Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I had 2 children home from school today...Landen with a awful runny nose and who just sint being his normal happy little guy self.Linda who has been dealing with a sore throat.She said its less sore today so thats a good thing.Brian also has a head cold but he was able to go to school today.
So i stayed home from work to tend to my sick kiddos...My husband Michael is also home today he gets vetrans day off.Both hands on board with the 2 kiddos is better then one.I forgot maile isnt running today and went to check it.Of course i check it everyday HOPING our I171H will show up.
Maybe it will come tomorrow.I just keep praying it here soon.I also pray everyday thats things move quickly in Liberia.I so want our little boy to come home.I am ready to meet him.I dream of the day i get to hold him in our arms forever.I CANT WAIT.This waiting is so so hard to me its the hardest part of adoption.We love you JAXSON so so much cant wait to meet you little man.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

The wait is hard, but is forgotten once your baby is in your arms :) It's hard right now, I know, but time will go by fast - I promise!!