I had to share this pic...The little boy on the car is my Best friend Dawns son Jordon..Landen is pushing him they play so well together.Today was a busy and LONGGG day.I took Landen to work with me .My Aunt had an appointmnet out of town so i took her then brought her home.I picked Michael up at work and took him to the same town as my aunt to his appointmnet.When we got done we went to shoe carnival and bought Landen a new pair of sandals.He dont care for tennis shoes and when its hot he prefers no shoes but has to have them on while outside.Then we went to walmart to get Landens Medicine and get some groceries and household items.Then we got home to find our son cooking us dinner on the grill..he made bbq ribs and corn on the cob and hot rolls .My girls did the dishes and i got some computer time.Tomorrow we are going to get our passport pictures done.Then we are working on some home remodels needing to be done.The kids wanted to go camping tonight and we told them we had to much going on this weekend but may go tomorrow night.Michael wants to go fishing so he said we may go and come home early Sunday.i got a cute Video of Landen tonight but cannot figure out how to get it off the digital camera and on to computer.I am computer illiterate and hope to figure it out soon.I do love having a dig cam though thats my newest purchase.I have taken tons of pics with it.Now to figure the video stuff out.If i cant i am sure Brian my 16 yr old can figure it out.
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