Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Sometimes i get so aggitated with doctors.Today i was rushing to get letters from Our doctors,,,Last thing we need for the dossier it was an error on my part i FORGOT them alltogether.My doctor was so cool about it and sure pick it up on Friday.My husbands doctor says no way he has to make an appointment first.What the heck we done had our physicals done for the adoption.Ok so i make the appointment to be told they are BOOKED for the rest of the week Crazy.
Then childrens Mercy called its the same day surgery clinic Landen is having surgery and they were checking the information.Well i added our primary insurance they had our secondary insurance.I am sure it will get messed up somewhere it always does with childrens mercy.We still dont have a time for his surgery but we know the day.They told us they would call the day before so if they dont i will be calling them.
It is really cold and rainy here today so we decided to have chili and cinnamon rolls for supper tonight.Linda is helping me cook.I took my aunt...who is also my boss to her dental appointment then she wanted to go to Hobby Lobby for a few craft items.Of course i was all for it as i needed a few things as well..I needed some scrap booking supplies as i have a tone of pics to put in Landens and i am working on making one for Elijah.I also need to add to Rebeccas so i am building up my supplies again my scrap book stuff has been depleted.
So today was spent on my cell phone while i am waiting for aunt at the dentist office.I do feel i have accomplished something today would be better if we could get both Letters on Friday but that wont be happening.

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