We got the tree up and decorated it looks so nice.Landen pats the tree and says PETTY he loves the lights.We still have the outside to decorate but thats it it will be done.Michael was going to do it today but it has been snowing allday and then turned to rain.The snow dd not stick as it is not cold enough.So mayber tomorrow we can get the outside decorated.
I am taking my nephew to town here in a while he is going skating then to his house.I am going to go get new xmas lights for outside so Michael can hang them.We have some but want more ICYCLE ones.Tomorrow we will just hang out here at home as we did today!We are such homebodies lol.I am hoping tonight Landen goes to bed early so i can wrap some of the presents i have bought.Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have so much to be Thankful for !We had a wonderful dinner although i had a hard time sleeping last night because the turkey smelled so good.I cooked in my electric roaster it was a 21 lb turkey so i put it on a slow setting.I got up at about 5 am to baste it and check on it.My darling Linda helped me prep all the side dishes and cook them she was an awesome helper.
I was so thankful that Hannah and Anthony and William and Heather and Jayne all made it here safely.I am thankful my family is healthy and am thankful that we could all be together to share our day together.My family means the world to me and it was great to have all my kids home and just being together.The only thing missing was our beutiful Jaxson who i thought about allday and cant wait to get him home so he can enjoy his family being together and enjoying a big meal together.
I was so thankful that Hannah and Anthony and William and Heather and Jayne all made it here safely.I am thankful my family is healthy and am thankful that we could all be together to share our day together.My family means the world to me and it was great to have all my kids home and just being together.The only thing missing was our beutiful Jaxson who i thought about allday and cant wait to get him home so he can enjoy his family being together and enjoying a big meal together.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I hope everyone has lots to be thankful for i sure know we do.We are spending our lovely day here at home and i am making dinner for our family.Hannah and her fiance are comming and William and his girlfriend are also comming .My mother inlaw is making a 4 hr drive to join us as well.She will be staying the night and will return home on Friday.I have been cleaning and cooking and dishes and dishes oh and more dishes lol.I really ned toinvest in a dishwasher.Also will be..Rebecca,Linda and Landen...I am missing Briand he decided to have dinner with his dad im bummed about that.Oh and of course my sweet darling Husband and myself.
Today i went to work for a few hours then headed to walmart to get some last minute grocery items needed for dinner tomorrow.I also bought a new Microwave ours decided to break it was old anyway and i was in need of a new one. When i got home i Unloaded the car and put things away while my Husband went to y parents house to get the kids.Grandma took them home to decorate her christmas tree. We will be putting ours up this weekend as next weekend Michael and Landen and I will be leaving for Texas for a week.The kids will be staying at my parents house.Ok i am off to get the bird in the roaster.HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
Today i went to work for a few hours then headed to walmart to get some last minute grocery items needed for dinner tomorrow.I also bought a new Microwave ours decided to break it was old anyway and i was in need of a new one. When i got home i Unloaded the car and put things away while my Husband went to y parents house to get the kids.Grandma took them home to decorate her christmas tree. We will be putting ours up this weekend as next weekend Michael and Landen and I will be leaving for Texas for a week.The kids will be staying at my parents house.Ok i am off to get the bird in the roaster.HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Michael and I been talking for awhile about putting a new floor in the dining room.I am thrilled we bought all the supplies on Saturday and started tearing out the yucky ole carpet out of dining room staurday night.I now have a laminate wood floor I LOVE IT! I cant believe the difference it made to our home.We had painted the room a few months ago and finally decided Now is the time to get the new floor in.
It worked out Just in time for Thanksgiving at our home.Its been so busy which is good to keep my mind from the adoption .Jaxson is so much apart of us but its not the same without him here. I have put his pictures in each room of our home so i can see his sweet little face everyday.
Landen is over his sicklies Thank goodness.He loves sesame street and Loves the songs.He runs around the house singing them.He is talking so much now my mom and dad was over and dad was helping Michael with the floor they got tired and was getting ready to leave and Landen said GAMMA i want Kiss he went and got kisses then he said GOODBYE GAMMA AND PAPPA.It was so cute.I love hearing his words expand and him being more verbal with all of us.He is my boy through and through he is quite a kid.Love him dearly.
Rebecca has been having some issues with a girl at school she was called in the office over it and was so upset she was crying.She did get this issue straightend out.Rebecca is a good girl and girls can be so MEAN.We had a nice talk and i am sure things will be better for her now.
Linda has made big strides in her bad behavior.I am glad to see this she is so much easier to talk with without the drama and getting mad.I am proud of her and told her so tonight when she was helping me Dust the furniture and put things back in the dining room.I am proud of all my kids they are really good kids and i am blessed they are ours.
It worked out Just in time for Thanksgiving at our home.Its been so busy which is good to keep my mind from the adoption .Jaxson is so much apart of us but its not the same without him here. I have put his pictures in each room of our home so i can see his sweet little face everyday.
Landen is over his sicklies Thank goodness.He loves sesame street and Loves the songs.He runs around the house singing them.He is talking so much now my mom and dad was over and dad was helping Michael with the floor they got tired and was getting ready to leave and Landen said GAMMA i want Kiss he went and got kisses then he said GOODBYE GAMMA AND PAPPA.It was so cute.I love hearing his words expand and him being more verbal with all of us.He is my boy through and through he is quite a kid.Love him dearly.
Rebecca has been having some issues with a girl at school she was called in the office over it and was so upset she was crying.She did get this issue straightend out.Rebecca is a good girl and girls can be so MEAN.We had a nice talk and i am sure things will be better for her now.
Linda has made big strides in her bad behavior.I am glad to see this she is so much easier to talk with without the drama and getting mad.I am proud of her and told her so tonight when she was helping me Dust the furniture and put things back in the dining room.I am proud of all my kids they are really good kids and i am blessed they are ours.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Michael and Idrove to another town to get our travel shots today.That wasnt so bad the bad part was...200.00 for 3 shots.He needed yellow fever... i needed yellow fever and Typhoid and it was 200.00 for 3 shots.We went to the doctor to get these but we are in a small area and the docs office dont have them and recommended us to get them dont at health department in Leavenworth.We ahould asked our doctor to order them so Insurance would pay for some of them.
We sent Landen to school this morning and we were headed out the door to go get the shots when the school called and said we needed to come get Landen he pooed 3 diapers in 30 minutes.So we picked him up and took him with us..He is not running a fever or throwing uop he dont even act like he is not feeling well.He would NOT eat today but did drink quite a bit of 7 up and water.He did eat alot at supper this evening.We are just going to hang around the house since Landen is having problems.
Oh after we got back from Leavenworth i took Michael to work and Landen and I went to walmart to pick up the medicine the doctor perscribed to me yesterday.Also picking up a few things we were out of when Landen EXPLODED another diaper....this one eneded up all over his sweat outfit which is lightgrey.So Landen got a new outfit today..I picked one up and a small bag of diapers we need them anyway and a carry case of wipes we paid for the purchases and went to the bathroom and cleaned and changed him before leaving walmart.I then bought him a drink at mcdonalds and me a coffee we came home where he has went through ALOT more diapers.Oh i did find some Immodium to stop the diahrea i hope it helps.
We sent Landen to school this morning and we were headed out the door to go get the shots when the school called and said we needed to come get Landen he pooed 3 diapers in 30 minutes.So we picked him up and took him with us..He is not running a fever or throwing uop he dont even act like he is not feeling well.He would NOT eat today but did drink quite a bit of 7 up and water.He did eat alot at supper this evening.We are just going to hang around the house since Landen is having problems.
Oh after we got back from Leavenworth i took Michael to work and Landen and I went to walmart to pick up the medicine the doctor perscribed to me yesterday.Also picking up a few things we were out of when Landen EXPLODED another diaper....this one eneded up all over his sweat outfit which is lightgrey.So Landen got a new outfit today..I picked one up and a small bag of diapers we need them anyway and a carry case of wipes we paid for the purchases and went to the bathroom and cleaned and changed him before leaving walmart.I then bought him a drink at mcdonalds and me a coffee we came home where he has went through ALOT more diapers.Oh i did find some Immodium to stop the diahrea i hope it helps.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
To start with...Landen came downstairs this morning and was COVERED in puke and POO!I mean it was everywhere he had it all over the floor down the legs up the back !So he got a shower first off this morning and got to stay home from school.We just completed another shower he had another explosion out the diaper as it happened again.at least he will start the night off clean and a clean bed.We have been putting pullups on him at night and pullups for school.When he comes home from school we switched to training pants.But now we are full time diapers until the diarhea subsides.
I have also been under the weather and seen the doctor today.He thinks i have Rhumatoid arthritis i go for blood work and xrays in the morning.I am praying its NOT rhumatoid that is a vry mean arthritis,He perscribed me pain meds as needed and a antiinflamatory med.I hope it helps.I have not been able to walk the stairs for a week so My husband has been seeing to Landen being tucked in and read too.
I hope noone else in the house gets sick.... we need to stay healthy sheesh.
I have also been under the weather and seen the doctor today.He thinks i have Rhumatoid arthritis i go for blood work and xrays in the morning.I am praying its NOT rhumatoid that is a vry mean arthritis,He perscribed me pain meds as needed and a antiinflamatory med.I hope it helps.I have not been able to walk the stairs for a week so My husband has been seeing to Landen being tucked in and read too.
I hope noone else in the house gets sick.... we need to stay healthy sheesh.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I have not been feeling well....Like all my joints and muscles hurt so bad.I have not went to work all week because i have felt so bad.I see the doctor tomorrow i hope its good new and not anything bad.I stress when i am not feeling well as my family look up to me to be the healthy one.I hope to have some answers tomorrow.
I have been getting so excited about the holidays.I have been making my shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner and have almost all of what we need bought.I am so thrilled to have all 6 kids home for dinner.I have so much to be thankful for.I will still be missing 1 member of our family who is in another country and who has no idea he has Big family waiting to love him up.He will have a wonderful prayer said just for him on thanksgiving day.
Christmas ....My favorite part of this Holiday is the music and baking cookies and making fudge and candies and of course the christmas tree.I am not big on presents and am happy not recieving at all.I LOVE TO GIVE...Last year we were financially strapped so i made homemade goodies and bought the reusable containers and filled them up and gave them to the church,friends,family,coworkers and they were thrilled with this.I have been doing dome christmas shopping and am Happy to say Landens christmas is DONE.Of course he is my easy one i shop n the toddler toys for him.I pruchased a HUGEE drum the biggest i have ever seen and he will LOVE it.His is now done i have been buying for him since summer on clearnce.I am happy to say his total for christmas was 50.00 wow that is a savings for me.
I havethe other 5 kids to buy for and will get it done.They are harder and more expensive.I cant wait for Jax to be here and buy for him and see his face when he sees the lights and hear the music Landen Loves christmas he is like momma and cares less about the gifts and more into enjoying the giving and the spirit of it all.This christmas will also be hard as he wont be here with us to enjoy it.But watch out next year when he is home...It will be the best christmas EVER.
Christmas ....My favorite part of this Holiday is the music and baking cookies and making fudge and candies and of course the christmas tree.I am not big on presents and am happy not recieving at all.I LOVE TO GIVE...Last year we were financially strapped so i made homemade goodies and bought the reusable containers and filled them up and gave them to the church,friends,family,coworkers and they were thrilled with this.I have been doing dome christmas shopping and am Happy to say Landens christmas is DONE.Of course he is my easy one i shop n the toddler toys for him.I pruchased a HUGEE drum the biggest i have ever seen and he will LOVE it.His is now done i have been buying for him since summer on clearnce.I am happy to say his total for christmas was 50.00 wow that is a savings for me.
I havethe other 5 kids to buy for and will get it done.They are harder and more expensive.I cant wait for Jax to be here and buy for him and see his face when he sees the lights and hear the music Landen Loves christmas he is like momma and cares less about the gifts and more into enjoying the giving and the spirit of it all.This christmas will also be hard as he wont be here with us to enjoy it.But watch out next year when he is home...It will be the best christmas EVER.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ok so maybe not to some but to us it is...I have been saving and saving so that i could go to Liberia with Michael when the time comes to get Jaxson.My husband has been waiting on a back pay check to come and we were told it could take up to a year.NO MORE WORRIES..the check came and we have the money needed for both of us to travel to get Jaxson.I am just so so happy that we will both begoing to get our sweet angel boy.Without this money i would probably not been able to go.Even with my paychecks and my extra babysetting money it would not have been enough.I am so so thrilled this worry is now over and i know i will be there to meet our son with my husband i cant be anymore happier about it.I will still put my checks and babysetting money into savings just because i want a nice nest egg for when we return home with Jaxson.Or until money gets tight and we cant afford my checks to go in savings.I am just HAPPY and wanna shout to the roof tops that a stress is gone and I WILL get to go to africa wooohooo.
Friday we go to get our travel shots...I am happy we are getting theses done.Hubby needs 1 and i need 2.We will be good to go.Now to get I171H and hear we had court in Liberia I am so ready to go NOW.
Friday we go to get our travel shots...I am happy we are getting theses done.Hubby needs 1 and i need 2.We will be good to go.Now to get I171H and hear we had court in Liberia I am so ready to go NOW.
Monday, November 17, 2008
We had a crazy weekend here...Saturday i shampooed carpets and was doing much needed deep cleaning all was quiet until Saturday night.Michael and I got certificates to go eat at Petes steakhouse and Linda threw a fit a bad one beause we wanted to go out without the kids.So all in all we ended up not going.But there were consicinces for this behavior.Michael and i NEED our Once a month date night and i wont give it up.But Linda wants to go to her friends on the weekend and we have reigned to it to almost a hault.Why should she be allowed to go all the time when mom and dad cant even have a few hours a month alone.
Then came Sunday...Michael was doing honey do jobs and i was washing curtains and hanging them back up when my 16 yr old came downstairs in a horrible bad mood when asked to do his chores.So drama began again he got so mad he called his dad and his dad called me and was not nice ugghhh.We did get it resolved.ANYONE have a manual for parenting teens?Cause God didnt supply me with one when they were born haha.The little ones are like what in the world are they throwing fits for?Its sad the 15 and 16 yr old are outta line and the 13 and 8 yr old are shaking their heads like look at those babies.I am hoping for a better week and that the talks we gave them has much improved some behaviors outta the oldest 2.Oh and also for bad behaviors,,,They got extra chores.Maybe this will curve the problem.
Then came Sunday...Michael was doing honey do jobs and i was washing curtains and hanging them back up when my 16 yr old came downstairs in a horrible bad mood when asked to do his chores.So drama began again he got so mad he called his dad and his dad called me and was not nice ugghhh.We did get it resolved.ANYONE have a manual for parenting teens?Cause God didnt supply me with one when they were born haha.The little ones are like what in the world are they throwing fits for?Its sad the 15 and 16 yr old are outta line and the 13 and 8 yr old are shaking their heads like look at those babies.I am hoping for a better week and that the talks we gave them has much improved some behaviors outta the oldest 2.Oh and also for bad behaviors,,,They got extra chores.Maybe this will curve the problem.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Landens IEP was yesterday!It went well and he has masterd his Benchmarks so we upped one from 70% to 80% and changed another because it was unrealistic.He gets speech twice a week which has done wonders for him.His adaptive PE is going very well.
The blind school will be changing his daily task board in December as he has masterd those task and needs to move to something new. OT is going well and PT is not needed anymore YAY LANDEN. I am impressed with how Landen is doing.Oh and they have increased his time in the regular class so he is in more now YAYYY!
He still has a nasty cold his poor nose has ran so much he now has a sore under his nose.I been giving him cold medicine.He will see the doctor on Monday because its getting yucky now poor child is miserable. He was so lovable tonight and crawled on my lap i got kisses hugs and i wuv yous.He is such a mommas boy and I LOVE IT.Tonight he wanted coffee(hot chocolate) i am sure his throat is sore.I made him his coffee and he drank it all. then he said...I eat tapioca?His favorite pudding we put his seizure meds in it and thats how he take it.Then he said I GO UPSATIRS he went right up and crawled in bed.I went to read to him like 3 minutes later and he was already fast asleep the little stinker.I loove this little boy so much and i love that he has amazed all the doctors and therapist that work with him.He has gone far beyond what they thought he would.I knew he could hes my kid what more can i say lol.
The blind school will be changing his daily task board in December as he has masterd those task and needs to move to something new. OT is going well and PT is not needed anymore YAY LANDEN. I am impressed with how Landen is doing.Oh and they have increased his time in the regular class so he is in more now YAYYY!
He still has a nasty cold his poor nose has ran so much he now has a sore under his nose.I been giving him cold medicine.He will see the doctor on Monday because its getting yucky now poor child is miserable. He was so lovable tonight and crawled on my lap i got kisses hugs and i wuv yous.He is such a mommas boy and I LOVE IT.Tonight he wanted coffee(hot chocolate) i am sure his throat is sore.I made him his coffee and he drank it all. then he said...I eat tapioca?His favorite pudding we put his seizure meds in it and thats how he take it.Then he said I GO UPSATIRS he went right up and crawled in bed.I went to read to him like 3 minutes later and he was already fast asleep the little stinker.I loove this little boy so much and i love that he has amazed all the doctors and therapist that work with him.He has gone far beyond what they thought he would.I knew he could hes my kid what more can i say lol.
First experience
Michael has to go to texas to process out of the gaurds he is retiring from the army gaurds Temprorarily.He informed me that i also have to go.So we are flying to Texas for a week.I was not HAPPY about it.For 1...i am scared of flying..Its best i get used to it now beore we leave to Liberia.I have never flown before.2.Landen does not do well without his mommy and daddy...so Michael had it apporved to take him with us.The date were going is around December 7 through the 12th.Decmeber is such a busy month for us ughhh!So i am going to try to do a little xmas shopping while there.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We have not recieved no news on our adoption yet.We are in week number 5 waiting for our I171H approval.I am hoping it comes soon.We are also waiting on a hefty check to come for the rest of our travel money should be anyday now.I am praying everything comes together soon.As Thanksgiving gets closer i think about our angel and wish he was here with us when we say what we are thankful for and have all the kids together at once.
Adoption is always stressful but so so worth it when i hold my child in my arms forever. I can hardly wait to meet him and hold him and tell him How much he is loved.We have been trying to teach Landen to say Jaxson or even Jax...We tell him he will have a little brother to play with and he doesnt respond.Part i think is jealousy he Is the baby and knows he is the baby.He goes in and touches and stares at the crib he has not figured out why it is there or what it is for yet.I keep talling him thats your brothers bed he ignores me of course.
All i can do is pray nightly that it all comes together soon.I dream of the day we travel and i enter the home he is in and pick him up and tell him im his momma.That momma and daddy love him very much and brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to meet him. My Linda is sooo excited about Jaxson she talks about him everyday.She loves Landen and is so good with him.She told me mom...I cant wait for Jaxson to come home i will have 2 little brothers to love.She wants to be a special ed teacher when she grows up...She said having a brother with special needs and now another brother that she wants to teach children like them.She has taught Landen so much including stuff she should not have like how to say shut up...Or when i want him to do something she taught him to say NICE TRY FRENCH FRIE.I know it sounds funny but not so funny when i tell him to pick his toys up and thats his reply to me.
Adoption is always stressful but so so worth it when i hold my child in my arms forever. I can hardly wait to meet him and hold him and tell him How much he is loved.We have been trying to teach Landen to say Jaxson or even Jax...We tell him he will have a little brother to play with and he doesnt respond.Part i think is jealousy he Is the baby and knows he is the baby.He goes in and touches and stares at the crib he has not figured out why it is there or what it is for yet.I keep talling him thats your brothers bed he ignores me of course.
All i can do is pray nightly that it all comes together soon.I dream of the day we travel and i enter the home he is in and pick him up and tell him im his momma.That momma and daddy love him very much and brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting to meet him. My Linda is sooo excited about Jaxson she talks about him everyday.She loves Landen and is so good with him.She told me mom...I cant wait for Jaxson to come home i will have 2 little brothers to love.She wants to be a special ed teacher when she grows up...She said having a brother with special needs and now another brother that she wants to teach children like them.She has taught Landen so much including stuff she should not have like how to say shut up...Or when i want him to do something she taught him to say NICE TRY FRENCH FRIE.I know it sounds funny but not so funny when i tell him to pick his toys up and thats his reply to me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Some people think im crazy as we start buying some christmas presents in the summer.With having 6 children to buy for i always start early.Landen of course is my easiest one and i have bought several things on clearance racks for him.The kicker is his birthday is 4 days after christmas so he is getting a brand new red wagon(his got broke) and he LOVED HIS WAGON.I bought a blow up diego house with the balls that go inside of it.He will LOVE this and i got it for a cheap price.My Brian i tease him that he is all farmer john.He loves anything to do with farming..(his dad is a farmer) i bought him some johndeer t shirts his are already pretty worn out.I bought him 2 when school started.I still have quite a bit of shopping to do but if i can pick up some here and there then i should have it done fairly quickly.
My 2 girls can be hard as they are picky but i am sure i will figure it all out.Hannah and william my 2 adult kids are not to bad to buy for.A couple presents and some cash and they are happy happy.I plan on doing a little bit of shopping this weekend Michael and I are going out to dinner Saturday night and we will do a little shopping then.
so dont think im crazy... we are like anybig family with so many to buy for ya START early.
My 2 girls can be hard as they are picky but i am sure i will figure it all out.Hannah and william my 2 adult kids are not to bad to buy for.A couple presents and some cash and they are happy happy.I plan on doing a little bit of shopping this weekend Michael and I are going out to dinner Saturday night and we will do a little shopping then.
so dont think im crazy... we are like anybig family with so many to buy for ya START early.
Rebecca was at my friend Dee's house .Dee has a deaf dog i dont know if Rebecca scared her or what but the dog BIT Rebecca on her side and her ankle.Its not a bad bite just small puncture but it did bruise pretty good.Luckily the dog has all her shots.Rebecca is pretty shook up Dee called me right away and brought her home.Rebecca has been crying but some hugs and kisses and pampering she is fine.I did give her some Ibuprofen for pain.
I am just glad it is not worse then it was.Thankgoodness my little girl is ok.
I am just glad it is not worse then it was.Thankgoodness my little girl is ok.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I had 2 children home from school today...Landen with a awful runny nose and who just sint being his normal happy little guy self.Linda who has been dealing with a sore throat.She said its less sore today so thats a good thing.Brian also has a head cold but he was able to go to school today.
So i stayed home from work to tend to my sick kiddos...My husband Michael is also home today he gets vetrans day off.Both hands on board with the 2 kiddos is better then one.I forgot maile isnt running today and went to check it.Of course i check it everyday HOPING our I171H will show up.
Maybe it will come tomorrow.I just keep praying it here soon.I also pray everyday thats things move quickly in Liberia.I so want our little boy to come home.I am ready to meet him.I dream of the day i get to hold him in our arms forever.I CANT WAIT.This waiting is so so hard to me its the hardest part of adoption.We love you JAXSON so so much cant wait to meet you little man.
So i stayed home from work to tend to my sick kiddos...My husband Michael is also home today he gets vetrans day off.Both hands on board with the 2 kiddos is better then one.I forgot maile isnt running today and went to check it.Of course i check it everyday HOPING our I171H will show up.
Maybe it will come tomorrow.I just keep praying it here soon.I also pray everyday thats things move quickly in Liberia.I so want our little boy to come home.I am ready to meet him.I dream of the day i get to hold him in our arms forever.I CANT WAIT.This waiting is so so hard to me its the hardest part of adoption.We love you JAXSON so so much cant wait to meet you little man.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The School called this morning and canceled IEP.Landens teacher is sick.So it will be rescheduled.To take up that time i decided why not bake and baked chocolate chip cookies for the kids when they come home from school they will have some fresh baked cookies.And for the husband i have a Bannana nut bread in oven right now.
Hmm maybe i should make some oatmeal raisen cookies too.I am in a baking mood today.
Hmm maybe i should make some oatmeal raisen cookies too.I am in a baking mood today.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This is crazy i am not sleeping well at all .My mind dont shut down i think of Jaxson constantly and pray things start comming together. I spent today working on a bib i am making him .I also washed his comforter set and got it all in his crib now.Its looks so cute.Linda my 15 yr old is so excited about having a baby brother she helped me with his crib and lined all his stuffed animals he has at the bottom.I told her that was fine but when he comes home they have to come out because its not safe to have them in the crib with him.
These sleeping issues seem to be getting worse i guess i better get some tylonol pm and try it.I pray we get our I171H soon.And praying harder we get court soon.I am so ready to hold him he is the most Beautiful little man.I am going to craft his things and run out of things to make him HAHA.
Linda has had a sore throat all weekend and just feeling yucky.Landen has had an awful nasty snotty nose but it has not slowed him down none.He wiped it all over his sweat shirt and I changed his shirt like 4 times today.I can tell the weather is changing too.Landens skin is getting ashy again so he has been getting lotioned alot during diaper changes and clothing changes.He is always wanting me to scratch his back and his legs.
Tomorrow or should say later today Landen has his IEP meeting.I have some concerns i will address at the IEP meeting.One of them being speech...He is suppose to be recieving it and last year we struggled with the speech therapist not wanting to work with him.I want to make sure he is getting what he is entitled too.His OT AND PT are awsome and work very hard with Landen.I also have not heard noting of his vision therapy.The blind school is suppose to be working with him twice a week and i want to see if they are and what they are doing to help him.They did so much for Landen last year a BIG improvemnet.He stands up more straight now when he is walking he has become more indenpendent at school.They also was building him a special walker as he does not have the gross motor skills for the cane.
Since i cant sleep i have dusted the living room and folded 2 baskets of laundry Might as well get somework done while i am having a sleepless night.My husband will be a sweety and Take Landens medication to the school he got a note sent home that they needed more seizure meds.I also need to call in for a refill he is low at home too.I am gonna try to get a few hours of sleep.
These sleeping issues seem to be getting worse i guess i better get some tylonol pm and try it.I pray we get our I171H soon.And praying harder we get court soon.I am so ready to hold him he is the most Beautiful little man.I am going to craft his things and run out of things to make him HAHA.
Linda has had a sore throat all weekend and just feeling yucky.Landen has had an awful nasty snotty nose but it has not slowed him down none.He wiped it all over his sweat shirt and I changed his shirt like 4 times today.I can tell the weather is changing too.Landens skin is getting ashy again so he has been getting lotioned alot during diaper changes and clothing changes.He is always wanting me to scratch his back and his legs.
Tomorrow or should say later today Landen has his IEP meeting.I have some concerns i will address at the IEP meeting.One of them being speech...He is suppose to be recieving it and last year we struggled with the speech therapist not wanting to work with him.I want to make sure he is getting what he is entitled too.His OT AND PT are awsome and work very hard with Landen.I also have not heard noting of his vision therapy.The blind school is suppose to be working with him twice a week and i want to see if they are and what they are doing to help him.They did so much for Landen last year a BIG improvemnet.He stands up more straight now when he is walking he has become more indenpendent at school.They also was building him a special walker as he does not have the gross motor skills for the cane.
Since i cant sleep i have dusted the living room and folded 2 baskets of laundry Might as well get somework done while i am having a sleepless night.My husband will be a sweety and Take Landens medication to the school he got a note sent home that they needed more seizure meds.I also need to call in for a refill he is low at home too.I am gonna try to get a few hours of sleep.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Memorial hall here had a day for veterans.My wonderful amazing Husband got the honor to give a speech on behalf of the veterans.His speech touched everyone and made us all reflect on how lucky we are to Live in the United states.Please take today to thank all those vets who fight for our freedom and served our country.And to those families who lost their loved ones in the past and today.I was so Proud of my husband today.He is all soldier and i am so happy to be his wife.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I have been wanting to try these space bags,,,They really work...I had some extra tshirts i wanted to store away and thought i would try them they are so cool and actually do suck down.So i stored them under my bed.I want to get some more to store the kids summer things and extra blankets and such.
I ended up with today off...My boss had an appointment and decided i owuld not be needed today.It kinda stinks because it cuts my already part time hours.So i am using today to go through clothing and Boxing up things to take to the second hand store.The kids brought a pile of clothes they outgrew to me as well as some items they really dont wear.
I am having thanksgiving dinner at my home this year and this is the perfect time to clean and get these clothes and things sorted out.My children all 6 of them are comming and Hannahs boyfriend and williams girlfriend as well as my mother inlaw.I did invite my parents but they are not sure what they are doing for TG dinner yet.
The weather has been crazy...70S all week and today its right down cold.No wonder everyone is starting to get sick.I am doing my best trying not to catch a cold .
No news on our adoption the wait is so hard.I want Jaxson home so bad.I am so ready for him.I held my cousins baby last night and it made me long for Jaxson even more.
Momma loves you Jaxson I cannot wait to hold you in my arms forever kisses and hugs little man soon you will be with Your family.
I ended up with today off...My boss had an appointment and decided i owuld not be needed today.It kinda stinks because it cuts my already part time hours.So i am using today to go through clothing and Boxing up things to take to the second hand store.The kids brought a pile of clothes they outgrew to me as well as some items they really dont wear.
I am having thanksgiving dinner at my home this year and this is the perfect time to clean and get these clothes and things sorted out.My children all 6 of them are comming and Hannahs boyfriend and williams girlfriend as well as my mother inlaw.I did invite my parents but they are not sure what they are doing for TG dinner yet.
The weather has been crazy...70S all week and today its right down cold.No wonder everyone is starting to get sick.I am doing my best trying not to catch a cold .
No news on our adoption the wait is so hard.I want Jaxson home so bad.I am so ready for him.I held my cousins baby last night and it made me long for Jaxson even more.
Momma loves you Jaxson I cannot wait to hold you in my arms forever kisses and hugs little man soon you will be with Your family.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My aunt wanted to go to the second hand store so i took her and i am glad i did.I found Jaxson a complete whinnie the pooh bedding set.It looks BRAND NEW.I got the bumper pad(we wont need that) the crib blanket and sheet, dust ruffle ,and diaper stacker all for 5.00.
Jaxsons crib is whinnie the pooh and i was thrlled i found a bedding set. I am making him an eyore blanket but i know it wont be done before he comes home.So i was looking for a crib set and if i didnt find one was going to buy one brandnew.Well i did find one and it looks BRANDNEW.
I also found Landen a pair of pajamas and cute red sweater with a mouse on it and a thomas train sweat suit.He loves thomas the train. That store can get me in trouble haha.
Jaxsons crib is whinnie the pooh and i was thrlled i found a bedding set. I am making him an eyore blanket but i know it wont be done before he comes home.So i was looking for a crib set and if i didnt find one was going to buy one brandnew.Well i did find one and it looks BRANDNEW.
I also found Landen a pair of pajamas and cute red sweater with a mouse on it and a thomas train sweat suit.He loves thomas the train. That store can get me in trouble haha.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes its long but we wanted to keep his name he had and give him a new first name.I wanted Jaxson and at the time he wanted Elijah,Well out of the blue he decided he didnt want Elijah.So i said JAXSON?He said ok as long as i can call him Jax.My moms Mother my grandmas maiden name is Jackson so my mom will be thrilled.
I am thrilled because this is the first child i have GOTTEN to pick a name for and its a Beutiful name i love it.
I went to the second hand store and was so pleased.I got 2 pair of jeans, 4 new winter tops ,a dress ,a pair of boots ,and a pair of dress shoes ,all for 10 dollars,That was a great deal and all the things i bought look BRAND NEW.I went in looking for clothes for myself and was very happy with my new wardrobe.I dont buy myself new things often but was in Need and am very happy with my purchases.
Linda is home today she had a doctors appointment and is not feeling to great she has caught a cold.I will return to town to pick up my husband Michael and take him to the dentist.We are down to 1 car as his truck is in the shop.Brian ran over a possom and did something to the front end of the truck.
I hurried to the mail box this morning and was so bummed when our I171H was not there.This is week 4 so i hope soon.I got asked again today when is your baby comming home?Ughh adoption is not a snap of fingers and your child is in your arms.I wish it was that easy but its not.Its a waiting game an believe me it tries my patience too.But the END result when you are holding your child and loving that child that it is all forgotten.People dont understand this though so when thwy ask its hard to explain.I just tell them..Takes 9 months to have a baby its not 9 months yet haha.
Linda is home today she had a doctors appointment and is not feeling to great she has caught a cold.I will return to town to pick up my husband Michael and take him to the dentist.We are down to 1 car as his truck is in the shop.Brian ran over a possom and did something to the front end of the truck.
I hurried to the mail box this morning and was so bummed when our I171H was not there.This is week 4 so i hope soon.I got asked again today when is your baby comming home?Ughh adoption is not a snap of fingers and your child is in your arms.I wish it was that easy but its not.Its a waiting game an believe me it tries my patience too.But the END result when you are holding your child and loving that child that it is all forgotten.People dont understand this though so when thwy ask its hard to explain.I just tell them..Takes 9 months to have a baby its not 9 months yet haha.
Monday, November 3, 2008
This and That
Well no I171H today so i am a bit bummed.I just want this all done and my baby in my arms.Today was my day off so i ran errands and went grocery shopping.I put them away and had to go pick Brian up at school for his orthodontist appointment.I made supper toight of course its the Girls and I,s favorite but the boys are not to wild about cabbage potaoes carrots and polish sausage but the girls and i love it.
The weather he has been just wonderful being in the 70,s all weekend and today.I washed bedding and hung it on line i love the outdoor smell on my linens.Oh while out running errands this morning my cousin called me to meet her at a resturaunt for coffee,Actually she offerd to buy me breakfast but i had already had breakfast.I got to play with this sweet baby named Josiah he will be 1 yr old this week and is he ever sweet. my cousin was babysitting him He is the same size as our E so i now know what it will feel like to hold E as Josiah is the same weight and height as E.
I am hoping this is the week and our I171H comes soon.Would be even better if we get the call that E is legally ours.I am ready to get my little angel home.
The weather he has been just wonderful being in the 70,s all weekend and today.I washed bedding and hung it on line i love the outdoor smell on my linens.Oh while out running errands this morning my cousin called me to meet her at a resturaunt for coffee,Actually she offerd to buy me breakfast but i had already had breakfast.I got to play with this sweet baby named Josiah he will be 1 yr old this week and is he ever sweet. my cousin was babysitting him He is the same size as our E so i now know what it will feel like to hold E as Josiah is the same weight and height as E.
I am hoping this is the week and our I171H comes soon.Would be even better if we get the call that E is legally ours.I am ready to get my little angel home.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
TODAY we were all outside Michael was winterizing the house and Landen was playing and we were doing some much needed stuff in the yard.The weather was AWSOME. Brian raked a huge pile of leaves and put Landen in the middle of them.We have tried this before and he has shown no Interest.This time he did...HE HAD A BALL.Brian would cover him up and all you could see was leaves flying everywhere and Landen laughing so hard.When he set up all you can see is his head.It was so cute.I so miss my digital camera i could of gotten some amazing pics .I asked hubby for a new one for christamas.My daughter broke mine.
Now we need our Emmanuel home to enjoy the weather outside.He has a swing waiting for him at the swing set.The joy on emmanuels face will be something i will never forget when he gets to do so many first.I am praying this is the week we recieve our I 171 H.I am also praying things move quickly in Liberia.Emmanuel needs to come home we are so anxious to get him here.Landen is such a joy and E will be too.I cant wait to takje my 2 little boys for a walk or to the park or just outside to play.I am so ready for E...
We love you Emmanuel big kisses and hugs from Mommy and Daddy brothers and sisters.
Now we need our Emmanuel home to enjoy the weather outside.He has a swing waiting for him at the swing set.The joy on emmanuels face will be something i will never forget when he gets to do so many first.I am praying this is the week we recieve our I 171 H.I am also praying things move quickly in Liberia.Emmanuel needs to come home we are so anxious to get him here.Landen is such a joy and E will be too.I cant wait to takje my 2 little boys for a walk or to the park or just outside to play.I am so ready for E...
We love you Emmanuel big kisses and hugs from Mommy and Daddy brothers and sisters.
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