of summer pjs and Elijah got a blanket with cars and trucks on it and a cars and trucks crib sheet.Elijah also got 3 of the cutest summer outfits.I bought these to take to Liberia with us.Elijah is set on clothes and shoes now.The only thing i need to purchase is pjs and socks.I buy a little at a time so when the time comes we will be ready.It is hard not to buy the store out lol.
I pray our son stays healthy and i pray the process gors smoothly!I pray for our Elijah everynight and not a second goes by im not thinking about him.I wonder what he is doing and if he is happy i think about how it will go the first time we see him.I just need to breath and do one step at a time.It will come together.Agyer our sons adoption from India i fret about the wait.It took 2 yrs to get him home.I dont thik i have it in me to do 2 yrs.So i pray it goes much quicker.I know our agency keeps saying keep working on the papre work.I have everyday and will continue to so until its complete.Im so close with the dossier.Not to much more to do so i am almost there.I need to get a little more patience with this paperwork.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I so bad want to hold Elijah in my arms.He has been on my mind allday! I think about him all the time.We are not even half way done with the paperwork and i am longing to hold my darling baby.I dread the months of waiting ahead of us.I wish it was almost over already and he was here with me right now.Everywhere i go i see mommas and their babies and say wow... going to have one of my own soon.Landen in my eyes is a baby but to have 2 baby boys to love and watch grow and see smiling faces.I just cant wait to get to Liberia and go to the orphanage my son is at and pick him up never to let him go.
On another good note...I have been trying to get funding for a special needs stroller for Landen.They are way expensive and he really needs it.He is to tall for the basic stroller although he has no complaints about it bless his heart.I pray we are accepted and can get him one.This would be a blessing.
Fundraisers..... I have been selling homeinterior and it is winding down now.I am not sure what all i will make over all until i turn it all in.I am also having a yard sale and hope to generate monies for the adoption from it as well.My husband bless his heart is working a side job and all that money will go to the adoption.It doesnt make a lot maybe 200.oo month but anything helps.
I so badly want both of us to go get our Elijah Emmanuel so we are working very hard for the funds for both of us to be able to go.I have his crib in storage and its killing me not to put it up yet.But i promised my husband we would wait to do so.Thanks to a wonderful lady we now have Winter clothes for Elijah.I had summer things but no winter.More then likely will be cold when he arrives home.I get the last big document needed tomorrow for the homestudy paperwork yeahh.So i will call her Monady and hopefully get our second visit done next week,She told me after this visit she will move very fast to get this done.So our homevisit will come quickly.I pray to have it all done dossier and homestudy in June.I just want my sweet Elijah Emmanuel home.As soon as i can i will post a picture of our gorgouse baby boy.
On another good note...I have been trying to get funding for a special needs stroller for Landen.They are way expensive and he really needs it.He is to tall for the basic stroller although he has no complaints about it bless his heart.I pray we are accepted and can get him one.This would be a blessing.
Fundraisers..... I have been selling homeinterior and it is winding down now.I am not sure what all i will make over all until i turn it all in.I am also having a yard sale and hope to generate monies for the adoption from it as well.My husband bless his heart is working a side job and all that money will go to the adoption.It doesnt make a lot maybe 200.oo month but anything helps.
I so badly want both of us to go get our Elijah Emmanuel so we are working very hard for the funds for both of us to be able to go.I have his crib in storage and its killing me not to put it up yet.But i promised my husband we would wait to do so.Thanks to a wonderful lady we now have Winter clothes for Elijah.I had summer things but no winter.More then likely will be cold when he arrives home.I get the last big document needed tomorrow for the homestudy paperwork yeahh.So i will call her Monady and hopefully get our second visit done next week,She told me after this visit she will move very fast to get this done.So our homevisit will come quickly.I pray to have it all done dossier and homestudy in June.I just want my sweet Elijah Emmanuel home.As soon as i can i will post a picture of our gorgouse baby boy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Things are moving along!
I called the social worker today i had a question for her.We will be calling her back by the end of the week to set up our second visit.I am getting excited.I will be happy when the homevisit part comes and all is done and pray everything goes wonderfully.I had a wonderful day starting with a box that came in the mail full of clothes and shoes for our Elijah Emmanuel.Her sweet lil ones also sent a fire dog bean baby and stuffed orange rabbit for Elijah.
Then i had that need to go shopping..Elijah now has a crib and a walker and a playpen.All used but like brand new.I was waiting for my husband to make a comment but all he said was... well we need it for baby Elijah.We are now going to be working hard to complete paper work we both just want it all done so we can move to the next step.We also have a couple things left to do on the remodels like lay the carpet .My sweet husband finally got me new ceiling fan hung up in the living room.I bought it a year ago and now its done.I did also get my kitchen painted yeahhh.Now its just small things we would like to get done to our home .
I had a wonderful Mothers day.. they have a flea market every year on Mothers day i and love going.I always find something i cant live without lol.Well this year it was a wagon wheel with planters on each side to put out in my yard i love it and it was reasonable.They had a tshirt stand too and my girls had to have one.While we were standing there Landen was setting in his stroller and seen a bright yellow shirt.He snagged it off the table lol.It was sponge bob,He loves spongebob so of course momma got it for him .School is out next week for summer break,I need to get in gear and make a list of activities to keep them busy this summer.My 16 year old is hoping to find a summer job so he can buy himself a car.I will be happy when he finally does get a car he can be the taxi driver for awhile lol.
Tomorrow will be a full day...Taking hubby to his doc appointment then drop him at work then i go to work then take my dog to the vet she is due for a shot then come home and start cleaning our camper so it will be ready to go to the lake Memorial weekend.SO much to DO.Seems like i cant pack everything that needs done in.Oh well it will all get done,Make a list and check it off.
Then i had that need to go shopping..Elijah now has a crib and a walker and a playpen.All used but like brand new.I was waiting for my husband to make a comment but all he said was... well we need it for baby Elijah.We are now going to be working hard to complete paper work we both just want it all done so we can move to the next step.We also have a couple things left to do on the remodels like lay the carpet .My sweet husband finally got me new ceiling fan hung up in the living room.I bought it a year ago and now its done.I did also get my kitchen painted yeahhh.Now its just small things we would like to get done to our home .
I had a wonderful Mothers day.. they have a flea market every year on Mothers day i and love going.I always find something i cant live without lol.Well this year it was a wagon wheel with planters on each side to put out in my yard i love it and it was reasonable.They had a tshirt stand too and my girls had to have one.While we were standing there Landen was setting in his stroller and seen a bright yellow shirt.He snagged it off the table lol.It was sponge bob,He loves spongebob so of course momma got it for him .School is out next week for summer break,I need to get in gear and make a list of activities to keep them busy this summer.My 16 year old is hoping to find a summer job so he can buy himself a car.I will be happy when he finally does get a car he can be the taxi driver for awhile lol.
Tomorrow will be a full day...Taking hubby to his doc appointment then drop him at work then i go to work then take my dog to the vet she is due for a shot then come home and start cleaning our camper so it will be ready to go to the lake Memorial weekend.SO much to DO.Seems like i cant pack everything that needs done in.Oh well it will all get done,Make a list and check it off.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Landens Nuero appointment
I am thrilled to report that Landens Nuero appointment went very well.He had a 1/2 cinameter of head growth I was sooo thrilled.Its a big thing with kids with Microcephaly to have head growth of anytype.The nuero also switched his seizure med from tegretol to carbotrol.This med is time released and should stop all the break through seizures.I took my cousin Ruby with me she is a nurse and can ask things i never even think of.I am so happy she goes with me to his appointments.If he does well on the carbotrol we dont have to see the nuero again for a year.
I am so proud of Landens progress in the past 3 years.This child has taught me so much.He loves LIFE, as you can tell from his pic he is the Happiest lil man you will ever meet.He has taught me to enjoy life and take it one day at a time.He has taught me how to be more patient he has taught me nothing can get you down.When i see his smile everyday i know i have been blessed to be Landens mom.I love you Landen with all my heart!
I am so proud of Landens progress in the past 3 years.This child has taught me so much.He loves LIFE, as you can tell from his pic he is the Happiest lil man you will ever meet.He has taught me to enjoy life and take it one day at a time.He has taught me how to be more patient he has taught me nothing can get you down.When i see his smile everyday i know i have been blessed to be Landens mom.I love you Landen with all my heart!

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Kitchen painted
I finally got my kitchen painted...I still have some touching up to do but most of it is done.I have been wanting to get it painted for some time now it looks so nice.I had some new pictures for the kitchen and will hang them tomorrow.My dear hubby has got a couple honey do jobs i need done like hang my new curtain rods .I will get him hopefully to do it tomorrow.
Tomorrow Landen has his nuero appointment.He needs his levels checked and a possible increase of his tegratol.I hope all goes well tomorrow.I would love to hear his head has grown some but i dont hold my breath.It has not gtown any in the 3 1/2 yrs he has been home.His thing is when he goes to any type docs and hes a good boy he reminds me by saying.....I go medonolds?So when we are done we will have to head to mcdonolds for his mc nugget fix.He always know when we are going to docs as he can tell bye the sound and smell and he starts cryng instantly poor baby.He has done this snce comming home from India.
After we get done i have to stop at the family doc office and pick up forms for all my kids for our adoption.Then off to get money orders to send out our local police checks and Kbis.Its also my payday so i have to stop and get my check as well.Wow tomorrow is gonna be a busy one.But on a good note we are almost done with all our paperwork which means we will be proceeding with our homestudy yeahhhh!I cant wait to get the hgomestudy done that to me is the biggest hurdle besides the wait time.
My hubby dont know that i have been shopping..I bought bottles and a few toys and some onesies.I have a tote that slides under my bed i been putting my purchased items in.I dont think he would be mad but he asked me to wait to buy things.Its hard to wait i dont wanna wait.I wanna get everything we need now lol.I am not a patient person as you can tell.I do have a couple baby bibs i can cross stitch for Elijah.I bought them in a bundle sale of different cross stitch items and now i have a reason to make them.well im off to bed have a busy day tomorrow with my lil mans appointmnet and running errands.
Tomorrow Landen has his nuero appointment.He needs his levels checked and a possible increase of his tegratol.I hope all goes well tomorrow.I would love to hear his head has grown some but i dont hold my breath.It has not gtown any in the 3 1/2 yrs he has been home.His thing is when he goes to any type docs and hes a good boy he reminds me by saying.....I go medonolds?So when we are done we will have to head to mcdonolds for his mc nugget fix.He always know when we are going to docs as he can tell bye the sound and smell and he starts cryng instantly poor baby.He has done this snce comming home from India.
After we get done i have to stop at the family doc office and pick up forms for all my kids for our adoption.Then off to get money orders to send out our local police checks and Kbis.Its also my payday so i have to stop and get my check as well.Wow tomorrow is gonna be a busy one.But on a good note we are almost done with all our paperwork which means we will be proceeding with our homestudy yeahhhh!I cant wait to get the hgomestudy done that to me is the biggest hurdle besides the wait time.
My hubby dont know that i have been shopping..I bought bottles and a few toys and some onesies.I have a tote that slides under my bed i been putting my purchased items in.I dont think he would be mad but he asked me to wait to buy things.Its hard to wait i dont wanna wait.I wanna get everything we need now lol.I am not a patient person as you can tell.I do have a couple baby bibs i can cross stitch for Elijah.I bought them in a bundle sale of different cross stitch items and now i have a reason to make them.well im off to bed have a busy day tomorrow with my lil mans appointmnet and running errands.
Friday, May 2, 2008
This and that!
I had a great day..I got the day off and got some extra things done around my house that been needing some attetion.I took husband to his doc appointment and then we went shopping for new carpet for our house.I found what we wanted and next week we go back and pick it up.
We have been wanting to get new carpet for while now my dining room and living room will finally have it yeahhh.My fundraiser is doing well im happy for that as it helps to bring Elijah home.I am so excited about being a mommy again i cannot wait.Its cold here today..we got a bad storm last night a tornado touched down close to my sisters house in Platte city mo.I am happy she is ok.We are expecting a bad storm here tonight.
Its quiet right now... my kids are all off doing their own thing.Rebecca is at softball practice and Brian is with his friends and Linda has her cousin staying the night and they went for a walk.So its me and Landen right now and he is playing with his monster trucks and being good.We are going to have a quiet weekend and not do much as the weather is not going to premit us to do much.Good weekend to get a couple honey do jobs outta the husband lol.I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in.I still have sme documents to get done and still have not got the pics taken of the kids and Hubby and i or the pics of the house.Maybe this weekend we can get the pics done.That would be a tsep closer.Ok enough rambling for today.
We have been wanting to get new carpet for while now my dining room and living room will finally have it yeahhh.My fundraiser is doing well im happy for that as it helps to bring Elijah home.I am so excited about being a mommy again i cannot wait.Its cold here today..we got a bad storm last night a tornado touched down close to my sisters house in Platte city mo.I am happy she is ok.We are expecting a bad storm here tonight.
Its quiet right now... my kids are all off doing their own thing.Rebecca is at softball practice and Brian is with his friends and Linda has her cousin staying the night and they went for a walk.So its me and Landen right now and he is playing with his monster trucks and being good.We are going to have a quiet weekend and not do much as the weather is not going to premit us to do much.Good weekend to get a couple honey do jobs outta the husband lol.I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in.I still have sme documents to get done and still have not got the pics taken of the kids and Hubby and i or the pics of the house.Maybe this weekend we can get the pics done.That would be a tsep closer.Ok enough rambling for today.
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