Saturday, September 13, 2008


It has been raining here for 2 days..Today its cloudy and spits rain on and off we were under flood advisories last night and its just muddy and gloomy out today.Although the Humidity is high.This weather just makes me terrible sleepy.
Today was Grocery shopping day..Not a favorite of mine but Much needed to be done.The only child that wanted to go with us was the little one Landen so Michael, Landen and I loaded in the car and went the 12 miles drive for groceries.Before heading to the store we went to Long john silvers for Lunch.Landen ate pretty good.
Now were home and i still have to reorganize my pantry to get all the boxes and canned goods we bought in there.The kids rummage through for snacks and make a mess.I can stack their snacks to the side and they still tear it all out and just make it hard to put anything in there.
Any ideas on how to get a picky eater to eat fruit?I bought some grapes and tried to feed them to him and he was NOT having it.He dont like the textures of fruit but he really needs to eat more fruit.Once in awhile he will eat cantelope as long as he dont have to touch it.I did get him to eat a half of a banana but no grapes,Orange,apples,plums,pears.and peaches.I even tried MANGOS .I dont know if he ate them in India but i know Rebecca did so everychance we get we buy her some while they are in season here she Loves them.
Tomorrow is another day we are just going to hang at home the weather is suppose to be rainy again tomorrow .We will stay home and Landen and i have planned ro play with playdoe and read books tomorrow.Rebecca wants to play a game of yahtzee so we may do that too Brian and Linda will probably join in too we all love this game and its great for Rebecca because she has to add and math is her weak spot.Ok im off to try and get my pantry straightend out.

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