Thursday, May 15, 2008


I so bad want to hold Elijah in my arms.He has been on my mind allday! I think about him all the time.We are not even half way done with the paperwork and i am longing to hold my darling baby.I dread the months of waiting ahead of us.I wish it was almost over already and he was here with me right now.Everywhere i go i see mommas and their babies and say wow... going to have one of my own soon.Landen in my eyes is a baby but to have 2 baby boys to love and watch grow and see smiling faces.I just cant wait to get to Liberia and go to the orphanage my son is at and pick him up never to let him go.
On another good note...I have been trying to get funding for a special needs stroller for Landen.They are way expensive and he really needs it.He is to tall for the basic stroller although he has no complaints about it bless his heart.I pray we are accepted and can get him one.This would be a blessing.
Fundraisers..... I have been selling homeinterior and it is winding down now.I am not sure what all i will make over all until i turn it all in.I am also having a yard sale and hope to generate monies for the adoption from it as well.My husband bless his heart is working a side job and all that money will go to the adoption.It doesnt make a lot maybe 200.oo month but anything helps.
I so badly want both of us to go get our Elijah Emmanuel so we are working very hard for the funds for both of us to be able to go.I have his crib in storage and its killing me not to put it up yet.But i promised my husband we would wait to do so.Thanks to a wonderful lady we now have Winter clothes for Elijah.I had summer things but no winter.More then likely will be cold when he arrives home.I get the last big document needed tomorrow for the homestudy paperwork yeahh.So i will call her Monady and hopefully get our second visit done next week,She told me after this visit she will move very fast to get this done.So our homevisit will come quickly.I pray to have it all done dossier and homestudy in June.I just want my sweet Elijah Emmanuel home.As soon as i can i will post a picture of our gorgouse baby boy.

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