Friday, July 3, 2009


I got a bit of an update on our adoption.Please pray right now for all the families that are in process and stuck in a mess!There is still allot of problems within Liberia and adoptions.There are so many parents waiting to bring their babies home and i know their hearts are breaking as their children grow up without them and some wish to come home so much.
I am trying to be very very patient as i know that Jax is coming home.But Liberia time lines on doing things is so different then ours.I am one of those people that want to get it done and get it done now.Many prayers are needed for Liberia and the children of Liberia.It a struggle every day for all the parents.
I am sure we all do the same thing..We get on computer every day praying for any information pertaining to adoptions and our children.I am praying for each and every parent and child and Liberia to come to a decision soon so parents can be united with their families they have waited so long for.I also Pray that their will be adoptions from Liberia in the future .Please say a prayer for everyone involved and for the future of the children.
I know my Blog is private so i will share with you what i know!I keep it private for allot of reasons and hope in the future i can make it public again.So now on to what i know...I know the MOH is reviewing files of children who have been through court and are working with the Embassy to let them be united with their families.My Jax is one of these cases we were told his file needs to be reviewed by multiple Government offices before we are allowed to bring him home and obtain his Visa.I know they asked for his file and received it 4 weeks ago.
I know the UNICEF is a major problem for adoptions in Liberia and are doing anything in their power to prevent adoptions from Happening.This is sad that they would be this way..So many children have no mommies and daddy's and are going hungry and dieing by the thousands.Why would they want to stop adoptions? what is their purpose to try and do so? I don't know what their purpose is and if UNICEF is so great then why are so many children and parents dieing of Hunger and disease?They should be more into worrying about taking care of the people and children in Liberia then what is happening with adoptions.
These are just my views and my thoughts on this matter!

1 comment:

All My Beans said...

UNICEF does hurt those many children who will languish without adoption. I agree with you. Were you able to get any more info about what stage of this "review" Jax's file it at?