Friday, November 19, 2010


Jax speech appointment went very well and he gave us a new technique to use.He wants me to use a sponge swab with orange juice on it and go back and forth over his tongue after i do his mouth massages.It makes sense..tart things make you swallow.I know for sure Jax is refluxing it happens at the end of a feed or within the hour after his feed.Jax has a doc appointment Monday and i will be discussing this with the doc.He also has those weird blisters again so we will discuss this also.Today has not been a good day for him he has slept allot today.He does not seem sick just sleepy poor guy.He is growing so fast and so smiley.I love his amazing smile.He is so sweet!
Michael and I are headed to St.Joe this week to get the ball rolling to get a SS card.While in st Joe we will be taking him to sears to get his pictures taken.This is something i been wanting to do and why not while we are in st Joe anyway.

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