My little boy who has come so far and has amazed me .My little boy whom his country marked as an invilid.My little boy who has taught his mother patience and to enjoy everyday to the fullest.To see the sunshine on a day its dark and dreary.Landen has given me life lessons and i am grateful for that.He is such a wonderful child one that i am so blessed to parent.To think when he came came home to us 5 yrs ago at the age of 4 1/2 he could not talk or feed himself he was very much an infant.Now to watch him blossom right before my eyes is just the most wonderful thing.
Just this last couple months his vocabulary has doubled.He is talking in full sentences now.He is a joker and loves to do little jokes and giggle about it.He is funny and sweet and so so CUTE.He is always happy and always has a smile .I am bragging yes i am,to see this child sohappy and full of life bursting at the seems.I am so happy i am his parent.If you met him you would know what i mean.He is a child who leaves a mark on a person .Landen is loved by all including his classmates and other peers.I am the luckiest parent ever.
Yes, you are very lucky and so is he to have a mother like you :)
thanks Carie,
He has blessed our lives so much.
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