I have taken a break from my blog as well as my favorite groups for a few days.I am OBSESSED so decided i needed to break from it all.We are still waiting for our fingerprint appointment i hope to hear somthing soon.The kids have been keeping me plenty busy and the housework is never ending.
We had a layed back weekend and it was nice.The weather has been awsome and im loving the fresh air with the windows open.The house needed aired out.Today kids were at school and husband at work i had the day to myself and got alot of deep cleaning accomplished.Tomorrow i have physical therapy and then i have work.This wekk will be same ole same ole.We do hope to go camping this comming weekend.It will be our last camping trip for the season so i am looking forward to it.Well thats it for now i lead a boring life lol.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I am doing the happy dance.The M of H is doing 10 case studies and our little is AMONG them.this is great news for us.Another step closer to our baby.I am waiting on Immigration to get our fingerprint appointment scheduled.I am praying it comes very soon.
Please Pray things are speedy so we can get our little boy home soon.He needs medical care.We are really trying to save now for our travel to get him.Its comming together but not as fast as i would like.I know God will provide he always does.
Please Pray things are speedy so we can get our little boy home soon.He needs medical care.We are really trying to save now for our travel to get him.Its comming together but not as fast as i would like.I know God will provide he always does.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
This was a great weekend.We didnt do much we did go out to eat for dinner on staurday to chinese resturaunt then went to walmalrt to get groceries and laundry soap.We got some snacks and rented some movies.By the way the golden compass was a great movie. The weather here was good this weekend Landen played hard all weekend and came in really dirty and in need of a bath both nights.It was not to hot or to cold it was a perfect weekend.I had my coffee outside on thedeck and watched Rebecca push Landen on the swing set.
Landen will return to school in the morning.He is feeling good ebough to go back and he is ready.I am off on Mondays but i have a dental appointment at 10 am.So i will drive Michael to work and go to the dentist.when done with my cleaning i plan on comming home and doing some things in the yard.I am getting it ready for the holloween decorations to be put out soon.
I am praying this is the week we get a letter with a fingerprint appointment from USCIS. That would make my whole week.Even be better to find out our dossier has been sent to be authenticated.I am so ready to get our little boy home.
Landen will return to school in the morning.He is feeling good ebough to go back and he is ready.I am off on Mondays but i have a dental appointment at 10 am.So i will drive Michael to work and go to the dentist.when done with my cleaning i plan on comming home and doing some things in the yard.I am getting it ready for the holloween decorations to be put out soon.
I am praying this is the week we get a letter with a fingerprint appointment from USCIS. That would make my whole week.Even be better to find out our dossier has been sent to be authenticated.I am so ready to get our little boy home.
Friday, September 19, 2008
How in the world does a person accumulate so much CLUTTER?My Husband is a horrible clutter bug.I am constantly on him to go through the stack of papers he keeps next to his chair in the living room.It looks bad and im on him all the time about it UGHH.He also has stacks on our lawyer cabinet.I took care of those most were filed right in the trash.Now i am going through clothing and pulling our what fits and what dont fit or what we dont wear.We have too MUCH stuff.So i have a huge pile going have considered a yard sale and put monies towards Elijahs adoption or not messing with it and take it straight to the goodwill store.
I just know by Monday we will have a clutter free home.I am spending all weekend straightening and CLEANING.Winter is comming and so is the holidays which will bring new stuff time to get rid of the old or unused things.My kids dont like this idea but sometimes ya gotta getrid of stuff.Now to get Michael to go through his STUFF.
I just know by Monday we will have a clutter free home.I am spending all weekend straightening and CLEANING.Winter is comming and so is the holidays which will bring new stuff time to get rid of the old or unused things.My kids dont like this idea but sometimes ya gotta getrid of stuff.Now to get Michael to go through his STUFF.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
He had a wet diaper i worried for nothing.I cant belive how well he is doing although i know he has a high pain tolerance anyway.He dont like the diaper changes and i cant say i dont blame him but he dont put up to big of a fight. By Sunday he should be almost 100% yay! Landen will not go back to school until Monday.His daddy will have him again tomorrow while i am at work. He wore his daddy out today i am sure he will do the same tomorrow haha.
The last of our dossier documents are now in the agencies hands WOOOHOOO!Now to wait and hear when they will get authenticated and on to Liberia.Hoping also to hear we have a fingerprint appointment VERY soon.I am ready to get my little Boy.
Landen has done so well but i do have one concern.He has not wet wet a diaper... He is drinking so this tells me he is holding it.I am sure it hurts to pee but he needs to.If he is holding it then that mean he CAN more then likely potty train.He did a good one today!His liquid lortab is nasty and he gags when he takes it.The bottle was on the table as we had just givien it to him.He picked it up and we watched him try to HIDE it haha!
His dad watched him today while i went to work and he wore daddy out.Michael called me when i was at work and asked when i was comming home.I said why Landen giving you a run for your money?He said YES haha Landen is back to his old self.I came home early from work to help out.Landen is now happily playing outside with his ball.I am not sending him back to school until Monday.Even though he is feeling ok i still think he needs these days off to heal.Ok time to go Need to get Landens snack ready and get some things done around the house.
His dad watched him today while i went to work and he wore daddy out.Michael called me when i was at work and asked when i was comming home.I said why Landen giving you a run for your money?He said YES haha Landen is back to his old self.I came home early from work to help out.Landen is now happily playing outside with his ball.I am not sending him back to school until Monday.Even though he is feeling ok i still think he needs these days off to heal.Ok time to go Need to get Landens snack ready and get some things done around the house.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We got good news to start with...They did not have to scope his belly because his Testicales are where they are suppose to be.This was the best NEWS OF ALL.He did well getting put under and waking up.He had the nurses wrapped around his cute little fingers.The surgery took 45 minutes compared to the 3 hrs he was starting with.He was very happy to see Momma when he woke up and i could not get him to leave the comfort of my lap to get dressed to go Home.I finally told him I got him a present and thats all it took he got right up and got dressed.While he was in Surgery my mom and i went to the gift shop.He got a diego Balloon he LOVES LOVES diego and a teddy bear dressed as an engineer and sings i been working on the railroad.
Landen didnt care much for the Bear but he LOVES his Diego Balloon.Tonight he would hit it watch it float around and yell...GO DIEGO GO he is doing incredibly well.I gave him Lortab at 6 pm the nurse told me to get it to him as soon as we got it at the pharmacy at the hospital.He will get another dose at Midnight.I dont want my baby in any pain.He is now in Our bed sleeping soundly.Easier to have him there then upsatirs in his room with giving him meds.He does not seem to be in any pain just very sleepy.I am so relived he did so well with anesthesia i was so worried.My parents went with Micahel and i to the hospital today which was nice my mom and dad ADORE Landen and would have worried sick all day if they hadnt have went.I am happy he is home and sleeping comfortably GOD is GOOD.
Landen didnt care much for the Bear but he LOVES his Diego Balloon.Tonight he would hit it watch it float around and yell...GO DIEGO GO he is doing incredibly well.I gave him Lortab at 6 pm the nurse told me to get it to him as soon as we got it at the pharmacy at the hospital.He will get another dose at Midnight.I dont want my baby in any pain.He is now in Our bed sleeping soundly.Easier to have him there then upsatirs in his room with giving him meds.He does not seem to be in any pain just very sleepy.I am so relived he did so well with anesthesia i was so worried.My parents went with Micahel and i to the hospital today which was nice my mom and dad ADORE Landen and would have worried sick all day if they hadnt have went.I am happy he is home and sleeping comfortably GOD is GOOD.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I dont like when i am like this...I am worried over my Landen and I am up worrying about our Elijah.I have done Laundry and folded.Dusted my dining room Packed Landens diaper bag for tomorrow.I just cant sleep i lay down and i toss and turn so i get back up thinking ok if i do something i will get sleepy but its not working.In just a few short hours i will be up to give Landen his medication scheduled to get it at 5 am.
Landen was so cute this evening.My mom and dad come by for coffee and of course to see the kids.Landen was out in the yard when they pulled up and my mom was laughing.He was out their moving his arms and saying...HYAH like he was kerati kicking someone My mom really got a kick out of this.When they were here he decided he needed a snack and to drink coffee with Grandma too.His coffee is (hotchocolate).So he had him 2 oatmeal cookies and cup of hot chocolate aka coffee.
After mom and dad left i made supper and Landen cleaned his plate.He played a bit after supper and Sissy read him his library books while i was cleaning the kitchen.Later he decided he wanted another snack before bed so he had goldfish crackers and chocolate milk.Then it was time to get a bath and brush his teeth and get ready to hop into bed.I let him eat what he wanted since he is cut off from food allday long tomorrow.I dont like this at all how do you explain to a little boy that Mommy cant give him nothing to eat?
I also think about Elijah and worry so much about him.He lays in his crib alot and i so badly wanna go there and just hold him .I know this is not possible so i pray he stays healthy until we get there.I pray this adoption goes quickly so he can get the care he so desperately needs.I need to quit worrying myself silly about my 2 baby boys.But Mommas have a right to worry dont they?
Landen was so cute this evening.My mom and dad come by for coffee and of course to see the kids.Landen was out in the yard when they pulled up and my mom was laughing.He was out their moving his arms and saying...HYAH like he was kerati kicking someone My mom really got a kick out of this.When they were here he decided he needed a snack and to drink coffee with Grandma too.His coffee is (hotchocolate).So he had him 2 oatmeal cookies and cup of hot chocolate aka coffee.
After mom and dad left i made supper and Landen cleaned his plate.He played a bit after supper and Sissy read him his library books while i was cleaning the kitchen.Later he decided he wanted another snack before bed so he had goldfish crackers and chocolate milk.Then it was time to get a bath and brush his teeth and get ready to hop into bed.I let him eat what he wanted since he is cut off from food allday long tomorrow.I dont like this at all how do you explain to a little boy that Mommy cant give him nothing to eat?
I also think about Elijah and worry so much about him.He lays in his crib alot and i so badly wanna go there and just hold him .I know this is not possible so i pray he stays healthy until we get there.I pray this adoption goes quickly so he can get the care he so desperately needs.I need to quit worrying myself silly about my 2 baby boys.But Mommas have a right to worry dont they?

I am nervous Landen is having surgery tomorrow and i am worried about him being put to sleep.The topper is...He can have nothing to eat ALL DAY.Surgery isnt until 3 pm it is scheduled as outpatient.Then there was a problem with his medication.He usuaually gets his morning med around 8 am.The med has to be taken with food.We usually put it in Pudding.Now we have to give it to him at 5 am in order for him to go ahead with surgery he has to have this med to prevent a seizure. How do i withhold food from a little boy who dont understand?This is going to be a rough day for him please pray everything goes ok with my sweet little boy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I cant sleep and i decided to do some shopping. I been buying things for our sweet babe.He was in need of Pajamas and gymboree had a few in his size so i am sure he is set now.I love shopping there they have the cutest clothes. I think about him every second of every day! I am worried about him laying in that crib .I worry if he gets enough to eat or is he happy.All kinds of things run through my head.
I did this same thing with Rebecca and Landen before they came home.I fretted all the time.Here i am doing it again.I so cant wait to get him in my arms and kiss those sweet chubby cheeks of his.He is soooo ADORABLE the most gorgouse boy ever. I am so ready to get him home.All i have left to buy mainly is diapers and meds to take in case we need them and of course formula and cereal.
We have his pics throughout our Home.Linda is so excited they have to do a report on a country and she chose Liberia.She told her teacher her brother is waiting in Liberia to come home and she picked Liberia to learn more about his country and to honor him.She talks about him all the time to her teachers she is so excited and done Informed me that Emmanuel is HER BABY lol.
She says i now have 2 babies as Landen is HER BABY also.Sometimes we go rounds because she wants to act like she is momma and gets Bossy with me.Especially when i correct Landen she thinks im horrible for putting him in time out or taking a favorite toy away.I have to remind her i am mom and when he does something he isnt suppose to in order to learn he goes to time out.
I am sure when our little guy gets home she will be the same way with him.Wanting to help in everyway including telling me how to feed and Bathe him lol.She is only 15 and such a momma she will make sure both boys are taken care of i am sure.Tomorrow i send the rest of the dosier things to the agency and pray it goes from there.Then we start saving the rest of our Travel monies. I have never flown before so i am a bit nervous but my excitement at going somewhere outside the U.S. and even better to go pick up OUR LITTLE MAN out weighs my fear for flying.
I missed so much by not going to India with my husband to get our daughter and 2 yrs later our son.Its something i will never get back.I wont do it again.I want to hold him and care for him while there.I dont want to Miss anytime at all with him. Ok im rambling guess i should try to catch some ZZZ i have physical therapy in the morning then have to report to work.
I did this same thing with Rebecca and Landen before they came home.I fretted all the time.Here i am doing it again.I so cant wait to get him in my arms and kiss those sweet chubby cheeks of his.He is soooo ADORABLE the most gorgouse boy ever. I am so ready to get him home.All i have left to buy mainly is diapers and meds to take in case we need them and of course formula and cereal.
We have his pics throughout our Home.Linda is so excited they have to do a report on a country and she chose Liberia.She told her teacher her brother is waiting in Liberia to come home and she picked Liberia to learn more about his country and to honor him.She talks about him all the time to her teachers she is so excited and done Informed me that Emmanuel is HER BABY lol.
She says i now have 2 babies as Landen is HER BABY also.Sometimes we go rounds because she wants to act like she is momma and gets Bossy with me.Especially when i correct Landen she thinks im horrible for putting him in time out or taking a favorite toy away.I have to remind her i am mom and when he does something he isnt suppose to in order to learn he goes to time out.
I am sure when our little guy gets home she will be the same way with him.Wanting to help in everyway including telling me how to feed and Bathe him lol.She is only 15 and such a momma she will make sure both boys are taken care of i am sure.Tomorrow i send the rest of the dosier things to the agency and pray it goes from there.Then we start saving the rest of our Travel monies. I have never flown before so i am a bit nervous but my excitement at going somewhere outside the U.S. and even better to go pick up OUR LITTLE MAN out weighs my fear for flying.
I missed so much by not going to India with my husband to get our daughter and 2 yrs later our son.Its something i will never get back.I wont do it again.I want to hold him and care for him while there.I dont want to Miss anytime at all with him. Ok im rambling guess i should try to catch some ZZZ i have physical therapy in the morning then have to report to work.
I am so so happy!the doctors office called today my husband medical letter is DONE WOOOHOO!This was it last document needed for our DOSSIER.I will pick it up in the morning and get it sent right away to the agency.Now to get our fingerprint appointment and our dossier in country.
We are finally seeing the light.I have his crib up all his clothes put away and toys in a tote for him when he comes home.If i dont hide them in a tote Landen will have them out everywhere.I am so so Excited.I know we have a ways to go yet but every step is a step closer to our sweet Emmanuel.The sooner he is home the better.I have everything lined up medical and parenting with children where they come to your home and work with them.I cannot wait to get to Liberia and LOVE HIM UP.
Its hard because he doesnt even know he has a family bless his heart.I cant wait.WE LOVE YOU EMMANUEL. We hope soon Mommy and Daddy will be there to get you.
We are finally seeing the light.I have his crib up all his clothes put away and toys in a tote for him when he comes home.If i dont hide them in a tote Landen will have them out everywhere.I am so so Excited.I know we have a ways to go yet but every step is a step closer to our sweet Emmanuel.The sooner he is home the better.I have everything lined up medical and parenting with children where they come to your home and work with them.I cannot wait to get to Liberia and LOVE HIM UP.
Its hard because he doesnt even know he has a family bless his heart.I cant wait.WE LOVE YOU EMMANUEL. We hope soon Mommy and Daddy will be there to get you.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
That we get the doctor letter.Michael took this week off work for Landens surgery this Wensday.He will be calling him tomorrow morning to see if its done.This is all i need and having a time getting it.My doctor was cool about it and got it to me right away.What is the problem?
He told us he woul have it ready by friday and here we are still waiting.Michael called his office friday and it still was not done so who knows.I am praying hard its ready tomorrow.I want this all done its another step closer to our babe.I have tomorrow off and with Michael on vacation we can get a couple things needing done around here done.
Prayers needed we really really need this letter!
He told us he woul have it ready by friday and here we are still waiting.Michael called his office friday and it still was not done so who knows.I am praying hard its ready tomorrow.I want this all done its another step closer to our babe.I have tomorrow off and with Michael on vacation we can get a couple things needing done around here done.
Prayers needed we really really need this letter!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Does it ever end? My dryer went on the blink last week...I do about 3 to 4 loads a day and this created a problem.My darling husband fixed it after 3 days of not working.So now i am backed up and working hard to get it all done.I dont want to spend my sunday washing all day.So i am trying to get it done now.Linda is staying with my neice and my great neice tonight.Brian went with the neighbor kid to a town near by to help him work on a car.Rebecca is in her room but comes down to help me fold and put away.Landen is playing with his Morroca in the kitchen.He will be going to bed very soon.His seizure meds make him sleepy.
My Husband has his nose in a movie lol so all is quiet.Except for the street dance up the way.We can hear the band playing inside the house. Its Lancaster 150 yr anniversery of being a town so they have had things going on all day in our little farming community town.We had talked about taking the kids up to listen to the music but decided against it.People are drinking and we just dont want the kids around it.
I should be working on Emmanuels crib quilt but I just dont feel like it so i am on here instead.I lead a very boring life.My teenagers(i have 3 of them) think they dont need mom no more and spend less time with mom and dad.I am glad Landen needs his momma and so will Emmanuel when he gets home.This is the week Landen has surgery i am anxious about it.It is outpatient if all goes well.We still dont know what time we are to be there.Surgery day is Wensday september 15.They are suppose to call a day ahead and let us know what time we are to be there.If its too early we will go stay in a hotel tuesday night or maybe the ronold mcdonold house.
I get worried when they put him under but know he has to have this surgery it is not an option.Please pray everything goes well for my little boy.I am a worry wart anyway.I need to pack his favorite book and a couple of his favorite toys to take with us.Ok enough Rambling for tonight.
My Husband has his nose in a movie lol so all is quiet.Except for the street dance up the way.We can hear the band playing inside the house. Its Lancaster 150 yr anniversery of being a town so they have had things going on all day in our little farming community town.We had talked about taking the kids up to listen to the music but decided against it.People are drinking and we just dont want the kids around it.
I should be working on Emmanuels crib quilt but I just dont feel like it so i am on here instead.I lead a very boring life.My teenagers(i have 3 of them) think they dont need mom no more and spend less time with mom and dad.I am glad Landen needs his momma and so will Emmanuel when he gets home.This is the week Landen has surgery i am anxious about it.It is outpatient if all goes well.We still dont know what time we are to be there.Surgery day is Wensday september 15.They are suppose to call a day ahead and let us know what time we are to be there.If its too early we will go stay in a hotel tuesday night or maybe the ronold mcdonold house.
I get worried when they put him under but know he has to have this surgery it is not an option.Please pray everything goes well for my little boy.I am a worry wart anyway.I need to pack his favorite book and a couple of his favorite toys to take with us.Ok enough Rambling for tonight.
It has been raining here for 2 days..Today its cloudy and spits rain on and off we were under flood advisories last night and its just muddy and gloomy out today.Although the Humidity is high.This weather just makes me terrible sleepy.
Today was Grocery shopping day..Not a favorite of mine but Much needed to be done.The only child that wanted to go with us was the little one Landen so Michael, Landen and I loaded in the car and went the 12 miles drive for groceries.Before heading to the store we went to Long john silvers for Lunch.Landen ate pretty good.
Now were home and i still have to reorganize my pantry to get all the boxes and canned goods we bought in there.The kids rummage through for snacks and make a mess.I can stack their snacks to the side and they still tear it all out and just make it hard to put anything in there.
Any ideas on how to get a picky eater to eat fruit?I bought some grapes and tried to feed them to him and he was NOT having it.He dont like the textures of fruit but he really needs to eat more fruit.Once in awhile he will eat cantelope as long as he dont have to touch it.I did get him to eat a half of a banana but no grapes,Orange,apples,plums,pears.and peaches.I even tried MANGOS .I dont know if he ate them in India but i know Rebecca did so everychance we get we buy her some while they are in season here she Loves them.
Tomorrow is another day we are just going to hang at home the weather is suppose to be rainy again tomorrow .We will stay home and Landen and i have planned ro play with playdoe and read books tomorrow.Rebecca wants to play a game of yahtzee so we may do that too Brian and Linda will probably join in too we all love this game and its great for Rebecca because she has to add and math is her weak spot.Ok im off to try and get my pantry straightend out.
Today was Grocery shopping day..Not a favorite of mine but Much needed to be done.The only child that wanted to go with us was the little one Landen so Michael, Landen and I loaded in the car and went the 12 miles drive for groceries.Before heading to the store we went to Long john silvers for Lunch.Landen ate pretty good.
Now were home and i still have to reorganize my pantry to get all the boxes and canned goods we bought in there.The kids rummage through for snacks and make a mess.I can stack their snacks to the side and they still tear it all out and just make it hard to put anything in there.
Any ideas on how to get a picky eater to eat fruit?I bought some grapes and tried to feed them to him and he was NOT having it.He dont like the textures of fruit but he really needs to eat more fruit.Once in awhile he will eat cantelope as long as he dont have to touch it.I did get him to eat a half of a banana but no grapes,Orange,apples,plums,pears.and peaches.I even tried MANGOS .I dont know if he ate them in India but i know Rebecca did so everychance we get we buy her some while they are in season here she Loves them.
Tomorrow is another day we are just going to hang at home the weather is suppose to be rainy again tomorrow .We will stay home and Landen and i have planned ro play with playdoe and read books tomorrow.Rebecca wants to play a game of yahtzee so we may do that too Brian and Linda will probably join in too we all love this game and its great for Rebecca because she has to add and math is her weak spot.Ok im off to try and get my pantry straightend out.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I am so so upset! We have waited all week for the doctor to type a letter for Michael.This is all we need for the dossier.I was praying for it to be done today but nope its not.Michael has called them everyday so its a bit depressing.We will call again on Monday and so on in hopes to get this LETTER.It is the last thing we need for a complete dossier.I am so so bummed.I am praying its done next week.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My I600A that is...It should be there tomorrow.The uscis office is only an hour from our home.I am so so excited we are another step closer to our Liberian ANGEL.Now to get that letter from Michaels doctor and the dossier would be complete.Then it can be prepared and sent for authentication.I am frustrated at the doctors office.My husband called today to check on it and found they were CLOSED today.I am praying he has it done tomorrow so i can get this stuff in the mail to the agency.
I called the agency today i needed some help with a couple questions on the I600A.While i had her on the phone i asked if they could find out what formula and cereal would be the most accurate to what he gets in Liberia.When i buy these things i want it as close as possible i dont want to mess his little tummy up.
I am so EXCITED as we get this done.I am praying this is speedy so i can get him the medical attention he desperatley needs and all the love he could ever want.
I called the agency today i needed some help with a couple questions on the I600A.While i had her on the phone i asked if they could find out what formula and cereal would be the most accurate to what he gets in Liberia.When i buy these things i want it as close as possible i dont want to mess his little tummy up.
I am so EXCITED as we get this done.I am praying this is speedy so i can get him the medical attention he desperatley needs and all the love he could ever want.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I have a pinched nerve in my neck and it is causing my fingers to go numb and my grasp is weak in my left arm.I used to be a CNA and hurt it years ago its never been right since.The last month it has flared up and has been bothering me.So i went to see the doctor about it and he put me on a anti inflamatory med and i start physical therapy on Friday.I will have 3 weeks of PT 3 times a week,I hope this helps i need it to be better so i an hold our Angel when he comes home.
we will see how this goes.I am also worried about my daughter Linda.She has been having massive headaches and its messing with her vision.She is having a cat scan on Friday so i will be on the edge of my seat on this until the results come in.Prayers would be great for her i pray its nothing serious causing her headaches.
we will see how this goes.I am also worried about my daughter Linda.She has been having massive headaches and its messing with her vision.She is having a cat scan on Friday so i will be on the edge of my seat on this until the results come in.Prayers would be great for her i pray its nothing serious causing her headaches.
Our homestudies arrived in the mail this morning...I am getting everything needed to send I600A off tomorrow.We pick up hubbies doctor letter tomorrow and we can mail them with the notorized documents to the agency tomorrow too.I am sooo excited and cannot wait .I pray we dont wait to long for a fingerprint appointment.This is great this means ALL our documents for Dossier is now totally done.
I am just so happy and am praying soon we can travel to Liberia to get our sweet angel.I am so ready to meet him and hold him and tell him how much he is loved.
We are still working on the name issue and we just taught Landen how to say Elijah so we are hoping Michael says we can keep this name.Landen calls himEEE WHY WA it is so cute.
I am just so excited and cant wait to meet my little man.I have everything set up for him here medical as well as the house.Now we just need our angel.
I am just so happy and am praying soon we can travel to Liberia to get our sweet angel.I am so ready to meet him and hold him and tell him how much he is loved.
We are still working on the name issue and we just taught Landen how to say Elijah so we are hoping Michael says we can keep this name.Landen calls himEEE WHY WA it is so cute.
I am just so excited and cant wait to meet my little man.I have everything set up for him here medical as well as the house.Now we just need our angel.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
2 more days and we will have hubbies doc letter.It will take 2 days for the doc to get it done.But thats it we can mail it along with the docs we got notorized.This is all that is left of our dossier YEAHHH! I am still waiting on our homestudy to come so we can file I 600A.I hope they arrive tomorrow. She is suppose to mail them out this week so that we can get I 600A done.
I am ready to move forward,It feels like forever since we seen our little guy until we finally are getting somewhere on the homestudy and paperwork.NOW to get IT done in Country and be able to travel to our BABE.Patients is not my thing, I am the type that want it done and want it done now.Well all but house house work noone wants to do that.
Hang in there Emmanuel Mommy and daddy love you! Your brothers and sisters love you.We will be there soon!
I am ready to move forward,It feels like forever since we seen our little guy until we finally are getting somewhere on the homestudy and paperwork.NOW to get IT done in Country and be able to travel to our BABE.Patients is not my thing, I am the type that want it done and want it done now.Well all but house house work noone wants to do that.
Hang in there Emmanuel Mommy and daddy love you! Your brothers and sisters love you.We will be there soon!
Monday, September 8, 2008
I orderd a couple books about cerebral palsey from amazon.com.Wow i am so impressed with a book called Teaching Motor skills to children with cerebral palsey by Sieglinde Martin.I got it this morning and have read alot of it today.Some of the things that help cp kids are so easy...Just laying them on the tummy or even their side strengthens muscles.This book is really great and will help us bunches with our little guy.I will be taking it to Liberia with me so i can do some of the stretches and messages on him while we are there.The sooner the better for him.
I have learned so much about cp and am still learning you can never learn enough..When we were adopting our son from India i Studied Everything i could about his special needs .I do feel that what i learned did help in many ways he has come SO FAR.His progress amazes me and what all he has learned.I know Emmanuel will do the same.
I am hoping our homestudies come tomorrow. We are waiting on them so we can apply for our I600A.Tomorrow hubby should see the doc and hopefully have his doctor letter by Friday.It is the last thing needed for the dossier because dummie me sent dossier to agency and forgot to get these letters.
Maybe when all my end is done i can get a full nights sleep.I lay in bed at night and go over what is needed and what needs to be done.And of course things like deviding my time for the 5 kids in the home and especially deviding my time with Landen and Emmanuel once he is home.Landen is a serious Mommas boy.My brain dont shut down as i lay there and think of so many things.How is he? How will he react when we meet him? how will our adjustment be? will he bond easily with us?and of course will i be able to give all my kids what they need.I know i can just be an adjustment at first.I also think of my shopping list of theings i still need to purchase for our trip when we go.I am driving myself crazy.I sleep about 3 hrs a night ughh.I think i will get some tylonol pm so i can get one good night sleep.Well im out to curl up on the sofa and read some more of my new book.Supper is done and Landen is happily playing and the kids are doing homework.What better time to get some reading in.
I have learned so much about cp and am still learning you can never learn enough..When we were adopting our son from India i Studied Everything i could about his special needs .I do feel that what i learned did help in many ways he has come SO FAR.His progress amazes me and what all he has learned.I know Emmanuel will do the same.
I am hoping our homestudies come tomorrow. We are waiting on them so we can apply for our I600A.Tomorrow hubby should see the doc and hopefully have his doctor letter by Friday.It is the last thing needed for the dossier because dummie me sent dossier to agency and forgot to get these letters.
Maybe when all my end is done i can get a full nights sleep.I lay in bed at night and go over what is needed and what needs to be done.And of course things like deviding my time for the 5 kids in the home and especially deviding my time with Landen and Emmanuel once he is home.Landen is a serious Mommas boy.My brain dont shut down as i lay there and think of so many things.How is he? How will he react when we meet him? how will our adjustment be? will he bond easily with us?and of course will i be able to give all my kids what they need.I know i can just be an adjustment at first.I also think of my shopping list of theings i still need to purchase for our trip when we go.I am driving myself crazy.I sleep about 3 hrs a night ughh.I think i will get some tylonol pm so i can get one good night sleep.Well im out to curl up on the sofa and read some more of my new book.Supper is done and Landen is happily playing and the kids are doing homework.What better time to get some reading in.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Name Change
We are having a dispute here in the home over our new babes name.We had all agreed that we want to call him Elijah and his name Emmanuel for his middle name.
My husband decided to change the name and NONE of us LIKE IT.I feel picking a name should be a family thing so we are trying to convince him to keep the name Elijah as planned.I have called him this since May.The kids and i even said we would keep Emmanuel as his first name.I have got to change hubbies Mind NOONE LIKES THIS NAME he has picked its AWFUL.I want a name that has a meaning.He made this up and it does not fit our babe.
My husband decided to change the name and NONE of us LIKE IT.I feel picking a name should be a family thing so we are trying to convince him to keep the name Elijah as planned.I have called him this since May.The kids and i even said we would keep Emmanuel as his first name.I have got to change hubbies Mind NOONE LIKES THIS NAME he has picked its AWFUL.I want a name that has a meaning.He made this up and it does not fit our babe.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I am so thrilled we got Elijahs crib put up today.All his things were piled in boxes in a corner in my bedroom and it looked awful.So i got my sweet husband to put the crib up .We got everything put away and it looks great.Elijahs crib is in our room because of his needs and i want to be close to him for awhile after he comes home.
After the crib was up and in place Landen wanted and HAD to check it out.He was patting it and looking at it.The next thing i knew he was IN IT.He had his monster truck in there with him and thought he had found himself a play area.
My husband wanted to wait to put the crib up but i told its best we do it now so we can break Landen from getting in it now.Otherwise we may have problems especially when Elijah is home.So i took him out and told him this is your baby brothers bed and baby sleeps here.But you can look at it and touch the bed ok.I dont know if he understood me but i sure am working on it.I am so so ready for Elijah now.Everything is ready.Some of the items we are packing when we go to get him are In the crib.I just keep adding to it its easier for me to keep track that wayand not forget something important we wanted to pack.I know we have a few months to go yet but after watching him on Video it just felt like ok this is happening he is truly going to come home.I am so in love with this little guy.and so ready to get him home.
After the crib was up and in place Landen wanted and HAD to check it out.He was patting it and looking at it.The next thing i knew he was IN IT.He had his monster truck in there with him and thought he had found himself a play area.
My husband wanted to wait to put the crib up but i told its best we do it now so we can break Landen from getting in it now.Otherwise we may have problems especially when Elijah is home.So i took him out and told him this is your baby brothers bed and baby sleeps here.But you can look at it and touch the bed ok.I dont know if he understood me but i sure am working on it.I am so so ready for Elijah now.Everything is ready.Some of the items we are packing when we go to get him are In the crib.I just keep adding to it its easier for me to keep track that wayand not forget something important we wanted to pack.I know we have a few months to go yet but after watching him on Video it just felt like ok this is happening he is truly going to come home.I am so in love with this little guy.and so ready to get him home.
Friday, September 5, 2008
That is something i hear alot...I kinda go on the defensive when i am asked this.What because a child has needs they should not have a home?Is that what they are getting at?When we adopted our son Landen from India we were told by 3 pediatricians to Leave him in India.You dont know what you are getting into taking a child with Microcephaly,Blind,Autism,Developmentally delayed.He was OUR child from the day we seen his precious face.I knew and my husband knew he was meant to be in our family.Were we ever right.This little boy who no one thought would progress has showed his docs a thing or too.He is smart yes he cant verbalize what he wants to say but he finds ways to comunicate.He is so full of happiness and Love .He loves life... he loves to cuddle he loves Music and to swing on his swing set.He runs and jumps and swims.SO to those peds who say..leave him their i didnt listen to you i am so grateful we followed our hearts because we would not be blessed with such a wonderful happy Thriving child who has touched so many people in his life.
We found Emmanuel and from the time we found out about him seen his pic and contacted agency we knew he was our son.Yes he cant talk yes he cant walk..But the spirit in those beautiful eyes Says it all.He will fit in our family like he has always been here.He is already so loved and so very much wanted in this home.So docs dont tell me to leave him there..He is a child with an unbreakable spirit and who has many reasons why he is here.And we are the ones who are blessed to get to be his mom and dad.
We dont look at special needs we see sooo much more beyond those needs.Yes they are alot of care But they are so worth itSo to those of you who ask why we want to adopt a child with special needs?Their is sooo much more to a child then just that.They were born with something more challenging to them in their little lives.But they are children just like any child.The unconditional love they have and to see those sweet faces everyday and to know God has a plan for you one day you will change the world.It is hard for me to put everything in words that i want to say about special needs children.All i know is we are blessed and it is meant to be for us.I would NOT change a thing about either of these boys.We love them for who they are not what the WORLD thinks they should be.
We found Emmanuel and from the time we found out about him seen his pic and contacted agency we knew he was our son.Yes he cant talk yes he cant walk..But the spirit in those beautiful eyes Says it all.He will fit in our family like he has always been here.He is already so loved and so very much wanted in this home.So docs dont tell me to leave him there..He is a child with an unbreakable spirit and who has many reasons why he is here.And we are the ones who are blessed to get to be his mom and dad.
We dont look at special needs we see sooo much more beyond those needs.Yes they are alot of care But they are so worth itSo to those of you who ask why we want to adopt a child with special needs?Their is sooo much more to a child then just that.They were born with something more challenging to them in their little lives.But they are children just like any child.The unconditional love they have and to see those sweet faces everyday and to know God has a plan for you one day you will change the world.It is hard for me to put everything in words that i want to say about special needs children.All i know is we are blessed and it is meant to be for us.I would NOT change a thing about either of these boys.We love them for who they are not what the WORLD thinks they should be.
I got a special package in the mail from the agency today.It was 2 videos of the home our Emmanuel(Elijah) is in.One was in 2005 and one in 2007.It is so neat to see your child actually moving and eyes wide open.Pictures are great too but to see Him was just amazing.Our sweet son who is waiting for us to come get him.Our sweet son who has been there for 2 yrs and watched many children find their families and he waits.
Well not for much longer.He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and a mom and dad waiting to just love him up with hugs and kisses.I feel so blessed that this Liberian ANGEL will our little boy.I was so happy when i watched these videos and seen my babe on there the tears started to flow.I pray this all moves fast.I have all the docs lined up waiting for him.I have read everything i can find about cp boy have i learned alot.I cant wait.
Well not for much longer.He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and a mom and dad waiting to just love him up with hugs and kisses.I feel so blessed that this Liberian ANGEL will our little boy.I was so happy when i watched these videos and seen my babe on there the tears started to flow.I pray this all moves fast.I have all the docs lined up waiting for him.I have read everything i can find about cp boy have i learned alot.I cant wait.

My little Indian prince is sick!He just was not himself when he came home from school today he usually is smiling and gives momma kisses well not today he didnt so i knew something was wrong.He went to bed at 5 pm.He is not running a fever or vomitting he just must feel Blah.He also had a seizure this morning at school.Linda is playing in the band at the football game tonight.I was going to go but stayed home with my little man he needs to rest so he gets to feeling better soon.We also were going to go camping again this weekend but i decided just this morning i really didnt want to go because its suppose to rain all weekend.So it all worked out and we are going to just hang at home this weekend until Landen is feeling better.I have plenty i can do here at home anyway No time better then this weekend to get it done.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I know its early but if ya wanna buy a good costume for your child in this area ya gotta get em NOW.Well i did just that...I found landen a thomas the tank engine costume.It is absolutely ADORABLE.So he is already ready to go.Holloween is not Landens favorite holiday at all.I still like to dress him up even though we only go to a couple of houses .
Landen is not much on Candy and i think that and factor in its always cold or rainy he just dont like it.All our other kids are older and are not into Holloween they have more fun passing candy to the kids who come to the door.
I cant wait until i can take some cute pics of him wearing it.The weather has been chilly here and we are nowhere near ready for cold wether ughhh.Buts its suppose to warm back up this weekend so maybe we can have a few more nice days before it gets too cold.I just love Kansas crazy weather.
Landen is not much on Candy and i think that and factor in its always cold or rainy he just dont like it.All our other kids are older and are not into Holloween they have more fun passing candy to the kids who come to the door.
I cant wait until i can take some cute pics of him wearing it.The weather has been chilly here and we are nowhere near ready for cold wether ughhh.Buts its suppose to warm back up this weekend so maybe we can have a few more nice days before it gets too cold.I just love Kansas crazy weather.
I purchased a Bumbo seat today for Elijah.I also purchased the tray that goes on it so this way i can take it with us when we go to family holidays and use to feed him in.I think they are the coolest baby item created yet.
All i have left to buy is a bouncy seat...and of course diapers and baby cereal and things for travel other then that we are good now.I am waiting to recieve our homestuday from our social worker so we can file our I 600 A.Other then that things are going good.
All i have left to buy is a bouncy seat...and of course diapers and baby cereal and things for travel other then that we are good now.I am waiting to recieve our homestuday from our social worker so we can file our I 600 A.Other then that things are going good.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sometimes i get so aggitated with doctors.Today i was rushing to get letters from Our doctors,,,Last thing we need for the dossier it was an error on my part i FORGOT them alltogether.My doctor was so cool about it and sure pick it up on Friday.My husbands doctor says no way he has to make an appointment first.What the heck we done had our physicals done for the adoption.Ok so i make the appointment to be told they are BOOKED for the rest of the week Crazy.
Then childrens Mercy called its the same day surgery clinic Landen is having surgery and they were checking the information.Well i added our primary insurance they had our secondary insurance.I am sure it will get messed up somewhere it always does with childrens mercy.We still dont have a time for his surgery but we know the day.They told us they would call the day before so if they dont i will be calling them.
It is really cold and rainy here today so we decided to have chili and cinnamon rolls for supper tonight.Linda is helping me cook.I took my aunt...who is also my boss to her dental appointment then she wanted to go to Hobby Lobby for a few craft items.Of course i was all for it as i needed a few things as well..I needed some scrap booking supplies as i have a tone of pics to put in Landens and i am working on making one for Elijah.I also need to add to Rebeccas so i am building up my supplies again my scrap book stuff has been depleted.
So today was spent on my cell phone while i am waiting for aunt at the dentist office.I do feel i have accomplished something today would be better if we could get both Letters on Friday but that wont be happening.
Then childrens Mercy called its the same day surgery clinic Landen is having surgery and they were checking the information.Well i added our primary insurance they had our secondary insurance.I am sure it will get messed up somewhere it always does with childrens mercy.We still dont have a time for his surgery but we know the day.They told us they would call the day before so if they dont i will be calling them.
It is really cold and rainy here today so we decided to have chili and cinnamon rolls for supper tonight.Linda is helping me cook.I took my aunt...who is also my boss to her dental appointment then she wanted to go to Hobby Lobby for a few craft items.Of course i was all for it as i needed a few things as well..I needed some scrap booking supplies as i have a tone of pics to put in Landens and i am working on making one for Elijah.I also need to add to Rebeccas so i am building up my supplies again my scrap book stuff has been depleted.
So today was spent on my cell phone while i am waiting for aunt at the dentist office.I do feel i have accomplished something today would be better if we could get both Letters on Friday but that wont be happening.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Our camping trip was fun ...The weekend weather was wondeful with a nice breeze comming off the lake.Landen played so hard the whole time and slept so good in the camper.My oldest son came out and joined us camping and he enjoyed it as well.
On sunday we invited friends and family down to the camp area for a bbq.My mom and dad camp there so they came as well as my cousin and his wife.My friend Dawn and her husband and son .My cousins husband and daughter and my aunt all came.I made bbq ribs fried potatoes and corn on the cob all on open fire.It turned out great.
Today after we got home our oldest daughter Hannah came and we had a bbq here at home (her request for her birthday) and we had cake and icecream.She is 21 yrs old it was great to see her.We only see her a few times a year but we talk alot on the phone and we email.She goes to college fulltime and works alot.
Camping was great but the Laundry we bring back is not.My dryer decided to break so Michael will take a look at it first.If he cant fix it then we will get the repair man out here to work on it.So i washed and hang them on the clothes line.I love to camp and they say you go to rest.I dont know if thats true i feel so exhausted after camping for the weekend.All in all it was fun and my 2 teenage daughters did not complain at all they had a ball.
On sunday we invited friends and family down to the camp area for a bbq.My mom and dad camp there so they came as well as my cousin and his wife.My friend Dawn and her husband and son .My cousins husband and daughter and my aunt all came.I made bbq ribs fried potatoes and corn on the cob all on open fire.It turned out great.
Today after we got home our oldest daughter Hannah came and we had a bbq here at home (her request for her birthday) and we had cake and icecream.She is 21 yrs old it was great to see her.We only see her a few times a year but we talk alot on the phone and we email.She goes to college fulltime and works alot.
Camping was great but the Laundry we bring back is not.My dryer decided to break so Michael will take a look at it first.If he cant fix it then we will get the repair man out here to work on it.So i washed and hang them on the clothes line.I love to camp and they say you go to rest.I dont know if thats true i feel so exhausted after camping for the weekend.All in all it was fun and my 2 teenage daughters did not complain at all they had a ball.
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