Monday, December 31, 2012
We had a wonderful Christmas although Jaxson was sick Christmas day!We did not go to my parents house and decided it best to keep Jaxson home!When the nurse came in the next day we discovered what was making Jaxson so ill and cranky..He was leaking spinal fluid my poor boy which in turn was giving him one huge massive headache.Several phone calls to Doctors and he is back on track.He has to lay flat which is hard as he wants to set up.So we spend allot of time on the floor entertaining him.He loves his new toys Santa brought him and will talk to them.He then whines until we turn them on for him.We have learned if you let him whine and walk away he will and can turn them on himself!He just don't like too!Overall was a wonderful Christmas!We are ready for the new year and to see what all it brings for our family!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Michael bought a Sanata suit so Jaxson could see Santa.With Jaxson recovering from surgery getting him out to Santa would not have worked!This little man Knew this was his daddy!No fooling him!Love the way he is looking at Santa!My child cracks me up!
Jaxson had his appointments today..First was nuerosurgery to get his staples out.I was proud of my big guy he did not cry at all.His incisions look Great and he is so happy to get rid of those staples.Second appointment was rehab!He had his balcofen incresed 20%today in his pump and is down to 30 mg oral baclofen.I hope to see results tomorrow with the increase.We go back in 2 weeks to get it increased again and oral backed down again.Jaxson is doing wonderful.I am so happy that he will be able to set up and play again.He has not been able to as his staples pulled so bad.
We are still waiting for his wheelchair parts to come in.Its been over 3 months ago that they were ordered.I am so ready for it.He is very uncomfortable when setting in it so we have not been using it at all.Jaxson is my hero for all he has been through and how he is so strong to handle all of this every step of the way.
We are still waiting for his wheelchair parts to come in.Its been over 3 months ago that they were ordered.I am so ready for it.He is very uncomfortable when setting in it so we have not been using it at all.Jaxson is my hero for all he has been through and how he is so strong to handle all of this every step of the way.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Homestudy packet on its way!
Our social worker emailed me back last night and is putting the homestudy packet together for us.I am very excited yet nervous all in one.Every time i look at our sweet Sara's photo i melt.She is so beautiful and will fit in great with our family.I am also scared as we have the adoption funds but nothing for travel when time comes to get her home.I am going to have to start fundraising!This sweet girl has walkied in my life twice...I am not going to lose her again and am so excited.I am praying we get through everything and get her home as soon as possible.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Better day for Jaxson!
Jaxson was so cranky yesterday and cried when moved at all!Today was much better and he set up for 40 minutes before having a melt down.He has been all smiles today!We are counting down the days now to getting the staples out!I am grateful he will get them out just in time for Christmas!Jaxson has been such a joy in our lives..when he hurts i hurt.I love this little boy with all my heart!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Why does my family call and get cranky about something i bought my child for Christmas?It's really not no ones business!I bought Landen an Ipad for christmas..I bought it in November as it was on sale and a great price.She called me today and was right down nasty to me on the phone i told her it was not her business or concern what we do as a family.She said he wont be able to play with it.I argued about that as he uses one at school and its great for communication and learning.I cut her short and she hung up on me..It bothers me that my private life and what we do is out there..I have not told no one about the Ipad..My daughter Linda knows !
Friday, December 14, 2012
The government where Sara is does not have her diagnosis on a list to get her adopted.The country is shutdwon to adoptions but are letting children with special needs out.The problem cp is not one of them.Please pray for Sara as she has severe cp and needs to come home.We need to move as quickly as possible to get her here.Our Jaxson was in bad shape when arriving home.His doctors call him a miracle child for survining sever aspiration and seizures with no medication.Please pray we can get her out.Our wonder medically complex doctor is writing a medical about cp and the effects without medical care.
Please say a prayer for finances to come together and for Sara to hang in there until we get her home!Her birthday is this month and will be sending a sweet prayer to her !
Please say a prayer for finances to come together and for Sara to hang in there until we get her home!Her birthday is this month and will be sending a sweet prayer to her !
My first email of the day..emailed social worker to see if she can do a homestudy for us!Hoping she gets back to us soon!We want to get our girl home as quickly as possible!We have chosen a name four our girl and she will be called...Sara Rose!
Our exciting news!
After much discussion my husband and i have decided to bring a Princess home!This is some story...when we first seen her we wanted to adopt her.Due to timing and financing we had to pull out of the adoption completely!This same little girl came back to us!Basically the agency contacted me about adopting her.Michael and I talked it over and have decided ya know God is telling us something..this child has been put before us twice.Now mind you finances are tight.We are by far not rich!But a little girl waits for us..she waits for a mommy and daddy and brothers and sisters!
We have decided not to let paying for an adoption or travel or anything else stand in our way.You see this little lady has severe cp!She is in a foreign country that cannot provide the medical care she needs!We can provide that and love and much more.So here we go on a journey to bring home a princess...We have already chosen the most beautiful name for her.I am excited about having this angel in our family!I dont like asking for money at all its not my thing.I have to swallow my pride on this and have added a chip in.If you can even 5.00 will help!Every bit adds up.It is important we get her home soon...she is starting to regress and this is a big concern for her and for us.
We have decided not to let paying for an adoption or travel or anything else stand in our way.You see this little lady has severe cp!She is in a foreign country that cannot provide the medical care she needs!We can provide that and love and much more.So here we go on a journey to bring home a princess...We have already chosen the most beautiful name for her.I am excited about having this angel in our family!I dont like asking for money at all its not my thing.I have to swallow my pride on this and have added a chip in.If you can even 5.00 will help!Every bit adds up.It is important we get her home soon...she is starting to regress and this is a big concern for her and for us.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Big Decisions!
We have had every road block imaginable trying to adopt a child!My husband and I have a heart for africa.We tried twice and it fail through due to affording to finance the cost of adoption.So we have take classes to become foster parents and it is now on hold as well.The classes are complete yes but the list we need to get liscensed is a mile long.
The lord is not done with us yest and has decided to open another door to Africa again.We are going to take a leap of faith and work on bringing our princess home!Its a big decision for us as the finances are not there.There is more to this and I will share later when i know this is truly going to happen!But remeber the saying if you let it go and it comes back to you its yours!Thats how this is or our feeling towards this situation.Please pray as we still have a couple Big decisions to make.Adoption is expensive and that is the main reason people do not adopt.Why does money have to be such a hurdle to love an orphaned child?Its not My Husband and i are by far not rich..we dont live in a fancy house..we dont buy designer clothes !What we do have have is LOVE!
The lord is not done with us yest and has decided to open another door to Africa again.We are going to take a leap of faith and work on bringing our princess home!Its a big decision for us as the finances are not there.There is more to this and I will share later when i know this is truly going to happen!But remeber the saying if you let it go and it comes back to you its yours!Thats how this is or our feeling towards this situation.Please pray as we still have a couple Big decisions to make.Adoption is expensive and that is the main reason people do not adopt.Why does money have to be such a hurdle to love an orphaned child?Its not My Husband and i are by far not rich..we dont live in a fancy house..we dont buy designer clothes !What we do have have is LOVE!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Rough Day!
Jaxson had a rough day today!His nurse was awesome and managed his pain well...He got a sponge bath and massage and his dressings changed.He also thought it cool he got to lay in his diaper for and hour getting air to his incisions.He cried when moved and cried when the nurse held him !She set him at a 30 degree angle and he did not like it.It is so hard as we know he dont understand and thinks we are being mean.But it is Imperative to his health to move him.I dont want him getting pnuemonia which would be worse on him.Our nurse is training a float nurse tomorrow!Jaxson will get more nursing for now taking some exhaustion off Michael and I.He is full time care even more so with post surgery.I do night care with him..I love this little guy and would give him the world if i could!
Monday, December 10, 2012
post surgery!
Jaxson has been keeping us busy!Last night he would not sleep in his crib at all...everytime we put him in it he cried.Michael stayed up and rocked him until 4 am.I gave him pain medication and that did not seem to be his problem.Tonight i cleaned his incisions and put clean dressing on them.Tomorrow we will take the dressing off and let them air for awhile.Our nurse came in this morning to 2 of us dragging tired and just plain exhausted.She called the agency and told them we needed more hrs.Now we have full hrs he was suppose to have from the beginning which will help us alot.I do all his night care...suctioning trach,turning him every 2 hrs,changing diapers and so on.His last feed is at 2 a.m. so i also make sure he eats.I will talk with the nutritionist about settings for the pump for a continual feed at night.This way i can get some rest!Today Jaxson was all smiles for the nurse!He loves her and hams up to her all the time.Through all of this Jaxson is my hero...He has been through so much in the past 2 yrs and amazes me how strong he is.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Baclofen pump surgery!
This is what Jaxson had done Thursday!It gives him the medicine he has been taking orally but will take through the box now with way better results this way.We got home today he is sore but happy!We have seen smiles.We also have seen a big difference already in Jaxson's spasticity and high tone.Now to keep Jax comfy as this is a rough surgery and lots of staples.So far he is dong awesome!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Jaxson is a major drooler and we are always looking for bibs that work for him...This is a bandanna bib i love this bib my husband not so much.I also have 4 microfiber ones we bought that go over the head.They work good too but the over the head ones are so BIG.The bandanna ones are stylish and cute and you can see his cute clothes.As you can tell you see which bibs i reach for.I have 2 bandanna bibs and just placed an order for 4 more.He looks so cute in them!
Met my Granddaughter today!
We went to the Hospital to meet our itty bitty Aaliyah and see how our daughter is doing.Hannah is doing ok she is puffy with fluid and they are giving her Lasix to help with that.She is sore from her c section but is doing overall well.Aaliyah is so sweet and tiny Oh my goodness so tiny weighing2lbs 2 ounces.She is doing great and is on oxygen.Her daddy made it in this evening and the nurse told them they get to hold Aaliyah for the first time this evening.Both parents are excited about finally holding their baby girl for the first time.
Jaxson stayed home with the nurse today.The nurse is great we love her...But still weird not having our Angel with us today.My husband and i could not wait to get home and scoop him up and love on him.Jaxson has been so happy and smiley and talkative the past few days.This is great as we alway love to see him like this.Oh how much i love my sweet Boy!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Welcome to the world!
Aaliyah Renee Banks!Our Grandaughter arrived at 12:50 A.M.She weighs 2 lbs and is 14 inches.She is doing really well...Tomorrow they are taking her off the vent as she is breathing on her own and taking her out of the incubator.Mommy(My daughter Hannah) is not doing so well.Her blood pressure has sky rocketed and the doctors are having a hard time getting it down.Mom started swelling and went to doctor and was admitted to hospital right then.She has pre eclmapsia it was severe so baby was delivered right away!Please Pray for Hannah,Anthony and baby Aaliyah...Daddy(Anthony)Is in the military and Is in school in Texas.He will arrive on Friday and be here until Sunday.He is very worried about his wife and baby girl.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
surgery Cancelled!
Jaxson was suppose to have surgery last thursday!We did a weeks with the baths in wipes to get the extra flora off his skin and drying his poor skin out.We let the nurse off for 2 days and got a babysetter for Landen when he got home from school.We get to the hospital and was called back at same day surgery where Jaxson's vitals were taken and he was put in a hospital gown and we wait for them to come take him for surgery.The surgeon comes in and anounces the surgery maybe cancelled due to not having an available admit bed.5 Hours later we were told it was cancelled.I was all sorts of angry...Angry because my son had been without food since 11 pm the night before..angry because the prep was a pain to get him ready for surgery..angry because we would not have the nurse friday and ANGRY because i paid a baby setter for nothing(i was home before Landen).Not only that the 2 hr drive to get there and the expense.So here we wait to see when this will be scheduled again.I want to get this done while its winter as we keep Jaxson in as its so cold so will be better then in spring when we are out and about and he would not feel to well.I also want this done for Jaxson he will be so much more comfortable and have alot less pain.This was out first Bad experience with cmh.I am hoping we do not have a repeat of this!
Praying about a change!
My husband and i bought our home 19 yrs ago!This house was condemed when we bought it.We poured our sweat and blood in this home to shape it what it is today!Problem is old house need work and we seem to be on the never ending money pit with our home.We built an addition to discover it now has major problems.I am sick as there was 30,000 worth of work to have the problems it does is very sad.This house also has 2 of the bedrooms upstairs.This is not good with a autistic blind child.We have problems getting Jaxsons wheel chair around in the home.
We started looking at houses..ranch style one levels with finished basements.We found one and we are in LOVE with this house.It will move us back into the city but so worth it for us.So we go to the reality office to try and get financed to find out my husband credit was a mess.We got a credit guy to help us and we are on our way to fixing it.We are praying to be able to purchase this house in January!It is scary undertaking a house payment alot larger then the mortgage we have now.It is also scary changing Landen to a different school.I do think it will all work out in the end.There is another house we will be looking at before we decide.But so far NOTHING has beat the one we looked at it has everything we want!Including a finished basement and huge backyard fenced in.That is perfect for Landen and our pug Rudy who would run off without a fence.Praying everything goes well and we can purchase a home soon!
We started looking at houses..ranch style one levels with finished basements.We found one and we are in LOVE with this house.It will move us back into the city but so worth it for us.So we go to the reality office to try and get financed to find out my husband credit was a mess.We got a credit guy to help us and we are on our way to fixing it.We are praying to be able to purchase this house in January!It is scary undertaking a house payment alot larger then the mortgage we have now.It is also scary changing Landen to a different school.I do think it will all work out in the end.There is another house we will be looking at before we decide.But so far NOTHING has beat the one we looked at it has everything we want!Including a finished basement and huge backyard fenced in.That is perfect for Landen and our pug Rudy who would run off without a fence.Praying everything goes well and we can purchase a home soon!
Monday, November 12, 2012
We are always looking for equipment that Jax can use to help him better!The picture of him on top is his new chair that was given to Jax.Jaxsons nurse brought it today!She takes care of another child and that childs mom asked her if he could use a Rifton chaIr as her child outgrew it.We are thrilled as he sets up really good in it and it has a tray for playtime.This blue tumble form chair is also his other chair.It works but he is starting to outgrow it.I am grateful for the awesome moms that know how hard it is to get what your child needs and are willing to help another child.I am very happy.He was able to play with his toy tonight.He actually played with it without my help!Way to go my little man!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Jaxson's New Nurse!
Jaxson's new nurse started Monday!3 days here and we all LOVE her.She is wonderful for Jaxson!She works with him on therapy and school things.She has been working with hand over hand with him.She also makes him hold his sucker and put to his mouth.She plays with him ,she cleans machines and changes out medical supplies and everything.We never have to tell her to do something she just does it.I am so glad he is her nurse.He is getting pretty attached to her too.He talks to her and cuddles with her and smiles at her.I love her because she is all about Jax !I cannot be any happier!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
We all have dreams for our children!Dreams that they do great things in life and become a good person,caring and kind and respectful.With a child with Cerebral palsy and many other medical issue's you dream for that child to roll,crawl.,walk ,and talk!I was told by a doctor that spent less then 5 minutes with him that this was not realistic.How in the world would he know?I will not let some doctor that don't really know my child tell me this junk.For one..Jaxson is learning to army man crawl...This is BIG for our sweet boy.Jaxson is finding ways to communicate his wants and needs ..this is also BIG for him. I am not sure Jaxson will ever walk or talk but a Mom has the right to dream and shoot for the stars for her Child and that is just what i am going to do!Jaxson is perfect just the way he is!Everytime he learns a new skill is a BIG milestone and i make a huge deal of it with lots of praise,Hugs and kisses.
Jaxson is amazing and we love him so much!Dont tell me we are being unrealistic.Unless the person knows my son personally they will never get it.Jaxson is teaching me along this journey and i am so blessed to learn from Him.
Jaxson is amazing and we love him so much!Dont tell me we are being unrealistic.Unless the person knows my son personally they will never get it.Jaxson is teaching me along this journey and i am so blessed to learn from Him.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Surgery Scheduled!
Jaxson will have surgery to get his baclofen pump in on November 15th.I am excited as this will help him so much but scared too.I dont like him being put to sleep but i know he is great hands.Childrens mercy Hospital is the best place for Jax to be and the best place to get this done!He will have to stay in the hospital a few days and i will stay with him while my husband holds down things at home!Once Jaxson heals from this he will be a new kid not all stiff all the time!I want what is best for him and this should help him be pain free.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Jaxson is outgrowing his crib and it is time to think about a bigger bed!This bed would work perfect the problem is the PRICE.This bed is 7,000.So my husband is going to make a bed similar to this.The only difference will be the mattress will not rise up which is fine.I would like storage drawers added under the bed so i can keep his bed pads and extra sheets in it.I am hoping soon to get this bed made.Jaxson is growing like a weed and this is something we cannot wait much longer on!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My Sweet Pumpkins!
We went to a pumpkin patch called Red Barn Farm !They have posted they are handicap accessible !They are not and it was very difficult to get the wheelchairs around.We decided we will not return to this patch.I promised both Boys a fun filled day!It was not fun for them at all.You had to walk a half mile down a gravel road to ride the hay ride.That is impossible with the wheel chairs.The same for the pony ride it was on top a hill with gravel.So the Boys set in their chairs until we paid for the VERY EXPENSIVE pumpkins (70.00 for 3 pumpkins) and we left.I was angry at the price we paid for those pumpkins.I have scoped out pumpkin patches for next year that are more handicap friendly.We found one and its not far of a drive.That is the one we will go to next year!I still managed to get this pic a a couple others.My handsome boys that i treasure so much!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
It is getting cold and coats!
Coats do not work with Jaxson's wheel chair!We have tried and most times we put it on back words.The problem we have is when he is in his wheelchair his chest harness will not fit over the coat.I have been searching all over for someone who makes Ponchos.I found her and she asked me what kind of material.I told her Jungle animals and this is what she made!I love it!Jaxson will be nice and warm and COMFORTABLE!It ships tomorrow.coat problem solved for my hightone little dude!
YES!We are Alive!
We have been keeping plenty busy around here with foster classes which we are now half way through.Preparing our home for a child and running a certain little boy back and forth for appointments.I will be so happy when all his new seating stuff for his wheel chair comes in.He can set in it just not as comfortable as i would like to see him be.
Next week is going to be a busy one.Jaxson will see the nuerosurgeon to set up his surgery for his baclofen pump.I am excited as this will help Jaxson but scared for him.Recovery time is longer then i anticiapted.We still have no nurse so Jax pretty well keeps me busy with schooling...therapies and play time.I love it though and would not have it any other way.
Landen is getting so big!As he grows so does his seizures which are nasty scary lasting 20 minutes.He sees nuerologist Monday and i am asking for emergency diastat!Rebecca is doing good ..doing all those teenage things!Love my kids i am blessed!
Next week is going to be a busy one.Jaxson will see the nuerosurgeon to set up his surgery for his baclofen pump.I am excited as this will help Jaxson but scared for him.Recovery time is longer then i anticiapted.We still have no nurse so Jax pretty well keeps me busy with schooling...therapies and play time.I love it though and would not have it any other way.
Landen is getting so big!As he grows so does his seizures which are nasty scary lasting 20 minutes.He sees nuerologist Monday and i am asking for emergency diastat!Rebecca is doing good ..doing all those teenage things!Love my kids i am blessed!
Friday, October 12, 2012
To Cute for words!He is trying out his new stroller!The wheelchair was fitted and he is getting a higher back on the seat and a new head piece a new cushioned peice for his feet and a wedge like thing between his little legs.It will take a few months to get these things for his chair.So we will use the stroller as much as we can as he dont fir right in the wheelchair!Things are going good.Jaxson has his nuerosurgeon appointment next week.This is the appontment to meet the surgeon who will be putting his pump in his tummy.Therepy is going great.He shocked us yesterday as he did an army crawl.Not a big distance but a couple inches.I am proud of him and hope to see more gains in that area!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Jaxson has grown so much he does not fir alot of strollers!With his wheelchair not fitting right we rely on a stroller when we go out!.Jaxson has a Jeep stroller..It has worked great for him.Its old though and has seen better days so he needed a new one.My husband wanted to get another jeep stroller but i wanted one with a higher weight capacity that can be used for a longer time.So i asked on a cp group.She told me of a stroller that weight max is 70 lbs.That is perfect and we will get way more use out of it with that kind of weight capacity.It also has a high seat so easier to get him in and out of and more leg room for my tall guy!The price of this stoller on Ebay is 200.00 and amazon had it for 180.00!She also tole me where to buy it at the best price.Albee baby had it for 99.99 and shipping was free!I am tickled to get this stroller for my Jaxson.Hubby has one issue with it..Small basket will be hard with all his equipment we have to carry.The handles can hold some of it so it will all work out great.I even got the stroller in Jaxson favorite color...ORANGE!
Monday, October 1, 2012
To good to Last!
Jaxson's nurse that is.She worked 1 week and ended up in the hospital and is now on medical leave.The agency called us and said she is probably not coming back.I am sad...We really loved her and she was so great with Jaxson!We have not had a nurse now for 3 weeks!Because Jaxson is on a pretty tight schedule...with daily things and school and therapy and out of home therapy and so on.I had to give up my job.My husband does not give him meds as he is afraid of messing them up and he gets messed up with his very busy schedule throughout his day.I drive Michael and Jaxson and Landen to appointments and my schedule was becomming more stressful by the minute.I loved my job...It was hard to let go but i have to do what is best for my family.Right now we are praying we get a GREAT nurse soon!
Little Lovey!
My little guy in his wheelchair..He has outgrown the seats so tomorrow we go to seating and mobility clinic to order new seats for his wheelchair!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Yesterday Jaxson had his Baclofen screening.It is a test they do by putting baclofen(muscle relaxer) directly in spine by lumbar puncture.It goes to the brarn and works on his hightone .The whole idea of this test is to see if he would be a candidate for a baclofen pump to be placed.The pump distributes the medicine better then giving it orally.It also takes less medication in the pump.Jaxson did wonderful during this test .I have never seen his legs so relaxed ever!We are now awaiting for an appointment with the nuerosurgeon so he can proceed with the surgery to get the pump in place.I am happy for Jaxson!He wont be in near the pain he is now with his tight muscles.Our goal is for him to be able to use his hands and arms as well as get loose enough to have surgery to fix his dislocated ankle.The orthopedic doctor will not fix Jaxsons ankle or hip until we get the tone under control.Praying this all happens quickly.would love to see my angel be more comfortable in time for Christmas.That would be the best gift of all!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
New Nurse!
Jaxson got a new nurse on Monday!We interviewed her on Sunday!She is AWESOME!She does an amazing job with Jaxson.She does school and therapy and massages.She works with him everyday!He smiles at her alot so that tells me he really likes her.He even snuggled into her when she was holding him.She cleans machines too without being told like we did the first nurse.She does a great job.I am very pleased with her and already see a big difference in my son.
The School OT talked to me and wants us to send Jaxson to school.I have alot of decisions to make.Right now with Jaxsons Immune system compromised i dont want him in school and i told her this.I told her maybe next fall we will see.I know he will get alot more out of school if i send him but i worry so much and feel better if he is home with us safe from GERMS!Decisions are hard and i want what is best for Jaxson.We will really have to think long and hard about this one!
The School OT talked to me and wants us to send Jaxson to school.I have alot of decisions to make.Right now with Jaxsons Immune system compromised i dont want him in school and i told her this.I told her maybe next fall we will see.I know he will get alot more out of school if i send him but i worry so much and feel better if he is home with us safe from GERMS!Decisions are hard and i want what is best for Jaxson.We will really have to think long and hard about this one!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Nursing! Its not all its cracked up to be
We have had nursing for Jaxson for a few months now!What was suppose to help Michael and I care for our child and give us a little less stress ended up doing the opposite. Jaxson gets 56 hrs a week of nursing!So he had a day shift nurse Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4p.m and a night nurse Tuesday and Thursday night 11 p.m to 7 a.m.Our night nurse was great never had any problems and she adored Jaxson.I would give her a list of stuff to do and she always got it done.She turned Jax every 2 hrs and loved on him before he went to sleep!We lost her because she got ill and her health deteriorated quickly.
Our day nurse is a whole complete story.We hired her because she has been with nursing agency for 12 yrs taking care of trached kiddos.She was really nice and easy to talk to.After a couple of months working things started going bad!She was late everyday never on time.We had to tell her repeatedly to suction Jax or hook him up to eat.She was messy leaving diapers and gloves all over .Would not do things i asked and was getting a bit bossy with me about Landen(which is none of her concern).She has bad knees and was not able to get down on the floor with Jaxson.She would change Jaxsons diapers in the recliner and get pooh everywhere and would not clean it up.We had talked to her about alot of this!Some got better some got worse.She was getting in my business a little to much.The topper was..wednsday she went to put him in his chair and hurt him..Not on purpose but accidental.Now usually you would pick him up say i am sorry calm him and kiss him.That is not what she did..she made him cry and said..Oh your alright and walked off.This is un acceptable to me.He is my child and he did not desereve that.My husband informed me this was not the first time this had happened (she did it once before when he was here with her) and she said the same thing If i would have known this she would of been gone then.Jaxson has to trust the person who is caring for him.With her doing that there was no way he would trust her or start to become scared of her I was not waiting around for that to happen..I was so upset as i heard him cry and heard and seen what she did.I called the agency and had to let her go.I will not let no one hurt my child..accident or not she did not comfort him when he needed it most.So now we have no nurses at all.I am not wanting to do nursing now !My husband said he wants to try again and we will be a bit more picky about who we hire.I talked to many moms that deal with the same issue and they said you go through several before you find one that works out great.I don't know that i want to wait or go through several for the perfect nurse but i understand we need the help for Jaxson.I will also be investing in a nanny cam!I will feel safer if i know what the nurse is doing with my child.I am still upset about it all.For now My husband and I will do all his care and I am not complaining!I am going to enjoy every bit of it!
Our day nurse is a whole complete story.We hired her because she has been with nursing agency for 12 yrs taking care of trached kiddos.She was really nice and easy to talk to.After a couple of months working things started going bad!She was late everyday never on time.We had to tell her repeatedly to suction Jax or hook him up to eat.She was messy leaving diapers and gloves all over .Would not do things i asked and was getting a bit bossy with me about Landen(which is none of her concern).She has bad knees and was not able to get down on the floor with Jaxson.She would change Jaxsons diapers in the recliner and get pooh everywhere and would not clean it up.We had talked to her about alot of this!Some got better some got worse.She was getting in my business a little to much.The topper was..wednsday she went to put him in his chair and hurt him..Not on purpose but accidental.Now usually you would pick him up say i am sorry calm him and kiss him.That is not what she did..she made him cry and said..Oh your alright and walked off.This is un acceptable to me.He is my child and he did not desereve that.My husband informed me this was not the first time this had happened (she did it once before when he was here with her) and she said the same thing If i would have known this she would of been gone then.Jaxson has to trust the person who is caring for him.With her doing that there was no way he would trust her or start to become scared of her I was not waiting around for that to happen..I was so upset as i heard him cry and heard and seen what she did.I called the agency and had to let her go.I will not let no one hurt my child..accident or not she did not comfort him when he needed it most.So now we have no nurses at all.I am not wanting to do nursing now !My husband said he wants to try again and we will be a bit more picky about who we hire.I talked to many moms that deal with the same issue and they said you go through several before you find one that works out great.I don't know that i want to wait or go through several for the perfect nurse but i understand we need the help for Jaxson.I will also be investing in a nanny cam!I will feel safer if i know what the nurse is doing with my child.I am still upset about it all.For now My husband and I will do all his care and I am not complaining!I am going to enjoy every bit of it!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I am better about the school thing!I am working on a daily schedule for the nurse to follow(yeah right) until i am able to be home allday!I did some tonight with him.He dont grasp it but i know he will takes him a bit longer but he will catch on soon i am sure!He cracked me up tonight!I put his passy mur on and i was singing Twinkle Twinkle little star to him and he started making a loud noise and he was trying hard to sing with me.It was so sweet I sure love this boy!Jaxson loves to be read to so i read him a book!He was full of smiles when i was doing his stretches tonight.As hard as he works he always smiles.No matter what he always has an award winning smile for me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I am very displeased with the school...Jaxson gets 90 minutes a month of OT from the school with ST and PT as a set in.They do nothing when here.They come for a half an hour and complain about the way his arm/wrist splints fit. They complain about his appointments at childrens hospital.He is not their child he is mine and i am doing everything possible to help my son be comfortable and have more of a life.They give us nothing to work with or help Jaxson progress.I am so upset!We have went out and got Therapy out of school which we will lose because they are going to Bill Insurance and Insurance will not pay for Both.
I set tonight and made up a list of things that we will work on with Jax!It will be things he likes and things that need done..brushing teeth,washing face and so on.I will have an item he can choose..Old tooth brush,wash cloth,lotion bottle.Then he will have play time..I have not decided what to do for this yet.He will also get to chose between music and cartoons on some of his free time.I will also have Nap time and eating in there as well as bath,story time,and much more.This way jaxson can learn to communicate the things he wants and needs.Kind of like a switch board.
I have decided i am going to give my job up so that i can dedicate all my time on my son.He will not get what he needs from the school so this mommy is going to do her best to teach her child.I am angry at the school!My child has so much he can learn if given the right chance.He will not get this through this school.
I will not let my child be left behind...I am also in search of a play group He can attend for social skills.
Jaxson has come so far and will go farther.
Tomorrow i am stopping at walmart to pick up some things to help with this.I am excited about all this.Jaxson needs a better routine anyway and this will be more structured for him.This mommy is learning as i go.
I set tonight and made up a list of things that we will work on with Jax!It will be things he likes and things that need done..brushing teeth,washing face and so on.I will have an item he can choose..Old tooth brush,wash cloth,lotion bottle.Then he will have play time..I have not decided what to do for this yet.He will also get to chose between music and cartoons on some of his free time.I will also have Nap time and eating in there as well as bath,story time,and much more.This way jaxson can learn to communicate the things he wants and needs.Kind of like a switch board.
I have decided i am going to give my job up so that i can dedicate all my time on my son.He will not get what he needs from the school so this mommy is going to do her best to teach her child.I am angry at the school!My child has so much he can learn if given the right chance.He will not get this through this school.
I will not let my child be left behind...I am also in search of a play group He can attend for social skills.
Jaxson has come so far and will go farther.
Tomorrow i am stopping at walmart to pick up some things to help with this.I am excited about all this.Jaxson needs a better routine anyway and this will be more structured for him.This mommy is learning as i go.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Its that time of year!
Its that time of year where if you have a cold i will ask you not to come to my house!Where i beef up cleaning with Lysol.When we are out in public dont be offended if i ask you to please wash your hands before touching this little one.I have to keep this lovie from germs as much as humanly possible.Please dont think i am rude..I am not! just have to protect my fragile son.A cold for him can become very dangerous!I want him to say Happy and healthy!
Living with an autistic child!
Some days i crack up at his antics..Oh this little man is so sweet and funny!Then there are days where you are just trying to figure out what is going on inside that brain.The days where he throws food...or throws toys..Or has no impulse control and gets himself in trouble.Or this child who thrives on structure...If you break it Oh my watch out it will become a long day!I watch my child grow and thrive in a world of his own.Glimmers of my guy come out and how its awesome to see.I am blessed to be this lovies Mommy.Landen stole my heart 8 yrs ago and has had me by my heart strings since.I love you Landen LeRoy you are my sweet Prince.I am so so Happy to be your Mom.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Jaxson is such a blessing and i am so so lucky to be his mommy!The past 2 yrs he has been with us i have seen big changes in my little bug!His smile oh so melts my heart!His kisses..Oh my lovey can give me those wonderful drooly kisses all day!I think back to when we were in Liberia and first met him.I was afraid ...He was so sick i was afraid he would not make the flight home.He was so tiny for his 5 yrs of age.After coming home and getting him good nutrition and smothering him in Love i see a complete different little boy!Jaxson may not be able to talk but he is learning his own form of communication.He points at his crib when he is tired!He points at his infinity machine when he is hungry.Now he lifts his arms when he wants his Daddy or I to hold him!He has learned how to turn his toys on by using his mouth!Jaxson Emmanuel is SIMPLY AMAZING!This child whom no one wanted and was afraid of his medical issues.I was never scared of his medical issues..from the first time i saw his picture i was in LOVE..He was our son!I am not saying that everyday is easy.We have days where its nonstop care or nonstop appointments!Jaxson is worth all the hard work and running around.I think about it now...I know in my heart that if Jaxson was still in Liberia we would not be alive!This thought sends chills down my spine..I have been blessed beyond explanation.The things we take for granted that my child has to work so hard to do.Simple task to us as picking something up.My son works so hard at it.Does it get him down?Not at all he does everything with a smile on his face and he gets lots of praises and kisses for all his hard work and effort.I am so proud of each and every accomplishment Jaxson makes..I love you so much Little bug!I could not imagine my life without you.I am so Happy that you are my son.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Home and Doing well!
Mr.Jaxson's surgery went well.No adenoid regrowth but his nasal passages are very small for his age and this will be addressed in the future.Keyloid scar was carterized hope no more growth there either.He did so good we did not have to stay in the hospital.We left Hospital at 10 pm and stayed night in Hotel.We got home this morning.My little bug current weight is 43 lbs and current height 3 ft 7 inches.I am glad we are home and all is well with our guy!School comes tuesday to kick of Jaxsons school year!I am excited to see what all he learns this year!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Prayers Needed!
Tonight i am packing a suitcase and my daughter will be coming to watch Landen and Rebecca while we head to childrens mercy hospital for Jaxson to have surgery Thursday!I always get scared my my sweet one has to go in surgery.His stoma has keyloid scars so he is going in to get them removed as well as being scoped.Possible adnoidectomy and tonsillectomy as well.We wont know for sure about that until after surgery.Jaxson will stay the night and if all goes as planned we will be home Friday!Please keep my little Bug in your prayers.This Mommy is already nervous.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Too Big!
I have been cloth diapering Jaxson for way over a year!
1.I am saving a Ton!
2.I am saving the landfills!
3.He has never had a diaper rash in cloth!
4.he just floods disposable
5.I just love cloth diapering!
Now we have a dilema and its called to chunky to fit them!I am trying new ways to keep cloth diapering as i love it so much and it just works great for Jaxson..A woman online who makes diaper covers for older kids.Now her time is busy because she is a mom with children so getting them is hard.I finally got one and it has already been mailed out to me.For now I am using prefolds folded up in a diaper cover that is almost 2 small but it is working and thats what counts.Oh i am going to be lost the day we have to go with disposables all the time!
1.I am saving a Ton!
2.I am saving the landfills!
3.He has never had a diaper rash in cloth!
4.he just floods disposable
5.I just love cloth diapering!
Now we have a dilema and its called to chunky to fit them!I am trying new ways to keep cloth diapering as i love it so much and it just works great for Jaxson..A woman online who makes diaper covers for older kids.Now her time is busy because she is a mom with children so getting them is hard.I finally got one and it has already been mailed out to me.For now I am using prefolds folded up in a diaper cover that is almost 2 small but it is working and thats what counts.Oh i am going to be lost the day we have to go with disposables all the time!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Changes Jax has made!
My sleeping Angel !I love this picture as it shows how sweet he is.Jaxson is so precious and always full of smiles.Mr.Jax is making big changes!He goes to Therapy twice a week and he is getting stronger by the day.He is holding his head almost totally on his own and is not to far from setting up.Speech Therapy is going wonderful!He is getting the hang of the swallowing and doing well.We are hoping he will be able to eat by mouth soon.The therapist says he definately will.We are so excited as we watch our son grow and so many ways.I am so happy this lovey is my son!He amazes me everyday with something new.Oh the kisses he gives and that smile that says it all.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Not so good news!
The Ent appointment was a little much much for me and i almost had a meltdown in the office.Jaxson has to have surgery on august 23rd to remove another scar on his trach stoma.It is hard to change the trach and we are having to go in at a side angle(not good).Tha bad news is if he keeps forming scars he will not get his trach out for a long time to come.I am so upset for Jax and Myself about this.We finally convinced the doctor to look at his adenoids whil in surgery and remove them if need(we know he needs them out AGAIN).We also went to Hanger to get his new handsplints i was irritated there.They goofed up and only orderd One!He is suppose to have 2..Insurance paid for 2 but we got one.So another 6 week wait before we get his left hand splint.Today was filled with me getting frustrated and sad for my son as things did not go as planned.Pray Jaxson gets no more key loid scars in the future so we can decann.I will Be so happy when my son is trach free.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Lucky Number 3!
That is how many children's mercy appointments we have tomorrow!First we meet with a medical supply company that deals with kiddos!They are called Cherub(i love the name)I am hoping they are way better then the medical supply company we have now.Then we go to Hanger to pick up Jaxson's new splints!Then its off to ENT Jax has a keyloid growing right on his trach stoma.It has gotten bigger and making it harder to do trach change!Other then all of this..My sweet boy is doing well.He is so happy and sweet he gives the best kisses ever!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Jaxson had his rehab appointment last week!The rehab doctor increased his baclofen and we are seeing awesome results!His legs are not like pretzels anymore.He is much easier to change his diaper and dress now.He is also KICKING his legs something my sweet heart was never able to do.His arms are still stiff but there is a little result there too.He has only been on the increase a week so a couple more and we may have even better results.If this works he will not need the pump and we can move passed it and go on to orthopedic and work on his ankle and hip repair.I am so excite for Jaxson.He is happy and not hurting or irritable as he was.Jaxson is learning at a speed right now.He is cognitivley learning how to turn toys on and off not with his hands but with his mouth(yup i wash his toys with lysol wipes everyday).He is so much fun and such a joy.He giggles all the time Oh how i love to hear him giggle with delight!I love this happy little one.Hard to believe the changes he has made in just 2 Years.My boy is simply amazing and i am so so proud of him.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Michael and i have embarked on our journey to foster/adopt!We will be starting classes soon and are praying for a quick process and a fast placement.I am so excited about this journey.We have requested a medically fragile child.Jaxson has been such a joy to us that this is what we feel God has lead us too!We are fixing things in our home we know will need to be done before we can bring a child into our home.I am so excited and am praying everything runs fast and smooth.
Monday, July 16, 2012
This week is very busy!I have a doctors appointment knee starting locking up last week then got to where i could not stand on it at all.I went to the er it got so bad.They told me meniscus is torn or my acl they are not sure which.So i go to my doc and he will refer me to an orthopedic doctor.Michael and my son are going to St.Joe tomorrow to get supplies to build the ramp on the front of the house for Jaxsons wheelchair.This has been a long time coming.Thursday Jaxson has rehab appointment at cmh .This weekend is all the fun festivities for Amelia Earheart weekened. Sunday we go to a birthday /going away party for our son in law Anthony he leaves for school as he has joined the army!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Jaxson has always vomitted and it increasingly gotten worse.I have complained to several doctors and all they do is check his fundo to see if its intact and then send him merrily on his way.I am certain he has acid reflux!He will swallow lots of his secretions and then he vomits.I am talking everything he eats come back up.Sometimes its twice in a day.always at night or first morning feeding.I am tired and frustrated.His doc just emailed and wants another xray of his Fundo Has had it xrayed more times then i can count.This is crazy just give my child zantac.It is scary for Jaxson to be vomitting as he aspirates so easily.Jax has an appointment with rehab..Hopefully we can move to the pump.He really needs his ankle fixed and his hip.Orthopedics will not do it until he gets pump.Which means my child cannot stand up at all or even set right because he is in pain with his hip.I am frustarted with all the docs.Guess its time for this mommy to get mad and pushy!
Monday, July 9, 2012
.Michael and i have been fundraising and pulling money in every direction to adopt.A little girl sets in Liberia and waits for us but we just cant seem to raise enough money to bring her home.I am saddened by the thought of her staying there.She is so beautiful and could go so far with medical care.We have discussed adopting domestic but that also fell through.My heart aches as i watch people bringing their children home but yet we struggle in every direction.God knows he has a plan for us!I beleive we will bring our child home.My heart breaks as i wait for Gods direction and his will to be done!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
It has been a long time that i have blogged!I just have not been in the mood for the blog world!Hardly anyone reads it anyway so i just decided to take a break from it.Jax has came a long ways.We seen the Ent not to long ago!The Ent has decided its time to prepare Jax for getting his trach out premanently.I am thrilled about it.Jax now has whats called a passi mur.this device goes over the trach making him breath in the through the trach and out through his mouth.He can also talk again when he has it on.Right now he wears it for 30 minutes off and on throughout the day!He also gets his smell and taste back when wearing it.The benefits of this are amazing and we are enjoying hearing his Beautiful voice!This week we see rehab in hopes to get the baclofen pump.Jaxson has been taking oral baclofen with very little results.He is still really stiff.So we hope the pump works for him.He will need hip and ankle surgery and it cannot be done for 6 months after he gets the pump.His ankle is dislocated and been for a long long time.Our goal is to get him standing and hopefully walking.Jax is getting so so big weighing over 40 lbs now and so hard to pick up.I also want to see if Dr.Roge(Rehad doctor)can get a referel for therapies.He needs speech.ocuapational and physical therapy!I work with him but am needing new ideas as Jax is mastering what i was taught to do and its time to step it up.I am only working one job now and am stress free in that area.
Landen has learned alott..His talking skills are comming along great.He is getting better with letting others touch him and him touching others.We are still working on self dressing.It is going very slow!This summer has been so hot and we have not been able to do much with 100 degree temps.We so badly want to take the kids to the zoo and worlds of fun but need a day where its not so darn hot.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Today is a big day for my Parents!Today they have been married for 50 yrs!This is quite an accomplishment now days.God knew these 2 were to be united together through their lifetime.We are having a 50th Anniversary Party for them tonight.All 7 of their kids will be in attendance including..their Grandchildren,great grandchildren friends and Family.I love you Mom and Dad!I I am in awe of the love you have for each other and have had for 50 years and counting!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Michael and I had to make a decision about our adoption!I will be first to say we are scared of the unknown.We were trying to decide if we wanted to move forward with the economy the way it is funding has been Horrible for us.I am not giving up.Our little girl is waiting for us.Michael and I discused it put our concerns and fears out on the table and have decide we need to bring our sweet girl home.The financing this adoption will come i am sure.
We have god telling us to go get our sweet angel so that is what we will do!I have put a chipin up if you want to donate to help our sweet angel get home a bit faster.Every dollar counts!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
We are moving slowly on adoption home study paperwork.We have had to address some things with Jaxson before we can fully get busy!Our fundraisers have gone pretty well still have to line up another as we are short on the rest of the funds.We will get there i am sure!
We hired a nurse!I really like her and she knows her stuff.She will start sometime this week!We have intake to do Monday with the nursing agency then we will know the nurses start date.This nurse took right to Jaxson and Landen.I was happy as Landen will be around the house allot when school is out and it was very important to us that she have patience with him.Things are looking up for Jax and us as a family.
I am still struggling with the nurse thing as i am handing my child over to her but i know it will be OK.My Husband will be here with her everyday!
This week my plan is to get as much paperwork done for the home study so we can get our beautiful daughter home.She is absolutely precious and we are just smitten with her!
We hired a nurse!I really like her and she knows her stuff.She will start sometime this week!We have intake to do Monday with the nursing agency then we will know the nurses start date.This nurse took right to Jaxson and Landen.I was happy as Landen will be around the house allot when school is out and it was very important to us that she have patience with him.Things are looking up for Jax and us as a family.
I am still struggling with the nurse thing as i am handing my child over to her but i know it will be OK.My Husband will be here with her everyday!
This week my plan is to get as much paperwork done for the home study so we can get our beautiful daughter home.She is absolutely precious and we are just smitten with her!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
When you have children there is always decisions to make for the best interest of your child.I am struggling with a big one for Jaxson.Nursing care will be coming in our home for jaxson.I am scared to hand my child over to a stranger to take care of.My husband and I have done all Jaxsons care.This will free up sometime for Michael and I but it also stresses me out.With me working 5 days a week that leaves Michael doing all his care .Michael also does his night care so i can sleep to get up for work.It is one sided for him so the nurse will relieve him to take care of other duties like yard work fixing things.It was not an easy decision to make on this.I have so many thoughts going through my head right now about having nurses coming in our home.I want what is best for our son who we love with all our hearts.I know its just my feelings on this but i feel like i am a bad mommy because i work and am not doing 100% of his care!I took this job out of necessity but now i just enjoy working.I love my job and i love my family.Its a hard call but feel we are making a decision that is in Jaxsons best interest.It just don't make it any easier.
Monday, April 2, 2012

Jaxson has learned a way to communicate...he is a pro at WHINING!Not the way i would love for him to communicate his wants and needs but he found that it works for him.It is real bad in the evening when he is tired!
Today we met with a case manager here at home.We got the hours chosen and things set up.Jaxson will be getting nursing to help with his care.I am still on the fence about this.I mean its hard to give up everything i do to put in a strangers hands.I am going to be a wreck for the first few weeks!We start calling agencies tomorrow wish us luck!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
To not post anything on my blog!The Fundraiser ended for the Kindle fire and the winner was drawn!Yesterday we had a free will donation spaghetti supper and it went pretty well.This week we will be working hard on Paperwork!I received a new picture of our butterfly and Oh my what a sweety she is.In this picture she had a huge smile displaying how pretty our Butterfly is.I am so ready to be done with paperwork and home study and Move on To the day she can come home.
Things are going great here at home.Jaxson is thriving and learning by the minute.He is such a sweety and gives the most amazing kisses,The weather has been unbelievably awesome here.Hot enough we turned on the ac.Life is good.I have an amazing bunch of kids and a wonderful husband and soon a new daughter to add to the giggles and laughter.I am so so blessed!
Things are going great here at home.Jaxson is thriving and learning by the minute.He is such a sweety and gives the most amazing kisses,The weather has been unbelievably awesome here.Hot enough we turned on the ac.Life is good.I have an amazing bunch of kids and a wonderful husband and soon a new daughter to add to the giggles and laughter.I am so so blessed!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Bracelets were sent out today!Hope they get to you all quickly and that you enjoy them.Thankyou all so much for being so awesome in helping us get our beautiful daughter home.I will be having another drawing up on the blog hopefully next week!I Pray this does well in our endeavor to get our precious baby girl home.I walk around looking at baby girl things oh my goodness i cannot wait to put her in dresses and buy her baby dolls and hair things.Working hard on the finances as well as homestudy paperwork.It is going to be a beautiful day tomorrow looking forward to getting the little ones outside to play for a bit!Planning on cooking out on the grill and just enjoying family time after work tomorrow!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I have been off work most of the week due to illness!I went to the doctor Thursday but was getting worse instead of better.I took my self to the ER on Friday!Its a good thing i did...They did a chest xray and found i had bronchial Pneumonia.The Pneumonia had set in the bottom of my lungs.Not only that but my sinuses are impacted and severely infected on top of an ear infection.I was also dehydrated which shocked me as all i have done is drink Gallons of water since getting sick!I am in no way better still feel like road kill but have to return to work tomorrow.She has threatened my job and has every right to fire me even though i was and still am truly sick!So back to work i go.Then when home My husband and I will be working very hard at our paperwork for our home study.We also have some other important things that have to be taken care of.Its going to be a busy week for us.I am ready though to get the home study going and continue to work on fundraising to get our most beautiful girl home.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I got side tracked due to sickness!I have bronchitis and really super high blood pressure.The blood pressure being high is not normal for me so i am monitoring it and if its not better it is back to the doctor i go.This weekend i will get the bracelets out to those who bought some.Sorry been so sick have done nothing!My house can tell too its a mess!Hope the antibiotics kick in quick and blood pressure drops to normal so i can get back on track!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Our Home study packet arrived today!I am super excited and so begins the paper trail!Bracelet fundraiser is going wonderful and still going on.I have alot of bracelets still left and just keep plugging on selling them.Stay tuned we will have something Fresh and Exciting to draw on here on the blog and local people can also do this!I am praying this all comes together and we can get to our little butterfly soon!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
I have not updated my blog as i just have nothing to say right now.Family and work keeping me busy.Not much to report.Jaxson has a birthday tomorrow so we are having a party for him.I may have picked up a third job and all that check will go right in our daughters savings for her adoption.Bracelet sales are slowing down some but still happening.I am working on a couple things to draw on my blog.The bath and body was a flop...No worries as it will come in handy for something else i am helping to host!
Waiting on our home study packet to arrive...Praying this week so we can get the show on the road.I know we are struggling to raise the adoption money but i have faith and God is leading us.It will happen our beautiful daughter will come home.I see many things i want to buy her but i refrain as right now we are pinching pennies to save, save, save!People think i am crazy but am i really?They just don't get it is all.They don't get that God wants us to care for HIS children.That we can provide for her when she comes home.We will love her with all our hearts!When they see her and her smile they will get it!But for now...I am dredging on to bring her home and no ones words can change that..those words may sting but just for a little awhile!The pure joy when she in in my arms forever is worth it all!
Waiting on our home study packet to arrive...Praying this week so we can get the show on the road.I know we are struggling to raise the adoption money but i have faith and God is leading us.It will happen our beautiful daughter will come home.I see many things i want to buy her but i refrain as right now we are pinching pennies to save, save, save!People think i am crazy but am i really?They just don't get it is all.They don't get that God wants us to care for HIS children.That we can provide for her when she comes home.We will love her with all our hearts!When they see her and her smile they will get it!But for now...I am dredging on to bring her home and no ones words can change that..those words may sting but just for a little awhile!The pure joy when she in in my arms forever is worth it all!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I have not shared much about our little girl...This little is 2 yrs old..she has cerebral palsy!She scoots around on her bottom to get where she wants to go,She drinks from a cup and feeds herself.She is a beautiful child and tiny for her age.I cannot share a picture at this time but i promise soon!
We are working hard to raise the funds needed to bring her home.I add as much of my paycheck to it as i can.I have cut back in areas to help as every dollar counts.So there you have it..she is sweet and she needs to come home to get the medical care she deserves.We have nick named her our little butterfly !Please pray she stays healthy as we work hard to get her home!
We are working hard to raise the funds needed to bring her home.I add as much of my paycheck to it as i can.I have cut back in areas to help as every dollar counts.So there you have it..she is sweet and she needs to come home to get the medical care she deserves.We have nick named her our little butterfly !Please pray she stays healthy as we work hard to get her home!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Our homestudy packet is on its way to our home.Oh my goodness its becomming more real!I need lots of prayers that this adoption comes together and we can get her home quickly!
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting any type of adaptive equipment for a sp needs child is very expensive!The price they put on it is highway robbery so whenever i can find used in great shape i get it.Well today we got a TERRIFIC deal..We found (with help of a friend)a Therapeutic chair for Jaxson.The thrift store had it for FREE!It is an actual chair that can be adjusted to fit the child.This works awesome and gets Jaxson up off the floor.The best part is his wheelchair tray fits on it so he can play with toys and watch his movies.Michael and I tried to adjust the back of the seat and don't have it quite right we will try again later.The LECKEY therapeutic chair Brand new is 800.00 add the tray and you have spent over 1,000.00.I am thrilled!Anything to make life better for my very sweet angel.Even better when Annalise comes home she can also set in this chair!Now i am scouting for a stander for him...Insurance does not pay for equipment so its on us parents to get what he needs!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Thankyou to those who have purchased bracelets!This helps to get our sweet girl home!I still have bracelets and also the bath and body works going.It all adds up in our endeavor to bring home our sweet girl.We have chosen a new first name for her..her middle name will be her birthname !Her new name is...Annalise Ruth!I pray nightly for her and that everything comes together so we can get this darling home.Lots of prayers needed!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Jaxson had his orthopedic appointment last week to discuss fixing his hip and ankle.what we thought he needed on his ankle was tendon release surgery is not at all what it is or is wrong.Jaxson is so high tone that his muscles being so high tone has caused his hip and ankle to dislocate.This has been like this for a very long time!Jaxson is on an oral muscle relaxer that is really not working.He is still stiff(yeas we do therapy with him everyday).So Jax needs surgery to get a pump put in his belly that will deliver the muscle relaxer to the brain and work much better then it would orally.If he has this done we will have to drive the 2 hr drive every 4 to 6 weeks to get more medicine put in the pump.Is it worth it? will help him much better then the way he is going at this point.He wants to grab and hold toys and he just cant because his tone is so high.We did do the botox shots twice but they did nothing for him.It worked for maybe a week.It is painful to put Jaxson through so we said no more.Why if they don't work.So here we are waiting to see rehab doc and get a date for Jax to be admitted for an overnight stay and a test to see if the pump will work for him before they actually schedule it to be done.Once the pump is done then Orthopedic will set up surgery to fix his dislocated ankle and hip!
It looks like our schedule is going to be busy but oh so worth it to see my son be able to grab toys and be easier to change his clothes and diaper.It will also hopefully get him prepared to be in a stander and standing on his feet.He wants so bad to stand and he stands great on his good foot.Jaxson has come so far in the almost 2 yrs home.He is the sweetest little boy with a huge smile all the time!Nothing can top that smile or the huge drool kisses or his excitement when he sees something he wants or loves.How blessed i am to be his mommy!
It looks like our schedule is going to be busy but oh so worth it to see my son be able to grab toys and be easier to change his clothes and diaper.It will also hopefully get him prepared to be in a stander and standing on his feet.He wants so bad to stand and he stands great on his good foot.Jaxson has come so far in the almost 2 yrs home.He is the sweetest little boy with a huge smile all the time!Nothing can top that smile or the huge drool kisses or his excitement when he sees something he wants or loves.How blessed i am to be his mommy!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I LOVE BATH AND BODY WORKS!WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN THIS SWEET PEA BATH AND BODY WORKS SET? It smells amazing !5.OO GETS YOUR NAME IN 2 TIMES...10.OO GETS YOUR NAME IN 5 TIMES..20.00 GETS YOUR NAME IN 10..ANYTHING OVER 25.00 GETS YOUR NAME IN 15 TIMES.If you share this blog and get the word out you will get your name out in the drawing again.Just email me at and let me know you shared this blog so i can put your name in the drawing.The date on the chip in will be the date i draw the winning name!
Allot of people don't understand why we would want to adopt..why we work so hard on paperwork and funding to pay for an international adoption.There are so many orphans out there in the u.s and abroad!But when you see these kids that have no one to call mommy and daddy.No one to tuck them in at night.Nothing to call their own..They share all their toys and clothes with the other children!These are kids and have Nothing to claim as their own.Some cases their are children going hungry and getting not nearly enough to eat.Some countries that treat special needs orphans like no human being should be treated.Not the case with our soon to be daughter but it does happen.I read a couple blogs of some of these children who were mistreated and left in dirty diapers for days dirty clothes for days and lucky if they even get fed.This folks is why we have a passion to love one more child!I get told you cant save them all!I never said i want to save a child.I want to LOVE a child...I want to Mother a child.I cant adopt them all this is true but i can advocate and be their voice i can help them find families that would love them with all they have.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I LOVE BATH AND BODY WORKS!WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN THIS SWEET PEA BATH AND BODY WORKS SET? It smells amazing !5.OO GETS YOUR NAME IN 2 TIMES...10.OO GETS YOUR NAME IN 5 TIMES..20.00 GETS YOUR NAME IN 10..ANYTHING OVER 25.00 GETS YOUR NAME IN 15 TIMES.If you share this blog and get the word out you will get your name out in the drawing again.Just email me at and let me know you shared this blog so i can put your name in the drawing.The date on the chip in will be the date i draw the winning name!
I forgot to say if you want bracelets..leave a comment on which colors you would like and how many.You can pay by using the chip in or you can mail payment too... 44
I will mail the bracelets to you! 44
I will mail the bracelets to you!
Monday, January 23, 2012

But there it is!It is up dont like asking for help to bring her home!I still have lots of bracelets..they are 2.00 each that say marys hope on them.I have them in the,blue,yellow,pink and purple!I will also be doing other fundraisers here soon!I will have a couple items to put on here for names to go in a drawing.
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