Landen is growing so much! I just ordered him a new Jacket he has gotten so tall his arms are too long for his Jacket he has. He went from a 5 Jacket to a 7!He is so TALL! I can only buy the adjustable band pants and in shorts i buy a size 5 elastic waist shorts.Sometimes i have to go to a 4 because he is so thin.I also bought him 2 pairs of new PJ'S he has outgrown most of what he has.My little guy is getting big to fast.I have yet to see what he has in his summer clothes that will fit him if any at all.
Today Landen was so lovable.I got lots of hugs and kisses out of him today!I even got some cuddle time.I love my little boy so much.Of course i soak up any cuddle time i can get out of Mr.Busy body.Tonight after he had his bath i let him pick out his PJ's..He picked sponge bob of course ha ha.After he got them on got his med and brushed his teeth he was on my lap with his all time favorite book..."baby mickey lost his shoe".I don't know this book is his favorite but it has been 2 yrs running now.I have it memorized word for word he loves that story time and so do i .Look how cute he is?Cant help but wanna love him up.
1 comment:
He truly is a handsome boy...and he is growing so much!
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