I contacted our state Senator who is also an adopting parent asking for help.I cant set and do nothing anymore while our son waits and waits because we cant get his visa.
I explained about adoptions being suspended.
I also explained the suspension took place after our son was legally adopted and that we cannot be issued a visa because the president says so.I explained that Jax is special needs and would benefit greatly with medical care we can provide.
I told him that we had flight booked and hotel booked when we were told we could NOT travel because they will not let us get a visa and explained that this was back in February 2009.I also let him know about the website stating that a child with special needs is suppose to be able to obtain a visa to come home.
This is not fair to Jax or anyone or any adopting parents.Please voice your opinions if nothing else he knows there is a situation there and maybe it will be checked into.I don't know if this will help but what do i have to lose?
Please pray with us that something good will happen for us and for ALL families and children stuck in this never ending process.
This is great!!! I hope they can do something for you! Stay strong!
stay focused and don't let up..the squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? besides..right is right..and this needs to become RIGHT!
thanks carie, and Ellen,
I am frustrated and just need this little one home ASAP.
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