We had a nice laid back weekend.We had no scheduled plans and just hung out and let the kids play.We got Jaxson's swing put up and Landen got a new Jump_o_lene.I need to get pictures of him in it.Jaxson loved his swing.He did not fuss or cry at all.He was awake although he looks like he is sleeping in the picture.He does not care for the sun in his eyes so i will have to make sure he has a sun hat on.I enjoyed the weekend with our kids.We have no appointments this week or Jaxson don't..I have dental appointment on Thursday.I have been getting allot of cleaning and Bagging up clothes that don't fit or are to big to be put away or dropped off at second hand store.I am liking this easy no running to appointments week i am having.
love the swing and swing set you have to put it on :) MY DREAM! :) thanks for sharing :)
He's looking good my friend!!! Praying for his upcoming surgery!
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