Today was amazing...Jax is coming so far.I had him on a blanket on the floor and we were doing tummy time.He was up on his knees and his elbows.I think if he could get on his hands this child would be crawling.He has gained so much strength it is just amazing.He uses his good foot and pushes with it until his bottom is off the floor.I wish his Rehab appointment was closer i cant wait to get the ankle braced and watch him go.His head is much better.I dont think its going to be to much longer and he will be bale to hold it with no problems.I should of made a video..If he does it again i will capture it.
I rescheduled his eye appointment.It was suppose to be yesterday bit we got nasty weather here and i did not want to drive that hour and 45 minutes by myself in a nsaty storm.So its June 7th now.Jaxson has discovered he needs to make noises and be loud to get his daddies attention.It was so funny he was looking at his daddy and being as noisy as he could until my husband picked him up.He loves massages and i gave him one tonight... he smiles and giggled through it .He is eating well and is gaining weight good.I cant wait to get a current weight on him.Jax has a cat scan on Friday for the nuerologist and Monday he has surgery to get his adenoids out.I hope to have many more updates soon.
yay! Can't wait to hear he has taken off!
This is all such good news, he is doing so great! I'm so happy for all of you so so happy!!
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