Sunday, June 7, 2009


The weekend was nice and we spent it at the lake camping!Michael stayed home Friday night as he had a bad day.He was helping with the foundation and got hurt splitting his ear open and requiring it to be glued shut.he was sore and his back hurt so he stayed home and joined us (the kids and I) at the Lake last night.
There was nice breeze and the weather was warm it was very enjoyable.It was quiet and so peaceful.The moon was shining and glaring off the lake i am kicking myself for not getting a picture of it.I love camping but i don't like the packing and cleaning we have to do to come home.Of course their is the mound of laundry that also goes with it.Overall it was a ton of fun and i would not change it for the world.
Now its back to reality and hopefully good news about our adoption this week!I keep praying and praying.I pray this is the week we hear some good news!I could sure use some.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

Sounds like a pefect weekend :)