Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yesterday was our yearly BAT picnic.For those of you who don't know what BAT stands for its BAL ASHA TRUST orphanage in India.Its where both my children were at before coming to us.Every year the parents who have children from Bat in India we get together once a year and enjoy each others company.It is so nice to have our BAT family..Rebecca gets to see kids that she spent so much time with at Bat.I get to enjoy them and their parents.The kids have all GROWN a ton.It was very hot yesterday so we all drank lots and lots of water.
When we got home i had just enough time to jump in the shower get dressed set things out for Landen and go again.I was meeting up with the ladies for dinner and drinks.Michael kept the kids at home he is such a good daddy.The steak dinner was wonderful but i didn't care for the pub we went to for drinks.I am just not into Bars of any kind and neither were 2 of the ladies i was with.So we had a couple drinks and came home.I got home at 11 30 pm and was very tired.
This morning i got up had a shower made my famous broccoli cauliflower salad and head to Horton lake with all the kids.We had a picnic today for the entire Ferris family.It was great i got to see allot of cousins i have not seen forever.we had a nice time.Now i am back home and its almost dinner time but that's on hold because the electrician is here and my kitchen is tore apart and my stove is in the middle of the floor.I had piles of laundry i need to work on.One day of not doing laundry and boy do i pay for it ha ha.
Over all it was a wonderful glorious weekend! It was relaxing which is what i needee more then anything.I am refreshed for the new week ahead.

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