This is crazy i am not sleeping well at all .My mind dont shut down i think of Jaxson constantly and pray things start comming together. I spent today working on a bib i am making him .I also washed his comforter set and got it all in his crib now.Its looks so cute.Linda my 15 yr old is so excited about having a baby brother she helped me with his crib and lined all his stuffed animals he has at the bottom.I told her that was fine but when he comes home they have to come out because its not safe to have them in the crib with him.
These sleeping issues seem to be getting worse i guess i better get some tylonol pm and try it.I pray we get our I171H soon.And praying harder we get court soon.I am so ready to hold him he is the most Beautiful little man.I am going to craft his things and run out of things to make him HAHA.
Linda has had a sore throat all weekend and just feeling yucky.Landen has had an awful nasty snotty nose but it has not slowed him down none.He wiped it all over his sweat shirt and I changed his shirt like 4 times today.I can tell the weather is changing too.Landens skin is getting ashy again so he has been getting lotioned alot during diaper changes and clothing changes.He is always wanting me to scratch his back and his legs.
Tomorrow or should say later today Landen has his IEP meeting.I have some concerns i will address at the IEP meeting.One of them being speech...He is suppose to be recieving it and last year we struggled with the speech therapist not wanting to work with him.I want to make sure he is getting what he is entitled too.His OT AND PT are awsome and work very hard with Landen.I also have not heard noting of his vision therapy.The blind school is suppose to be working with him twice a week and i want to see if they are and what they are doing to help him.They did so much for Landen last year a BIG improvemnet.He stands up more straight now when he is walking he has become more indenpendent at school.They also was building him a special walker as he does not have the gross motor skills for the cane.
Since i cant sleep i have dusted the living room and folded 2 baskets of laundry Might as well get somework done while i am having a sleepless night.My husband will be a sweety and Take Landens medication to the school he got a note sent home that they needed more seizure meds.I also need to call in for a refill he is low at home too.I am gonna try to get a few hours of sleep.
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