Friday, November 5, 2010


Things have been busy the last few days here...Michael and I have been decluttering and moving furniture cleaning behind it .We have taken a bunch of stuff to the thrift store.Gave things to my oldest son for his apartment and gone through all the summer clothes and put them away.I messed up on appointment.Jax is suppose to have his sleep study consult on Tuesday..Michael is having surgery on his shoulder that day so i need to change the appointment day.
I have not been feeling well and need to see the doctor.I have rapidly gained weight and have pain in my Kidney.I am worried i may have another cyst in my stomach .I am praying this is not what it as as they surgically remove them.The last one was the size of a volley ball and i was in the hospital for 8 days.I can not be away from Jaxson that long.
I been doing therapy on Jax !He loves the ball i stretch him on and giggles .He is up to 30 minutes of tummy time now without wearing out.This weekend and week we keep it at 30 minutes and try to increase the following week.He will be getting another round of botox shots soon.They are painful to him and i am praying the second time is better.We seen a little change from the first time but he still keeps his legs up and very tight.He does well with all his stretches though.He has no desire to pick up a toy.He did one time and put it to his mouth.I work with him holding and grasping toys as well.He is so funny when i do his oral therapy massages he looks at me funny and then he giggles lol.
Linda got her senior pics taken and her invitations ordered she is happy to be graduating this year.She has a college all lined up as well.Rebecca is doing good she cracks me up with some of the stuff she says.She had an eye exam and got new glasses.Her old glasses were child size frames and she outgrew them .The lenses were scratched so she was due for a new pair.She looks so grown up in her new ones.
Landen oh my this child of mine is so fun.He learns new words everyday and uses them well.His newest is actually a sentence...I want candy lol.I was doing ABC's with him the other day and he did great until we got to the letter O.After that they were all O's.I have been working hard with him on dressing self.He can put his pants on but struggles with his shirt and his Jacket.We will get there i am positive of it.I have noticed he is signing allot more at home now and not just at school.He can verbally say please but will also sign it when saying it.He does thank you really well now and your welcome.He knows several but these are the ones i can get him to do at home.He is a busy little guy and keeps me on my toes.He is a mess maker and i am making him pickup more.He don't always clean it up but it has improved.
My 3 grown children are all doing good.My oldest son is still looking for a job.I am praying he finds something very soon.Our oldest daughter Hannah is in her last year of college.She is so ready to be done.My Brian oh Brian he has so much to learn about life yet.He is 18 and quit his job and now realises his big mistake.He is living with his dad right now and his dad pays him for work he needs done.His dad owns a farm so there is always plenty to be done.
Michael and i both have an ailment right now and hope we are back up on our feet soon.Tomorrow we are going shopping for a fold up table and chairs.We need these extra for Thanksgiving dinner we are having and they will always come in handy for the future.Sunday we are resting for the busy appointment filled week ahead of us.

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