Today has been pretty laid back.I did some much needed dusting and got the laundry caught up and bedding washed.Landen has been having some issues that i need to address with the Nuero in May.I have been compiling a list to go over with him.I have many concerns and some is with behaviors he is going through.He is still my sweet little man but he has been having problems following direction and throwing fits.We finally got the sleep issues under control.I am grateful for that.
He is hyper and this seems to be increasing.His vocabulary has taken off and he is talking a little more.Tonight he told me I hungry he usually just yells EAT!So this was nice that he said I hungry.He also told me plain as day..I want a cup of coffee(hot chocolate).So i am happy that he is communicating more with speech and not grunts and yells.
The potty training is another issue we are having.I know he can do it he is choosing not too!He loves to go in bathroom and he loves to flush the toilet and wash his hands.He knows what he is suppose to do on the potty but i swear he is holding it.I will get more aggressive with this this summer.I would love to have him potty trained before Jaxson comes home.2 in diapers will not be fun if he is not trained.I use disposable diapers with Landen because of school.I also am meeting with his teacher on Friday about some things at school.He wont talk at school and he points and makes noises to what he wants.The problem is the Paras are babying him and giving in to him.I have told them Numerous amounts of times to make him tell you what he wants he can do it.He would talk for them if they just get a little tougher with him on this.
I also would like an update with the teacher who comes up and works with him from the blind school.He has mastered all the goals they set for him and i still have yet to hear what goals the blind school is putting in place for him now.I want to know so we can also address them at home with him.Landen is one smart cookie and he cracks me up because he knows what he is doing and knows how to get what he wants without working at it.
His favorite song and game right now is the hokey poky.He hums it and tried hard to play the game.I have been working with him on left and right up and down .He tries when i tell him put right foot in he does this funny stomping thing with both feet.When i says shake it all about he shakes his whole body.It is so cute to watch.
I upset him tonight though.I got him bathed and dressed for bed and gave him his meds.I had him pick a book out and told him to take it to daddy to read.I was headed to walmart to grocery shop so Daddy got story time and make sure he got his teeth brushed and tucked into bed.He was mad at me he wanted to go with me and started crying.I felt so bad.But i love going shopping at night when walmart is not busy and i can take my time getting what we need.I hope the neurologist can answer some of my questions i have and help me to get answers to what i need to do to help him.Oh and the biggie..He has decided he is to old for a sippy cup and refuses to drink from them.So he has a certain cup he likes to drink from and has done GREAT an not spilling.The sip cups will be put up for Jaxson.
I am so blessed Landen is my son!He has came so far from the day he arrived home from India 41/2 yrs ago.He amazes me with what he has learned and what he is capable of.He always starts his day with a smile.He is so full of life and love.He enjoys life and just a joy to be around.He loves to learn new things and loves to be tickled and cuddled.That in itself is amazing as when he came home he would stiffen if you hugged him and freak out if ya kissed him.Now he comes to me and his dad and Sib's and gives hugs and kisses freely.
I cannot wait until Jaxson comes home and i see him thrive and change and learn just like Landen has done.My teens have been great with teaching Landen and are so excited to the same with Jaxson.I feel they have been a big part in watching Landen come out of his shell.I am excited to see how Jaxson will do once home and surrounded with all the love and attention he so deserves.
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