Friday, August 27, 2010

ER visit last night

Jax has a rough time with his secretions..He chokes on them and then vomits them.This is very bad.Last night it was so bad My husband and I took him to the emergency room fearing he was aspirating.He thank goodness is NOT aspirating.The E.R. told us to call our doc and have him give us a script for a suction Machine.I am waiting on them to call me back.
I called OT at children's mercy also and told them the night braces for Jax are not working.They finally agreed they should have molded and made him some.So now we will have an appointment to get some made that fit right and stay on.The ones he has are way to big and just slide right off.I cant tighten them anymore as it would be to tight and cut circulation off.Oh fun times but at least we are getting some where.
Monday he has his Neurology appointment and we get the results of his EEG and ct scan i am anxious about this.

1 comment:

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

praying about upcoming appointments. glad you are getting better splints or braces!