Thursday, November 5, 2009


I walked away totally happy.They had to change his status from Developmentally delayed because of his age.He is now under his real diagnoses which means he will get FULL benefits.I am thrilled that he has a speech therapist that i like so so much better then the last one.This one really cares and sees that Landen wants to he is getting speech now before he was getting observation.This is HUGE for Landen.He so badly wants to communicate and he says some words and the rest is babble.The best part is she listened to me and AGREED he can learn signs as well.The last speech argued and told me he could learn them at all and i pushed the issue and was shot down.
He still gets occupational therapy and adaptive P.E. the blind school still works with him and they are amazing.He has came so far sense the blind school started working with him.The teachers and therapist agreed we will be talking with the blind school about starting to teach Landen his ABC'S in Braille not so much recognition yet just sounds and feels in braille.He is not ready for recognition but i am sure it will come before we know it.
We also changed his goals as he had mastered the others.I love the new goals set for him I got a big say in the goals and feel good about them all.I felt like a parent at this IEP and was more involved then usual when the team would ignore me.I have fought with many therapist and teachers.I can truly say he has a great team working with him now they really care and they really listened to what i had to say and did incorporate those things into is new teaching plan.I am happy for My Landen and i will be happy to see him make big strides the rest of this school year.
This school system has not been easy to work with at all.But with new therapist and a new phsycologist and an awesome special ed teacher who has ALWAYS agreed with me on everything and was shot down too.I am so excited for my son and cannot wait to see the changes evolve in him.I do have to take Landen to the doctor...I took him awhile ago and she told me to put wax drops in his ears to see if that didn't help his hearing.He has wax badly in his ears.But at this time i feel he needs to see an ENT .We do feel there is possible hearing loss which is causing allot of his words to sound like babble.So i will be calling the doc to see if we cant get a referral.I am so proud of my boy and so happy that FINALLY he is getting the services he needs deserves.

1 comment:

The Johnson Family of Seven said...

YAY! This is great news!! He's an amazing little boy!